I Played and Ranked Every Spider-Man Game

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[Music] Spider-Man in August of 1962 Stanley and Steve ditko co-created a character that changed entertainment forever and now 60 years later Spider-Man has spawned 10 movies 8 animated shows an unbelievable amount of comics and close to like 50 video games throw some loser in spandex kill his uncle and nerds will eat it up every single time and today I'm that nerd give me some suspenders and put a little tape around the center of my glasses because I'm eating it up today I'm gonna play every Spider-Man game and I'm gonna rank them all on a tier list starting with s tier being the highest moving down to a b c d and f tier being lowest Spider-Man guy you know just eat mud and learn in my time we learned past 13 but I did play most of these games when I was younger and I have very strong opinions about I'm gonna rank all these games based entirely on my personal enjoyment so if I say something that you disagree with and I definitely will just remember your breathing exercises and try to keep yourself from finding my house and starting an electrical fire just leave your opinion down in the comments or maybe we could talk about it and with all that being said please enjoy I starting off with Spider-Man from 1982 this game came out for the Atari 2600 and playing it now makes me realize why people from this generation are just so angry in the game you play as Spider-Man using your webs to try and climb this building where there's a little checkpoint at the top and the whole challenge is getting your webs to attach to the right place and getting around these weird Green Goblins that just fly around the only thing that really makes this a Spider-Man game is the little red and blue blob you play as this is the Flappy Bird of Spider-Man games and I wish I never learned it existed F tier The Amazing Spider-Man and Captain America in Dr Doom's Revenge what a goddamn mouthful I'd really love to just do a ton of mushrooms and sit in a dark room listening to the sounds from this game because they are just haunting ah oh that's the that's the worst that's the worst you never guessed it by the title but you play as Spider-Man and Captain America and Dr Doom is trying to get revenge for something the only real gameplay differences between the two of them is one's got a shield and one's got webs but honestly they both function the same so it's really not much of a difference but at least you get to fight such memorable villains as Boomerang or machete or or the famous the famous robot robot who the you do get to fight some of the more memorable ones but this is the second Spider-Man game ever you have so many to choose from why did you pick Oddball I would give this game an F tier but there is one villain that you get to fight that is objectively the best Marvel villain ever and that is batchrock the leaper yeah I'm serious yeah no it's I I love him I love him detail The Amazing Spider-Man 1990. this is the only game I've ever played for the Commodore 64 and I honestly don't think I was missing much he dances around like Michael Jackson a little bit and I think that's cool also you get to fight big rats I like the big rats I didn't enjoy this one much either I'm gonna give it a detail Quest probe 2 Spider-Man so I've seen these kinds of games before where you type in what you want to do and it just kind of happens and I had never really experienced it though and I I gotta say it's a really cool idea I had a lot of fun just typing stuff in and seeing what I could do it's a short experience and a little confusing but it's fun for what it was and I'm gonna give it a seat here Spider-Man versus The Kingpin this is now the second time where Spider-Man fights big rats I don't know what the big rat meta is around this time period but I'm loving it and I wish we could bring it back I really tried to like this one I don't want to be such a Hate Machine on all these old games I just I don't have the highest tolerance when it comes to poorly aged games and this one and a lot of these aged very poorly I know I'm being a hater but I'm gonna give it f here Spider-Man the video game finally an actually good old Spider-Man game so this is like a beat em up arcade style fighting game and I actually had a blast playing this the art style here is timeless and I love the four player call-op it is a Spider-Man game but you can choose between four characters to play as you've got Spider-Man you've got black cat you've got Hawkeye and you've got Nemo and unlike the Black Panther 2 movie they didn't have to digitally debulge him just marvel give him his wee-wee back you're the ones who put him in those tiny green shorts what did you think was gonna happen the enemy types are pretty much the same and the bosses are a little bit repetitive but for like an hour-long experience they pack a lot of fun bosses into this game I'd actually love it if they came out with a new game like this similar to the TMNT game that came out recently there's not a ton here but what is here is enjoyable and that's why I'm gonna give it a c tier The Amazing Spider-Man 2 1992 music to jack off on the toilet too remember how I said before that I wanted to take a bunch of mushrooms and sit in a dark room listening to those insane sounds well if I had done that this is the Spider-Man game I would have created why the hell does Spider-Man look like this honestly I didn't play a lot of this game but what I did play was boring and hard and I just hated it I'd give it an F tier Spider-Man Return of the Sinister Six the game's pretty simple you just gotta run around and defeat all of the Sinister Six and my god did I defeat them I just disintegrated a man with my bare hands the mechanics here are just somewhat infuriating because I have to crouch down to punch people because the normal punch sends you flying forward and instead of a normal like Health pickup that you get from most of these games you have to disintegrate people in order to gain more Health insane mechanic but I respect it this one is f tier I swear I'm not gonna rank all of these F tier just keep in mind how good the later games are and how bad these are in comparison Spider-Man and the X-Men arcades Revenge being able to play as multiple characters in a game at least for me definitely tends to make up for the limited gameplay with those characters that you get Spider-Man controls pretty much how you'd expect the Run jump and web your way through boring forgettable levels this game is unforgivingly hard just hard for the sake of being hard and not hard in like a fun way more in like I want to wrap my truck around a telephone pole kind of way the mechanics are bad but the worst of it is how they treated storm and Wolverine so storm is an X-Men character who you know she could trolls the storms and stuff she's called storm she does storm stuff she controls the weather what would you guess would make up a storm level would you guess underwater level exclusively underwater level probably not but that's what it is and how about Wolverine a nearly Immortal mutant with claws coming out of his hands what would you expect for him clowns clowns why the clowns is this Primal Beast of a man it's just secretly afraid of birthday party clowns I would understand if he is clowns are scary this is clearly just a way to monetize the characters and not actually create a game so after Spider-Man and Venom Maximum Carnage whether or not this is a good game Spider-Man and Venom teaming up to fight Carnage is always gonna be awesome this is the first game where we actually get to play as Venom which I think is cool but you have to wait four stages to actually play as him and you only get to do it sometimes which kind of sucks also if there's no Co-op I that feels like a missed opportunity at its core this is just another Punch guy game that is unreasonably hard why am I getting my ass handed to me by these two girls just whipping their hair back and forth it's not even a boss fight the level design as well is pretty lame I mean you don't have to do much to keep my attention in one of these kinds of games but having me walk forward and then walk back to fight different enemies is insane you just you couldn't make like a little more level for me to walk through the Highlight here was absolutely the cutscenes being panels from the Maximum Carnage comic run which that's just so cool animating the comic panels for the game is always going to win me over I loved it this made it so much more fun for me also the music in the game is amazing it's made by a band called green jelly and their music was all like made into arcade style stuff it's just so good and it fits well with this kind of thing though the combat can feel unfair straightforward and easy to grasp right away and there's some there's something that I really didn't overall I'm gonna give this a C2 Spider-Man the Animated Series the game I could make a better game than this on my iPod Shuffle there's really no story here just kind of run around and fight in Master Chief from Halo oh yeah and you can get these Mario Style power ups that give you the armored suit which is just goofy game handles like trash it belongs in the trash after Spider-Man cartoon maker 1995. so instead of ranking this game I actually made a cartoon for you guys and I would like you to rank my Creation in the comments without further Ado let me present to you my masterpiece [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] my spider sense is tingling [Music] Spider-Man and Venom separation anxiety so this is a sequel to Maximum Carnage but it feels almost like Maximum Carnage should be the sequel to this because this just has less it doesn't even have those comic style cutscenes that I really like there is multiplayer here so they got something right but everything else just feels off and less so I'm gonna give this an F tier The Amazing Spider-Man lethal foes this game was only ever released in Japan but I found it on an emulator and all the words are in Japanese I have no idea what's going on but I'm fighting the alien from Alien that's pretty cool the controls here are pretty slighty and I hated the little timer at the top of the screen just always taken away and when it goes off you have to restart I don't I don't know why this just gave me so much anxiety I hated it I hated it and it messed me up more than once I also got lost in the sewers and the timer didn't make it worse I couldn't find my way out I do think though the art style for this game is one of my favorites from the older games and I did like the lineup of villains in it so it's not a super memorable one for me but I will give it a detail The Amazing Spider-Man web of fire this this game sucks bad the music is terrible and the gameplay is so bad that it's funny I'm not even gonna bother after Spider-Man The Sinister Six 1996 the faces in this video game will haunt me for the rest of my life I wish I was never forced to see Peter's face do that why does it do that I wish I could but I will never forget this game as it has been burned into my retina's f tier Spider-Man 2000 so this one's actually the first 3D Spider-Man game and unlike some other franchises Spider-Man actually had a great transition to 3D this game is obviously a little aged but it's still a lot of fun to play not to mention Stan Lee's voice narrated in the beginning of every Mission it just brings me a sense of joy and wonder but like I said the age clearly shows black cat's face looks like she got left in the microwave too long and The Swinging here is really basic stuff you stand at the edge of a building you start swinging and wherever you were looking when you jumped off is where you're going and you start to like slowly descend sometimes but other times not not entirely sure what's going on there but it's I mean it works it's not anything crazy but it works you get to swing around this like block of buildings and the developers had a clever idea of filling the ground level with gas so you can't actually get to the street you can just swing from one building to another overall the gameplay feels pretty good the fighting is nice and the webbing you know it's webs it it has all the Spider-Man stuff that you'll be looking for but my favorite part of the game is Venom he is so stupid spider wuss stage shows the most though in the camera I mean it's to be expected with a lot of these older 3D games they didn't exactly have the camera motion down and here it is very challenging to get past but if you can get past it and a lot of this older game Jank there's lots of love here the boss fights are pretty good here too they're challenging but they're fun to do all of them except for the Mysterio boss fight I will always be a hater of those stupid boss fights where you gotta shoot the little nodule on the guy and and that'll make him die it's just stupid if you like Spider-Man and you have some tolerance for older games I definitely recommend going and giving this one a shot I'm going to give it a b tier Spider-Man enter Electro it's starting to be a common theme where they'll make an awesome Spider-Man game and then they'll make a sequel to that Spider-Man game that is just somehow less than its predecessor I mean this game doesn't have venom there's a lot less to love here it's I don't know it has Electro as the main villain and my problem with that is I like Electro I really do and I hate to say Electro I'm so sorry you're just not that guy I I like him more as like a background kind of villain you don't you're not you're not doing it for me here I will give this game credit it does let you go to the ground floor and even play basketball as Spider-Man which is pretty cool but overall if the game plays mostly the same and there's a lot less to love here overall the game just kind of sucks and you know why because of 911 I I'm serious the final boss fight of this game was actually supposed to take place on top of the twin towers and after 9 11 happened they had to recall copies of the game and completely change it I don't really think this has anything to do with the rest of the game being subpar but still I think this game needs all the excuses it can get honestly I don't hate the game there's just not as much to love here as his predecessor it's pretty forgettable and that's why I'm gonna give it a seat here Spider-Man the movie video game now this is gonna sound insane but when I was just a little guy I did not like the idea of learning how to read books I thought books were stupid and words were for but I did love Spider-Man and I had this game and to learn how to play it I had to read the little tutorial prompts and so my little ass walked up to the screen and sounded out the words on the tutorial so that I could learn how to play that's how I learned how to read I learned how to read from this game so that's safe to say I have a little bit of attachment to this one this game just like the game that came out in 2000 by the same exact name also has this string of buildings that you can swing around but you can't get to that street level and considering they had it in enter Electro I don't know why they couldn't have just done it here it didn't have to be anything evolutionary but I wanted to play a little basketball and I think it's a little stupid that it wasn't included but once you're going around the rooftops there's these little goons up top and they always have these amazing catch phrases that will be ingrained into my mind forever what's with the get up jump tough talk for a guy in his PJs what is the circus in town they're my favorite part of this whole game I love them dearly it Loosely follows the plot of the movie but it adds in a couple of things here and there like shocker or the vulture which to my little baby brain was amazing because those weren't in the movie but they're in the game that's so cool the combat was subpar and The Swinging was somehow even worse than its predecessors but there was a cheat code that you could put in to play as Green Goblin with his big old butt out and you just fly around you could just shoot people with his like machine gun I bet a ton of people missed this in the game but it was like my favorite thing to do was to get the Green Goblin cheat and run around as him playing it now I'll say the Jank of this game is even harder to get past than the the other Spider-Man 2000 game it's just so intense and the camera flying around randomly makes me nauseous and so I'm gonna give this one a seat here Spider-Man 2. so this is what you came here for right you wanted to see if I was gonna rank Spider-Man to S tier The Swinging mechanics paved the way for all the future games it would be a crime not to rank this s tier I hate to break this to you but Spider-Man 2 is not asked here guys I said no electrical fire God God damn it I don't want to be misconstrued here I love Spider-Man 2 this is one of my favorite games as a kid and I can't deny that The Swinging mechanics are amazing and according to some probably the best we'll ever get but there are just some key flaws here that keep this game from being asked here the biggest problem here is that this is a movie tie-in game that just didn't want to be a movie tie-in game cracking down Mysterio to This creepy carnival area just to go into a Hall of Mirrors and fight Twisted reflections of yourself and have to destroy the mirrors in order to find a way out is one of the most inventive levels in a Spider-Man game I've ever played and simultaneously the level where you're fighting a bunch of goons but also kind of fighting doc OG and then you chase a helicopter is one of the most boring Spider-Man levels I've ever played this game was held back because it had to follow the plot Spider-Man 2 correlation to the movie at all like black cat oh my God black hat oh my oh my God I'm pretty sure I hit puberty the second she showed up on screen the fight against Mysterio in this convenience store is probably one of my favorite boss fights ever and will always stick with me because this Mastermind setting up all these hoops for you to jump through this master of Illusion stands before you and his health bar charges up three times over and then you go to fight him and you punch him once and he falls to the ground like a little baby because he's not a big monstrous villain he's a master of Illusion and all of that strength it was an illusion I still think that's such a compelling character to me I just love that he's a little nerd boy hello the graphics here just did not hold up I mean I know there's love for the PS2 era Graphics but I I think stylized is always a better option because this looks aged as hell and Toby Maguire my sweet baby angel you were meant for the screen you were not meant for the microphone you just the voice acting for Spider-Man in this game is so obviously phoned in it sounds like he didn't even want to be there just listen to a couple of the lines from this game my name's Spider-Man and I'll be your rescuer today I'm sorry for missing class I was on my way but oh I believe you I believe you Pete I'm I believe you Petey Boy and I can't talk about this game without talking about the pizza delivery missions come on baby I'm swinging through the city I'm Spider-Man I can't do flips or the pizza's gonna break and I gotta deliver the pizzas these missions got old pretty quick but what didn't get old what is timeless is this pizza theme it's just a beautiful beautiful piece of music and I love it here the Highlight here was obviously in The Swinging the web's actually attaching to the buildings building up momentum as you swing through and there being a certain level of skill required to be good at it I think makes it a very fun swinging experience it doesn't look the prettiest all the time but having to instead of just run up to a wall and immediately start wall running you have to press specific buttons to start while running and then you jump off and start swinging again I think it was a good way to implement swinging and very ahead of its time I love this game I really do but there's just a lot of places this game some symbols that other games don't which is why I'm gonna give Spider-Man 2 and AIDS here they're gonna burn down my house Ultimate Spider-Man this game is ripped straight out of the comics it is a Timeless Masterpiece you already know I'm a sucker for that Spider-Man Venom Team Up game and this somehow them being on opposing sides and being able to play as both of them is even better I also love how shocker is in this game he's just a little worm guy just web up his hands and he goes I love love love how Venom plays in this game just the jumping is so much better for him than swinging in my opinion and the clawing his way into the wall to climb up is just awesome he's not even super brutal in this game you know he's actually he's actually pretty chill he just ate a child he just ate he ate a kid can you even do that in a game The Swinging in this game well definitely different from Spider-Man 2 is just as good in my opinion I know some people disagree with that I think the animations here just look better and I think you know like the jumping and the wall running also looks a lot better here I do like when I'm swinging at Spider-Man for it to look cool and I just think it looks cooler this game is also far more replayable in my opinion and maybe that's because instead of just playing a Spider-Man the whole time the gameplay for Spider-Man is broken up by sections we get to play as Venom and I don't know fight Wolverine in a bar and punch him through a wall holy this blew my mind also being able to see this story from both sides just made the fight between Spider-Man and Venom so much more compelling to me all the boss fights here felt right on the money for me I mean chasing Green Goblin through the streets or fighting silver Sable on the bridge and Venom showing up and stealing the show was just such an amazing choice for the game I think just the non-stop action stuff's Just Happening all the time was so good for my brain that is like goldfish I love new stimuli I did get annoyed a little bit by the time trials but that was completely made up for by the fact that they're done by the Human Torch holy I love this guy I don't mean to be down on my knees servicing this game presidentially but I just I loved it so much and replaying it now I still love it I think the graphics are absolutely Timeless the choice to use comic book like Graphics in the video game was such an amazing choice and I think it holds up to this day I'm gonna give Ultimate Spider-Man a big fat EST here Marvel Nemesis rise of the Imperfects I really thought this game was like a bad dream I had as a child but when I saw it recently I remembered all the fun I had playing this as a kid and then when I played it again I wondered how the hell I could have had fun playing this as a kid story for this game is the the Marvel Universe got invaded by like really really lubed up aliens and something about like Twisted versions of Heroes called Imperfects and I don't know it's just so confusing I don't know whose idea this was but still I mean as bad as it was it's still such a creative concept for a Marvel game something that other games really have not even dared try to do I did think the corrupted versions of the characters were really awesome as a kid and just for creativity and innovating on the existing material I'm gonna give this a d tier but it probably should be f-tier it's just I mean it's kind of a cool idea Marvel Ultimate Alliance one and two so I play both of these games growing up and when I went back through to play them for this video I learned that they were actually remastered at some point but in 2018 they were delisted due to licensing issue with Activision and so now the only way to play these remastered versions of the game is to make a UK account on your PlayStation using a VPN download them that way and transfer the game to your us account which I think is stupid I will give these games a proper rating when Activision lets me play the remastered versions Spider-Man 3. this game will go down in history as having the absolute funniest QuickTime event failures ever going to die Spider-Man 3 was a fantastic movie and you just weren't ready for it and I fully I truly believe that but Spider-Man 3 the game that's a different Story the biggest criticism of the movie was that Spider-Man 3 had too many villains to juggle throughout the plot and so the game decided to take that and add nine more villains on top of the already existing Sandman Venom and new Goblin in the movie this game also added in Rhino Kingpin lizard scorpion Harley Quinn Guyana robot suit horny guy and just whoever this is I don't even know I what the hell the story was absolutely incoherent and there's a reason for that so this game was being developed alongside the movie yeah it had to drop with the movie or they weren't gonna capitalize on that sweet sweet hype and so they didn't really know what the story of the movie was gonna be they just had like bits and pieces to go off of in the game and that's why when Spider-Man goes to see Sandman down in the in the sewers he doesn't say that that cool line do you remember uh Ben Parker the man who killed in Cold Blood he doesn't do any of that he just shows up and shoves his head into the train which is still cool but there's no context he just gets mad I just wish they'd done what they did in Spider-Man 2 and take these Side Stories and make them something compelling add in characters that might fill in those gaps from lack of story knowledge instead of just piling characters in there to shake familiar media in front of your face the gameplay was okay at best I mean playing as the symbiote suit normally is the most fun part of any game involving the Symbiote but here it doesn't do much other than just make you glow red meaning you're mad which I just think is a waste the fighting here is pretty much the same as the last game The Swinging is somehow worse and I frankly I don't know I didn't like this game all that much I'm gonna give it a d tier Spider-Man Friend or Foe if you've ever played a Lego game this is just that pretty much it's got the drop-in Co-op Vibe and really I mean when I was younger this was it for me I loved this game but as an adult I could not get through it the game plays as Bare Bones as it gets and the levels are so incredibly repetitive the only thing I'll really give this game credit for was including Iron Fist who's awesome in most things except for the Netflix show Nostalgia just couldn't save this one for me and Friend or Foe lovers I'm afraid this is where our blood Feud begins because I'm giving Friend or Foe an EFT here oh look at me I'm Spider-Man I'm so sad oh so sad I'm Spider-Man I have webs I have webs and suit is so tired of my butt cheeks I'm Spiderman I'm so sad my strongest memories of this game were in its morality system so you can make choices throughout the game that would show up and you could choose to be bad Spider-Man or the good Spider-Man and this kind of karma would would show in the bottom left corner of the screen where you would see this little meter if you were really bad it would go to the symbiote suit but if you were being a good boy it would go to the red suit and my dad whenever he saw that I was on the symbiote suit and he understood what it meant he would make me get off the game for the day I was not allowed to play the bad Spider-Man but for some reason I was allowed to play The Punisher or GTA 4 I don't know that didn't make a ton of sense but I never played the dark version of this story I only ever played good old red and blue naturally when I got older I wanted to see what this evil storyline would have looked like and frankly it was a little underwhelming I'm I mean it's just I don't know I guess the hype had built up over so long that I was expecting something a little more devious but I will say this black cat is better than Mary Jane and I'll die on this hill see the gameplay here is a mixed bag for me right because I like a lot of what's going on the wall combat was so Innovative and I thought that was such a good idea and fighting the different enemy types you know the flying types and such I thought that was such a good idea I really think the combat for web of Shadows is one of the most Innovative combat systems in a Spider-Man game but I really did hate the dependence on that web strike ability maybe it was just that one specific mission where you have to get up and web strike these guys over and over and over again while the two like while the gang Meetup is going on in the center of the park I hated that that stuff that has stuck with me forever because it was miserable the story is pretty straightforward and simple but you know what I like it I like a straightforward story and frankly I don't need a big you know complex moral reason for Wolverine to get corrupted by the Symbiote that's still just the coolest ever and now I get to fight corrupted Wolverine that's awesome I didn't think it was a little strange how Venom just kind of pledged all over the city and left these pulsing masses around I didn't like the pulsing masses I'm not I'm not a pulsing Mass fan if you're a pulsing Mass fan out there sound off in the comments where are all my pulsing masses at Moon Knight's also in the game he's uh he's just here this was my introduction to Moon Knight this is all I ever learned imagine my surprise when I watched this there are a few nitpicks I have here and there but overall this game was awesome right it's just cool it's just good Spider-Man fun the combat was really fun I like the addition of the Allies even if they didn't do a goddamn thing I just liked having them around a little moral support doesn't hurt every once in a while I'm gonna give this game an AIDS here Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions so this game was my first introduction to characters like Spider-Man 2099 or Spider-Man Noir and once I saw these different iterations of the character I loved I was hooked frankly I have attention issues they are undiagnosed but they are a problem and these games where you can switch between multiple characters and multiple stories just feed my brain the perfect amount of stimuli and that's why I loved this game so much the stealth sections for Spider-Man Noir were a little Half Baked but clearly I'm a little intense when it comes to stealth games so I'm not even gonna bother docking it for that this was also my first encounter with Madame Webb who's just she's a old old lady who who's blind and she protects the web of Fate that was a lot that was a lot to take in from me you know basically old lady with a blindfold takes four different Spider-Man to go out and save the Multiverse that's the whole plot of the game they got to collect the things and then so they can build up back the thing of a so they can put the universe back together stop Mysterio I didn't really like Mysterio in this game I still prefer the Spider-Man 2 version of Mysterio but it was a cool enough plot I think it's the exploration of these different worlds and the idea of the spider verse that was just so enthralling for me you like that word enthralling that's a big one that's a big one I looked that up enthralling I loved all the characters you got to play as in this game but I think Spider-Man Noir was my favorite he's such a great character and I think he would do so well in his own game God I would do anything for a Spider-Man Noir game anything anything this is a linear Spider-Man game so there isn't an open world per se for you to swing around so there's no swinging mechanics to necessarily critique I mean there's like web zipping and you know stuff like that but overall it's it's pretty basic stuff here no traversing through a big city but the gameplay does vary between these four different Spider-Man and it's just enough for it to feel unique and fresh every time and I really did enjoy it I love the 2099 Free Fall sections I thought they were just so cool I don't know why I think it's just the spectacle for me and if you don't know this game was actually one of the reasons the spider-verse exists I mean it was done one time before in the old animated series but this was the game that inspired dance lot to make the spider-verse comic run and then inspired them to make the spider-verse movie so without this game we don't have the spider-verse movie I'm gonna give Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions a controversial EST here Spider-Man and Friends secret mission 2 2010. what a sweet and wonderful game how you just look at how cute this game is this is gonna go in games to play after killing your parents here Spider-Man Edge of Time due to the success of Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions binox had to blast a new sequel right out of their b-hole and they decided to focus on the two Spider-Man amazing and 2099 they take these two characters through a fun wacky paradoxical journey through a lab and a in that same lab but in the future and the whole game takes place in that lab there's also a secret twist ending which I think is really stupid but hey at least we got to see Anti-Venom and I'm all for that I think this is the first time anti-venoms appeared in a video game all things considered this is written pretty well for a time travel story because time travel stories generally suck and this one came out okay the Highlight here is very much just listening to the two Spider-Man interact with each other and how they like have these differences in ideals and how you know Peter Parker is like trying to tell Miguel how to be Spider-Man and he's like if you know if you don't if you don't do this then you have no right calling yourself Spider-Man Miguel's like I'm Miguel O'Hara um blue I don't know seriously I think this game suffers the most though from just all taking place in a lab but oh thank God sometimes you get to move into a lab with trees there's trees in the lab it's still a lab though it's just I mean it's a hundred years apart but you're using the same assets I understand you only had so much time to create the game but it all feels so dull it's like one big blur for me it's all just lab and I mean the levels are pretty claustrophobic there's not a ton here and that fun like free fall mechanic is just so overused here it's crazy how can you free fall this much in one building I wish we could have seen something like oh change something in the past so now things change in the future in the whole city but you can't see the whole city you just see things changing in this one building which kind of takes away some of that power to changing events in the past in my opinion I think the story and really just the characters are the reason to play this game otherwise it's nothing to write home about I will give you the game credit it did give you the option to use a couple of different suits which I liked because I love alternate suits in Spider-Man games after Shattered Dimensions I had a lot of High Hopes but I think this one really dropped the ball I'm gonna give it a seat here The Amazing Spider-Man movie game this is a game I was obsessed with when it came out and looking back I don't know how I was ever obsessed with it so this one takes a little more of a cinematic approach when it comes to Spider-Man instead of giving you a lot of control it just tries to make things look as cool as possible and be as accessible as possible but in trying to make it look cool and give you cool animations they just made it like miserable to play like it just feels like I'm kind of watching this happen there's also this thing where you can like slow time and you can go into your visor and look to where you want Spider-Man to go and it slows it down and so I guess it would look cool if you did that and then you could watch it watch it back but you can't and so it doesn't actually look that cool it just feels like a slog yes the best way to make traversal feel fast is to completely pause time so you can figure out how to Traverse it that's stupid and you're stupid I didn't mean that you're all right by Thin by thin ice thin ice the only fun I had in this game was just swinging around the city in the different suits because I liked looking at the different suits I will defend The Amazing Spider-Man movie until my last breath but the game the game doesn't get that for me I'm gonna give it f tier Lego Marvel one and two and Lego Marvel Avengers I lumped all these together because I just really wasn't feeling it and I didn't want to say that three different times it all feels kind of the same to me these games are extremely okay to me you know I'm just I don't think I'm as big of a Lego fan as I used to be when I was younger and so I'd really like to hear from all you Lego heads out there what did you think of these games specifically the Spider-Man portions did you like it I thought the swinging from nothing was just like yeah that makes sense for a Lego game but we've we've come so far with current Spider-Man games this is not you know I wouldn't I would rather just play a different one if you had fun with this I'd love to hear about it the Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie game so this game is actually a big Improvement on the one before it at least in my opinion because the swinging while still they were going for that cinematic approach they implemented a system where the left trigger would make you swing with your left hand but the right trigger would make you playing with your right hand and honestly at the time this was the best we really had as far as a good looking Spider-Man game I personally I'm just the kind of person who likes to swing around the city because I think it looks cool and as much as the older games are fun to do that in I like when it looks pretty I don't know it just does something for my brain just scratches a particular itch and this game scratches that itch for me it was pretty good at the time but looking back I mean the story is just miserable it's just so nothing both of these for Amazing Spider-Man 1 and 2 the game hated the story I did like you know being able to swing around in the different suits again like I like that they're finally starting to implement more suits for me to play as and even just the suit that you play as normally might be one of my favorite video game suits weirdly I just really like how this looks the biggest miss here right was that the final boss and I'm gonna spoil it was Carnage but there was no Venom in the game no Venom at all you fight Carnage I just that seems so stupid to do Carnage without venom the gameplay here wasn't bad right it was just nothing special and that's why I'm gonna give this a seat here Spider-Man Unlimited I am going to blow up all of North America if we do not get this game back I mean that I mean that you want to talk about alternate suits this game had alternate suits that was like the whole goddamn point so this is basically like Temple Run if it were Spider-man and also if Temple Run had swinging sections and climbing sections and falling sections and was awesome I was never really that into mobile games but Spider-Man Unlimited was different I had to collect all of my piss vials it was an itch I could just never scratch I was a little piss addict my favorite skin in the game was this steampunk spider lady with the spider arms in the back I remember her name but she was awesome and I loved playing as her I gonna sound totally insane when I do this especially because of where I've ranked other games but I'm going to give Spider-Man Unlimited an a tier I'm serious this is such a phenomenal game it's so simple but for what it is it's so good and I would genuinely love it back Disney Infinity Marvel Superheroes I'm not buying that Spider-Man homecoming and Far From Home VR both of these games were extremely nauseating I think it's just me I don't think I'm built for VR but all things considered moving around like this in VR should not be good for anybody these are like the modern day equivalent of movie tie-in games just minimal effort to try and capitalize they're more like little experiences than games but I this is not worth it it's not worth it give it a couple years before Spider-Man is worth playing in VR right now this is nothing f-tier Spider Solitaire I just thought this would be funny to include also I really like Spider Solitaire C2 Spider-Man PS4 this game is s-tier and I have been speaking mostly from just my experience I'm talking objectively this is objectively an S tier video game I cannot begin to describe how happy I am that this game exists the story at the end even made me tear up a little bit and that's not something I do very often for video games I'm serious when I say this is probably one of my favorite Spider-Man stories ever Yuri lowenthal absolutely kills it as Peter Parker in this game and every villain is just fun and feels unique and belongs in this world this New York City feels alive more than any other Spider-Man game has been able to capture the remnants of kingpin's influence throughout the city and the rise of new villains in that power vacuum it just feels so good the only thing and I really mean the only thing that holds this game back in my opinion are the sections where you play as miles or MJ and the pace completely grinds to a halt and you have to stealth around and knock over a radio for the 50th time but even that doesn't knock it down a letter grade for me I mean the gadgets are just all I could have ever wanted from a Spider-Man game and more all of the suits that you can get in the game are just phenomenal it's the only game that's ever made me go out and do the Collectibles I'm not a Collectibles kind of guy but I did them I did them so I could get all my suits small thing I do wish they gave Spider-Man Noir his coat because he looks a little naked the combat here is almost perfect for me I mean it takes the right cues from Batman Arkham but kind of twists that format to be more spider-man-like I like all the finishers I like how the webs are used in combat I think that's my favorite thing where I can just web people up instead of actually beating them up and I that's what I do most of the time swinging here for me is also pretty perfect it doesn't take much skill to get good at it but there's still a lot of cool different things in ways you can get around the city and also I think the animations are the best of any Spider-Man game I think the tricks could use a little bit of an update spinning in circles does get old pretty quickly but I'm so serious when I say I will just boot up this game to this day and swing around for fun not playing the game not really fighting anybody just swinging really it just shines in the way that these characters are presented Doc Ock being more of a fallen Ally than an adversary right away just makes his story so much more compelling I would say even more compelling than his story in the Spider-Man 2 movie the way he gets more and more desperate as his body begins to fail him makes it make sense why he's pushing to get these experiments done and takes the shortcuts that end up leading him down the wrong path a lot of the reviews for this game said this game makes you feel like Spider-Man and I agree but not because of the combat or The Swinging but because at its core Spider-Man is about Hope compassion perseverance and sacrifice for the greater good even though I knew that Otto Octavius was going to be an antagonist because of my knowledge in the comics I still had that hope that he would get better and be an ally in this game because I really liked his character I felt compassion for Miles when he lost his father a man that we actually got to know through the story and I cried at the end when Peter had to make such a mass passive sacrifice for the safety of people he didn't even know this game succeeds in so many big ways but it's these smaller exploration of emotions that make this the perfect embodiment of Spider-Man and in my opinion it has not only earned s tier but the status as the best Spider-Man game ever made Marvel's Ultimate Alliance 3. so this game weirdly has a huge Spider-Man experience in the beginning which I didn't know you start off playing as Guardians of the Galaxy but you quickly get to play as Spider-Man and then once you're playing a Spider-Man you go through a lot of the Spider-Man Rose gallery and you actually get to a mass a full team of spider people you get venom you get Gwen you get miles and you get Peter I think the characters are all portrayed pretty well here I didn't like the Gwen voice but I think that's just because I prefer the one from spider-verse maybe that's just me I also don't like that they introduce miles as Miles Morales I know that it's just meant to not confuse people and call two characters Spider-Man but at the same time you could just call him Spider-Man and I think people would get the idea it just perpetuates this idea that Miles Morales is not Spider-Man and if you hold that opinion you're a piece of there is a little nod to the lethal protector thing in this and I thought that was a little cheesy but pretty funny anyway it's nothing super crazy but it was fun seat here Marvel's Avengers so Spider-Man is only available on the PlayStation version of this game and to get him you have to go over here to this little web click on it and it'll trigger a cut scene that reveals the greatest travesty of Our Generation they made Spider-Man an influencer this alone makes it f tier and I'm so serious about that playing as him just sucks in this game he's no fun to swing around with the traversal feels bad and clunky and they make his webs just like he's shooting a gun I don't know I like when the webs function as webs just a just a hot take I will give this game credit the suits in the game might be some of my favorite suits in any game really like they have so many good ones and even the Spider-Man Noir suit is better than the one in the PS4 game it has the coat it just looks good this may be the only thing that the game gets right but that's not gonna save it f tier fortnite yeah I'm I'm serious no just bear with me the web swinging in this game is actually pretty good I mean just for what it is I had fun swinging around with it um I also when I heard that Spider-Man was in the game the first time around I bought the battle pass and grinded through the entire battle pass so that I could get the black suit I do have a problem but the black suit is one of my favorites it just looks so good uh it's pretty much tied for the Scarlet Spider suit not the red and black one but the one with the little hoodie thing but just for having better swing mechanics than a lot of the actual Spider-Man games I'm gonna give this a seat here Spider-Man Miles Morales now I love a good mile story but in my opinion this could have been DLC it didn't need to be its own game well the updated graphics and the winterized map is you know that's a that's a plus for me I just there wasn't as much here as I would have won I really do love this one almost as much as I loved the first one but there's just some things that don't really work for me here like the tinkerer is just not my favorite villain I did not like her as the tinkerer I thought it was just a little strange the prowler is good I love the prowler here actually I thought I thought it was a really good inclusion of his character I still like the one from spider-verse better but this one was good the way Spider-Man controls in this game is so much better than the first one in my opinion I do wish he had some gadgets but they make up for it in ways like different powers that Miles gets I just I missed my impact webs really though a lot of the credit that I give the first one I'll give to this one it did a lot of things right and I loved most of the characters just not her I don't know why it just didn't do it for me I beat this game twice so giving it any less than an a tier would be criminal and so completes my tier list of all the Spider-Man games let me know if you had any different opinions down in the comments I'll be responding to as many comments as physically possible so if you have a different opinion we could talk about it all so we hit 10K Subs which is awesome thank you for that anyways click this card here to watch me play and rank all the Star Wars games goodbye and I'm done holy that was hard
Channel: bizlychannel
Views: 882,569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bizly, bizlychannel, Spider-Man 2, marvels Spider-Man, I played and ranked every Spider-Man game, spiderman, I played and ranked every Star Wars game, new game, tier list
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 42sec (2922 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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