I Paid 3 Different Fiverr Artists for Twitch Overlays

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if you're not familiar with fiber which I feel like most of you are if you're not familiar with five or five is a place where you can get twitch animated overlays you can get killer German articles for your blog you get your videos edited you can get your first tinder message written you can literally get anything in the world on Fiverr thanks to thanks to cookies please whatever else isn't on Fiverr this guy fills in the blank that apparently so does Libby master what I will literally do anything you want I love the Internet I'm sure Fiverr is thrilled at this sponsored video already we'll get into the sponsorship in a sec but I get a lot of you guys asking how to get your own graphic designs your own overlays a lot of cool stuff because I give away a lot of mine for free a lot of you guys know that I give away my alerts my designs everything but I can only make so many and I can't do anything custom for every individual one of you so so enter fivers I've actually gotten a handful of stuff on Fiverr before the the animated alpha gaming logo that you see on every one of these videos was done on Fiverr and today with the help of Fiverr sponsoring this video I wanted to do something very special I wanted to see that the caliber of twitch artists on this platform because they're blowing up in fact if you click over here gaming look gaming new obviously there's a whole new thing you can see there's a whole section of graphics and animations game coaching you might have to visit that one later I wanted to know like what level of cost would you need to get like a solid overlay for your stream so it's for this closer I don't like having a lean in so here's we're gonna do we're gonna pay for three different artists to make us some graphic designs for our stream I mean they give them all very similar instructions and we're just gonna see what comes back if the goal here is to see if five artists can get me a design good enough that I feel comfortable throwing it on my stream first things first let's see what a solid cheap one your you've made no money on Twitch yet you don't know even know what you're doing yet you just want you want to make your stream look good 15 bucks what are we looking at this isn't terrible basic 10 panels only or 10 but oh this isn't even this isn't even an overlay it's just four panels okay not that one this isn't terrible either these look oh yeah yeah yeah this is what I want to avoid these look fine this is how he gets away with it being 15 bucks you can see it's the exact same you just got a template going and then he changes some stuff see if the overlays oh the overlays he just changed the colors on the overlay okay this was a little different he's got a couple different templates I actually kind of respect that don't want to hire this guy for now but like you want a $15.00 overlay that's the best way to do it go on a bash on any artists in here that'd be rude custom twitchemotes this is nothing but anime blush faces what do you even call those every single one this is just an amazing faces you know what we call that we call that heart all right here's an interesting one I'm not seeing any repeats all right we got some original stuff like as $20 all screens overlay logo if needed panels face cam offline alerts intimation $20 in three days I think it's the winner what's the fancier one he doesn't even have a fancier order this is his top order this is the whole thing all right we're doing this one extra fast delivery includes animation no no no we don't any we don't need any of that stuff no animations for the $20 one I don't really care that much about a logo at this point I feel like maybe we should ask him for a logo just he said logo if needed and there's logo design included let's just see what his best is unlimited revisions yeah I think it's not a diamond in the rough here hey no caps lock is still on hey look all I want is something clean and beautiful give me something I'm counting on you there's like why is this guy being such a jerk to me he's gonna pop in my stream devours you'd be like what are you doing this to me all right first order since nailing it one out of three all right next one let's go up a little bit in price let's get it let's get our medium-range one maybe something around 50 bucks or so so we're probably looking for someone who I think looks good in here and then we'll upgrade to like their standard package let's find someone who looks like they're doing a solid job like this guy custom overlay panel design two screens facecam see we're going if we're going a medium level the last thing I want to do these these feel very generic honestly the color scheme on this is what's making it pop okay okay I like this guy's I like it oh I'm gonna tell you something I really liked about this this is clean by the way I loved I love the clean just like the simplicity of the colors that he's eating he obviously knows a lot about color scheme and design because this is very clean very simple not a fan of this dude but that was obviously someone else's decision but like look at this okay I like this I got the blue it's just really simply going around it it goes behind the orange and it comes out orange yeah I think we're gonna go with this guy perfect perfect fifty dollar package is this one animated webcam or overlay plus okay face cam also the basic is just an animated webcam plus three animated screens that's fine we're not going for like panels and stuff we're just gonna we're gonna throw this in here by the way if we get one that we really like I'm gonna try using it on stream for a little bit unlimited revisions for days let's do a standard package at an offline screen sure just for funsies a fancy one we need something expensive noticing going around here I'm excited to see what new artists do as this grows because a lot of these like you look at these just in general I feel like twitch arts is very cohesive everyone's got the same style you got your cartoony you know tricolor logo with the words underneath it using some kind of gradients for this one package ready with animation everything animated this one's cool I like this a lot no really hooked me that what hooked me was the first one not that I want like this but like I've never seen anything like that on to it [Music] give me grammar capital G give me all you got I need something amazing if I'm gonna be on top of twitch important distinction also if you find a place to hide a subtle retro-gaming reference triforce tardes oka ball etc almost unnoticeable be my guest see what this does hold up but wait hold on hello the Harris messaging you because I just realized that it was the capital T V Harris Heller the one whose videos I've been watching ever since I got into the twitch life who messaged me inquiring about my work I feel a hundred man it's got the subscriber no way hopefully that means you just does something dope [Music] all right it's been about a week and a half I got a haircut and glasses apparently our two cheap ones came in in about two to three days but our fancy one that 220 whatever dollar order it was that just came in last night so let's open them up and see what they look like this is the final work this is everything put together in one oh you made me a logo this is solid for 20 bucks 20 bucks to have your own logo your own overlay it's nothing fancy but all the screens you need be right back starting soon ending soon an offline camera border logo fonts couple panels that honestly if you really wanted to this would be really easy to shop out and throw your own thing in there did he take did he say what font he used I wish she told me what font he used not too bad comes with a zip file you download it it's got all these separate I'm sure 20 bucks well spent I'm not gonna use this because it's 20 bucks and I like my design right now I've really liked his his his full-screen designs that he did those are slick this is too much that's probably the only thing I'm not crazy happy with for 20 bucks well worth it and honestly I just I just I wouldn't use that I'd throw something like oh he's actually he's got him right here donation follower so you don't even need use it's like an option Oh perfect yeah then we're set awesome let's check out the $50 package that was vein concepts what was in this order facecam three screens includes animation okay that's right that's nice okay so we got our screens so three three screens are obviously the same thing just with different fonts and this is what I really wanted anyway this is the most important one took some creative liberties with this let's see what it looks like on an actual camera oh I'm so glad we did this oh that's actually pretty dope it's still maybe a tiny bit flashy for me but like this is with no revisions this is just straight what I asked for I'm gonna make this larger so you guys can see the whole thing there you go do you guys want me to drop this one I'll drop this one in the discord for you guys to use I actually really like that this would look really good you get that what is our train widget that we made throw that on the top of the bottom maybe maybe even on a side it looks way better than I thought it was going to let's leave it large so we can see all that normally we don't we're not one of those streamers you got the camera way too big weird we're just just testing the overlays that's let's leave it large so we can seal that normally we don't renown we're not one of those streamers you got the camera way too big weird we're just just testing the overlays that's all on a truth 220 dollar package let's do this face cam loop I don't understand it doesn't bother me that much but I don't understand why they don't make it like fullscreen I guess so it's a smaller file that isn't intense there's an intense camera border I don't hate it though it's a little too involved for me I love just like the clean but men he put time into that that little thing here's dope I love this little text right here and I love just the faint geometry in the background they almost look like constellations this guy oh you can see all the way around it this guy did some serious work on that border and by the way this had like unlimited revisions I just wanted to see what he'd come up with you know that probably do if I wanted to like go through the process of getting stuff revived revived revised I would say take this exact design and make it super thin and clean because that would be dope if you could figure out a way to just like clean that up oh it's an H okay that's our bit alert follower alert what do we got here oh my gosh so this goes behind the text you got his toe let's play that again what I'd probably do again with the revisions that I paid for on this what I probably do is I'd say instead of having it reverse halfway through let's have it just like dispersed because I love the animations but I don't like that it stops at the end and just reverses wonder if he made all these from scratch he took a week and a half I bet he made these from scratch he's got put some serious time and do it though streams starting soon what did he energy if he made these from scratch this is amazing that's dope that's dope all right let's add an hour let's add an hour intermission screen you got space for links let's add in our camera real quick we got a chat over on the side here and a lot of people like chat on their intermission screens nice little place for that place for our links it's beautiful I would probably with a revision I probably haven't put some substance in the background I'd haven't take these polygons out of here and throw them all through the background here because that would look though if you had like these little constellations going on serious protip on Fiverr your revisions are key especially if you get someone good like this and like you get a premium product like this where someone is going to put the time and effort into it and they come up with unique stuff your your vision is gonna be different than theirs you might see an idea that they don't see you made me a transition that's add a new transition that's pretty dope I'd like some more detail in it I'd probably go back and say like can we make the movement a little more natural and add some more detail to the to the actual things coming in the side but I like that H and the shapes and everything I'd probably also make it shorter I like a short sweet transition yeah I'd like these doors to just have a little bit more detail rather than being like black but I love the theme that he throw on everything I'm impressed so I do think he made that from scratch and then he applied it to all of them I like this dream doctor hold on wait wait wait go back slow it down to 50% I want to be able to read this and I know we can't pause it he put a couple little Easter eggs in there hit first what does it say did you find it stream doctor is that what he's what is that what he's talking about did I find those words did you find it oh I asked him okay I asked him hold on remember go back rewind this find a place to hide a subtle retro-gaming reference okay pokeball so did you find it and then it's right it's on the bottom of the screen right here wait for it wait for it there was I asked him to put a little poker ball in there and he hid it right there let's take a look at the panels here ooh nice little what I asked for was nice little clean geometry that's pretty sexy I think I'd like it to be elongated rather than kind of like short and beefy I like my panels to be clean so I think I'd elongate it a little bit but I like this style I like that like simple 2d but 3d geometry look it's exactly what I asked for I also might ask for a little more contrast the dark parts to be a little darker hey my favorite of the three I guess you could call it the winner it's not really a competition like it kind of is but like the winner I think I like the $50 camera border a little bit that I just as it was thinner and cleaner however I like the overall design and creativity of the $220 one so what I've done is I've gone back to him and I've asked him for some of these revisions that I mentioned he's excited he told me he's more than happy it was part of the package anyway it's part of what you pay for on Fiverr he's gonna go through he's gonna clean those up and really make him a little bit more minimal because that was my only problem with them they were they were a little bit too large and in-your-face and I liked him being a little bit cleaner so if he's gonna go up shrink him down clean him up and I'm gonna take him and I'm gonna throw him on my stream for a little bit see ya see how the stream likes to see how twitch likes it cuz I love what he did in that in that premium package so I think he did an amazing job it's probably also asked him to spell my name right we'll see I don't know we might even just leave that in there for fun well guys I hope you enjoyed that I hope you found it helpful I hope this gave you an idea of how to use Fiverr and what you can expect also the three artists that were involved in this thank you guys so much you guys did amazing links to their whatever their accounts I guess these are these are their usernames on Fiverr if you like their artwork but maybe here maybe here whatever Sam wants to put them links to their five our accounts go check them out they did an amazing job I'm super happy with this I'm gonna source some of those alerts and designs and stream elements see if I can get them looking dope when people sub to me on Twitch if you want to see them just a reminder I do stream every Monday Wednesday Friday linked to my stream down in the description below I hope you guys enjoyed the video and as always happy streaming this is making me really uneasy I don't like this at all actually terrified
Channel: Alpha Gaming
Views: 1,318,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alpha Gaming, Stream Doctor, OBS, Tips, Streaming, Harris Heller, Alpha, Gaming, Live, Overlay, Design, Stream, Twitch, Doctor, How, To, How To, Help, Mixer, Youtube, Broadcast, Alerts, Streamlabs, youtuber, growth, stream, streamelements, harris, heller, money, monetize, income, full-time, full time, career, fiverr, overlays, overlay, scenes, graphics, designs, alerts, animation, animations, artists
Id: LF75SWQbs_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 35sec (995 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2019
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