I Paid $5,000 To Renovate This Base

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i just found this ugly minecraft base on my server and today we're going to try to renovate it to see if we can make some money pretty ugly outside to be honest with you interior pretty much feels like random blocks everywhere i'm not even sure how you get to the second floor that's literally my head on the villager how do you do that let's try to start with this first floor so guys i think we just got a deal i bought seven diamonds for for three thousand dollars i think it's pretty good and that allows me to actually craft a diamond shovel [Music] we're gonna go for a dark oak plank look this is gonna look really cool in here all right that's actually a sick looking floor it's got this nice pattern to it and i think that's gonna elevate the property value so the end of this video we can make a fat stack of cash and if i don't i'm gonna lose this challenge okay there's literally so many sounds what's going on i gotta get upstairs real quick how do we get up here is there like an entrance somewhere there's not even a door what is this base bro this is his roof this is literally the roof of whatever base this is now as far as this actual entrance goes here we're also gonna move that because it's like weirdly off-center and i don't like it so what i think we'll do is um we'll open it up a double door right here it'll be beautiful all right this literally looks a thousand times better already compared to what it started with this downstairs looks a lot better i don't like the end stone either so we're gonna clean this up and turn it into a beautiful window honestly we gotta do the same thing out here i don't know this end stone is like clashing with the freaking sand hey yo chill i'm improving the property value here you don't need to comment me like that to be honest with you i'm not even sure what this is we're gonna get rid of that too while we're here it looks a thousand times better okay so we need glass and i think glass should be pretty easy because i'm pretty sure we got enough sand okay so i envisioned a giant window right here that wraps around the corner and i even see it coming along this side too because that gives you a nice just a nice very clean classy beautiful view so big window coming in right here okay well that's smelting let's clean up this a little bit obviously we would like to get to the second floor without needing to go outside climb up this staircase take a freaking what the heck is this a bridge what do you say what is this did my boy literally just build like a roof around nothing what the heck what all right that's what this is oh would you look at that it literally brings you right downstairs so we need a better way to get upstairs obviously to me this is going to be ladder territory to me there we go and then the ladder is going to blend in you won't even notice it dude look at this this looks great he's literally just missing one spot for a furnace like why why does he have that god the sand the sand i see why maybe it was such a bad base the sand so this back corner is going to be like smelting zone right here so we can make another craft or another furnace i don't even have stone for a furnace oh there we go you know what though we can make this even bigger i'm just sorry but we can make this even crazier we can put the furnaces on the sidewall one two three four and then this is gonna increase property value more because you can place more [Music] oh that's cool oh that's very cool i like it we really need to get those furnaces it's really it's triggering me right now but i don't have a mind there's no cobblestone anywhere i'm gonna put a mind somewhere why not here this is kind of risky to be honest with you but it's not a bad way to get the mind started like they're gonna see this they're gonna appreciate the work we put in i'm gonna get my furnaces i need it's a win-win there we go look at that we got our own mine right there built in we're gonna make our last two furnaces now right here actually i made five of them for some reason but that's okay these will go here and here all right we're finally gonna go on glass which means we can finally seal off the outside and not worry about dying in the middle of the night okay now i'm going to add what i call the game-winning details these are like small things that are going to really elevate the space and bring it to a new level and um i don't really know where to do it i'm kind of thinking like something like this as if it's like a little mailbox like i don't know that's actually like a good look or not but i mean it's useful we'll keep it oh my gosh look at this look at this exterior we got a mailbox though which is kind of cute i like that all right i think this look good so we'll put a nice little staircase here fill in the rest of this because now it's a little bit bigger than it was the sandstone just stops i gotta go through i gotta clear all this out to put sandstone down i mean this base needs so much work it's crazy but if we can get this in the market i mean it's going to make us so much money i mean i could see this being one of the biggest plays to finally trade up and get that mansion we're after that looks a lot nicer i'd love to get some more torch work out here too we need sandstone fences because those are gonna look super good with the torches check this detail out so you're gonna put this down and then a fence on it and then a torch and that is gonna look like a really nice tiki torch i mean that is that is an entrance that is an entrance this place looks so good we can put some stairs in the back so that you can actually chill outside while you're out there downstairs looks so much better than what it was before we got like i said clean up the upstairs and um to be honest with you i'm not even sure the best way about this like we got this water thing and i don't like it like what the heck we got random pigs being abused here in the corner we gotta we gotta free these animals man who's gonna buy the base when animals are in there being abused like they are okay i got it we're gonna take this down this pillar comes out this breaks now you've got a nice way to walk across this becomes actual flooring we're gonna do it this is risky but i think it's gonna look better don't escape god please don't no god they're all escaping okay well that was bad it's fine we just lost two of them then you don't need this ugly glass here and it kind of looks more like an actual animal cage than whatever the crap we had before these things were locked in here like like literally they would never get out it was crazy okay it's kind of weird but i basically took off the entire wall that way i could expand this out this fence it's a little bit better i don't know if it looks quite the best but now you can walk up here and enter through the side gate so that way you can put a staircase here and then it's gonna look a lot nicer i know about you but this feels like a great window piece look at that look at that this is great you need the view you need that okay i think the last thing we need to do is like clean up this roof wow there is still so much to clean up about this but uh it's coming together but some people man they just they need the help all right so the sand comes we'll be able to glass this up and that'll look really nice we're gonna want like a staircase on the outside all right so that's what i'm gonna do here outside staircase it will be beautiful see that's a little better because now you kind of like know that you can go up here because before there was no possible way to even get up here then we can just use some of these fences we have to just make it look a little nicer boom and the upstairs glass wall is now completed so that looks a lot better dude our poor villager out there is getting massacred my poor boy so you look at the benefit of having windows now i know he's dying i'm not gonna help him but i know get a little seating area here next to the crafting table we are popping off right now kind of like a little inverse seating zone like you can sit in there wherever you want that's kind of cool the cage gives me weird vibes i feel like the cage throws it off in a big way and i'm not sure how to fix that honestly maybe we just get rid of the cage i don't think the cage fits here sorry boys it was never meant to be [Music] okay so now it's kind of got more like an indoor outdoor living space vibe to me this feels much more fun and exotic so i think we're i think we're getting somewhere all right now this thing looks better the outside really is the biggest piece now that's gonna hold us back no one's gonna buy it when it's so uneven so we can easily clean that up i feel like she needs a little depth you know what i'm saying like maybe this comes down a little bit like that gives it like a nice little modern type vibe to it somehow honestly it's got like some unique architecture to it like i actually like this now this is weird in a good way what's up lover fam this is a good looking shirt and you know what to look even better in this you would so go to leverfam.com and pick one of these up right now i feel like i understand why you had the scaffolding maybe he was trying to fix the wall all right we got to clean up this wall now this is uh pretty much one of the final focus points here that should help yeah i think we're just gonna have to take this all down later it's gonna be rough satisfying but it will be rough let's get to work oh that looks so much better look at this it's now just a giant weird wall that goes up for some reason now we can purposefully add some lines to it like on the corner there we go there we go get a little depth in here that makes sense this time it really makes the base look a lot bigger than it was when i when i found this i thought boy this will be a project then i realized half of it was not even supposed to be here wow that took a long time okay the entire roof piece is now gone the giant spire that served no purpose and now we're realizing that the roof itself is like got random trapdoors and stuff like what is going on here the more i look at it the more confused i get what is this so here's what we're gonna do on the roof now to really bring this together assuming people don't come up here all we have to do is give it these beautiful roof torches to give it a nice design from a distance it'll stand out it'll look clean look like i put effort up here i didn't but it should sell it's far from perfect but that looks a thousand times better what the heck's in the roof that's just it it's just pure sand there's nothing up there i was just so thick of sand no roof doesn't even need to be there this whole thing extending out pointless i hate this i hate this i gotta go in there and clean it up now all right new and improved front a little bit more modern has some layers to it i still don't love it i don't understand why half of it's even there in the first place but this thing is a thousand times better and i think one of the last things we got to do before we can get this one on the market is landscaping because the landscape around this is kind of nasty we're gonna put some drip stone around the outside for some added detail i think that looks cool see that's kind of cool i like that survive i'm just putting sandstone walls around the outside to make it feel like a much bigger base than it is and it's kind of working i just have so many left over i'm like i might as well use them for something you know i feel like this landscaping is looking so good i don't know why but it really is coming together in such a good way dude you have a little yard now you never see yards in minecraft i cannot believe what this looks like compared to where it started with [Music] okay take a look at this we've got our own little oasis out here with trees all the way around the nice trees are inside the fence this place looks amazing okay i want to try one more thing just one more detail that i think will make this base stand out and it's by replacing all of this sand here with grass i feel like maybe having some grass up here is gonna like just pull the outside so much well together that didn't make sense but this looks great it's like a little dirt yard that's cool do i want that all down here too because i think it would look pretty cool i think i think i'm gonna have to guys we have spent almost six thousand dollars simply adding grass to the outside of the space i hope that works as well as i think it will this looks cool it gives it such a clean looking vibe it's almost like a robe shrubbery now that we're making in the front because this will give us even more just good vibes you know this is just gonna feel great now our base has an incredible level of detail we literally made the entire outside from scratch i think the original base could use some more work but let's put this in the market and see what types of offers we can get all right we got our first customers here let's see okay don't run into that boys that's uh what i just did this guy these guys seem to like it i think we did i think we did a pretty good job the inside just looks classy trying to negotiate someone just threw out the number 450 000 i'm not sure if that's if that's what he wants me to pay him but we got a lot of people looking around today folks this is looking pretty good these guys look great he's disguised as literally the ugliest block in the game why this guy's a lot of money this could be our secret if this player stays this could be the one that buys it i need them to answer me though please please it must be typing if they froze it's nice i said name your price i emphasized that it took three hours to do this 20k i was hoping to get 50k we can meet in the middle at 45k i don't think i did the math right there to be honest but see if it works the old lover fellow scam 48k come on 48k send it will be just under 100 we got it oh my gosh we got 99 000 now from purely trading on the server which means i've got one episode next week that's the final episode to see if i can get a mansion if we don't get a mansion one of you gets a thousand dollars so don't forget to subscribe see you guys later [Music]
Channel: LoverFella
Views: 567,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loverfella, loverfella server
Id: l5hi6pORBOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 12 2022
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