5 Huge Tips For Making Your First YouTube Videos

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what's up guys be honest with me in the comments are you sick of me saying that if you want to grow on twitch you need to make youtube videos and if you are that's fine i'm i'm sick of saying it too which is why on stream i legitimately have a button that says haven't heard in a while what's the best way to grow on twitch oh what a great question the best way to grow on twitch is to build a following on more discoverable platforms like twitter or youtube and then move that following over to twitch i'm a broken record it is what it is it's probably the most important piece of advice i have to give so i say it a lot uh but something i probably don't give enough advice on is how to make said youtube videos so sam and i have gathered together a list of things that took us years to figure out years of making youtube videos that we wished we had known from day one and we're gonna share with you that list i've got five things on this channel which we're doing well that's this video the one you click yeah the one you're watching which is five initial steps to creating the video and then on sam's channel i'll link it down in the description below on sam's channel he'll be talking about five post production things editing the video polishing it turning it into something people want to watch so make sure you you check that one out as well cool [Music] cool before we get started i want to thank the sponsor of today's video elgato apparently not elgato gaming anymore just elgato if you've been in my streams at all you know that the wave 1 and wave 3 mics are my go-to recommendation for anybody looking for a usb microphone nothing else compares with it right now when you're looking at microphones the two things you look for are quality and control and generally usb mics can give you the quality nowadays but seriously lack any kind of control that you can get with an xlr mixer the elgato wave is the only mic that comes with a full featured mixer in the software meaning you can control your microphone the game your teammates your music all separately either from your computer your stream deck or your phone so if you're looking for a solid usb microphone experience there's a link in the description below go ahead and check it out also if you enjoy the discussion that we're having in this video i do a lot of just chatting on my stream we talk about a lot of stuff like this feel free to come in and join uh link to that in the description below as well uh let's get started number one one of the biggest things separating a novice youtuber from an experienced youtuber is b-roll for those who don't know what b-roll is a-roll is what you're watching right now me talking to the camera b-roll is the shots that we add over it uh to kind of keep it interesting the stuff you're looking at now that was that was b-roll slicing in b-roll is a great way to keep the momentum of your video going and to keep your audience engaged people guys people have really short attention spans b-roll is what gives the video variety and keeps people engaged and listening to the stuff that you have to say it is possible that someone might really like what the video is about but they leave because you're not stimulating them enough i feel like a phrase like that has been like sneaking its way into every single video lately i'm sorry one of the excuses though that i hear a lot of people say when it comes to b-roll is if they're not into what i have to say then they weren't a true fan to begin with and you're right they probably weren't the majority of your views on your videos will come from people who are watching you for the first time you need to hook those people this channel as of right now while i film this has 340 000 subscribers and still 60 of the views on this channel come from people that are not subscribed so just shoot some b-roll i've spent a lot of time and invested a lot into my b-roll from cinematic cameras to camera sliders see how nice this b-roll looks so let's just jump to number two and talk about why this b-roll looks so good it is shot in 60 fps and i recommend that you use 60 fps for a lot of your b-roll and let's talk about why if you're making a video that is shot in 30 fps like most youtube videos are like this youtube video is but you shoot your b-roll in 60 fps you can slow down your footage to half the speed and get this nice cinematic kind of moderately slow-mo look plus slowed down footage also makes camera shake less noticeable so if you're shooting your b-roll handheld style it's still going to look awesome any camera nowadays can do 1080 60. most likely your phone can do 108060 just check it out open up the camera app if you've got an iphone there's a little 30 in the top right corner tap it now it's in 60. when i started my business making content for other clients long before this channel took off my camera would only shoot in 1080 30 or 720 60 and i shot all the b-roll in 7 20 60. i had to stretch it out to fit the frame and i lost a little bit of resolution but those beautiful slow-mo shots blew my clients away also because i know a lot of you guys are gonna ask in the comments you're gonna say well what happens if we shoot it in 60 fps but we don't want to slow it down which is actually a pretty good question if you've never edited a video before but if you make your timeline in 30fps and you throw 60fps footage on it it'll just transform it into 30fps footage it'll cut out every other frame so you're totally set but number three let's talk about getting people to click on your youtube videos because that seems to be the most frustrating part for people they make this whole beautiful video and then nobody even watches it nobody knows the video exists clickable content just the you know obvious explanation for anyone who's not picking it up uh is content that when people see it on their youtube timeline they feel compelled to watch it right they click on it or tap on it whatever clickable content when you're a brand new creator is very different than when you're a large established one you have to figure out what will draw people into watching your videos even if they've never heard of you or your channel before which as we discussed earlier most of them probably haven't so if i were to title a video harris heller's twitch stream highlights the only people who are going to click on that are those who know who i am which is less than half of my viewers and two are so interested in me as a person that they will watch the video without even knowing the context of what's in the highlights which by the way that's not very many people i'm not that interesting of a person just know that before you grow your audience your name doesn't have any pull on getting people to click it so even titles like i can't believe this happened to me nobody's gonna care if they don't know who you are keep that in mind and if we were to make this a two-parter another mistake a lot of people make in their titles is they use it to describe what their video is about rather than coming up with something intriguing that draws the viewer into the video and entices them to watch and i'm not talking about click bait by the way i'm talking about things like asking a question in the title of your video that after your viewers read it they have to know the answer to vsauce is one of the best examples of asking intriguing questions in your title there's a video on vsauce3 called what if superman punched you and it's not called superman's punch would make you explode because oh now i know i don't need to watch the video i'd explode but what if superman punched you makes you go yeah what if superman punched you it's hard to read that and move on because you're stuck thinking about it and some people are probably going to go back after they try to scroll on when canon released their software that allowed you to plug the camera in via usb and capture it i could have named that video eos capture utility by canon is now released or something instead i named it did canon just kill the cam link and we went into a deep discussion it wasn't click baked because we actually talked about that in the video but enough people were familiar with cam links and cameras that that asked a very intriguing question and a lot of people watched that video just a tldr for that whole thing uh you have to be able to read your title and ask yourself if i had no idea who this was would i watch this video based on the title it takes some self-awareness but it's an important skill number four is a big misconception that even a lot of medium to large size content creators miss when you're getting into filming videos it's so easy to obsess over the camera and the lens and getting that perfect super high resolution fantastic image the camera is not the most important piece of equipment you have it's not even the second most important piece to making a good video the industry standard of the three most important elements of a good looking video is first audio second lighting and third camera and let me demonstrate okay what you're looking at right now is a five thousand dollar camera set up a three thousand dollar camera two thousand dollar lens uh but i'm using my room light and i'm using the microphone that's built into the camera my guess is you're probably not enjoying this very much right now this shot was actually taken just on my iphone but it's got nice lighting and a microphone in front of my face go ahead and just put in the comments down below which one you'd rather watch a or b this one obviously being b because it's second and that just makes sense even if we'd added nice lighting to the last shot bad audio makes you so aware that you're watching a low production video that it just sucks you out of the experience a good video makes you feel like you are a part of the content and good audio is the thing that sucks you into that experience i mean i think we can all agree that a good camera is a good camera and this shot does look better than the phone but the camera in my rig was the most expensive of those three about a five thousand dollar camera setup 400 mic 200 in lights focus on audio and lighting and just use your phone for a little bit your wallet will thank you and so will your audience the very last one i want to talk about is probably the most important because it is probably the biggest thing keeping people from succeeding on youtube as i mentioned before there are about 350 000 subscribers on this channel and i bet you almost every single one of them has heard me say make youtube videos if you want to grow on twitch however i would also bet a lot of money that less than one percent of this audience has actually started making youtube videos that means that if my numbers are right that this thing is accountable for 99 of youtube failure and that is hesitation being afraid to post something because you don't think it's good enough or you don't think you have a good enough idea just start making videos about anything it will take time it will take dozens of ideas it will take dozens of videos before you figure out the kind of content you want to make it's a learning experience but one of the first things you have to learn to do is click that upload button stop holding yourself back because you think an idea is not good enough what you're going to end up doing is taking one idea and going hard with it for two to three months making as many videos as you can at least once a week go all in on that idea and at the end of the two to three months ask yourself what worked what didn't work what can i change this is going to be an evolution nobody goes viral on their very first video it takes a couple dozen it took probably over a hundred until i had any kind of a following on social media but i learned invaluable lessons from those hundred videos i started off making guitar videos in my dorm room in college in 2006. i need to stop saying what years i went to college that doesn't look good i moved on to larger scale productions i started making music with other people i started making music with my now wife then we tried making vines then i tried vlogging then i tried snapchatting i had to go through so many evolutions of my own content to get to where i am now and that doesn't mean those earlier ones were failures i needed them in order to figure out what i'm doing now now that you have five important tips on how to start making youtube content watch sam's video on what to do after you've shot the content how to edit it how to make it look good how to get people to hit that subscribe button once they've watched your video link to that in the description below and also just a reminder if you have any questions about this that maybe i missed feel free to jump into my twitch channel again link in the description below and as always happy streaming that's my nade come on harris it literally landed on top of me he's right here healing he's prone are you kidding me i did that was my name you can't say that's my ned and it bounces
Channel: Senpai Gaming
Views: 507,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alpha Gaming, Stream Doctor, OBS, Tips, Streaming, Harris Heller, Alpha, Gaming, Live, Overlay, Design, Stream, Twitch, Doctor, How, To, How To, Help, Mixer, Youtube, Broadcast, Alerts, Streamlabs, youtuber, growth, stream, streamelements, harris, heller, money, monetize, income, full-time, full time, career, beginner, beginners, setup, widget, graphics, audio, review, camera, mic, microphone, pc, lights, lighting, webcam, usb, elgato, starting, new
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2020
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