I SECRETLY Trolled With ADMIN COMMANDS... (Toilet Tower Defense)

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I gave my all account admin commands and my friend also has admin commands on his all account so we are both going to be secretly trolling with admin we're gonna join matches like normal people and try not to raise any suspicion but people are slowly going to notice things aren't going how they should but I think we'll make my display a name Toilet King all right let's save it No One's Gonna know this is me we're even gonna change my avatar and of course Roblox says it's unavailable it is very rare for the Avatar page to go 24 hours without breaking all right this is a pretty good Avatar so here's my friend who also has admin why do you have the V tools out hi did you just build a hive yes wait what have we even doing today we're gonna troll people hey wait why are you copying my shirt you literally copied my entire outfit besides the blinking man face wait who's this guy what's he doing here oh no let's ask him if he can carry us we look like some weird cult like like trying to recruit people carry us on Deseret you need someone to carry him that's not gonna work let's find someone else I'm just gonna delete them really yeah where'd he go look behind me did you just still eat them wait no he said we could try look at the chat wait look at the tree so we can try oh bring him bring him back undelet them you probably think there's just a weird bug okay let's go get people to oh three out of five three out of five double three out of five two yes we got into five out of five let's go the cartoon guy behind so what are we doing first to troll these guys okay I think we should start out we don't want to lose innocently so I'm gonna put a car speaker man down it's not good but it's not bad bad I'll put down a TV man do you think it'll be a good idea if I build a fake Titan and I like put it on the map somewhere yeah yeah they definitely did Titan I had cactus man all these guys are just like going Kawaii like I don't think they understand what's going on what why yet why is one of the name Batman lover five six eight six and the other one's Batman's best friend all right I gave him 54 000 let's see if he notices anything maybe we can try giving Batman's best friend a sword or something I'm gonna give Batman I might get Batman lover and Batman that's got a sword yeah we'll see if they team up or if they betray each other hide back here they're both funny no way the cactus gave money what did I do I'm gonna hide up here ha Batman best friend can't get me oh what is this oh no Batman's best food's killing everybody oh crap he's coming we need to finish the Titan Pinocchio how did I get a sword what is happening as he's killing his print bro he just said in the tag on a sword after he's been killing people for a minute straight oh I gave it to him he got it let's go how long do you think it will take for the floor to disappear everyone seems to just remove the floor he moved the city room the floor let's go bro I don't know why everyone removes the floor I'm just gonna fly others then they can't like fall into the void anymore an allen Invasion oh no all right so we joined the leaderboard player and what's what's the first thing we're gonna do oh he's already on the last wave we need to like stop that we need this we need to make sure that doesn't happen he said bro what I want to say hey I have an idea what we can do here the floor is gonna be won good he said since when was you here and I just said yeah no where I wait how am I here what I got teleport late but I just queued for toilet City they said shoot fly why don't they like us what did we do I'm gonna go back to Lobby real quick I'm gonna teleport back and say how do I get back here wow there's still probably gonna go why what I do wrong because everyone is here friends this is the best thing about having a ton of players because like because most of them are probably joined from like the popular pages I mean like don't know that is US teleporting we have like an endless supply of just like trolling he just said we sent this to Evan so now what we're gonna do uh-oh this guy is spinning stop please all right we're gonna make this so far out of reach them to win look I just saw it Oh that's a lot of toxic skull toilets and they have a seven million HP oh no oh there's more they're not winning this there's no way what if I give everyone B tools I'll just give myself a B tool I'm gonna I'm gonna help them out with a toxic school playlist I think I'm gonna give everybody details yay that's not gonna turn out well I'm just gonna put these guys off the map oh no yay so I'm gonna fix it in here what's happening I can't delete the Box the Box you just can't delete it try deleting it until after I gave everyone a sword and hopefully that'll like fix all the people having me tools but like the box so I think you can't delete it we can't get back in I think someone just Spam duplicate a ton of times yeah just keep clicking to leave all the end it's like a Tootsie Pop right into it it starts getting like extremely laggy it's not it's not working I can I can I accidentally deleted a few people but um yeah my computer fans literally like turn on when I try getting into it they are like probably like a thousand boxes right there they're like they're literally standing on the bottom oh I finally got it I finally got it let's go this is the rest of the map the report Mr Bank he's the one doing this I'm gonna be the last one with a sword No One's Gonna owl sword me I'm a winning I'm a wedding no I died bro he wants us to gurvey US coins this guy is saying Italian thing joined the server and trolled us all uh I'm just gonna hide over here he doesn't need to know bro what are these guys doing they're both like dressed as squirrels and like looking at each other weird I just teleported some random guy here hopefully it teleports him all right so what's our first course of action with these guys okay the first thing I think you should just like duplicate cactuses until a lot of them notices we just put more cactuses around the map as decorations I put three look at everything all right now time to duplicate more cactuses I'm gonna put three this time I'm I'm gonna put this one right over here there's no way they don't notice I just put like four of them there are nine catfighters I don't think they're gonna notice this I'm gonna put one like right behind the sky I'm gonna put one on his uh like his cameraman see like if he just like notices anything there's no way they don't notice this guy he finally noticed yay what I'm gonna put them on the road too what the cactus doing dude how do these guys not are these guys just NPCs like big Cactus I gotta delete them I just deleted them why what how I think we should give the one that looks the most confused a sword I say Z Matthew I gave him the sword I'm gonna add money to Z map you know I'm making four thousand dollars let's see what Z Matthew buys if he doesn't spend it we'll have to give him negative of money he has a punishment all right now he's 900 in debt so person I'm gonna give him a negative four thousand dollars as well they're in our they are now in debt she just left the game she just left the game because she got in debt imagine she was like permanently quit the game from that like she just was so sad that she wasn't dead I'm literally gonna weld this guy to the road just to see what happens I'm gonna I'm gonna anchor him and then I'm gonna weld him to the road I'm gonna unanchor him we'll see what he does to the road for a livestock oh he probably isn't one thing like he's just standing on the road I just flew away that's the best part of the video right there yes any look I brought I brought the toilet camera man with me oh he's still attacked he still attacks and has the animation I became the tower yeah he let me freeze him the first time and didn't do anything okay now let me let me weld him okay I just welded them now I'm gonna like un anchor I'm patrolling it he's just I got the large toilet we're going we're going places there are seven people here I don't think it's supposed to be like that is that away to what this is more than five people I'm gonna like okay this map has a lot of walls and stuff so I'm gonna hide back here and weld myself to the car speaker man so that I can attack oh he's watching me he sees my V tools I put my V tools away both of them are watching me fortnite King Asami I did it I did it they're just watching us like this is normal I don't think everything stayed out and play the game oh this guy's definitely gonna save something oh this is gonna tell them we got it what don't worry any I'm gonna weld myself to the jetpack camera man too I got both of them I got the jet pack speaker and the cameraman or whatever let's go they're all about attacking there is six peel he said how are you doing this any the floor what happened to the floor why do I spinning around no I can't fix it to live like it won't let me I can't fix it no uh I meant to weld the camera leaning to myself but I actually pushed on the entire floor and now the floor I bought I brought the floor back this will be your rotated like this a little bit but it's fine I brought the camera woman with me we're gonna no not again three years she gets to like all over the air for now she came back why is she keep coming back well they're all watching me why are they watching Evie and he uh he's easy with all the cameras he's running away okay good okay good I'm just gonna give someone build tools and hope that it helps he's gonna do an announce fix it he gets to fix the map oh you just try to capture the toilet I think I might delete the pass so he could like actually capture the Twitter No I welded myself to the toilet I'm I'm trying to escape I'm trying to escape I don't want to go to toilet City no no no no no oh we're gonna take damage no it unwelded house it's back on me it's back on me when I take out the b tools what he's trying to escape but when I take out the V tools it's a different story you're well into the road and the city no I'm gonna use my my little arm to kill people where is everything I just welded myself to the toilet so that it flew me out of the map yeah I think yeah our friends just left the gate out I think he haven't had enough I got an arm but okay I'm gonna weld myself to toilet city as soon as possible any why are there why is it tall now don't do that oh my God no we died we died look I made you invisible I'm gonna weld myself to the Caravan create the lobby and make myself invisible and then ask people if they want free oh it's walking backwards but it's still locking I I am crazy you just said in my high now he's running away okay are you ready to run away as the summon units wait is it is it well in yeah stop running please I need to solve it oh I'm stuck in a corner house [Music] wait I'm welding myself to the AFK Farm it's funny is I also took the summon units like thing with me as well the same I'm on the AFK oh that's just stand still for a second to make people think it's normal just just stand still in the normal position my wife said let's be summon in the chat on my sign we're gonna go three two one go it's adding a competitive of the amount of skill you have to have to go to this oven Province units and I'm standing on the earth I was saying AFK farm please in the chat this guy's had WTH I'm in two second and I'm new okay I I on anchored uh oh why am I falling over why am I falling over oh this is awesome I need to walk around now a little bit I'm just gonna say please play it swings me whenever I turn into people are standing on it too people want to play with HQ Titan start moving [Laughter] and I'm just following me but this actually looks kind of crazy what would you do if like you were like playing this game you played so much in the Titan camera okay I got it to work with desert where it doesn't fly me around and I'm just gonna ask you all to play desert I'm gonna like Bring It Around Riley face I want to play this is totally toilet HQ I went back to Statue mode I'm just like forcing people to play desert bro people keep stepping off of it to like reset the timer you know what I've had enough of that kicked off yeah wait what if I have the desert pad play desert in here why is the toilet HQ the toilet HQ pad returned would you like to see leaderboards the leaderboard has came to life they're just chasing people are out of the leaderboard I'm just gonna reset and leave the desert teleport right there see what happens if I hop on top and all the evil leaderboard man at this point if he was still just floating around I don't know what happened to it okay I joined another random server this this is a completely normal server but not for long episode 56 display is coming to life no why is some of it still anchored can like barely move I think I'm gonna be a spawn I'm just gonna tell the me update how do you become it yeah people are literally his body on it spot people inside of it no why is it glitching it's go out it's like glitching when you stop teleporting wait am I teleporting please yeah oh I am that's our only spot I I'm fixing them but the spawns are fixed they at least spawn why does it look like that okay time for time for the crate to run around again hi me crate you want free yes Ayo why is there a crate talking and he you accidentally welded me or something I'm like glitching together I'm moving around now anyway I broke the Wells on myself but the crate kind of died um it's just invisible the summon crate I've died people rule the world okay I got toilet City a mouse toilet please I'm ready I'm winning and yeah I can't get out [Music] he hasn't heard of leaderboard man leaderboard man has arrived need to like get out of here my arch nemesis leaderboard man has ever been high they're fighting bro I got a sword I can kill people I'm not killing someone where are you inside the thing oh I got to the secret oh no no you're gonna push me off oh all I won room this is definitely my longest trolling video on this game so far but make sure to subscribe to the notifications on and if this video hits 4 000 likes I'll do another trolling video soon but thank you all for watching and I'll see you all in the next video
Channel: Telanthric
Views: 2,551,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: L6crA8EQ-L0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 23sec (1163 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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