I AM THE SMARTEST PLAYER in Roblox IQ War Simulator

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what's up guys we're back on IQ simulator and last time we defeated Megamind so this game you gotta be really strong and you face like smart people in a test and you gotta beat them in a test so we beat Megamind and now we can go into the next zone so this video we're gonna check out all the new zones that they updated so I'm pretty sure we also beat the AI boss but in case we didn't I'm pretty sure we can destroy him right now let's see and yep he gets destroyed I'm literally smarter than the AI now we get to go to the new Zone and I think this is a brand new song that I haven't been to yeah the king dude we gotta defeat the king all right let's see if we can defeat this guy and no no no no no no no no yeah I can't defeat the king bro the king is way too smart so yeah we're gonna be trying to beat the king and all the other new zones so I wish I made luck guys wish me luck uh let's start with there's a Jester can I beat this guy let's go go oh get destroyed easy okay and in the night it's actually strong like are they or not strong are they smart oh we beat the knights wait can we be the Dark Knight there's no way way Auto clicker I'm gonna turn auto clicker go oh wait the auto clicker kind of helps me but I'm still not dude The Dark Knight is so smart okay I just got wrecked oh guys we should like And subscribe so there is a new AKA 1 million visits there's also a daily Merchant uh oh dudes oh potion oh why am I not using potions wait I got potions IQ boost win boost luck gotta use all those let me use twice so I have an hour of potions now let me use it again over an hour of potions oh okay so this is like anniversary gifts let's open it see what I get and balloon cat balloon dog I want all but oh I want this one dude one in 100K okay I'm not gonna get it give me the balloon dragon I think that's the worst one your balloon cat is balloon dog rare oh no no balloon cat is the best let's get some more and okay balloon dog come on give me some more balloon cats I want cats dude cats are the best we need all the cats in the world come on cats will take over the world we just need enough enough cats we can take over the world dude if you leave two cats with infinite food inside uh inside a mansion and you come back one year later there's gonna gonna be like eight billion cats and they're gonna take over the world there's gonna be more cats than there ever was in the whole universe and they would just go out of control dude all right let's go we have a lot um can we combine them um how do we like fuse is there a way to fuse can we fuse pets like how does it work lock wait how does this game work I don't remember playing this um can we like fuse pets or something like make them gold wait how does this work I forget uh book book a rebirth shop is this it no okay this is for tokens okay I need to get this Aura oh that'd be nice okay is there can you make stuff gold that's why I bought so many oh right here gold machine okay I was worried all right how strong wait I can't make wait why did I buy so many oh they have best friend now I understand how they work so you want to get one good pet in an equipped balloons oh okay well they don't really help me they're kind of useless I thought they were gonna be really good but they're kind of bad unless you have a really good pet they're kind of bad but we completed this Quest right here let's claim this all right guys time to read some books and get smart we gotta grow our brain oh wait I have an idea I have an idea I'm gonna buy this I'm gonna buy this if I buy this egg then the balloons will work right because if I get this egg it'll be good and it'll buff everything and these are like a fire truck outside my house Mommy okay we got a mummy how good is a mummy The Mummy is Yo 200 bro all right equipped mommy yeah Mommy and balloons dude now I actually got balloons in my team so I have one cute IQ I don't even know what that is but I have one two IQ and then I'm gonna go get a new book I can equip this which is gonna help me get smarter and then I can fight the black knight now now in the dark knight Dark Knight you're not even Batman bro get wrecked you're not even Batman oh I can complete this Quest and now give me gems gems are so useful we gotta get like a lot of gems in this game okay there you go we defeated him and then we can complete this or a claim so what I want to get is enough gems to come here to the merchant so I'm gonna get this 12K gems how do I get enough I think I have to rebirth but that's gonna cost a lot of money yeah that's gonna cost a lot a lot of wins oh there's also a season pass wait what golden pass oh I'm gonna get I'm gonna get a golden pass oh we gotta spin Robux I guess it's the premium one so we're gonna get the Gold version so you can get a free one or a gold one so we got this plus one which gives me I don't even know what this is like speed boost or something and then okay so how do I go back to it go back to activate how do I go back to my past okay I'm dumb I just like clicked around and I finally went back okay let's clean the potions claim all of the potions oh look at this egg it's like it's like a rainbow egg all right let me claim this what am I gonna get a rainbow egg and oh it's a rare okay this is good is this good please tell me these are good yo 300 yo yo no no no no no how much was this I went to get this this is 5K this is 30 no 330k no 30 yeah 30k bro what this is crazy 30k yo what is happening bro I just broke the game dude I can fight the wizard oh dude the season passes LP dude all right we beat the wizard uh let's fight this girl right here can we beat this queen are we smart enough to be there uh oh we are we are you get wrecked queen or princess wherever you are you're dumb you're dumb you're not smart as me and then the king okay I need to train a little bit more to be the king all right let's train dude I'm getting so much now that is crazy dude I'm gaining so much knowledge all right let me claim all of these things right here claim claim claim claim claim bro the pass is kind of overpowered what about these eggs right here how good is this like if that one rainbow egg was that imagine these ones all right let's see um what did I get this one is 5K also dude it is kind of overpowered it's kind of overpowered these eggs this is kind of overpowered bro this is so good I love this pass it's so good because I'm a noob if you're a noob definitely uh claim these because they're so overpowered all right claim some more dude Angels oh if I can make these into a gold that'd be pretty cool but I think I need a lot more alright so we claimed all of those we still have a lot more to go I think we'll claim those later uh that's a quick vest here we can get our best team okay here we go this is our best team right here wait why don't we equip the rest of the Angels so now we have 1.4 QT IQ QT I don't even know what that is but that's more than 600 and we're gonna destroy the king bro King get wrecked the king just got wrecked okay we need 10 trillion wins 10 wait that's a lot 10 trillion wins how much do I get oh I don't even get a lot bro how do you get 10 trillion wins for this this is kind of crazy I guess we just gotta we gotta beat up this guy a bunch of times finally 10 trillion wins we can go into the next Zone and yeah there we go okay what is the next Zone and chance oh what wait how do I oh I don't have enough I need more gems bro what do you somehow get more gems I have like zero gems so here we got old fish people we got a bunch of fish people and in the best one the Sensei is a turtle it's like Kung Fu Panda so let's finish our game pass here so I'm just gonna click skip all just to claim everything and let's see if we can get something crazier like do the pets get even crazier after this uh oh we have another oh we have another rainbow one I love these ones what are we gonna get and oh no wait is the same one this kind of seems like the same pet uh oh it's another 30k okay that's good it's kind of like a similar pet let's claim these we're opening like everything together oh legendary oh we gotta legendary okay that's lucky uh let me claim all of these ones right here and we're gonna get another one of these well I guess if we get a lot of these it's good because a lot of these are really good claim this we gotta make these golden I don't know why I don't do that yet oh look at his pants wait let me claim all of these fronts right here first and then we're gonna check out that pet that pet must be op dude I can already tell it looks overpowered I claim this and this okay last egg and then we're gonna see how lucky this thing is this is probably gonna be my strongest pet right here claim okay how strong is this thing 75k yo wait this is also really good the legendary this legendary is really good too okay equip those dude okay this is great now I gained so much IQ okay and I can equip the buck I'm gonna equip the buck and then now let's fight all these people right here first one fish boy how smart are you fish boy okay fish boy got wrecked Mr Ducky it is a guy in the costume that's what it seems like Get Wrecked up boy and then now I'll know I cannot beat this guy for sure I can't beat this guy bro oh oh you yo yo get wrecked oh he only had eight and I have nine it said I'd be a 16 though I don't know how I beat that guy okay that was amazing all right next one okay this one in 30. yeah I definitely can't beat this one I could try wait I got another book I'll try but let me um encrypt another book first and then let's see if we can beat him let's get to 15. I think at 15 it might be equal power to him all right let's try this yeah he's at 15 I was right okay I was right go oh he's getting wrecked dude what is his face on his mask wait that is so creative did you guys see the face of my mask all right let's fight him again we should probably I think this is the time we need to reverse so we can get some gems because we're definitely not gonna be able to beat uh this one 70 or maybe maybe we just gotta train a little bit more I'm reading this legendary golden book and I'm about to get I don't even know what number is next One S okay we can beat we can literally skip the ocean King I'm just gonna fight the ocean King really fast but this guy's gonna be so easy dude we literally wrecked him and now let's fight the Sensei the final Challenge and get wrecked that was way too easy this is way way too I'm way too smart for these people and now let's go into the next Zone okay here we go dude that was all my wings it just took all my wins and then is this the final Zone dude we made it to the final Zone and then a Blue Cow okay the smartest one is Alpha unicorn bro can I beat this Alpha unicorn how smart is this guy okay this guy is smart wait I can beat him bro I just got here dude I just got here dude this dude this guy's not Alpha dude this guy is a beta dude this guy is a beta bro bro this guy is a beta dude I won I just got here bro you're a beta I'm the alpha I'm the alpha dude I just got here and I beat the Zone already we beat the final guy what is the like there's no point we already beat the final person I guess we're officially the smartest uh yeah we're officially the smartest person in this game guys all right guys uh yeah thanks for watching check out my plushie link down below go buy one and I'll see you guys next one goodbye
Channel: Gravycatman
Views: 164,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gravycatman, roblox, gameplay, let's play, no swearing, no cursing, commentary, playthrough, gaming, video games, lets play, funny moments, grumpygravy, roblox roleplay, game, roblox online game, roblox channel, robux, Roblox games, mining simulator, lets play roblox, simulator, treasure hunt, roblox simulator, best pet, cat, pet simulator, roblox biggest, roblox noob to pro, roblox gaming, gravycat, gravy
Id: 7OGnN6F6aBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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