I Paid 3 Fiverr Artists For OBS Live Stream Overlays

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i almost feel bad at this point but not really wait a second we can't go there just yet to see how we got here oh boy we gotta go back three weeks and you're just not gonna believe what happened [Music] hello my youtube friends i hear a lot of good things about buying streaming overlays on fiverr but i don't always believe everything i hear i've gotta find out for myself so i went out and chose three different artists in three different tiers of price because i want to see if paying more gets you better overlays or if you're just fine with the lowest price and what the actual fiber buying experience is really like so what happens well let's check it out the search process is simple i put in live streaming overlays in the search and of course then i just press search there really isn't any good way to filter the results so i was just looking for good ratings with a decent amount of feedback i clicked the heart when i found the ones i was interested in and this creates a list and from that list i narrowed it down to three choices i wanted the artist i choose to offer similar packages with the big difference being price so each one offered face cams overlays alerts and different scenes the least expensive one i chose was 35 the middle one was around 90 bucks and the expensive one was around 200 and the delivery dates were staggered throughout a one week period the order process is simple enough once i place the order i have to tell the artist the details of what i want i use the exact same information for each purchase i didn't give a lot of detail but i included a link to the channel and also a link to a live stream to make it easy for them to see what i do i also included a request for a few scenes including an incoming guest scene and panels like a tutorial with a face cam finally i attached two versions of my logo so they knew exactly what colors i use i am so excited to see what i get luckily i don't have to wait too long for them to start to get finished looks like we've hit our first snag here today is the delivery date for a 35 package and they are asking for an extension the reason stated is not enough information provided then his comment states he's having technical issues so of course i ask which it is because they're not the same thing does he not have enough information or is he having technical problems he says both and asks for more input which i provide a little bit and then accept the one day extension this guy is actually really easy to communicate with if nothing else four days isn't very long to get this done so no biggie i'm sure there's not going to be any other delays oh boy so we have another delay request this time it's from our 200 vendor on the day the product is supposed to be delivered incidentally it's also the first time i've heard from this vendor he states that he's too busy to complete the request service which is surprisingly candid then in his comment he says i sent the logo in the wrong file format and it's taking him a lot of time to remove the black background now i've got a few red flags going off in my head first of all i'm pretty sure i sent all the logos with the alpha transparent background and if i made a mistake and sent the wrong one he could have easily contacted me before the delivery date and i would have gladly sent it but second i work with files and video all the time and there are some really easy ways to remove a black background that take almost no time at all so why doesn't this artist know that i uploaded a transparent copy of the logo i think he's talking about and i accept the extension well that's two for three maybe i just got unlucky so it's our 90 vendors delivery date and not surprisingly he's requesting an extension we're getting pretty good at this extension thing at this point his reasons are it's taking time to render the final product okay sure of course i go and approve the one day extension so that's 100 delivery delays not a great start oh come on now really so our 90 vendor requested to cancel our orders stating that his internet is out he's very polite in his request so of course i deny it and message him saying he did the work i can wait a little so he can deliver it i mean he did the work he should get paid he seems very grateful that i'm willing to wait this sort of delay and delay request happens a couple of more times with my 90 vendor but this video can only be so long so i'm going to move into the actual deliveries and that's where things get really interesting it's not really any animation other than my logo which is nice i like the logo animation that's kind of cool kind of resolution is a little weird and maybe a little blurry this overlay actually looks really familiar like i've seen it on place it or something like that before this is where our live stream starts and then we would go to scene one boom and we're just chatting i guess this one was called or something like that scene two is just the face cam and then scene three boom this is another kind of just chatting screen this would all be much cooler if these lines in the back were animated or some kind of animation in the text or something like that uh let's see then we've got just a main full headshot scene with this little animated bar at the bottom the overlay it's kind of cool um you know maybe we take a break and we come back the ending i don't know i mean you get what you pay for but i am going to message him back and say hey there's supposed to be four alerts included with this what's the dealio and let's see what happens after a day or two our 35 dollar vendor did deliver the overlays with the four alerts and obviously his interpretation of alerts is a little bit different than mine because that meant there were four boxes down in the bottom that you could add names to instead of three they weren't actually custom animated alerts which okay it's 35 bucks all in all i think our 35 vendor produced maybe the coolest piece of any that i got i really like the way that he animated my logo and for me i just asked him to send me the logo because i thought it was cool and that was worth the 35 bucks i mean let's face it for that kind of money how much do you really expect the guy was really communicative and i have to say overall this vendor and this particular fiverr experience was not bad at all now the 90 delivery was actually the last first delivery that i got but i'm going to show it here just to keep the pricing continuity in place and also in the interest of time there was actually one revision for this order so what you're seeing here on the screen is the file revision for this order so let's take a look here we are in our 90 tier you can see we have a banner up here and we can go to the face cam there is no transition that was included with this one which is kind of a bummer this is fine as a face cam it's not anything special but it doesn't suck either let's go to our main scene and there we go now the animation that's actually in this is just that little flaming ring that goes around the edges and if i'm being honest that actually is pretty much similar to tutorials i've shown on my channel i want to move the facecam a little bit here so you can see that that's totally separate i put that in there it also as you can see here had alerts so let's show you what those alerts look like the alerts are kind of cool i don't know that the alerts are anything different than what you would see like they seem like he probably just reuses these alerts over and over again let's do a quick split screen so we can get a little bit better look at these alerts without me having to uh switch back and forth so there we go it's fine they're nothing special but they're nothing horrible either be right back scene right here we've got an intro which is nice he included an intro which is different and interesting it actually kind of looks like something that you could make on place it as well and we've got a start screen and an end screen that is the collection of assets that we got for ninety dollars this guy was pretty easy to work with other than the fact that his internet was down for like a week and a half for ninety dollars i would have really liked to have some sort of custom stinger that goes along with the pack the colors are my colors the animation is fine it's not too distracting but it's not terribly creative either there's not a whole heck of a lot of scenes or anything like that to go with this i don't know guys you tell me what you think of our 90 overlay pack let me know in the comments i'm really interested in your feedback these are the 200 assets right here you can see the face cam and here is the intermission screen very nice little stinger that actually comes up that's kind of cool our be right back scene right here our ending scene right here and our starting soon scene right here and basically this is how i would set up something like this if i was going to use it this also did come with alerts and so what we can do is we can test our subscriber and that's fine and we'll test the tip event here to run right after they're all exactly the same tips members subscribers super chat whichever all the alerts are exactly the same so that's what we're getting for 200 now i'm supposed to get a lot more in fact i'm supposed to get 10 scenes and 15 alerts and as you can see i've got be right back ending soon starting soon and an intermission scene that's all i've got and i've only got four alerts so we're well short of where we're supposed to be with this i had a feeling that something was kind of fishy here so i went to a friend who knows a lot about this and well let's let him tell you hey michael so this isn't one of nerdo dye's designs but i do recognize the style and i was able to track it down pretty quickly um it's a design by primographics this is the actual product that i believe he used so if we take a look the design is exactly the same so you've got the text running through you've got these triangle elements um yeah it's exactly the same i would say you know he's downloaded this package hopefully bought it changed the colors dropped your your logo in and uh called it a day um i noticed even the um even the alerts look like are exactly the same as well so i mean unless unless you've discussed with the you know the fiverr designer that he was going to use a template and modify it to you know suit your needs um i'm sure this isn't what you were hoping for so good luck this guy's just playing the game see here's the thing if you're creator on fiverr you understand how the delivery and the all the other aspects of this work so when he put it out is delivered and i said sorry but this isn't the delivery because there's four scenes here and i'm supposed to get 10. there's four alerts here and i'm supposed to get 15. so inevitably he says well i'm not satisfied until you're satisfied but he doesn't do anything actually about that he just leaves it go because he knows that if i just leave it go for three days it's automatically delivered and there's nothing i can do so let's see if if you're not satisfied i'm not satisfied actually really means anything because i doubt [Music] i almost feel bad at this point but not really so eventually i had to go ahead and dispute the delivery about an hour before it would have went automatically delivered and accepted because i'm not finished making this guy work i mean this is 200 here when you pay 200 for assets from someone from fiverr you expect them to be assets that they create specifically designed and unique for your channel and of course as we know that's not what we're getting he downloaded pre-made assets from another site and changed the colors and we know this so i just want to see how far down the rabbit hole this guy's willing to go because well i just at this point it's kind of funny so what i just did there was actually request things that aren't going to be in anyone else's canned overlays something like a tutorial screen where there's a face cam and a tutorial screen well that's not out there it's not available that's not something he's going to be able to download so i'm fascinated to see exactly where he takes this because obviously he can't use any of the assets that he's already downloaded from someone else now the saga does continue and i'll get to that in a second every other fiverr video i can remember seeing has been sponsored so when i decided to do this video i messaged them not surprisingly because i'm nobody they never responded i'm actually glad they didn't because i don't know how i'd be able to be comfortable giving my honest opinion if they had i decided to do the video anyways because i wanted to know if you could get quality original live streaming assets on fiverr for a reasonable price and through the course of this video it became apparent that there is a perfect sponsor for this video and i'm really thankful that they stepped up i'm talking about nerd or die nathan from nerd or die is the person who managed to locate the purchased overlays for me so what is nerd or die nerd or die has hundreds of different live streaming packs that have all kinds of assets like custom alerts face cams screens overlays and just about anything else that you could possibly want for your live streams these packs are fully customizable and extremely affordable they're absolutely awesome and if you click the link in my description they're going to give my audience 15 off assets it's freaking sweet well it's time for us to continue our saga so right now as of today september 2nd nothing else has been delivered and there hasn't even been any other communication other than for the 200 vendor to push me into revision instead of date extension this is another one of those he knows how it works and we don't see with revision there's no time limit he doesn't really need to do anything except for wait for me to get tired of waiting personally i'm pretty sure i've seen the final asset from this vendor because i only asked for bespoke stuff and i'm pretty sure he can't create it but i have no idea how this is actually going to end if you want a follow-up video to see what the whole final outcome is leave a comment and let me know so here's my opinion from my experience buying live streaming overlays on fiverr it's just not worth the money the only original asset that i received from any of the vendors was the animation of a logo that i actually provided and of course i know for sure that the 200 assets were taken from a site and i highly suspected if i dug enough i could find the rest of the assets from the other vendors as well now i'm not actually upset that the assets weren't original from the less expensive vendors i honestly expected it but once you get to 200 bucks that's kind of a threshold where they need to be original and exceptional and these weren't either of those things worst of all is the vendor didn't even deliver on the actual items promised in the order maybe if they had i wouldn't have even noticed they weren't original because of the sheer volume of assets promised in reality he actually delivered fewer assets than either of the other vendors now if you're looking for truly original live streaming assets i would avoid fiverr like the plague and that doesn't mean there's not somebody there who can do it but i just don't see it and that doesn't mean i'm totally panning fiverr for everything that they do this is just one small sliver of fiverr and there are hundreds of other avenues where fiverr does business and whatever they provide might be absolutely fantastic but in the live streaming overlay or live streaming asset department i just think you really want to avoid it find an actual artist or animator on twitter or facebook and see if you can commission them or if they'll help you out another truly simple alternative is nerd or die are you getting truly one-off assets well not directly no but as you can see you're not going to get that on fiverr either even at 200 bucks but what you will get on nerd or die are hundreds of different and unique quality overlays alerts face cams and screens that you can easily modify with your own colors and your own logo to make them unique for your broadcast and you can do it for a lot less than i spent on any of these fiverr artists that's what makes them the perfect sponsor here so help me thank them by clicking in the link in the description and hop over there and check them out and if you want to see how you can create your own custom stingers using free software check this video out my name is michael fire jr thank you so much for watching have a great day and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Michael Feyrer Jr.
Views: 11,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: YouTube growth, YouTube Tips, How to grow a YouTube channel, Michael Feyrer Jr, fiverr artist, fiverr artist review, paying fiverr artist, artist, fiverr, artist fiverr, fiverr art, fiverr artists, fiverr drawings, fiverr funny, fiverr illustration, fiverr overlay, fiverr stream overlay, fiverr stream overlays, fiverr stream package, fiverr twitch overlay, art commissions, cheap vs expensive, live stream overlay, stream overlay
Id: jkxmQTmRZrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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