I NUKE a SHIP It BROKE Into 1,765,683 Pieces on Roblox

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[Music] this game is absolute Mayhem look at this guys they're trying to survive in this place but I've just destroyed their boats like the Titanic it's sinking he's had enough he's starting to destroy himself so what what it is is you have to just it's just like it's just destroying everything it's literally having planes and stuff and then destroying them this place by the way I joined it and it's literally all Japanese or Chinese I literally joined a Chinese or Japanese or even Korean server I've got magic wand as well so I could just appear out of nowhere so someone's trying to fly around somewhere else then we go on this boat wow this boat's got so much stuff on it look how cool this boat is oh look he's taking his misses out look oh my God we got hit by a rocket we're getting destroyed Lads we're starting to sink I'll help you you can't drive this mate there's a oh my God destroyed it that is so good this boat's sinking we need to get off of here ah okay no one can actually do anything look it's getting destroyed there's nothing we could do this place looks lovely and it's just getting destroyed these people don't like see Roman people on Roblox don't like nice things they'll just destroy them oh my God we destroyed it don't let it fly you have to use the bomb of Destiny hey fell out the sky that's what we like to see we like people see people struggle let's even get one on this guy oh yes let's try and get a plane shall we fly [Music] oh this is cool let's say three hugs it's a much random game I've ever played in my life it's super fun though I'm here to pick someone up no hang on it just got deleted it's what the hell is going on let's go oh you didn't get too far did you mate that's what happens I don't know why so you guys are ruining it all I want to do is fly around we've got a big bomb underneath [Music] yeah that's so cool they're trying to shoot me oh yeah boy yeah get Rex no one could get out of sure it's just it's Mayhem absolute Mayhem this game really good I actually really enjoy it the Titanic's sinking it's not my fault this time that's a really big boat and that's in half making boys really upset for bacon no I was trying to fly I was trying to get out of this face ah joint that was mine that was one this is not going well is it what is happening on here all I wanted was this fly oh this might fly then what are you doing [Music] wow we need a way to kill people that will make me happy go fly he tried to steal it hang on can't you go to different Islands there's an island over there so I'm hoping that on a different Island I might be able to spawn stuff but you can't spawn stuff on this island of course it's only on one Island oh my God that is so cool you could do some really cool wars on here couldn't you okay you go up by aiming this okay okay nice so you flew up and broke it it's the only thing I've got a little Diggy or something try and TP to me I've got a little boat is destroying everything yeah boy hang on oh where am I hey guys stuff I need to say or or am I looking at no no I was hoping this stuff underneath the sea like submarines and stuff [Music] excuse me let us fly what is wrong with you guys [Music] whoa I spawned in a chair that's it Go Go On on the boat drive it [Music] oh no they sunk it why would they do this jumping quick fly press f quickly ah I thought we could make it but we couldn't right guys jump in It's Time oh we always got it off the ground almost we need them busy with other things ain't that right dumb kid I hate you guided missile go foreign [Music] [Laughter] missile that was awesome fly there fly oh oh no hold up it's fine it's fine I want to go on there [Music] no who respawned it this game's getting really hectic there's a couple of lads up there they're just shooting at everyone you get ready watch watch you say they're shooting at everywhere it's the most hectic game I've ever played in my life run quickly we can hide oh wow they've got a sound system and everything in it [Music] they blew up our sound system why would they do this is gonna hit him they've done a lot of damage dismissal does so much what on Earth is going on over there why is there like a big house upside down and there's people inside it look how quickly I'm clicking this and look how much lag it's doing I'm shooting it from here I can't spawn things in here though I want I'm going to join a different server and we'll have a look see how good it is on the different server let's see how peaceful This Server is seems peaceful what's that capitalists in the money we trust don't destroy it don't destroy it come on let's drive it says it's sinking okay I might be able to fly a plane and Destroy them I might be able to [Music] yeah there's someone in a dinghy out here shoot them I got them yeah wow that's a big boat isn't it I've got a bomb I can drop drop in Bob bomb drop it I drop the Bob play go down play Going Down both sinki though is fine way don't do fire why did you do that for you're sinking it what a beautiful ship why would you sink this spread Robux a hole in it it's the best way I think the best one is this one [Music] you can do so much damage go sh [Music] this spring thing is mad let's get this big big Chopper [Music] we got a time for me to fly this maybe not it's the same guy it's this one kid oh I see him he's just there what he does he hides inside and keeps launching these things elevator it's all the stuff working here oh my God the elevator actually works as he's blown up that I'll go out on this oh look look he's on that hey he's having a fun time any he's trying to look he's trying to put things on here look [Music] he TP to me hey TP to me [Music] I was tping all the way out there look [Music] this is really quick it's hard to TP onto this isn't it yes what I thought I don't know if it can go underwater either he's trying to fire at me no we're saying kid I blew it up so no one can have it you can't have nice things because of these guys [Music] what on Earth is going on [Music] oh I see bacon boy keeps TP in it [Music] he's tried you won't be able to take me out he's trying to fly off look at him you can't fly away when I've got Magic on my side boy it's really hard to shoot them foreign don't worry yay we got him there's some guy that just uses that to TP everywhere he gets in the big ships and then he just TPS everywhere [Music] [Music] I love how they just TP away some of this stuff is really cool but then some of the stuff is just broken like you see this you can teleport around so what this guy does look he gets it he gets in a ship and he TPS all around I hit him oh my God he went down [Music] whoa frisbee all these Powers these Powers they ruin them I think they should be separate Islands so they can destroy each other because you can't actually do anything I do like the guiding missile this this is cool foreign [Music] they're trying to take me out I keep tping you ain't getting me boy I blew myself up hang on what's this there's loads more stuff I haven't seen yet is this a rescue helicopter hey oh wow that kills you [Music] I got away on a dinghy I got out of this place it's fun right it's fun when people destroy your things it's fun how'd they go how they go underneath how'd they go under how they do that I want to do that foreign of course we can't of course just one person do this do this one do this one do this one and that one bye [Music] hang on what happened I tried uh see look look they're burning they're burning stuff in here to make the Steam for this that's pretty cool until we drop bombs in it those few little computers will blow up trying to boat up he's right there he's trying to destroy it don't worry guys we've got a bomber coming in [Music] he actually hit them oh my God bacon boy so he's coming after me watch yo what an idiot they're blowing up that one over there now I can't shoot at it I have to use this oh no I've blown up my own one I know I'm blowing myself up that's so powerful that rocket no joke [Music] so he doesn't know what he wants to take out now he's gonna be chasing me with that in a minute I spawn in loads because that's the only way I can get around it [Music] it must be so annoying for him he has to keep chasing me around and we can drop a torpedo actually ah no best thing to do is just sink him under put stuff around him that's the best thing to do because then we can spawn this little thing we can fly go [Music] yay he's playing up all that stuff all right let's turn around [Music] oh it destroyed itself well I had enough of this hope you guys enjoyed this it's actually really really fun if they make this into a proper game it'll be so much fun I've had a lot of fun destroying people and then destroying me but yeah have a good time guys and have a fantastic day bye [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Elitelupus
Views: 40,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: build a boat for treasure, build a boat for treasure incident, build a boat for treasure black figure, I Shot A NUKE At a SHIP, roblox nuke simulator, roblox nuke games, roblox nuke simulator script, roblox nuke simulator glitch, destroy the ship roblox war, destroy the ship funny moments, destroy the ship roblox titanic, roblox, elitelupus, roblox elitelupus, roblox destruction simulator, roblox destruction physics, roblox destriy ship
Id: N76yhoaHjKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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