Testing Minecraft Mini Builds To See If They Work

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today i'm showing you many build hacks so insane you won't believe they're possible we've got just five minutes to build each build and at the end whoever has the highest score wins one dollar bill one dollar all right all right let's go see what our first round is first round it's just a mini build anything you want mini build okay guys first build hack of the day we all know what we have to go to and that is going to be the sea pickle the best block in minecraft now you might be saying isaac how are you going to incorporate a sea pickle into a build hack well let me show you this we got to build an aquarium first though to get this going all right guys for my first one i'm going to create a miniature tank scene so what i want to do is create some dirt paths right here and we're going to put some mini tanks down but i'm going to put a bigger one right behind it and the bigger one is going to kind of be moving in right behind these guys and so i think we'll use slabs oh this is kind of hard actually all right this is actually hard with the pressure right now oh dude i'm a little bit nervous about this because i'm not sure what isaac's building all right there is the start of our build hack i know it doesn't look like much guys but once we add some water in here it's going to be an aquarium boom boom boom i think that just went through the wall oh my gosh why can you place water through the glass panes who thought that was a good idea we're struggling right now guys i'm gonna be honest i'm panicking and this is not working you see that's supposed to look like the cannon of the tank you see what i'm saying this thing's gonna literally shoot isaac's base and destroy it because i'm not trying to lose my younger brother today two minute warning oh gosh i don't even have my thing don't be scared oh this is good if i put these down on the sides oh oh that's not bad that gives me like a little bit of like a tank security on the inside now what would look even better is if i could put like a chair back here oh i can look at that we have an actual chair but you can sit and control the tank okay so this is a very simple hack for round one guys now you might be thinking wow that is a wonderful tropical aquarium but you might be saying that's missing a dead sea pickle and that's exactly what we're gonna use the green candle for look at that a live sea pickle dead sea pickle that is probably the best build hack i've ever seen and we're done this was the easiest competition i've ever seen if he has something better than a dead sea pickle then i'd love to see it i don't know if isaac realizes we can search for heads on my server and i'm gonna literally search for wheels and put actual wheels on it i think we could actually win this the only thing that would take me on the next level is if i were to go a little bit more detail in the last couple seconds here i needed the cannon to shoot though what i'm gonna do is take a dispenser put a fireball at the end of it and i think this is gonna get me the wind because there's no way he's putting redstone in his so if i break that put a dispenser ooh that's kind of ugly actually oh that's not bad because now that it's back here i can actually launch it from when i'm sitting down all i need to do is put a button on top and then it should work there we go there we go bro this is sick i actually am very impressed with myself all right let's put the buttons in i think we're about at time right now oh what the heck's actually blew something up that's a tank yes look at how sick this came out oh my goodness dude my build hack sucks all right come take a look i'll show you around many tanks in the front big tank here wheels well that's cheating those are like heads i don't know about that it was cheating look at this you could sit down fire the tape okay that is gonna make my build hack look like it's not even a build hack we don't even need to look at them all right let's take a look at yours let's take a look i'm just gonna see if you can tell what mine is all right all right oh what the all right mini hold on hold on is it hold on now is it that you're using a candle as a dead sea pig oh my gosh you got it yes yes double build hack it's also could be a new sea pickle that hasn't gotten the girth yet you build a baby pickle zack it was a build hacked it was a functional tank and you built a baby pickle folks we have won this first round i'll tell you that right now i thought it said mini build hack and you went build a tank you know i don't know what to do there's many tanks dude all right let's give ourselves a ranking guys it's one two or three points the most points at the end wins the dollar isaac's will be a two it's interesting oh okay zach's i'm gonna also give you a two and i feel like we didn't tie but how is mine it's you should have given me a one you're right isaac gets a one okay i didn't do okay that's fair great idea okay round two invent a never before seen mini build oh my gosh i have to invent oh man round two let's go okay so this one's really tough because i can't really google it to get inspiration and uh i'm not gonna lie to you i don't have any idea round two guys we have to come up with our own build hack oh what could it be i'm actually panicking right now guys there's too many blocks i know that you can use this on diamond and this makes it kind of look like magma i could do the diamond which we already know kind of looks like a glowing blue block okay this idea is not going to work i'm a minute and a half in and i haven't even thought of an idea yet i got this is going to actually be an excavator that's but it's too big a mini excavator that's the idea okay hold on hold on hold on if i get small blocks like fence posts this actually might come out kind of nice okay guys i panicked and i made the hopper wither as my build hack but that obviously cannot be our move here that's just temporary in case we can't think of anything else come on got to be something better than a hopper hopper wither okay chains chains seem like they would have something that could be a build hack look at this i'm making it turn i don't think he's gonna notice the insane detail in making this thing turn all we need is a glass cabinet that we can work from so we're gonna add this in that should be elevated just a little bit i really don't know much about these but i would assume you would be up just a little bit higher and then like a little ladder to climb into it it's not bad i mean it's not good okay guys i don't know what i'm doing but i'm making some sort of trellis to grow watermelons on you know because watermelons in real life grow like on vines and some people like hang them up i have 15 seconds this is going to be the most tight window i've ever had that is time dude i don't know what i am doing over here gosh i couldn't think of a build hack on the spot dude really i actually came up with one that i'm really impressed by and i won't even lie to you i think it's kind of decent okay well that is not what i needed to hear let's just take a look at yours i actually created a miniature excavator how are you building these things that's pretty good what is that there's no way oh my gosh she's just building tanks every round i don't have i can't compete all right let's take a look at isaac's this was totally original and isaac has melons grow on a trellis and then i tried to build a trellis but i didn't have enough time is that how melons grow do you realize how heavy water is does this even make sense i've seen it we can dangle it 15 freaking days they don't have many melons dude but some of the mini melons like climb up and hang okay okay um listen i take the bronze you know whatever okay all right i'm gonna give you the bronze again it's okay you earned a gold this time good job our next build hack is a random mini build so uh literally anything doesn't matter just make it cool five minutes three two one go i've got a really weird one right now to try to make some miniature trees we're gonna do an azalea tree so what you can do is actually take i believe a flowering azalea head from a player and put it on and this allows you to create a miniature tree the only way to beat zach is to build a bigger vehicle than him that's what i've decided we're laying down the wheels right now and they they're pretty big if you've noticed this is going to be a big cat truck okay guys we are speed building a truck right now i have no idea how to build this but you know what vehicles have won every round so far so there's clearly something to it i don't know how to upgrade this to make it more like that's it that's the whole idea that i that i have here and i don't know what else to do like i guess i could make more of them like a little oh i could azalea forest okay wait that could be good like a few of them oh god i can hear him building he's doing something magnificent over there okay so guys for round three we could build anything and i'm attempting to build one of those big cat trucks but you know it doesn't look like that at all so i don't know what he's gonna score this but it's looking like another bronze we are not doing well this game we've got to pull this together somehow all right we need some levers for some controls we'll take a shovel out i'm trying to get really innovative we'll make like a little path right between it all and then i'll have to i have to give this some sort of a story because if it's a bunch of mini trees it's not that cool this is going to be a giant turtle cage using baby trees that way the turtle can feel like he's bigger now we have a bunch of baby turtles wandering around a baby turtle village with miniature trees this actually is not that bad i'm going to use the final few seconds now to spam down a bunch of trees here time okay wow you scared me there this time we're going to look at isaac's first and see what your many buildings the crap this is like a full-scale tonka truck okay yeah it's a tonka truck yes it's not even mini it's a cat it's a it's one of them cat trucks it carries the dirt and see it's stuck in the mud i'll tell you what i like the mud it's actually not bad i like the detail thank you i think you did you know what we are struggling today but you know what we're i think we might do pretty well on this round i think that's a solid silver to me all right take a look at mine i made a read the sign read the science is this a zen garden where babies go to phil oh it's a little mini world it's a mini world with many trees for the mini turtles that way they feel like they're bigger wow you know i i kind of like it but i just feel like this is a bronze oh come on i put so all i had was a tree i i put so much into the story here i like the story deserves you fit the theme better but i built a tonka truck i'll give you a tonka a solid silver i think it's good guys i think it's good it's definitely earning a point there yes ladies and gentlemen round four is coming up this one's special it's a random mini build but for this one you've got to use glazed terracotta somewhere in your building oh glazed terracotta is the build choice the first thing i think of is roman back man i am so good at this game sometimes i feel like i'm putting zach to shame on this build i think he's not going to know what to do with the glazed terracotta but me roman bathhouse instantly came to my head what i want to do is actually create miniature cactuses that you could use maybe in fact i think we might win this one if we make this a little bit more detailed isaac cannot keep up with the speed that i have been building boom now we just gotta go around the whole area with this stuff and then we'll fill in the inside with the glazed terracotta okay we got the building built now i'm gonna put slabs in the corner as a little bit of ventilation for the hot tub air to get out into the main world okay now we gotta get this hot tub in and we gotta go quick now we begin the miniature cactuses we've got our little environment here the miniature cactuses are actually going to be uh they're gonna be candles i'll put some candles down as they're little babies that are growing some dead bushes here to give it a little bit more flavor i want it to feel like you're walking into a new world when you walk inside of this like welcome to mini cactus land all we need to do is put the glazed terracotta in we got to choose the correct glazed terracotta and i think it's going to be this light gray one it's probably the least shocking one to look at okay now we need another terra cotta i think no you know what we're going to use gold gold literally is going to be rich it's going to frame the terracotta and then we're going to go water over top of this oh my gosh we built it too high okay guys we got the terracotta in now we just got to fill this thing with water and then add some magma blocks i think so it's an actual hot tub we have to go quick we must be running out of time here you know what get rid of the gold entirely and just use magma blocks now that is a roman hot springs if i've ever seen one and we're technically done but let's keep trying to build to see if we can add anything else maybe there's a cat there we go cactus fruit that's going to look okay there we go that gives it a nice little vibe a little something fresh and unique oh i forgot to even use terra cotta the whole time i didn't even do that trying to make a large thick cactus that's what this is supposed to represent [Music] look at this look at this an owl in the cactus are you kidding me are you kidding me this is a dub folks this is a major dub time all right i'm done mine is again quite terrible let's take a look at isaac's first all right well i built a roman bath house now what what what if you come in see we got the terracotta on the floor here it's in the hot tub and then if you look up we use the terracotta as a nice sunshine coming in through the top now listen i didn't know what i didn't know what a roman bath house was but look at that it's bubbling on you look at all the bubbles oh yeah it's not bad oh yeah it's not bad it's definitely it's definitely a mini roman bath house i would never have been in thousand years expected to see a bathhouse thank you mine is wow what oh if you know what the big cactus is called that's a gold block sequoia ah that's a tree i actually really like this i'm not gonna lie really um hmm i wouldn't give it a gold i like it i give it a gold yes i liked it it's creative like i want him over i did not think of that wow i'm getting dominated today i might as well just go home let's go next round is a impressive mini build this one must be your most impressive mini build you've made oh no i haven't built anything good today so guys what i'm going to try to do is create a miniature campsite now one trick i learned recently if you put slabs by this and then your bed turns into a little mini sleeping bag and then right next to it we're going to build a staircase that leads to our little mini campsite so we're going to do a andesite edge i wouldn't recommend making your campsite out of like you know stone but it's gonna look pretty cool okay guys most impressive mini build here we go i don't know what to build but i'm thinking bone blocks are instantly coming to me i think we try to build a skull or like a rib cage or something out of these things is there any more satisfying noise than placing bone blocks in minecraft that is such a good noise i wish i could have that as my ringtone and now you've got a miniature campsite right here okay now i think maybe we need a back side as well because you don't want anyone sneaking in your backside when you're sleeping and then this is going to be a miniature swimming pool i just love swimming pools all right guys we were supposed to build an impressive mini build and what we've come up with here is a i think it's a fossilized elephant centipede now i don't know exactly what i was doing with this i think what we need to do these are supposed to be ribs but they are now just going to be arms and legs and he's never going to know the difference wait a minute now this is actually kind of coming along now whatever i just did actually worked now i've been really impressing isaac so i want to keep this energy up right now and i want to get a little campfire as well maybe like with a path a little baby campfire now if i bow and miele it'll give this more of a vibe so that's going to be a nice detail we have a minute left right now to clean this up i feel like i need a bear or a sniper rifle or something like you know what i mean like if i could get a sniper rifle out here right now and just freaking absolutely destroy isaac with it that'll be really cool but i don't know if i could build a sniper in a minute i'ma try though yes look at this guys this is a woolly mastodon and now let's put a spear in it so it looks like he died from getting attacked by humans i'm not even gonna lie this might be my favorite build of the day so there's the sniper all right it's literally shooting out bullets isaac like that's sick this dude's like in the freaking navy seal this was not just a mini build this is a mini build movie this is so stupid let's go check out isaac's because i think he's ready all right you know what i didn't finish all the way but it's pretty good yo it's a woolly mastodon that got taken down by a spear do you know what the word mini means this is it's a male 1 mini mastodon zack exactly look at the spear look at this he got nailed okay this is actually a fantastic build to me it's okay there we go that's our first goal of the day baby now we come over here to zach's and i don't quite know what this is besides a cult uh this is wait wait are you stoning me he's a sniper rifle that's a red dot sight on a mini sniper rifle shooting snipers at isaacs okay oh god that's your grave and i put a stake in it cause i know you'd want to be buried with steak but the real build is not this mini battle scene but the fact that i made a miniature warfare all right designed with a sleeping bag a mini pool and a mini tent that way i can get in here sniper you and get out listen i like this build i think it's from seeing all your other builds today i think this is a silver i almost gave it a gold zac i almost did then i saw my dead body and i said nope we got a couple rounds left these ones are worth double points so now it's double point rounds baby the next one is a stupid mini build this one just has to be unbelievably stupid the dumber build wins okay i got this i'm ready you should all right so i'm going to try to create some miniature uh power lines because like that's a really stupid idea in minecraft i just feel like it's so random you would never expect this so power language that's what we're doing folks now i guess we can do that branch these off on the side you can see how that honestly looks like a little bit of a power pole and then we can actually trap a rabbit inside of this composter with a lead and use it to another this will do this we'll lead you and then all i have to do is lead you to another rabbit i think we'll have a miniature oh yeah this is this is weird stupidest build we can think of guys instantly i thought of a cheeseburger this is gonna be our burger build and it's gonna be on a live burger that is talking making this one much smaller than our previous round to learn from the previous rounds okay and look at that tell me that doesn't look like a burger right now the next thing we are going to need is what else could we do on this on this uh idea that i found online this guy is actually kind of putting like spiderweb here um to kind of i'm not really sure i guess look more like a power line or something i don't really know honestly it's one of the worst builds i feel like i've ever created myself okay guys here we are we're supposed to be building the dumbest build we can think of and here is mine so far it is a burger we just got to add the arms and i think you're really going to be able to see what this thing is looking like i think the only thing i could do to really separate this is build a nice super highway right on the side of it you know i think a good old-fashioned superhighway down the side is going to win isaac over because there's one thing he likes it is a road it is a good highway cutting through nature we might have ourselves folks a last-minute comeback story here but what every time do you need more oh no i'm good all right let's start with mine first i built a super highway with telephone poles i thought this was supposed to be the stupidest build and you build a functional road because it is stupid because it's a super highway cutting through nature come on to be honest i like to build that's the issue it looks good explain this to me there are telephone wires that go along all the highways is this supposed to be weird it's just stupid there's rabbits i trapped the rabbits smack it i don't know what you were doing with this one but this is a bronze all right let's take a look at yours then welcome i call this piece modern day cannibalism this is so unbelievably good artistic and innovative i'm actually breaking out the platinum score for this you're going to platinum this is incredible man and i said it was like nothing so i guess it's not really platinum it's just a triple gold wow yes that's a big round of applause guys guys for the last round isaac and i each get to put up a rule in the board and that rule we must use in our mini build so isaac my rule he was 14 cows okay my rule is a little bit different you must scare me with your build okay all right so i'm not sure exactly what i'm gonna do here but these all have to be many so the first thing will be a miniature gravestone right here and we'll go ahead and get a um skull of isaac and we'll put that right on the gravestone and then we're going to use the lecterns here to create a actual coffin this is going to be a mini mega monster so it's going to be just over isaac's skull here i think what we're going to have to do is make a milk factory right it's the only thing that we could do and to do that we need to make a milk jug all right guys we're getting our bottle built i'm trying to think what we're gonna do do we want white milk or chocolate milk now chocolate milk is probably better because everybody likes chocolate milk better that'll probably get us more points okay you know what that kind of looks like a milk jug now what we're gonna go ahead and do is change all the glass to brown glass so that it's chocolate milk i'm gonna call this build factory farming guys we're gonna have all of the cows on top of the milk jug and that is where our milk comes from they're just forced in a cage and they get milked right below them all day long so we got to place 14 cows down now one two three four so it's like a miniature alaskan bull worm that's eating isaac the smoke kind of makes you look a little bit creepier because why not then we can go through and honestly just hail mary this thing and replace the entire floor then all i have to do is add a couple arms to the side of this thing bring the arms out like this this is kind of cool 11 12 13 and the 14th cow has been placed now guys if you can see this this is called factory farming the cows are forced to live in this small little enclosure while their milk is taken and sold to consumers as chocolate milk horrifying to see this is probably the most horrifying build i've ever built if zack builds something worse than this then he has real issues in his life look at this thing this is disturbing dude you ready um i think so let's look at yours first walk me through it isaac the final round welcome to the chocolate milk factory as you can see we have 13 cows right here held in a cage dripping down chocolate milk into the jar which is two percent by the way as you can see and they are only producing the milk because their baby is being held captive right across from them oh wow that's yes oh my god it's not a mini build isaac but it's good it's pretty mini dude i'm gonna keep my score in my mind and i want you to see mine next yours has to scare me [Music] now what is that that my friend is the alaskan bull demogorgon oh look at the cough in here is that me yeah that's you you're in the coffin that's your dog gosh that's pretty creepy i'll give it to you that's it all right i got your score i'm gonna give you a gold for that oh i'm giving you a gold two which means we tied oh a tie yes that means i get it at 50 cents 50 cents staying well we each get 50 cents folks if you guys like this video don't forget to click right here to go check out a build hack video from last week that'll absolutely tickle your songs that's a weird thing to say but it's true [Music] you
Channel: LoverFella
Views: 968,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loverfella, loverfella server
Id: P7cDyQW5Uy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 18sec (1278 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 07 2022
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