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I should name my city we've got to name it something really nice done there we go we've got a build now so we've got a build of myself a city this is like Sim City I don't know if you've ever played Simpson if you have leave me a comment below there's like we all build buildings and stuff like that but I think this is how you do it you build a house and you get one person in that house oh it's quite a nice little house it's a cute little house oh look at that hold on what's this okay this generates cash it's a clove Outlet we've got right next to his house we might be able to make more money cancel that off there we go we've got one person living and I'm getting money nice we're making some money Mom Mom I'm special I'm special mom that's that's someone that's is that Russian what language is that guys you tell me I don't have a clue anyway guys you leave a like on this yes yes yes it will help me massively it really does you wouldn't even believe how much it helps my channel so you're just good people thank you and use code Elite when buying Robux I have to keep remembering to say that Roblox is like hey you need to remember to say that I'm gonna go have a look at his place over here because he has a really nice place how's he got such a big city I am gonna build such a big city my City's cool poop hey why am I on a server that was for like a it's like Russians I swear it's Russians that is Russian isn't it okay we should have enough money to get another house so if we have more people does that mean it makes more money I think that's how it works so we're gonna have another poop house and one of these bad boys because these look quite nice but I'm gonna do it around the back like there there we go do we generate more money if we've got more population next payment we've got four people I think it's you know if we go to build have a look hang on a second but each one of these generate its own money so we need a few of these oh my look at that what is that it's an airport that generates four thousand I really want an airport as well we ain't gonna do an airport yet we will we'll build this up roads and paths so I can do I'll make this look well good oh I ain't got enough money all right that's it we're gonna get an airport nuclear power station that makes loads as well we can make such a cool little city there's like cars going on it there ain't that many people live here where are they going they're coming off they're going on it I left room for a path we need to try and make money it's the hardest thing ever this is well cool okay gym and everything I think you could only unlock these when you have so many people I want the biggest city yes video rental put that bad boy just there yes now they can rent videos who rents videos anymore it's all Netflix isn't it Netflix and chill oh two times money we can see how big we could build this city more houses you could actually put a graveyard I just want a lot of population I guess what stuff that's going to generate a lot of money but this one and this one and we need another one so that actually does a lot more but then I need more money our next payment's coming in with the money okay then we can do this I don't know what that is this is gonna be my first the first part of the town here they're all generating cash now we're gonna buy myself an airport because I need the money an airport generates a lot of money oh my Lord that is massive okay we're gonna put the airport over there the airport's over there and this should generate loads of cash planes to take it off and everything look at it that's awesome oh well that went up and it's such a steep angle even more planes when I get paid next it should go up quite a lot oh yeah now we can build see I want to build some roads and some paths there we go and then I just want something that's gonna look nice there we go we've got a massive road going out to there so we've got a little I've got a little place here then we've got a massive airport over here it's expensive for path why is it so expensive look I'll actually to be fair it's probably not there you go it looks quite nice now they've got a front part to it make a little bath round here go around to this house here hopefully want to move the house forwards there we go now we should oh we've got 12 000 okay so we could actually build loads of houses now house another house here it's gonna have eight people in well actually I need to move them back because otherwise it looks stupid need a smaller house there because I think a small house would be better oh maybe not maybe not cancel let's have a look see if we can do something there's something nice graveyard I'll say something nice and I say graveyard I don't think that's something nice but it's there anyway let's do some paths it's it's looking pretty cool off from there all the way down to the graveyard now it should look pretty cool it's looking well cool though we've literally getting through this with the coffee shop just here coffee shop Barbers we'll put that just there and a jib everything you need to live your life perfectly fine put that there half a bit more path it's at a bus stop okay you can do a bus stop I'll stop between so it looks pretty cool there we go got a bust up there it's looking really cool we've got like a little town going we need more cash I know we've got 30 000 but we need more of it we need more what's this Pharmacy so I'm guessing they'll need a pharmacy extend the road here as well we'll make this a bit or extend it to there and I think I'll I will I'll make some more houses just here the population's only 12 I need more these are big houses these ones so we do that there another one next to it there's 16 in this one look at that oh it's so big that's a really big house there's a green one next to it I'm just trying to get as many people in as we can and diverse because a lot of people ain't got the money to buy houses at the moment so I'm gonna try and do it so they've got all the different houses that they need okay all of these need to move forwards by one because they're just a bit off and I could do a nice a nice path there this is really good literally like a really good oh also I look at I was just trying to look for a city type and I clicked on this one this one's amazing really is good there I will probably go to there so because I don't know what else we're gonna put in here some more stores so this is a supermarket I think can't put anything on that side so is it a supermarket I think just there'll be fine it's a small Supermarket something they need and whatever this is what's that Tech headquarters we could put a house between it looks like and we'll put the off going down to here it's looking really cool we are getting there we are actually getting there skyscrapers see this is where you can have massive populations oh so we can have fire engines and everything that's cool think of how so we can get a house in there make me quite happy one of these oh hang on we might be able to do two might be able to do two of these can we do a bigger one actually is that bigger one oh this is cool we've got bigger ones nice nice just looking really cool it looks so good it really does and we could do like a little path going behind we're getting there we're getting there we can put in benches we have a beach and a stop sign just here it's actually looking really really cool there we go we've got loads of lights I'll do one here it'll obviously make it safer at night as well people can see got my airport this this has come along very well these are not very big and you can hold a lot of people I will do a lot of these I think there we go and then we have a big oh they've got some really big ones really big ones you got that one then this one they are absolutely massive these complexes we need more more money coming in and also they need more stuff I feel bad a bank we want the bank down here really because this is the the town area this bit here but these will all generate money let's see that's 400 a time we're gonna make so much money this way all the the tech companies are it's like apple and stuff they're like we're gonna move into this place yes there we go we extended it we'll bring this to there let's think about probably putting something in here there's a way along to this I think it goes around the back of these places so I could do some more houses just try and jam as many people as I can really okay we could do a police station probably need that actually Clinic there the clinic over here that would do a path to it the path up here so don't look stupid it's looking so cool we've done so much you could customize it so much it looks so cool I love this this is like awesome it's like really you'll probably think it's kind of sad but I actually really like it whoa okay you can get the big boys now these are big ones let's go behind here and do this I'm thinking I'll do these they cost so much money but it increases it massively and then we're gonna do a road going down here I think that's what I'll do going on cancel that we'll do it there all the way down to this just stand we could do a path all the way around like this they're so expensive then but they literally give you loads loads of people and the more people I have the more stuff I can get like the gyms and stuff I need more of these because these that will make us money what's that a gas station we need that really need that hang on let me cancel that for now let me just do this road I'll do it on the corner of this road have this go up here the end of there and I think I'll do the gas station a big hospital here it's at our hotel hotel and then whatever that is you need people to be able to work these jobs so that you can't actually just dump them in you do need to have more people and that's why you need more houses every course they did all the electricity and stuff like you had to have so much electricity in an area and I like that it's nice okay we need another Barbers down here I think that'd be nice I don't make the best money but it's okay we probably need more houses that holds a lot of people it's so cool because if you look at it it looks so cool doesn't it okay this is all the actual power stations and stuff okay that could support 750 people that adds 750 people I see what's this do oh that generates even more money so we could do a nuclear power station I guess it's like mad this is oh actually we do need a police station we do it just here and a fire station if we can both next to each other because they're both needed that's a church I put that near the graveyard it'll look cool with me a graveyard because that's what they're meant to be there we go the church is in the right place this is like the coolest thing ever I love it I need this just there and whatever this is [Music] what is that that's the city hall and then we've got Hospital what is that well we've got one of those bad boys as well I don't know what that is are you up what is that oh that's the school okay everything's up here and this is a train station train station will probably go this side to be fair there we go and I think I'll be able to do a road down here have no worries we need a stop sign there because otherwise people won't stop they'll just drive right through stop sign stop sign here as well I mean I could have traffic lights I'll probably do some there that's looking so cool okay we've got 400 odd people living in our city we do need more get one of these we could do a bus stop on the corner or a couple of benches actually there you go looks quite nice in it just there that's looking so cool can I see how many we can get living in here we've got the cash for this but it goes right up we can get some serious cash I think you need 750 people that's what is that's what he's saying to get that on these 750 people and then this you need so we can actually go up to this we haven't got the cash once we get the cash we'll be able to go up to these you see we haven't got the cash we get paid again once I get paid again I'll dump this in the shopping mall here actually before I do a shopping mall we'll do that because it generates more money just there that's fine I'm gonna put it to there because I don't know if I'm gonna do a junction here let's do a stop sign just here we're building a city really nicely it's coming along isn't it what church over here hang on let me just sort out the baths here because it's gonna be a path around this oh it's looking good our cities come along massively so much stuff going on we needed that nuclear power station 100 and this game deserves the money as well there we go and they should generate us more cash that's what I'm looking for the cash they are 25k a piece these houses they are really expensive I'm guessing they're worth it though well waiting for the next payout card should get loads there we go we've got all the all the stuff there we need these though that's what we need more money this generates 800. it was quite nice we've got another one there so we've got loads we've got all these different businesses all working together made a massive City not as big as that other guy over there that he was but it's so cool because you could completely customize it can't you Shop in mall don't be too close because we want to be able to put some stuff here there we go nice two landmarks that actually does 800. oh wow that's huge oh my God so that does 800. oh my that is really big there we go we got that in as well that was so cool I might move this and rotate it he's looking at my city you like my city mate it's pretty good in it I did see some other houses somewhere oh skyscrapers so we can actually do so let's go yes [Music] I'm very happy oh I had to do it that way actually that looks so cool I know one of these and then we have so many people in our city it looks so it does look really cool you can design something really really nice it's very big this along there this along there might be able to get a little house in there or something nice we actually got a little house in there I didn't believe we actually would our cities are absolutely massive now it's a huge City we built such a huge City we're missing loads of stuff over here but we could build more stuff I'm thinking if I can look really weird building it next to church my city look at the city I'm gonna sell sell sell I want to build some skyscrapers here we've got 4 000 people in my city so far but Mega City looks so good look at my pretty city I'll I'll probably sort out all this area because it's looking a bit pants over there but I want to make this bit look like the proper City area you know and it does it does it's getting there going for next payday and then I'll do the next skyscraper one here I'll do it can't afford that no need more money that makes 3K 3K a turn we need so much money we're getting there though we've got this new kapow station we've got that there's so much stuff going up give me oh that's like double the size but it is it does look double sized in it but enough now there we go we've got enough it looks crazy okay then we have loads of little houses because I think the little house are quite smart especially these ones over here these look kind of run down but do like complexes then they could have like real cheap houses you can fit more in these though I don't think you know I didn't have a house there you might be able to just run some path around it could be a little architect and this can go like this nice there we go we could put even more more things here I don't know if I'm going to use these we've got like 6 000 people in the city now but I really need more money I'm gonna do these because they're really really easy and simple to put down and they make 1 000 each time so ain't too bad they're out the way and they what can you say we need more houses it's a nice that's a nice big house to off across here like that and then bring this across to here bang There we go making it look a little bit better that's looking nice now should we do a gym over here there we go gym right there right next to the house we've built the biggest place ever it is huge but the biggest city that you ever imagined to a hotel actually you haven't done a hotel a hotel just there it's lovely the lighthouse for no reason wind turbine future and all that or buying an alligator energy and everything I think my city is pretty much done I can't actually do anymore because uh we'll go but I've done a lot in that amount of time look how much I've done it looks cool we've done a lot some lights down some traffic lights like here it looks very very good we've done such a good job in such a small amount of time that much stuff we've got I've built a massive City here look at my city here yeah boy anyway hope you guys have a fantastic day and if you haven't played this give it a go it's fantastic you're gonna have so much fun with it you can do whatever you want you can make the city make make the city look amazing all right see you guys bye-bye [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Elitelupus
Views: 131,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox tycoon, big city tycoon, roblox big city tycoon, roblox city tycoon, roblox tropical resort tycoon, roblox city, city tycoon roblox, roblox roleplay, roblox city life, roblox city building games, roblox city games, roblox city build, roblox city roleplay, roblox city map, City Tycoon, roblox city tycoon 2, roblox city tycoon games, roblox city tycoon gameplay, I UPGRADED My TOWN Into A MEGA CITY on Roblox, roblox, elitelupus, roblox elitelupus, MEGA CITY on Roblox
Id: ffyo4Y9o8lQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 44sec (1004 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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