I Sent My Juice To Space!

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today marks the greatest day in unspeakable history because we just launched our very own juice brand called juice blocks and while this is really cool what's even cooler is I'm gonna be the first YouTuber to launch my product into space it's gone it's freaking gone but before space we gotta start at Ground Zero I call this juice tennis oh oh um that tree is what like 10 feet tall let's try juice ball that was about 15 feet not impressive juice football Ray James they're like 25 feet you need to throw a high give us a kick send that juice to the Moon oh yes it's in the water well what's the tracker say 38 feet that's not bad I thought this was a genius idea it's a bouncy ball I just gotta bounce it and it should send it to the Moon oh that's a good foot I don't think it left the ground got some good juice in there natural sugar all right we're gonna try soccer ball next I'm the goal oh out I got it you lost the juice on the ball I lost my shoe oh yeah your shoe is gone I think my shoe went higher than the ball juice golf he's looking good on hole seven four I don't think it went anywhere here we go I'm gonna catch it I didn't catch it 57 feet on the tracker we ran out of apple juice but luckily every Walmart Across the Nation carries them so we'll be able to get plenty more we just got done building this giant slingshot so we can launch the juice here we go you ready James yeah all right we're going first hi baby three two one oh my gosh well we got 107 that's it 107 I mean that's our highest yet but I thought it would go a lot higher than that yeah that's only double what James threw you're telling me I just built this entire slingshot so it can go 100 feet can we just put it on a rocket already all right say less what are you calling calling Elon Musk bro no he gave us his number from the tiny house video we got elon's number maybe he can help us with a rocket and sending juice to space is this uh Elon Musk uh is this how's it going uh we make crazy videos on YouTube and we're kind of interested if you could help us with one oh wait that uh it's great news um we are trying to send some juice to space who's on the phone take a guess uh this this is Nathan actually hey sorry about it's Nathan my name's Nathan no this is unspeakable but we really would love to borrow one of your Rockets if it's if it's possible for he's just hang up he just hung up we don't have enough cloud we figured a T-shirt cannon would be a great idea you just got to put in your unspeakable shirt with the Unspeakable juice block and this Canon has over 400 pounds of pressure per square inch through the map on that I don't know if I am ready to the Moon oh way to go oh it missed it's missed it's raining juice that hit 222 feet that's our highest so far this is our best idea yet strapping the juice blocks to an arrow and sliding it into a crossbow send it oh what the heck did you spell off says it went eight feet I got a better idea you just gotta take the arrow perfect I'm very confident about this one this should definitely work absolutely nothing could go wrong all right three two one unfortunately that does not work this RC car goes 65 miles per hour we put a juice on top and we got a giant ramp at the end looking good looking good nice oh what's the altitude it still says zero all right boys well that was a fail tracker said it went zero feet all right buddy all I need you to do is hold on to this juice with your life okay you got this oh here it comes oh gosh it's going so fast oh go back I got an idea now we teed it up like a golf ball [Music] it's a dude look at the juice it's hanging out the bottom our juice block says we went approximately 22 feet it's not bad we're getting more creative on how to make the juice go high but we're not actually making any progress in the height give me this juice buddy give me the juice now it's time to take this juice and it's time to step it up a notch thank you for your service this marks a moment in history juice blocks to the Moon we got it attached to a freaking rocket capable of 2 000 feet 2000 feet is that high enough for the Moon yeah this is one step closer to mankind let's launch this puppy in 30 29. 28 three two one oh snap oh the parachute oh there it is oh it's hot so tracker is reading uh 48 feet our juice is so good that even the Birds steal it right off the shelf wow oh look at that you like that buddy that 100 natural juice he's trying to get every last straw though he's getting every drop out of there he's gonna lick that boy clean or should I say beak that boy because yeah no we have successfully rigged a juice blocks to a drone we got Ethan over here our very certified pilot it is your mission to set a new record and take this thing to the Moon here it goes hey we have liftoff it's going to the Moon oh my gosh it's beautiful it's really going what's our feet at 200 right now I see it 250 feet I have lost sight of the Drone and now we are relying on this beautiful piece of technology to tell us where it is we have officially crossed 1 000 feet we can't go any higher 1500 feet what's the highest so far well you can't go any higher at all that's not to the Moon yeah we're capped out yeah bring it back down all right bring me back to the juice I see it give her some space for landing it's back there she is very very impressive but 1500 feet is not the moon for juice blocks so nothing we've done so far has worked too good but we got an idea we're going all the way to the Moon in this plane I'm joking we're not really but we're gonna get all the way up there thousands of feet hopefully Let's Go Fly [Music] oh this is our final attempt at space we have cameras rigged all around this we have our juice at the end good thing is our juice doesn't expire until next year so hopefully it doesn't take that long to come down from space it wants to be free it's not enough helium oh boy where our calculations somehow wrong it's supposed to go up and then down but a little bit higher up than that final tie we put more helium in the balloon so it's a little more plump why do I have a absolutely zero faith that this is going to make it to space according to our track record and history of pulling off science experiments we tend to not be very good are we ready boys everything's on there three two one [Music] it's going a lot faster than we expected so if the balloon does go to space we might not get the footage but um it's on its way it's surfing oh my goodness bro oh dude there it is Altitude 4 396 feet so according to our calculations we should be seeing about two hours up two hours up one hour down it comes down faster than it goes up you think you'll make it to space if it doesn't we're doing it again this video does not end till we get juice in space it's supposed to update every five minutes it's been eight minutes and we have zero updates it updated oh my gosh it's so far away 14 000 feet movement alert for juice box has been triggered it's swinging it's probably like this you think it's like moving really fast we are now at 4 977 feet and before it said thirty thousand feet which means the balloon popped Bro Look at that it went up and then it said we're gonna be here for a while only three hours later and we were able to track down the juice let's see if we made it into space everyone's waiting in their cars right now because it's pouring rain outside we're getting close I can feel it I see a white box no way that's not it yeah that's it that's it yo that GPS accurate I see with the package so we have no idea if this actually made it to space this could either be a complete failure or we could have succeeded the freaking juice is still alive it's still good we gotta look at the footage and make sure everything is good foreign [Music] [Applause] you can literally see the Earth curving voice that is freaking space we did it all this hard work and we freaking did it take a picture boys history history let me put a timer on this real quick all right five second countdown I want you guys to go to Walmart right now and get yourself some freaking juice before it sells out a product that made it to space
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 5,326,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays
Id: XQb43N00kTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2023
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