All 5 Lightsaber Stances Ranked, Tier List (After Playing 100+ Hours) in Star Wars Jedi Survivor

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Single is very underrated. You didn’t mention what makes duel wield the best boss killer. You can animation cancel to block! It was a huge crutch my first play through. You don’t need timing at all because you can block mid attack. Now I’m using crossgaurd to force myself to learn timing and not just spam. That shockwave ability of crossgaurd is amazing and the lunging overhead attack is my favorite gap closer!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/LustyArgonianMod 📅︎︎ May 18 2023 🗫︎ replies
hello everyone thanks for stopping by and checking out my channel for today's video I'm going to be doing a ranking list for all five of the lightsaber stances in Star Wars Jedi Survivor now I'm going to be doing this ranking a little bit differently I'm actually going to do it in a tier list and I'm going to be ranking these stances in two separate tier lists now for the first tier list I'm going to be ranking these stances on how good they are in crowd control basically ranking the stances on how good they are against infantry units and then the second tier list is going to be ranking each of the stances on how good they are against a boss encounter now before I get started I want to say that I enjoy all five of the lightsaber stances and I think all of them are good in their own ways I don't think any of them just outright suck I think they're all usable especially if you get them upgraded and in this ranking I have every single skill tree fully maxed out and I've been playing on my New Game Plus account on Jedi Grand Master difficulties so I have a lot of experience with each of the lightsaber stances so with that said let's go ahead and jump right into to it so the first stance I'm going to be ranking in today's video is the Blaster stance this is the newest stance that has come to Jedi Survivor and I have to say the Blaster stance was actually one of my favorites to test out and play with now there are a number of different abilities that come with the Blaster stance along with three specialty shots there's the charge shot that does a large concentrated amount of damage there's the Ricochet shot that's designed to bounce between different enemies and then there's the stun shot that's supposed to shock and paralyze an enemy in a small area that and there's the special Quick Draw ability that you unlock at the top of the skill tree that is essentially just the Dead Eye from Red Dead Redemption although to be honest I'm not the biggest fan of the Quick Draw ability because the difference between Red Dead Redemption and Jedi Survivor is that in Red Dead Redemption things kind of go in slow motion when you're in Dead Eye so when you go to pull out this ability it just doesn't really work most of the time because all the droids or Stormtroopers or whoever they're just going to shoot you in real time and then just knock you out of the stance or kill you so in my opinion I just don't think it's that good of an ability and I don't really recommend using it as for the rest of the abilities in the Blaster stance I think the Blaster stance is a pretty solid stance all around and honestly with the Blaster stance I think it is the absolute best when it comes to crowd control if you take advantage of the Ricochet rounds you can take out multiple small enemies at the same time if there's a bunch of Stormtroopers or battle droids you can just shoot off one shot and it will kill three or four of them the stun rounds is really great at certain enemy types especially the giant guys with the big hammers those guys are such a pain in the butt but if you use the stun shot on the Blaster stance you can take them out pretty easily I will say though that the Blaster stance isn't ideal for all boss encounters overall the Blaster just doesn't do that much damage on certain bosses it's a very situational stance for certain boss types I found that it works best though when you're going up against a boss encounter that kind of keeps their distance from you for example if you're facing a bounty hunter that likes to stay away with a jet pack this is the perfect stance for for that but if you're going up against somebody that likes to get straight up in your face with a lightsaber I wouldn't be going with the Blaster stance so going over to the tier list for the Blaster stance I'm going to be putting it up at EST here for crowd control I think this is the absolute best option for taking out smaller enemy types and then for the boss fight tier list I'm going to be putting it up at B tier just because I don't feel like this is the best option for boss fights I feel like this is a very situational stance like I said if you're going up against a bounty hunter with a jet pack or somebody that likes to keep their distance this is the go-to stance there but for most the boss Encounters in the game the Blaster stance just wouldn't be my first choice so that's why I'm putting it at B tier so it's an S for crowd control and a B for boss fights so the next lightsaber stance that I'm going to be ranking is the cross guard stance so the cross card stance is the second new stance that's come to Jedi Survivor and I have to say this one didn't impress me as much I love how strong it is and I love how powerful you feel when you swing this stance around but overall this stance is pretty hit and miss for me now I do think that it is good against boss encounters but unfortunately this stance absolutely sucks against crowd control if there are multiple enemies around you at one time this is not the stance you want to go with it is very easy to get overwhelmed when you use the cross guard stance I will say though that the charged reflection shot is really good when you unlock that but other than that it's just so slow and clunky if you have multiple Scout Troopers attacking you at once or super battle droids or you name it if people are up in your face it is just such a slow stance that normally I'm in mid-swing and then I'll get knocked out of my animation and just take a ton of damage I couldn't tell you how many times I've tried to swing this at just a basic Stormtrooper and by the time I charge up the swing they've already punched me in the face with their Blaster so the cross guard stance I think is just absolutely awful and heading over to the tier list I'm actually going to put it clear down at seat here I would put it in deter but I do think that that charged reflection shot ability is actually pretty good and that's the only saving grace for this cross guard stance in this category I think it just absolutely blows when it comes to taking out small enemies and crowd control but then when it comes to boss fights I'm actually going to put the cross guard stance up at s tier so there's a bit of a jump there I mean I think it's an absolute beast when it comes to one-on-one boss encounters but then it absolutely blows when it comes to killing infantry now there is a bit of a learning curve with this stance it took me quite a while to get the hang of it but if you can Master this stance in boss fights and you can learn to be patient and take your time and wait for the perfect opportunity I feel like this stance is the most bang for your buck and it is just really good at taking out major chunks of a boss's health bar so yeah I don't really have too much more to say about the cross guard stance just take your time with it and it will absolutely slay bosses but I would not use it against infantry but hey that's why they give you two stances you don't have to use it again infantry you could literally just keep it slotted for bosses and then decide to go with one of the other stances that's kind of the fun of this tier list is because the game is designed for you to play with multiple stances in tandem instead of just sticking with one stance the entire time but seat here for killing infantry and S tier for killing bosses so next up is the dual wielding stance and I have to say this stance actually really surprised me leading up to the release of Jedi Survivor a lot of the YouTubers that got to play the game early all sort of had bad things to say about this stance so going into it I wasn't really expecting much from it but I gotta say I grew to really enjoy this stance especially when you unlock all the different skills for it my favorite is the dancing blades where you hold an L1 and triangle or lb and Y and you charge up your throw and you can throw both your blades at the same time bouncing from Target to Target the one downside to the dual blades though is that you run out of stamina pretty quickly if you decide to go with the blocking route this dance is made more for dodging instead of blocking so if you do get overwhelmed and there's more multiple Scout Troopers or BX droids or multiple melee characters getting up in your face it is sometimes hard to dodge multiple enemies at the same time and you can get easily cornered and ganged up on and you will definitely run out of stamina very quickly if you decide to block so when it comes to dual wielding I do feel that dual wielding is a pretty solid option to choose from and then heading over to the tier list I'm going to be putting dual wielding up at a tier for crowd control and then for Boss encounters dual wielding is also a really good option for Boss encounters I found that the Dual building is just really really good at getting in and doing a lot of damage really fast especially with some of the bigger boss encounters like a Rancor or something it's just absolutely great at running in getting four or five hits in and then dodging out of the way you have to play this stance really fast it's kind of the complete opposite of the Cross guard stance where you have to be nice and slow and take your time with the dual wield stance you have to be extremely fast and be on your toes to dodge a counter attack at any second but overall I do feel that the dual wielding is a really good option for boss fights as well and I'm going to be putting it up at a tier for boss fights so that puts us at a tier for Crown control and a tier for Boss encounters so the next stance is the double-bladed stance now this was actually one of my favorite stances to use just because I love Darth Maul so much I'm a huge fan of Darth Maul and the Clone Wars and in episode one so I like to use the dual blade just because you know I want to be like Darth Maul now I do really like that the double-bladed stance got a complete overhaul from Jedi Fallen order they really took their time and put in a lot of love and effort into the animations I feel like the animations for the double-bladed stance is the best out of all five stances it just looks so unbelievably cool to do pretty much anything all the spins you can do and Twirls and lightsaber throws and just everything about this stance looks really cool when it comes to crowd control I feel like this does a really great job as well especially once you unlock the ability to reflect the mini gunshots back at everyone in the vicinity and once I unlock this power I loved any time I saw a stormtrooper that had a minigun because I knew I was going to slaughter pretty much everyone standing around him it's just so much fun to reflect Blaster bolts back with the double-bladed saber I feel like the double-blade saber is the best when it comes to reflecting bolts so anytime you're in an area where you know there's going to be a bunch of ranged enemies I would definitely go with the double-bladed saber but heading over to the tier list for crowd control I'm going to be putting the double-bladed lightsaber up at eight here and then for the boss fights I'm going to be putting it at B tier now the reason I'm putting it at B tier for Boss encounters is because the double-bladed stance was a little bit hit and miss for me for certain encounters I found that it's actually really good at stun locking certain enemy types I found that the double blade is really good at breaking a boss's guard so if you want to break their guard and open them up for a free couple shots I would definitely go with the double bladed lightsaber I found that it also is really good at stun locking certain enemies if you just get up in their face and spam all your abilities just back to back to back the double-bladed saber can really overwhelm some certain boss encounters I actually beat the rancor using the double-bladed lightsaber I would just dodge his attacks and then get right up underneath of it and do a ton of damage really fast so it is just great at doing DPS but then when it comes to certain enemy types that don't have their guard easily broken or if it's a boss that has some sort of melee ability I found that it's just not the best at blocking melee attacks and I just feel like some of the other stances are better at boss encounters so that's why I'm keeping it at beat here and then the final stance on our list is the single bladed lightsaber stance now to be honest I never even tried out the single bladed lightsaber stance until the very end of my first playthrough and if it wasn't for me recording videos and needing footage for certain scenarios I probably wouldn't have even touched the stance and I just never really got around to it I was having too much fun with the other stances once I unlocked the cross guard and the Blaster stance I just wanted to test out the new stances and you know just the single bladed stance is pretty boring in comparison to you know having a blaster or a cross guard saber but in my new game plus I've actually been using it all the time because believe it or not it's actually really good I've seen a lot of videos where people crap all over the single bladed stance but if you fully upgrade it and you get all of the perks for it it is an absolute beast and one of the things that makes the stand so good is that once you break an enemy's guard you immediately get the chance to execute that enemy so if you're going up against a scout trooper or a purge Trooper or a bounty hunter or a Raider with a melee weapon anytime you break a guard you get a free execution off and then you can just wipe out enemy after enemy after enemy not to mention that it's also pretty good at deflecting Blaster bolts and you can block a lot of attacks before you lose your stamina and it's a nice mixture of having good speed and power and overall I feel like this is the second best option to taking out infantry just right behind the Blaster stance so heading over to the tier list I'm going to put it at s tier because I think that it's better than both the dual wielding and the double-bladed but I feel like like it's still just behind the Blaster stance when it comes to crowd control but I'm still going to be putting it up at s tier and then for Boss encounters it is also a really good option for Boss encounters the base stats of this lightsaber are equal across the board so this lightsaber is the perfect balance of everything you need it has a pretty good and fast saber throw ability so you can do a good job of taking out enemies at a distance and a new game plus this stance has been kicking absolute butt in some of the boss encounters I've been playing on Jedi Grand Master difficulty and a lot of the fights that I struggled with on my first playthrough are just an absolute Breeze now that I'm using the single bladed stance in my second playthrough so when it comes to boss encounters I'm going to be ranking the single bladed lightsaber stance at a tier so we have S tier for crowd control and a tier for Boss encounters so that is going to do it for my rankings of all five of the lightsaber stances in Star Wars Jedi Survivor now like I said I feel like every single one of these stances are good in their own way and they're all good for specific scenarios that's why they give you the option of having two of them equipped that way you can kind of switch back and forth depending on your situation but let me know what you guys think down in the comments if you guys enjoyed this video then please give it a thumbs up it's greatly appreciated if you guys want to check out another video I have a bunch of Star Wars Jedi Survivor videos made so be sure to check those out and that is going to do it for me everyone and I will talk to you all in the next video foreign [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: SwanyPlaysGames
Views: 132,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jedi survivor, star wars jedi survivor, star wars jedi survivor tips, star wars jedi survivor tips and tricks, jedi survivor stances, jedi fallen order 2, jedi survivor secrets, star wars jedi survivor guide, best stances jedi survivor, best stance combo jedi survivor, star wars jedi survivor best, star wars jedi survivor best stance, star wars jedi survivor best build, jedi survivor best stance, jedi survivor ranking stances, star wars jedi survivor best skills, SwanyPlaysGames
Id: jabM4lNdI7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2023
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