100 Players Simulate Natural Disasters In Minecraft

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since the dawn of civilization people have had to survive and rebuild from natural disasters so today we took 100 minecraft players and had them simulate civilization that was struck by natural disasters players will have to survive through tornadoes hurricanes tsunamis and even meteors will these civilizations make it to the end let's find out let's meet our first city wannahakkaluga our first city is full of money and riches and all kinds of resources it's a beautiful place up in the mountains where it's safe from all of the enemies it's actually become the hub of trade and that's what brought so much wealth resources and ore to this area however due to being in close proximity to mount wanahakaluga it could be buried at any moment in a mega super volcano what's up team wanahagaluka benny it looks great how you feel about your team wanna hackaluga here today uh i don't know it's currently 303 a.m sounds like you're gonna do great then my guy well you're you're not going to with what's going to come hit this city soon what never mind wait whoa what's coming now our next city windsor is much different than wadahakaluga because this city has terrible infrastructure it's got limited above ground resources which makes it very hard to survive but as soon as society realizes that there's so many riches below the surface and their huge ore mines they might thrive but the dark side of being built on top of a giant mine shaft is that it's ripe for mega earthquakes our third city is everberg this city was built on a fertile farmland perfect for crops the only downside to this perfect society is that the grassland makes it perfect for f10 tornadoes the biggest kind possible and it could destroy everything our last city simply goes by paradise a futuristic city built right next to a beautiful beach full of skyscrapers and money like you've never seen before what this city doesn't realize is that right now a giant meteor is coming down towards the city bigger than the country of brazil when that hits it could wipe everything off the face of the planet hi dude yes yes yes good luck guys you might want to start preparing don't leave us all i can't help you i'm the god of this country guys what do you mean help you now i've assigned staff members to each civilization to explain what their purpose is in order to become successful the cities must battle to see who can collect the most of these three resources and complete two quick challenges we first had the players create housing and contribute to society now the mountains of wanahakaluga look pretty spectacular right now and everyone's getting their jobs but i swear i heard something in the distance yo fella hey yo hey hey me and this guy we are besties we are friends now you guys are he's from norway he's from roy i'm providing him bro no kidding you guys are familiar with volcanoes all right bye see ya go talk all right all right hey guys look i'm just saying if if a volcano comes and you die you're out team wanna hockalooga knew the volcano could erupt at any moment and so the team rapidly worked to build underground bunkers to protect them from the volcano you guys making a little bunker down here yeah yeah we are pleased wait can we can you give us can you guess what no now i don't know if one of hong kong is going to make it because early on it didn't seem like they were off to the best start even though they were friends these guys seemed pretty casual considering a little super volcano was about to erupt on them let's flash to windsor now when i tell you i did not expect this i did not expect this i warped over to one of the locations and this is what one of the team members was saying when i got there okay guys warrior bunker the warped warrior bunker team windsor what are we working on here guys okay we have the warped warrior bumper over here so um this is where all the warriors are now early on i hear this and i think to myself this right here is a team of champions they're not messing around they're not becoming friends they're literally whipping each other into shape which is what we want for a real civilization i'm excited for team windsor that's pretty smart man you're gonna want to be able to take care of yourself before you attack anyone what what do you think your natural disaster is who knows maybe your npc there will tell you go talk to him what's he say oh occasional earthquakes okay sheesh earthquakes oh can we get like each get a stack of bedrock can you each get a stack of bedrock no but i hope you guys get working quick wow look at these guys i would not want to be a part of windsor i'll tell you right now this society is crumbling here i mean look at this it probably used to be so beautiful but just does nothing now except a small batch of final survivors down here i got a bunch of stone axes anyone want one everberg how are we doing this is your second and final reminder every player must have a house and a job or your city will be nuked it's underground or else we will die hey what's up paradise you guys working on your houses huh now paradise island has a problem and it's that it looks really good but it actually has the worst access to resources of any city the odds of these guys making a cool base is about zero yeah we are making the coolest underground base ever by the way this is pretty incredible because this is our first civilization that had a board with jobs and this is what we need to make a functional city priority what are you guys kidding me give me rare things or plants blocks to keep us alive shop free flowers look at this the world's scene fault you created the world seed vault are you kidding me they're literally trying to preserve human history with one of every scene in the game this you could just not have expected that's unbelievable wow paradise has really taken the name seriously here they live in one of the most beautiful areas but to actually go through and make a team priority board like that is off the charts i mean look at this place i just hate to imagine what's gonna happen when that tsunami comes i really do as we talked about earlier societies are racing to see which one can get the best economic output because we need to make them functional cities before we can destroy them with mega earthquakes and mega tsunamis and even more exciting things why don't we check on everber can i show you the inside of our bunker yeah let's see it so guys here's my here's my question for your team what what are you guys going to do if if the tornado starts underground first oh we're going to make it we're going to sound an alarm and then everyone's going to get in the water because we don't know how big the tornado is they're probably going to be like ef 30 now as the society started progressing we started seeing to do boards pop up in more areas we started seeing more forms of leadership we even started seeing players campaign to become the team's leader promising them success oh everybody we need to expand this if we want roommates we need it to be nice and big now that honestly shocked me because every society is being so unique right now and how they're building this is the first one we've seen where they're creating the full-on apartment complex because since they think they're limited on resources by the way if they just dug down they'd realize they're definitely the richest they're working so smart right now now that all the cities have successfully created a house and contributed to society we can see the economic output of each here which means our winner is this one now before we hit them with their first level of natural disasters we have to have them be a functional society otherwise how could they rebuild so our next goal just create a quick town hall and elect a leader you need a leader yes gather up everyone here on this scent pillar everyone get to the sand standpoint so guys smertono is trying to elect a leader but the other survivals of everberg are creating an underground mine out here in the corner and they're not following they might split off and create a new society the problem is that they do spin off and create a new society the two unique societies could wage war on each other this is risky i wonder what's going on in paradise like a really big base crouch to enter and leave very smart now paradise also came up with a pretty interesting idea while they weren't going so hard on the campaign they created a crouch to enter entrance because they knew the tsunami was coming and the two trap doors would actually prevent water from leaking in this is the place wow the election area take a look at what these guys have done here at paradise land they put down their votes right here the signs are equal to votes this guy says he'll give them freedom i'm going to help our nation be great i will give freedom and make laws i also will help with everything when i come back paradise nation you guys better have a leader yes sir this is where one of the craziest stories begins it's with windsor's election process because this is an election unlike anything you've ever seen before windsor who was your team leader who have you elected and how we don't know we're working on the elections right now i think all of us should hold a speech everyone line up we're gonna do this speech-wise we're gonna go through everyone one by one to decide a leader they literally required the entire team to give speeches on why they would be the leader even kids that didn't want to end up taking the podium here and literally i was so inspired i felt like i belonged to this city hello people of windsor i am not gvs gameplay you can call me noah the armor i'm currently wearing is gonna go to people in windsor because i know i'm probably not gonna survive until the end but i still wish to make this place flourish now this is one of my favorite speeches because this player literally offered the armor off their back to be the leader that honestly is like the best trade i've ever seen we're gonna make a whole plan to get through this through all these disasters i thank you very much for listening and i hope you vote for me i got 15 signs prepared for everyone we got some barrels over here at the back somewhere but here's where things got absolutely unbelievable our city here of windsor actually was afraid of voter fraud and so they created their own system of voting to prevent fraud this is unlike anything i thought i'd ever see we could also just make it so that anyone who is running for presidents just does not get to vote the level of detail that winter is going to prevent cheating is insane and this is extremely important because when these disasters hit a good leader is necessary because what we want to see is how they respond react and rebuild after they hit i'll be dividing the army by the way i'm not going to give a full set to one person i'm going to divide it between guys we need help guys we need help but during the middle of winter's election disaster struck a player was caught rushing to the surface without enough food guys windsor has two people they're dying they need food they're literally racing to the surface please help we need food now as the two players ran to the surface and begged for help begged for food the city started to realize they were so distracted this whole time running for an election they don't have a food source they didn't even build a farm there's not a single animal here and everyone was this close to death because their food bars were now running out but what's even worse when i asked the windsor team how the election went did you guys elect a leader windsor no too hard we don't know just decided after literally 20 minutes it's too hard and they just said nah we'll just be communist we'll share you know what though that's okay after a quick break from everberg i can see that this divided city is thriving somewhere across that wall the rich people live but unfortunately the players can't get past it everberg how are we feeling today looks like we have a leader here it's belty hello felt you're the leader congratulations tell us about your vision for this place we're gonna build a bunker down there and something up right there in case the tornado spawns underground i feel like that's not the most inspiring leader we've ever seen before but at least he has a city under control and nobody's randomly lighting things on fire smart yeah definitely tornado spawning underground that can definitely happen for sure so guys they're actually destroying these silos to gather resources and turning them into extra bunkers this place is literally preparing for the absolute worst thing ever and in contrast to the last city we looked at everberg has created a lot of farmland underground in order to prepare for what's to come when the disasters start hitting and they're going to hit very soon let's head over to wanahakaluga i don't see where any of the wanahakaluga society has gone now wanahakkaluga we know is preparing for the mega volcano disaster but the problem is i couldn't find the city when i went there and after searching for a long time i realized some of the players were building out of wood and others while they were building extremely deep down and getting close to the giant magma bubble that would soon arrive here they are the entire society of wanahakaluga now looks like the players are really struggling here a lot of them have already died in fact this might be our one of our lowest population cities already at this point the problem with this society is they don't even realize the magma's there they don't realize that the lower they go the closer they get to the lava bubble and the magma will soon erupt and kill everybody inside wanna hucka lugo who's your leader why listen me i'm the leader and homeman now what a hockey lugar got a great leader cloris is cool we met him earlier in the video and he had some things to say about their progress you face lava i actually have not placed any lava he noticed there was some lava under the base but unfortunately the leader didn't realize it was literally the volcano that they were trying to hide from they were built on top of the volcano no you did where i think someone did it i swear you did what's going on let's see let's see no because down here down here there's a giant puddle of lava it's almost like you guys dug inside of a volcano yeah you did i tried to give him some hints and i just feel like he didn't get it so i honestly hey their leaders are now been selected right now here's where we stand for the number of players left now that our cities are all fully functional they have leaders houses and jobs it's time to begin the disaster simulation here's how this is gonna work and it's pretty cool each city has its own unique disaster that's going to strike where the disasters will scale up starting from level one and going to level three if the cities can't survive the disaster they're eliminated from the challenge let's begin the simulation with disaster level one welcome to our first level one disaster megawind storm players will be picked up from wind and slammed into the wall they're caught outside this could kill a lot of people three two oh no oh no look at them they're all going inside seems like our farming village here is a little bit prepared for this disaster everbook survived pretty easily let's go hit another city with their level one now our next disaster is acid rain this will dissolve blocks bridges literally anything above players and if they're caught outside it's gonna dissolve them too that's exciting oh no okay um i mean if as long as everyone's under the bridge we should be fine but it's probably going to burn through the bridge eventually all right everyone i think we should start moving everything down anything we're going like crops and whatnot we got to get both uh underneath the ground now some phenomenal strategy coming in here in windsor it's insane they're moving the entire city below ground but the problem is there's still a super earthquake headed their way so this could definitely backfire in the future and the mushrooms continue to bake mushrooms to create a food source now because windsor earlier faced a food problem they managed to dig down and find the giant luxurious ore caves and inside of it it's full of mushrooms the only food source for the entire civilization our third disaster is the mega sandstorm the sandstorm will damage you anytime you step outside and cover the world in sand and snow what's kind of funny about wanahakaluga is this is a very curious bunch all right they literally knew there was a disaster and they still went to the surface as a group just to see what it looked like while some players were upstairs looking their leader was downstairs yelling something that would change the game forever i've got 15 diamonds i got 15 diamonds 15. i got 1 15 diamond it's a 15 vane oh my god x and a chess player our fourth and final level one disaster is a hurricane now this one hits paradise at a time when a lot of players weren't expecting it because i actually took a 30 minute break to try to trick them all right we have one very important question is there like any or like even one phase of iron in this whole world oh you'll get your chance for iron whoa what's going on here guys get inside now i would expect a city like paradise to handle this very well guys get to the trapdoor paradise city how you feeling now guys what's funny is there's actually no iron in this location um i'm actually gonna put one single piece down though just to give them a little hint that maybe there's more i'm gonna put that right there and uh they might find it and believe there's more here and keep looking there's not there's really not it's just absolutely hilarious right now all right so our level one disasters were baby poop they were easy they were simple it was more of a warm-up to let players know the disasters are about to begin hitting this is how many each civilization is lost and this is the economic output we have a clear winner so far but that might change because it's time for level two disasters so i jumped back to everberg after an hour of letting them rebuild and we're hitting them with the f10 tornado this is a super tornado and it's only level two there's an even bigger disaster that's gonna strike after this but none of the players realize that what's going on guys we're waiting for the tornado do you think there's going to be a tornado why would you think that because i'm smart oh my yeah i don't know man i don't think there's anything like that coming here what's wrong zoe are you rooming oh nice look at the size of this one are you guys running what's wrong looks like we got another one here right here in the middle of the wall starting up i mean just really falling apart here guys it's going to be a disaster if you go outside inside of this region but it seems like they're doing okay most of them are just tornado watching at this point they're playing pretty safely guys how you feeling right now plus this right here is the moment where everberg made a mistake they would come back to haunt them a lot of the players were outside they wanted to observe the tornado because who won it they were getting their iphones out ready to record a tick tock and then something unimaginable happened oh no oh no because just like that the leader the one outside the one keeping watch got sucked away from the team and died right there in front of his entire team everberg lost their leader that's not all they lost four players just got sucked into one of the tornadoes including the leader four of your freaking teammates just died what are you gonna do hide in the bunker i guess you can't go outside there's so many items out there that they dropped guys it might be worth getting no i'm not i'm not risking my life now the f10 tornado hit this civilization and destroyed the walls that separated the poor from the rich in the city the problem is the tornado also destroyed their farmland their crops in almost every single outdoor building they created so far now i told you guys the earthquake would be hitting windsor here later today and it's hitting right now the earthquake is not actually their endgame disaster this is their level two disaster so i teleported to this area thinking i was being secretive alarm alarm alarm they have a lover fella alarm for when i come guys this is crazy turns out uh i have some work to do on my stealthiness guys we just hit him with an earthquake we have an elephant everyone up everyone up everyone here everyone take the resources we're going up what happened is it actually spawned near players who were far away from the main base which actually saved them from disaster look at this this is where the earthquake just hit guys what happened the earthquake destroyed your farm no way oh my gosh look at this guys but the benefit was that this earthquake revealed the cave to the players that didn't know it was here which means they now all realized how much aura and resources was just waiting for them to harvest so at the end of the day it was a pretty big loss for windsor but also a pretty big win as well but what's interesting about windsor is the leader of the group that stayed together has now relocated for a second time they went from living underground to now living on top of the bridge and unfortunately for windsor the last disaster might make this their biggest mistake yet guys what made you decide to come up to the bridge earthquake they're safer to get above ground and stay underground this poor team got absolutely devastated by earthquakes today several players have died it absolutely destroyed multiple farms bases and people of the poor city of windsor our third level two disaster this one's a little bit weird i'm not gonna lie to you it's a blizzard but also this spawns with i don't particularly know why but i thought hey why not upgrade it make a little more exciting and put a giant ice demon in there you know what i'm saying oh no oh no delta is being hit by the blizzard right now and there's some iron mobs spawning down here that are going to attack wow now luckily for moana hakkaluga they for some reason placed a random lantern in the center and that was just enough to stop the blizzard monster from walking towards them and thus stopping the blizzard where it stood uh oh oh that is absolutely rough they have no way to go back into their mind right now but maybe they just ride it off and just live with blizzard forever oh yeah i forgot the blizzard can also attack you like this which is just a little bonus for one hug you guys better do something quick you better get your team it's gone i lost away good job guys now i thought wana hakaluga did really good i was actually quite proud of them for surviving the blizzard until i went into spectator mode back to the main base and i heard this wait several of your team just died what happened to your team what happened to your team they fell in lava it was last acid rain or something no no that was a blizzard your other teammates had to deal with that dude fortunately guanajuato luga's leader didn't get sucked into a tornado so at least he's here to help them make progress and rebuild their society and their team you guys are running dangerously low on people and i want to remind you whoever has the most resources will be the winner today our final level two disaster before we bring out the massive level three disasters is the single oh my gosh just for reference here's an example of what one of those sinkholes can do now imagine if this happens to hit their base hint i ended up spawning a couple more sinkholes because a lot of them missed their main base the city though in paradise village is doing really well now at this point all of our level 2 disasters have been completed and our civilizations lost multiple players each but the winning civilization right now with the highest economic output is windsor but it will also come back to haunt them when we announce what that really means at the end of today's video now we started this challenge with well over 100 players several hours ago and at this point we're almost 75 down almost 75 percent of the people haven't even survived the disasters but this was exactly what we expected what we didn't expect was how the cities would respond to the level three disasters these are the most extreme disasters they could destroy the entire civilization or kill everyone if they haven't prepared enough this is a giant meteor shower when i say giant i mean meteor is the size of like literally multiple ender dragons are about to rain down on them [Music] now i have to go back down oh my goodness guys poor guys didn't i tell you earlier moving up to a bridge would be a bad idea everybody under the bridge oh my gosh look at the size of these meteors they're falling under the bridge yes take the stop and go oh they're falling apart meteors are swarming this place they just lost a chunk of their base from a mega meteor now one of the players was so close to falling off the edge a meteor came down from the sky and just before they fell to their death a random column of water saved them and they stayed at the surface but the good luck ends here because the next meteor that fell down was a meteor that will be remembered in civilization history where is everyone where is everyone oh my gosh jvh was crushed by a meteor mid-sentence the leader of this civilization was pummeled by a giant meteor not only just this one player multiple were hit by that meteor it was a dead hit bullseye none of them survived none of their items were seen again in the city of windsor was also without a leader no no no no all you can do is sit and listen to the friends he's made over the past few hours die what just happened my guy i don't know um i just saw videos and i went down i figured it was the best strategy the dead bodies of leaders leaders that really brought windsor to a level that i thought could never be replicated absolutely decimated very very few winsor players remain at this point could this be the end for our windsor society the total player counts are now on screen after several disasters of level 3 have taken place we've seen our civilizations get absolutely decimated our second level 3 it's a mega tsunami the tsunami will cover the entire city with water anything in the water will be killed their entire base if built too close will be destroyed we're down to very few players at this point guys society's falling apart hey paradise beach guys what's up water what's on the ocean oh my gosh a mega tsunami is burying the entire paradise city right now now the entire city got covered in a tsunami but you could hear the players screaming into high ground they were smart to build so far away because this actually hardly impacted guys this tsunami absolutely destroyed the city their half of it is now unusable the scale of this is unbelievable i mean it's honestly sad the players of paradise island felt really connected to the beauty that they've been used to and some of them were actually heartbroken to lose their beach it is so sad a beautiful beach has been destroyed our next disaster is the mega volcano eruption of wanahakaluga the lava will shoot into the sky literally miles high and it will rain down and destroy anybody who steps out into it oh oh my goodness look at what is happening here this is unbelievable i did not know that could happen we are approaching the sky limit look at these guys they're just here watching the volcano not realizing that volcanoes often come with blizzards lizards that can absolutely destroy you watch the health drain 1312 oh my gosh is it gonna make it crabby jam come on my guy make it into safety get away from the blizzard 10 health there guys they're struggling here so bad they don't have an easy way inside the total player counts are now on screen after several disasters of level 3 have taken place we've seen our civilizations get absolutely decimated now what these players didn't realize is that they weren't actually chasing economic output what we were tracking is the destruction they were making to the natural world because in real life the more you destroy the environmental world the more disasters can happen which is why our top two teams will be punished in first place with very few players left there's so few here they're now trapped underground you guys cannot go to the surface or you will take damage from how polluted you made your society now over the next few hours i hit each civilization with multiple disasters from blizzards to multiple meteor strikes to earthquakes to everything i could think of in almost every player died except a few in each civilization these people were the hardest working most determined but they also knew that at any moment disaster could strike they might not make it any farther i think i heard something at wanahakaluga looks like we got some high winds here in wanahockaluga guys some very high winds right now actually there these guys are being pushed right now against the wall even the armor stand oh no look at that i sure hope everyone's inside and want to hockey lugaville or you guys are not gonna make it is anyone outside i sure hope not wow the tornado is making a direct hit on their base congratulations guys to those who survived whoa what's going on down here guys what's going on an earthquake oh my gosh and you're oh no look what's happening less than five people on almost every team at this point surviving these natural disasters has been incredibly tough the societies that they're building are literally falling apart and they're not helping them survive these mega-disasters that are coming towards the end meteors proved to be one of the most effective tools to reduce people's population because anyone on the surface was pretty much instantly pummeled just like these people in paradise island oh guys media shower oh no oh no oh yeah oh no trading dude the entire city is dying now to this event several hours in more disasters later each civilization was down to under six players some civilizations only had two we can get enchanted books out of this if we're getting enchanted we're gonna hunt for something like this so in order to make things fair we finally opened up trade routes between each civilization so these two players here were trying to collect rare items from the water to try to make some traits spoof just died and just like that our third leader fell which means only one leader remains these poor guys just lost their leader to the meteor shower falling from above so just two civilizations remaining one player on one and six on the other i'll give them an opportunity to meet up maybe try to create an alliance and maybe create a real civilization hey tyler would you like to trade with the other society [Music] hello now he is the last of his people and that's very risky to jump into enemy territory with no offerings i don't know if he's gonna make it out hey i come in peace i'm the last of my people do we kill him wait don't don't don't don't kill him they're trying to decide he was back into a corner blocked in with cobblestone and then lava was poured on him they definitely pre-meditated this one tyler with 18 health 19 health they are attacking him they're blocking me upstairs they got him downstairs oh my gosh oh no he's gonna go down with seven five oh no an earthquake he might get out oh they trapped him and just like that they killed him after a really well executed attack which means the farmers of everberg were the champions of this event the last civilization alive and the only one to survive all the natural disasters [Music]
Channel: LoverFella
Views: 2,451,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loverfella, loverfella server
Id: cgVkI6qH7w8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 2sec (1622 seconds)
Published: Fri May 13 2022
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