Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Vs Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

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foreign Fallen order vs Jedi Survivor you guys knew this was coming the last time I did this for Battlefront and Battlefront 2 yeah you guys seem to really enjoy it so now that Jedi Survivor has been out for about a month I can drop the recency bias and take in everything Survivor has to offer as well as process its faults so I've decided to put these two games against each other to see which is superior now there will be seven categories that we're going to be basing them on those being performance Story characters gameplay progression planets and customization the winner of each category will get one point and the one with the most points is the winner I know really groundbreaking system now I wasn't originally actually going to do this video as I thought it would just be too much of a landslide to actually even be interesting but sitting down and putting my detective glasses on things are actually more difficult to judge than I originally thought so I think there's actually a bit more Spice in this comparison than you'd originally think and we're going to be going in really really deep on the this one like this isn't going to be a short video this is going to be long and I'm gonna get really in depth get my hands dirty get into the nitty-gritty of these two games so sit back and relax let's dive into it now look I think we all know where this one is going for everything that Jedi Survivor nailed when it comes to Performance and optimization the game did not launch very well and still a month after the game's launch I still sometimes struggle to hit 60 FPS consistently on a 40 90 which is not okay Bull and Order didn't exactly launch in the smoothest of States itself but overall was without a doubt had way better performance than Survivor and if you were going to jump into Survivor or Fallen order to this day Fallen order eclipses Survivor in terms of performance and it's just better optimized from head to toe I know this feels like kind of a cheap one to give Fallen order but I know that if I got through this video without talking about performance the mob would be after me so this point goes to Fallen order now when it comes to story both games excel at a very very high level with both games offering up a story that's honestly better than 99 of the films and shows that we've gotten since Disney took over Star Wars which is really saying something the story of Fallen order essentially started five years after the events of Order 66 with calcastus a young former Padawan who escaped the Jedi Purge and is currently living in hiding working as a scrapper on the planet broker but when a friend is put in danger he is forced to use his dormant abilities which catches the attention of the inquisitors a group of Fallen Jedi or Force sensitives tortured into madness tasked with hunting down the remaining Jedi they find Cal and the journey ensues leading cowl on emission with former Jedi Master Serge under and charismatic pilot Greece dreidas as they embark on a journey to find a holocron which holds key information on the whereabouts of four sensitive children across the Galaxy so they can at least attempt to rebuild the Jedi Order along the way Carlos boss to come face to face with demons of his past as is Seer both figuratively and literally and after managing to escape the grasp of Darth Vader Cal destroys the holocron so it can no longer fall into the wrong or even the right hands and instead leaves the four sensitive children's bait up to the force it's a story that like I said relishes in its Simplicity it doesn't get too complex or too convoluted it keeps it simple yet poignant and it's a key reason that millions of people ended up loving this game now Jedi Survivor on the other hand does away with the Simplicity angle of its story and goes for something a little bit more ambitious Carl is now a rugged and powerful Jedi Knight still working in the fight against the empire however he's not doing it with the crew from Fallen order they've gone their separate ways in the time between the two games this time he's working with the crew of Saw Guerrera who appeared in Fallen order one of those crew members being Bode Akuna who befriends Cal along the way and after things don't go to plan on a mission on Coruscant callous forced to crashland the Stinger mantis on Kobo where his old body grease is currently living on Carl's quest to fix the stinging mantras he stumbles across an ancient Droid from the high Republic era and thanks to Cal having a rare ability called psychometry he's able to see into the past which reveals Centauri cree and Dagon Garrett two high Republic Jedi with Dagon having an obsession with a world called Tana law which is hidden within the Kobo Abyss as Cal digs D priest stumbles across a tank housing Dagon Gara and awakes him after centuries thinking he can be an ally in the fight against the empire this doesn't work out as Cal intended and the story unfolds into a scramble to get to tanalore for Cal tanalore signifies a place to finally Escape From The Empire once and for all as Cala started to accept that the fight against the empire isn't one that he can win as reflected by the opening scene on Coruscant when he realizes how little of an impact they're making in the fight as well as some really nice truth bombs by Greece as result he grews up with the manta's crew as they do everything they can to reach Tanner law when they succeed and stop dagging things go wrong as it's revealed that Cal's new buddy bodakuna was an ISB agent all along who wants Tana law for himself to keep his daughter safe mode betrays them kills Xeno Cordova who played a key role in the first game and as a result Bose betrayal also ends in Sierra's death this sends Callum to a fit of rage and has him wrestling with the darkness within him both boad and Cal end up reaching tunnel law but only one ends the story alive leaving Cal with the freedom and safety he desired but at what cost so both games have incredible stories taking a deep look into both of them this was actually a very hard decision to give a winner to way harder than I initially thought it would be and that's why I wanted to do this video in the first place because when you break it down it's closer than you actually think both games tell a great story but they both tell very different stories and a lot of people are going to be very opinionated on which one is better now whilst the story of full and Order relishes in its Simplicity and virtually doesn't put a step wrong I think I'm only just going to have to go with Jedi Survivor here it virtually does everything the first game did in terms of hitting key story beats but it just takes things so much further and allows the characters to be a little bit deeper in that process the way it tells that longer story allows us to spend more time with the characters and story elements that gave those climax moments even more payoff so only just but this round goes to Jedi Survivor now moving on to perhaps my favorite part of both of these games the characters this is going to be a really chunky portion of the video so buckle up we are really getting in deep on this one the characters in both games are some of my favorite in Star Wars by a landslide let's take a look at calcaster's first and foremost and then we'll get into the supporting characters and antagonists Cal in Fallen order basically checked every single box that you want in a protagonist it was sympathetic it was flawed it was likable and he was easy to attach yourself to but Cal and Fallen order originally was very pessimistic about everything and he had every right to be his life consisted of hiding from the empire in a place where he has to scrap down shards of the past from the most traumatic event in his life and when his friend Prof tells him to get a life and find his Destiny Cal brushes it off as his outlook on life is Bleak but after a cow leaves braka he meets Seer he reconnects with his past and he is set on on a journey of Hope and optimism Cal begins to change he becomes more optimistic and hopeful that he can make change in the Galaxy as is reflected by his interactions with other characters throughout the story like Taryn malikos or Trilla siduri both of which were former Jedi just like him and both had given up entirely showing a parallel between the antagonist and Cal in this instance and it really helped highlight just how far a cow had come in such a short time you could also throw in Cal dealing with his trauma from Order 66 and the death of his master a large part of Cal's character in the first game is his overcoming of the memories of his past he was always running from them and across his journey he builds up the courage to face them and to prove to himself that he is worthy of being a Jedi Knight now all of this is well and good but Cal lacked a bit of personality in Fallen order which is most people's main problem with Cal in that game personally I don't see it as that big of an issue as the found stations for the character were that strong that I didn't really need quippy one-liners and sarcasm to really feel like I was invested in the character but many people do have this complaint so I felt it was worth bringing up but Cal kestus in Jedi Survivor this is an entirely different ballpark Cal is the best thing about Survivor hands down Survivor took Carl's character and added several more layers and catapulted him into becoming one of if not the most compelling Star Wars characters introduced under Disney's Reign for those who took issue with Cal's lack of personality in the first game he's got much more of a personality here much like the story itself respawn got really ambitious with Cal when we first find him and he's still fighting the Empire he's trying to make a difference but ultimately he comes to the realization that despite all he's done the Empire just keeps getting stronger which forces him to question whether or not the fight is worth it but by this point it's all he he knows and someone has to keep fighting Cal feels like he owes it to those who have died along the way which takes me to one of the best moments from the entire game grease dropping truth bombs on Cal and encouraging him to stop fighting and live a life to walk away from a rigged game before he loses everything this sets Cal's inner turmoil in place early in the story and allows cow to have deep struggles throughout the entire story in the five years since the first game kalas become obsessed with fighting the Empire so much so that it drove a wedge in the Mantis crew and split them up to focus on their own paths a lot of survivors Cal just learning that there is more to life than fighting which adds a deeper layer onto Cal's inner struggle Cal goes down paths that both correlate with the Jedi and paths that don't he becomes attached to Marin and lets the darkness within him take over on multiple occasions we see Marin act as the anchor that keeps Cal from fully embracing the dark side which is something I really really like by having Cal struggle to deal with the dark side after a boat's betrayal it's one of the best things that this game went for the death of Cordova and Seer leads cow down a dark path that instantly makes him incredibly intriguing as a character you don't know what he's gonna do next Cal is a good person and we know that but struggles with his inner demons more than most we also see a bunch of parallels between Cal and the game's antagonist which is something that I'm going to be going really deep on very shortly but where the game ends Carl is still struggling with his battle with the dark but is adamant that he'll continue to see his work and build something that can Outlast the Empire which opens up really interesting threads for a third game now as for the Mantis crew in both games they're literally support characters for Carl they have basic arcs in both games that serve their purpose in Fallen order we have Seer dealing with her failure that being triller through her new Padawan of sorts in Cal and then of course confronting her biggest failure at the end of the game giving Sierra a nice little bookend and she continues on in Survivor with the hidden path and ultimately has a perfect end to her character paying off the setup in the first game with her interactions with Vader as for Marin Marin was a huge fan favorite in Fallen order a night sister who had to come to the realization that the trauma from her past doesn't represent what's in front of her right now somebody wielding a lightsaber slaughtered her people and threw Carl she goes on a journey of self-discovery and joins the Mantis crew and makes peace with that and in the second game we see her working with the path but also having seen more of the Galaxy on her own terms and as a result of that she knows what she wants now as for Greece he didn't really get much in the development side of things in Fallen order he was sort of just the comic relief but in Survivor they definitely added more depth to him taking the comic relief element away at times and taking the character really seriously in key Moments by offering Cal good advice to reflect some mistake degrees has made throughout his life so overall between the two games the Mantis crew is pretty strong let's talk antagonists the villains of the two games because this is probably my favorite part triller and Taryn malikos are the two main antagonists in Fallen order both are incredible characters triller being an absolute standout and malachos being a character that I just wish we got more off now triller was of course Sarah's former apprentice and was tortured into madness and became the second sister after Sia left her behind with a group of padawans during the events of Order 66 she was ambitious she was cruel at times and her goal was to use Cal to get to the holocron so she could win the emperor's favor and obviously as she was Sears former Apprentice it becomes a very personal story for her as series obviously now in a way taking on Cal as an apprentice now after a cal defeats triller Sia gets a moment to make amends with her Fallen apprentice and just before Trilla is killed by Vader she has a moment of redemption that still hits pretty hard so Trilla was likable very sympathetic threatening and all in all a well-rounded villain and to be honest to sum her character up she is basically Riva in the Obi-Wan Kenobi show but actually done right as for malachos he was a former Jedi Master who survived Order 66 and managed to escape to dathomir where he was captured by Knight Brothers and then fell to the dark side and manipulated them into him becoming their leader malachos manipulated Marin as well and tried to do the same to Cal making it clear that the Jedi are over in any hope to rebuild the order is a Fool's errand and when Cal refuses to join him they fight and Marin and Cal come together to defeat him so two very solid main antagonists but Jedi Survivor kind of kicked it up the gear in some parts but not in others Jedi survivors villains comprise of Dagan Guerra Ravis and boat Akuna you could throw in other smaller ones as villains but these are the main three now I'll get Ravis out of the way early as he is a decent villain you know he's got a code he's not bad just for the sake of it which to be honest was more than I was expecting from him he's nothing all that great but he serves his purpose as a villain well enough but let's talk about Dagon Gara because I'm not going to lie by the time his character died in the story I was a little disappointed by the end don't get me wrong I like Dagon a lot but the character felt a little underexplored he didn't have enough screen time for my liking now maybe that's the fault of the marketing setting him up as the main antagonist when the real main antagonist was bowed but I did like the parallels between Dagon and Cal this is something the writers absolutely nailed Dagon becomes obsessed with Tana law to the point that he pretty much loses everything which mirrors Cal and his obsession with fighting the Empire Dagon is a tool to make callous character better and it's made clear in the game several times that dagen's downfall was sparked by his obsession with tunnelor which allows for some great moments with Cal and Marin discussing dagen's path with strong subtext referring to Cal struggles I really did like Dagon I just wish we got a little bit more from him at the end of the day more so on the side of fleshing out his exact reasons as to why he was so obsessed with Tana law despite of course it being his Discovery ultimately Dagon was a bit of a red herring but still a great villain that just made cal an infinitely better character but Bode is of course the main villain of Survivor honestly I could make an entire video on Bode just by itself so Bode was a former Jedi Knight who worked in the Republic intelligence for the Jedi Council he was mentored in This Time by lank denvik and after the events of Order 66 Bode managed to flee and start a family and had a daughter called Carter but eventually his wife was killed by an Inquisitor and after being on the Run he went back to denvik who was now working for the Empire more specifically for the ISB him and Bode cut a deal in order to keep Carter safe but in turn Bode would have to go undercover and befriend Cal castis in order to get through sear and the hidden path now along boat's Journey with Cal there are times where you can see him wrestling with his conflict in the situation as he spends much more time with Cal he grows a respect for him and it's really fun to watch the cut scenes back knowing that boat is undercover and trying to piece together when boat is manipulating Cal and when the reactions are genuine because I believe that Bode really does like Cal and didn't want to turn on him by the end at least but Cal left him with no choice because Cal was insistent on taking the hidden path to tunnelor which means that Carter would never really be completely safe so Bode makes the decision to commit to betraying Cal because his daughter is his bottom line and her safety is the only thing that matters but once Bode has committed to the Betrayal he pretty much just goes for it completely and uses Cal as a important to clear out the base on Nova garon so he and Carter can escape to tunnelor that was kind of a dick move on his part but since the Betrayal was done it makes sense I really like the idea that the game plays with boats saving his daughter at the potential cost of many this is a story concept that the last of us is famous for with Joel saving Ellie and potentially dooming Humanity raising the question of was Joel right it's a similar thing here on a lesser scale and I'm a sucker for stories that pose questions like that it's also worth noting that there are strong parallels between Bode and Cal just like there were with Dagon and Cal Bode was in a very similar situation to Cal at one point after The Purge but they both chose different paths and Bode uses those similarities in the game's climax to try and make Cal understand why he did what he did overall Bode is just an excellent character and noshia Dal nailed the performance to the point where playing the game again you pick up on every little tick and all the subtext in the dialogue the second time round boat is just an excellent villain and to be honest Bode alone would make me give the point to Jedi Survivor when it comes to characters but it's backed up by Cal being an infinitely better character in Survivor than he is in Fallen order and despite triller being a better villain than Dagon I've still overall got to give the point here to Jedi Survivor now when it comes to gameplay Jedi full and Order leaned heavily into the metroidvania type approach with Souls inspired combat because of that metroidvania approach it meant that certain areas of the game could feel annoyingly linear now Jedi Survivor did improve on this as this was one of the major complaints from Fallen order although the general gameplay Loop of Fallen order was very fun the linear map design and backtracking meant that the gameplay in full and order could get really frustrating on planets like zepho especially going back and playing through Fallen order after playing Survivor you definitely really feel the constraints of the metroidvania approach they've taken with these games Survivor decided to really open up the maps and locations for your exploration while still staying consistent with what Fallen order set up it expanded on things so much more that at times it felt like an open world game platforming is a huge part of both games though and Survivor basically just adds to what Fallen order created without taking anything away new abilities in Survivor means that the traversal gameplay for exploring these worlds could be extremely satisfying whether it's chaining together different methods of movement or the Slick new animations in Survivor it really felt enjoyable and added more enjoyment to the overall gameplay but perhaps the biggest difference between the two games is the combat the gameplay element with the force powers and lightsabers was very satisfying and Fallen order but Survivor takes it to a completely new level like it's not even close the lightsaber gameplay in Fallen order was fun and to be fair I think it's more responsive than Survivor when it comes to timing parries but full and orders gameplay was hindered by the Disney problem that being no dismemberment which often led to the lightsabers feeling like baseball bats in certain scenarios the amount of force powers in Fallen order is decent enough and the abilities involved with the single and double lightsaber stance are still strong but Survivor just improved on virtually every thing the first game created Survivor took us from two stances to five with the addition of the Cross guard stance Blaster stance dual wheeled stance on top of the pre-existing single and double from the first game the finishers in survival feel much more brutal than Fallen order due to incredible sound design and animations as for the boss fights they don't feel all that different across the two games like they've got a pretty decent formula going on here so the boss fights are just as good in either a game but I will say in Survivor the the one hit boss fights yeah yeah I don't like that no good but where Survivor goes above Fallen order here is large in part due to the stances and how it adds a personal choice as to how you approach boss fights do you want to play aggressive with the Dual Sabers do you want to focus on parries with a slower play style with the cross guard stance do you want to keep things balanced with the single blade stance it added an element of choice to how you approach boss fights and general enemy encounters now due to Cal's power levels being much stronger in Survivor that often bled into the gameplay meaning Cal could pull off much cooler moves and dispatch of a group of enemies in more interesting and diverse first ways than Fallen order by the time you get to the end of the story and Cal has access to almost all the abilities across the stances and when you have access to cala's Dark Side ability the game becomes increasingly and satisfyingly fun and major props to respawn for not making us relearn certain abilities in Survivor overall this one is just a complete no-brainer the only upside Fallen order has over Survivor is that the Parry timing and the Dodgers feel more responsive literally everything else is an improvement in Survivor therefore the point for gameplay obviously goes to Jedi Survivor so when it comes to these games the planets we get to explore are a pretty big deal so a Jedi Fallen order consisted of Pagano zepho kashyyk Darth Amir and ilum as explorable planets with Nur and bracha being non-explorable so five explorable planets and two on Rails in the main story now the difference between the two games is that all planets that you go to in Survivor are fully explorable those planets included Coruscant Kobo shadowed Moon jeddar Nova garon and tana law so six planets now yes I know some of them are moons just deal with it okay so although Fallen order has more planets featured with seven and five being explorable Jedi Survivor has six planets with all of them being explorable so when a numbers game full in order is actually the winner here but let's look at the planets themselves and they're World designed because that is what separates the two in full and order the world's rule extremely linear you didn't really get the sense that the worlds were openly explorable the closest you really got to that would be on zepho which was possibly the biggest planet in the game but I'm sure as we all know getting lost in the tombs of zepho could get really annoying and really kill certain elements of the exploration kashyyk was also massive probably maybe on par with zepho due to the set pieces the game has on there but at no point no matter the size of the planets did you ever feel like it was open for exploration at least after playing Survivor by comparison it was linear and you really did feel that when exploring the obstacles and the platforming on most of the planets in Fallen order was definitely fun but due to that linear design it meant a whole lot of backtracking through areas that you'd already been to obviously that's what backtracking means but you know anyway sorry I'm really far into this recording I'm losing my mind the locations in full and order to their credit were very diverse with jungles Stone fortresses Barren wastelands of Darth Amir icy planets tombs so it was still a lot of fun to explore from that aspect alone but Survivor is just way more expansive with its planets though with Metropolis undergrounds sand planets Imperial bases industrial structures and Kobo itself has about six different kinds of areas to explore from cloud higher bases to Old separatist ships swamps open farmlands small towns and more respawn have always done a great job in balancing new and familiar locations with their Planet roster in these Jedi games but I do wish we got a little bit more of Coruscant in Survivor but what was there was simply phenomenal I think overall Survivor simply just has the more interesting diverse and fun to explore planets between the two games so this point for planets is gonna have to go to Survivor the progression system in both games is incredibly simple and to be honest simple means better as someone who is tired of playing games or requires you to level up stupid amounts of gear to be able to fight an enemy it's nice playing these Jedi games as it's purely down to simple skill trees for false powers and lightsaber skills in full and order the progression was very simple you learn basic traversal skills as you progress throughout the game such as double jumping and wall running and as you kill enemies and find items around the world you'd gain XP to unlock certain skills through fairly lean skill trees and by the end of the game you could pull off some really cool moves that made your progression feel worthwhile Survivor adopts the exact same progression system but this time is just way more expansive with what you can upgrade one thing that I was glad to see was that just because this is a new game the developers didn't strip Cal of the abilities he had in the first game to just have us relearn them instead you kept key abilities and could just focus on upgrading the five lightsaber stances as well as the force powers and survival tree again rewarding you with skill upgrades for progressing through the game and exploring the worlds and if you really wanted to you could boss fight farm and upgrade until your heart's content I think this one is pretty obvious Survivor takes what works from Fallen orders progression system and expands it in accordance to the new addition to the sequel so the final category customization Jedi Fallen order had somewhat Infamous customization you were essentially limited to changing the colors of the Mantis bd1 and of course the ponchos as well received as Fallen order was one common denominator amongst the criticisms was The Limited customization customization is just one part of the puzzle though if the customization isn't good it means players are more likely not going to want to explore the worlds to unlock new customization items this is one of the biggest problems with Fallen order Jedi Survivor pretty much addressed that customization concern directly and tried to make it one of the game's strongest elements and they succeeded not only building on what was already there in full and order but going above and beyond with customization basically to the point where it was almost Overkill you can customize callous hair his facial hair each individual clothing item lightsaber parts and colors blaster parts and colors bd1s parts and colors and more but you can't customize the Mantis which you could in the first game so that kind of makes no sense so Fallen order you've still got that going for you honestly I don't even feel the need to explain why as this is probably the biggest gap between the two games this point obviously goes to Jedi Survivor so that takes us to a tally of 6-1 in favor of Jedi Survivor now it looks like a landslide on paper but when it comes to story and characters which is why I really went in depth on these two things these two games are actually really damn close so depending on who you ask seeing this tally at like 4-3 would not be a stretch although Jedi Survivor improves on Fallen order in basically every single way except for performance obviously these two games are such high quality and although Survivor wins easily in my video take nothing away from Fallen order it's still only just behind Survivor in terms of which one is my personal favorite Survivor just did what a sequel should do and that's why in a straight up head to head I've got to say Survivor is the better game so guys if you did enjoy this video it was a long one I know be sure to drop a like subscribe to the channel subscribe to my Clips Channel we're cranking videos out over there and I'll talk to you all again real soon
Channel: TheOzzyJedi
Views: 60,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star wars jedi survivor, jedi survivor, fallen order, jedi fallen order, star wars jedi, star wars jedi fallen order, star wars, jedi fallen order 2, cal kestis, fallen order vs jedi survivor, theozzyjedi, ozzyjedi, star wars game, star wars survivor, fallen order 2, star wars games, jedi survivor ps5, respawn entertainment, ea, cal kestis jedi survivor, jedi survivor combat, ozzyjedi clips, disney star wars, respawn star wars, gaming, lucasfilm games, jedi, merrin, bode, dagan
Id: VfRA1mEztI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 34sec (1774 seconds)
Published: Mon May 29 2023
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