How To REALLY Go From 0-1000 Twitch Viewers

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hey i bet you think you know what's going to be in this video you don't [Music] guys this is going to be an important video but if you're a content creator you need music stream beats is a royalty-free music library that's available on literally every single streaming platform it's completely safe and it's completely free like seriously if you don't have the money to pay for spotify or apple music or whatever you can go and listen to the songs on youtube or even just download the original files from the alpha gaming discord for free you will never get a dmca strike on either your twitch or your twitter which is apparently a thing now also if you want to use it on youtube you won't even get demonetized seriously it's the music we're using in every single youtube video it's completely safe in the description down below are links to the four spotify playlists or if you use a different streaming service just search harris heller it's on all of them enjoy it they are yours also before we get into this video it's important you know that i stream every monday wednesday saturday and i spent a lot of time in just chatting so if do you think there's something i missed or something you want me to talk a little more about or you have a suggestion uh jump in there let's hang out link down below i don't think i've done a video on this channel before where i talk about going from blank viewership to blank viewership just because in general i feel like they're kind of just easy clicks like everybody wants to know the secret to get more viewers two years ago i had about five viewers on twitch and fewer than a thousand subscribers on this channel but i did have an advantage that most streamers don't have i had done it before i had built a music social media career to over two million followers with my wife and then uh with mistake after mistake watched it slowly fade into obscurity and that was heartbreaking but from that i learned some instrumental habits that i used to grow this channel to what it is now where typically now i usually average about 800 to a thousand viewers when i'm in just chatting so let me share with you five of my most crucial habits that set me apart from most streamers and i'll share some examples i'll talk about some things people ask me in chat that have kind of prompted some of these so if if you find yourself being one of the people that have asked one of these questions please don't be offended uh instead see this as an opportunity to learn something much easier than i had to learn it let's get started number one always assume you are the problem i can't really tell you how many times someone's come into my chat and has said hey i've done everything you've said i've made youtube videos i'm not getting subscribers on youtube i'm not getting viewers on twitch i think you're wrong it more often happens on like reddit forums where people are talking about me than people actually saying it to my face but 100 of the time i've looked at their youtube channel it is very very obvious why nobody's watching them and i would say 99 of the time what i find is someone has posted like six youtube videos they're all just you know five minutes of straight game play no edits and they already gave up that's that's all they were willing to try no great title no thumbnail just let me slap up six videos and if it doesn't work then it's harris's fault or youtube's fault or twitch's fault people by nature look for the path of least resistance and they're always looking to cut corners this is not a job where you can cut corners this is a job where effort is the majority of the fight are you willing to work harder than anybody else are you willing to learn more than anybody else there are always things you can improve on there are major things that i want to improve on in this channel because i see where i lack with every single video if you're not finding the success you want assume you are doing something wrong and try to figure out what it is number two be willing to observe and learn from everybody across all industries but most importantly in this one and i would say especially learn from people you don't enjoy watching i'm serious that is probably the best practice you can find for learning how to succeed find someone you don't like watching and figure out why this succeeded because if you're one of the streamers that goes after xqc or pokemane or whatever and says oh they have no personality they have no talent they shouldn't be where they're at that hasn't come from a logical observation that's come from spite and you're losing an opportunity to learn from these people who are where you want to be they're successful for a reason let go of your pride and figure out what it is this one's also huge because it's related to self-awareness which is one of the most important attributes of growing on social media in order to build an audience you have to be able to put yourself in the mind of someone who doesn't watch you and figure out what content you can make that they will click on the ability to figure out why people click on streamers that you don't enjoy watching is a valuable practice in learning self-awareness number three figure out how to stand out figure out your niche you should be spending a considerable amount of time experimenting pondering reflecting on your skills reflecting on your experiences reflecting on things maybe you've wanted to learn whether it's an instrument or a language or whatever and find ways that you think you can supply content that nobody else has done before because if we're being real the people from the first one who didn't know what they were doing wrong the amount of those people who post valorant highlight clips and expect to get huge numbers of subscribers is unreal guys ask yourself if someone is on youtube looking for valor and highlight clips are they going to watch you or are they going to watch shroud is there a reason someone will watch you over shroud and for some of you maybe there is but it is a small minority almost everybody on twitch is sitting at their desk playing video games what are you doing that makes you different what value do you bring to an audience that they can't get anywhere else number four avoid getting too comfortable this is one that more applies to people after they start growing they find something that works and they just do that forever and i've seen so many careers almost everybody that grew with us at the time i mean they've all faded into obscurity with us i i just actually looked up a bunch of my old youtube music friends and nobody's getting views just like we weren't getting views but they're also doing the exact same thing today that they were doing you know six years ago i have like 10 projects in the pipeline some of them make sense some of them are the weirdest thing that you would never expect me to do and i am pumped about all of them they keep me going they keep me passionate about what i do they keep you guys excited that's the big one the internet is fickle and if you keep doing the same thing for too long they'll get bored and they'll find someone else someone new someone exciting there's a lot of them on the internet there are so many weird ideas that i have that i just never even end up doing because i can't figure out a way to make them fit i want to make multiple candles for gamers going to call them game sense someone's going to take that now because i said it on a youtube video it is what it is i probably wasn't going to make them comment below if you think i should do that but by always pushing yourself trying new things trying to innovate you not only keep yourself passionate and excited about what you do but you keep your audience excited for what you do next and number five this one is uh probably the most vital one out of all of them stop focusing on growth in terms of numbers followers subscribers focus on improvement if every single video you make is slightly better than the one before you've tried one new thing you've learned one new skill you've downloaded one new transition that you try out not only are you going to love it but eventually your videos will be good enough to get viewers there is a bar a quality bar that if your videos are better than that bar people start to click on them and if you are slowly improving with every video eventually you will get them it's a mathematical inevitability it's gonna happen so stop worrying about how many subscribers you have how many followers you have literally those are the least important metrics you can possibly have and focus on you focus on your content focus on your improvement these five things are literally the the building blocks the foundation that i would attribute to any success i've ever had none of them are uh network if you get to know this many people you'll get to like none of them are those things all of these are focused on you as a creator because in general that's the weakest link in most people's careers the majority of people who don't succeed on social people aren't people who aren't talented who don't have what it takes it's people who aren't willing to work hard enough who don't have the work ethic to work through when it's difficult when you have to work extra hours and you feel like you're not getting any reward there's a reason that over the last couple years on this channel i've been completely transparent completely open about every single secret or strategy or whatever that i have without worrying that i'm going to lose my edge or everybody's going to overtake me it's because i know that most of you won't even try to compete with me so what do i even have to be worried about nobody's willing to put in the effort that it takes and actually take what i'm saying into practice if you do that if you do these five things and you become that person you already have an edge over everybody else it is a teeny tiny minority that are willing to do just that and that's the first step anyway i hope this helped i hope to see you in my streams and if you're looking for someone to go on this journey with you someone to walk next to you the alpha gaming discord is full of people looking for tips looking for camaraderie looking for friends we have almost a hundred thousand people on that discord which reminds me it's gonna stop letting people in unless i get discord to extend my limit of viewers not viewers members whatever anyway feel free to join the discord the link is in the description below and as always happy streaming [Music]
Channel: Alpha Gaming
Views: 619,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alpha Gaming, Stream Doctor, OBS, Tips, Streaming, Harris Heller, Alpha, Gaming, Live, Overlay, Design, Stream, Twitch, Doctor, How, To, How To, Help, Mixer, Youtube, Broadcast, Alerts, Streamlabs, youtuber, growth, stream, streamelements, harris, heller, money, monetize, income, full-time, full time, career, beginner, beginners, setup, widget, graphics, audio, review, camera, mic, microphone, pc, lights, lighting, webcam, usb, elgato, starting, new, viewers, grow, more, concurrent, subs, success, succeed
Id: Hn9hB2ATu1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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