Reacting to Ludwig's "How To Grow On Twitch" Seminar

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this is the number one best thing you can do quit huge thank you to the sponsor of today's video owned owned as your one-stop shop for all your stream aesthetic needs whether it be overlays or alerts or panels or whatever all of owns overlays that you're seeing here on the screen are modular so if you and all your friends pick up the same one say for example the new alpha gaming overlay that they released in conjunction with this channel none of you guys are gonna have the exact same overlay because you can pick and choose the different pieces that you want so if you'd like to make the smart move like many from this community have already done feel free to use the link in the description below pick up your own overlay pack today by the way that link helps support the channel so thank you and uh if you'd like 40 to check off feel free to use code alpha at checkout so ludwig's a pretty big streamer it's kind of a big name people know him and he did yesterday two days ago two days ago oh there it is right there two days ago he did a stream on how to be a big streamer he said it was about an hour stream i haven't seen it yet but considering how fast he's growing i want to give him the benefit of the down so he's probably probably knows a little bit what he's talking about also since his main area of growth has been over the last two to three years he's not one of these og streamers we've done a video on advice given by big streamers before and how it's usually pretty bad because those pieces of advice were from streamers who grew seven years ago right growing today on twitch it's a completely different area and ludwig is a massive streamer i believe top 100 streamer and so his advice well let's just go into it let's just see if it's any good all the knowledge i have rolled up into one powerpoint presentation and the powerpoint presentation is called how to make it big as a streamer why listen to me well i'll tell you why growth ah music wait is this copyright free music i'm now the 42nd biggest streamer on not flexing i think i think that music is okay to put in no he's a big streamer a lot of people see this as a flex when you do stuff like this credentials are important this is his resume this is fine he's not doing anything wrong this is big though i don't think people realize it's not just about the amount of viewers he has or the large numbers he has this is the most important thing look at when he grew because again there are a lot of big streamers giving advice for you know when they grew back seven years ago and twitch was a completely different platform or even four years ago this was all in the past two years so important this is the absolute first question you need to ask yourself do you want to be a streamer now maybe on the surface level you'll be thinking well yeah yeah i want to be a streamer are you kidding me i play video game make millions of dollars every single person who said yes whether you said it to yourself or you voted whatever it is you need to do this right now write this down three things first of all if you want to be a streamer when are you going to start set a hard start date when you're actually going to start if you've already started maybe this is the date that you're gonna start your youtube or uh start a new series or whatever it is just write some date where you're going to start achieving something you've been saying you're gonna do number two write your goals for one year out this can be for the start of 2022 maybe one exact year maybe a few months it doesn't really matter all you need to do is have a set period of time and goals you would like to achieve by the end of that set period of time and it's okay if you don't have everything figured out at least write something down that you would like to do and then the final thing to write down and this will come up a little bit later three to five creators you want to emulate so far so far i think this is the best the best advice i've seen any other streamer give it is actually like actionable things you can do i'm going to start on this date so you can prepare to start on that date you set one of your goals goals are super important goals allow you to start moving forward and doing something and the three to five creators you want to emulate is a big deal i have those myself as well having creators you look up to that you can refer to and get ideas from and inspiration from is a big deal there's one there's one thing that i feel like this mist because i feel like a lot of this is is like starting but not enough of this is direction if i could add like one more thing to this list i would say figure out what type of content you want to make like have some kind of basic idea whether that be play-throughs whether that be tutorials whether that be some kind of creativity or art like photography i would i would put on here if i were making this list a basic idea of what kind of content creator you want to be knowing that it's probably going to change multiple times in the future but these are going to be very overwhelming if you don't figure out what you're going to start doing but other than that very very good advice i want to see what kind of goals he talks about because i think this is a big misstep for a lot of people what kind of goals they write down here's an example of mine oh there we go i've done this i know i'm being a bit corny but this really happened i did this in 2018 i wrote down all my goals i didn't actually just do it for stream i did it at new year's i did this is actually probably the biggest thing i'm disagreeing with so far i'm not saying there's anything wrong with like your personal goals and what you want to do but when i encourage people to set goals there's something that the majority of people do wrong and that is they set goals that rely on other people the most important goals you can set are ones that you are in 100 control of but when you set goals like how many subs you want how many followers you want uh you know being able to go full time which means you need a certain amount of money those things are very much they require a third party right they require someone to subscribe to you they require someone to follow you they require someone else to support you so that you can quit your job you're not 100 in control of those goals i would encourage to set goals like post so many videos a week stream so many days a week learn a certain skill by this point by the end of the year try six or seven different types of content to figure out who i want to be on the internet all those goals are entirely accomplishable even if nobody else hits the follow button or the subscribe button i really like this though i like that he shares like who he looked at and who he wanted to emulate for me my big ones are peter mckinnon garyvee mkbhd uh maybe a little bit of casey neistat and nadeshot like for me those those really fill out the space of the different things that i want to do and often when i'm struggling for content when i'm not sure what i what kind of video i should post next i'll go and watch or i'll go through their uploaded videos and see if any of them spark any inspiration if you didn't write anything down but you want to be a streamer this is the number one best thing you can do the absolute only lesson to take away from today if you want to bake it big on twitch quit quit right now that is my advice to you i should be watching this guy more i don't know how to say this the right way every industry needs a jerk i've said something similar to this i don't say if you don't do what i say quit he's saying if you don't write write down what i'm saying you should quit but the the principle still stands and i i appreciate uh i appreciate that he's willing to say this i've i've placed myself in a role of making sure i'm encouraging to as many people as possible uh because who knows maybe there's someone who's on the verge of quitting that might be an amazing streamer one day the idea of if you're not like if you want to be a content creator the one of the most difficult jobs to actually accomplish such a small fraction of people actually succeed and you're not even willing to do this bare minimum it's not for you it's not for you and the the principle itself is true and so i i appreciate them pointing this out this just for some reference is how many hours i work so this is what 50 to 55 hours a week that's actually really impressive i most content creators i know can't get away with 50 55 hours a week so good for him for being as efficient as he really is there there's a kind of a joke that i almost tweeted yesterday that's like it's really cool being a content creator is awesome because you get to make your own hours as long as you schedule every single waking hour that you're alive working that's the struggle about content creation that i think not a lot of people realize every minute you're not working someone else is and that person is passing you if you're standing still there's just like that lurking feeling in the back of your brain at all times how do you do it how do you stream well this is my one advice my biggest advice streams are recordings that's what it is in 2021 that is the best way you can think about a twitch stream youtube videos have some pros that normal streams conventional streams don't youtube videos have built-in growth mechanics all right the algorithm a youtube video can pop off a stream can't really pop off see this is why i brought up that it's super important that he grew in the last two years ludwig understands growth in the modern era of live streaming that there is zero discoverability when you're live it doesn't matter how many platforms you stream to it doesn't matter how many hours you're live nobody is browsing all the way down 300 people a thousand people down on a list when he's going into a section that's called how to stream and immediately the first slide talks about youtube videos versus being live let's keep listening because there is no way for you to know that that is happening and nobody is digging through the five thousand zero viewer andes one viewer andy's on the just chatting section so you won't find me so that's why twitch fails in that aspect youtube doesn't it's just a fact that vods are absolutely terrible on twitch and i don't see that changing and so the permanence of a youtube video means that even if it doesn't do well in the first month maybe a month or two from now you'll be able to look back and be like oh this video actually did well i think he's going to talk about something that i i really do feel like i've neglected on this channel i've done it a couple times but he's talking about how your streams can be used for youtube content which is is a very powerful tool i talk a lot about how you shouldn't do twitch highlights but instead your youtube content should be original content but there's another way that you can do this which is streaming your content and planning your live content around making youtube videos out of it later he streamed this entire higher low thing i don't i don't know exactly what higher low is but he streamed he planned this whole stream around the idea the plan to cut it down and post it on youtube later because he understands that you can make good youtube content out of live content this is probably how he manages to only work 55 60 hours a week and still make good youtube consistent youtube and lots of live streaming content because he plans his streams around future youtube videos in order to appeal to all these mechanisms and and algorithms that in just help you grow so much and then finally every youtube video is a lottery ticket like i said earlier if you upload a youtube video it has a chance to pop off it really does if you go live you're never really going to have that chance to blow up i was wondering what he meant by the lottery ticket because that's that's the thing about youtube is i feel like it's much a much less of a gamble than twitch is but what he's saying is that every time you upload a youtube video maybe you never know what youtube's algorithm will love there are hints and you can appeal to it but he's saying that every single video you post is another chance for a video to take off and give you a lot of growth that's exactly what my channel was in the very beginning i posted a ton of videos and then one finally took off and weirdly enough after that one took off a video i posted about two months prior then blew up even more than that one that took off so he's 100 right about this as you post content and as you work on your titles and your thumbnails sometimes the youtube algorithm says that's the video we're gonna push today and that starts your career nobody just blew up out of nowhere overnight on twitch youtube can happen overnight i mean literally overnight you can blow up and you've seen that time and time again what's interesting is that how when he's talking about uh all these people are like no what about this person who blew up what about this person who blew up like someone said someone said corpse do you not know how many subscribers corpse has on youtube and how many listens his song have on spotify you wanna know why he blew up on twitch so fast it's because of the following he already had how much he blew up on youtube and spotify he's 100 right collaboration is probably one of the best ways to grow i am not dumb i am not oblivious to the fact that i'm interested to see where he goes with this because i i somewhat disagree but it's much more nuanced than that i think people put way too much emphasis on this and especially if you consider hosts and raids a collab um i think people get the wrong idea about collabs and place way too much emphasis that's why you get a bajillion small streamers tweeting at big streamers saying hey do you want to play games with me because they think collaborating with them is going to blow them up and it just doesn't work like that so i'm curious to see where he goes with collabs like yes you also have to be good you also have to have a good bedrock of content it's not as easy as just streaming with someone because i promise you i've streamed with a bunch of people and among us who have 15 viewers when we started and have 15 viewers now you host a 20 viewer andy they're not ready for it they don't have the content for it you look back a month later still a 20 viewer andy okay okay so he clarified a little bit and i still think there's there's more to it than that but he did clarify that the collaboration is nothing but exposure and then after you get the after that initial exposure it is entirely on you to make sure your content keeps people there however i feel like his view of collabs is kind of narrow considering his content has always been very interesting and unique i see a lot of people collab all the time i see big pubg streamers with you know 2 000 3 000 viewers stream with medium sized ones with you know maybe 300 to 400 viewers and they play almost every day together they're both pub g creators but that three to four hundred viewer never gets up to the 3000 unless they get a raid and then the next stream they're back down to the three to four hundred it's an interesting balance between being similar enough that there's cross-pollination while also being different enough that they they stand on their own so it's it's much more nuanced than just play with people have content you grow raisin hosts unless you're big enough to stand on your own and you just haven't gotten the exposure yet that something like outside traction can also bring you uh rage and host do absolutely nothing what do you stream this is a very basic question that people always ask it's maybe the number one question maybe the number one question that i see is what do you stream ludwig yeah i do i get that question a lot should i stream a big game that's already really saturated or should i stream a small game that doesn't have as many viewers but it's easier to be at the top of the list than my answer is always that's completely irrelevant so let's see what he says i first and foremost think this question is probably talked about too much because as long as you are doing everything in the streams like recordings section then what you stream isn't as important you know what i mean because you can really make anything work but there is one thing that i've done that will always work it's tried and true this is the number one thing you need to stream to make a pig the yoink and twist baby what everybody else is doing that's right yes yes you do not have to re there's a yoinkin twist so i saw here's one example this video soda popping did a few years ago shopping for a thousand dollars you know he would do in this this video okay so he's saying take ideas that already exist and put your own spin on it which was kind of covered earlier when he mentioned when you look at content that other people are that you want to emulate people you want you look up to and you want to make content like them uh you can get ideas from them and you can turn it into your own content which is 100 valid it is it should be the largest source of inspiration for your content other people who have done something that work that you can put your own spin or i guess that's where the twist is you can put your own twist on now this is 100 true so he's saying you got the the stream idea the video idea and then he adjusted the idea that he thought would be a little bit better and more suited for him and then i'm assuming he was saying he got the thumbnail idea from this mr beast one and he added them together and that made his video which has almost 600 thousand views now 100 percent absolutely do this if you want to make it big on twitch if you want to be a bigger streamer than me you're just starting out you simply have to be better you have to be a better streamer than i am brilliant can not you need to do it better than me if you hope to get bigger the it's 100 true it's 100 true also there's too many people just sitting there streaming zone and the bottom line is you will never be if all you're doing is sitting playing games you will never be better than shroud if that's your main draw people are going to watch shroud instead you have to figure out how to be better than everybody else at least at one thing if you can figure out how to be better than everyone else at one thing and then surround it with other things that make you fun and unique that is how you go to the top you don't have to do that if you just if you your goal is like hey i just want to make a living doing that you don't have to be the best but if you want to be at the top you have to do that and the closer you get to being better than everyone else with someone the farther you grow if you want the nitty-gritty details i'm not the guy for it it's things like what mic do i use when do i stream what camera do i use do i use a camera well just go to alpha gaming on youtube that's the one place i've seen uh i've read it i've read it as a small streamer i've read it as a big stream i've watched it the guy knows what he's talking about harris heller knows [ __ ] he literally does he's if you ever want to know the specifics of weird streaming stuff that's your guy what a nice guy totally your guy uh i'm not the best guy for that no big streamer is because it's pretty basic info and is [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Alpha Gaming
Views: 332,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alpha Gaming, Stream Doctor, OBS, Tips, Streaming, Harris Heller, Alpha, Gaming, Live, Overlay, Design, Stream, Twitch, Doctor, How, To, How To, Help, Mixer, Youtube, Broadcast, Alerts, Streamlabs, youtuber, growth, stream, streamelements, harris, heller, money, monetize, income, full-time, full time, career, beginner, beginners, setup, widget, graphics, audio, review, camera, mic, pc, lights, lighting, webcam, elgato, starting, new, algorithm, learning, start, make, videos, ludwig, dmca, advice
Id: WnzNfseK-Hg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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