I Might Quit Doing This (Ep 28)

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to your favorite series here on youtube guess the elo the only series on the internet that has the potential to live up to the queen's gambit or squid game this episode is called what it's called because one of the games was so atrocious i actually considered quitting this entire career of mine but before we jump into the games shout out to the sponsor of today's video surf shark surf shark is a vpn or a virtual private network which allows you to encrypt your connection to the internet so you can browse it privately and anonymously you want to stream a show like brooklyn 99 which is unavailable in your country use surfsharkvpn you want to check some secure information like banking or an email while traveling use surfsharkvpn oh and my favorite you want to save some money when you're buying airplane tickets because those damn airlines are charging you whatever they want select a different country on surfsharkvpn and you can save some serious money 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back to the video e4 gotham sub has the black pieces and gotham sub plays the carl khan beautiful all right classical variation of the karo khan defense and we have the actual classical not the tartakower and not the karpov and not the botes so bishop to f5 oh my this is losing wait the game's over this is like already completely lost for white i think e5 here just wins or something or like taking an e5 like something like this although this is kind of a fantasy variation so i don't know dude f3 looks dumb but i guess it doesn't completely lose anyway that's not a good move you guys need to stop getting your bishops hit with pawns in the center of the board stop doing this develop your knights first because they're more they're less flexible than your bishops you don't know where your bishops are going to go okay let's go here nice of course swap swap this is good for black because now the rook is open all right here in castle and shut up is 96 a problem okay obviously not okay let's save the bishop uh which bishop do you want to lose probably this one aha now 1975 is good castles is fine the white is better but okay i mean this is not wow very aggressive b5 knight f6 is a knight f6 is just straight up a fork by the way yeah so this is no good because you either need to castle or play the right pawn forward this is a hard move to see that's a hard move to see it's just hard that in the middle of a game you just have two hanging pawns like this um so you should go b5 and then b4 if you're going to go for any counter play and then if c4 then this becomes a lot stronger because then you can have the only bishop on the diagonal pawn play is very tricky so i don't expect beginner or intermediate players to um so now white a hundred percent should play d5 and put the bishop on b5 or play the top engine move wow anytime is a wow yeah see white is playing correctly with the oh my god g6 fg bishop oh my god okay don't hang this slide it back i would not be so confident moving my king in the middle i would play rook d8 and look for knight c5 the problem with this is there's just b3 or bishop b3 yeah now you need to move um oh bishop g5 wait what oh wait what bishop wait what's wrong with this oh you're busted after rook h1 you either get mated or lose your rook on c8 oh that's what the russians refer to as pizzblet which means slight inconvenience so knight to f8 is a good move because now this is met with this which attacks the rook and and h8 is protected so yeah that's a good move rotating the knight around anticipating the attack great perfect boom boom now black is winning which is russian for and now black is going to be creating counter play on the queen side by taking this pawn king to e3 b5 if you take that then rook to c3 slaps you upside the head i would still go rook c3 yes this is a high level game damn damn two pawns up zamzati okay i don't know what bishop b4 does but you know all right i don't know what any of those moves do okay just trade of course yeah yep okay we're closing in on a oh nice move look at this seeing that the knight could come to f5 that is high-level stuff nice yes yes what is the engine showing what nige what what is the what oh this and then you take yeah yeah that's tough to see no trading is great okay why i just praised you for putting your knight on a good square what why would you okay here comes some counter play uh oh oh oh oya oh yeah oh oh my god what is that oh my god oh my god oh my that's such a bad move dude you have to play bishop c7 bishop c7 i don't know what the hell is going on why does winning again after bishop c7 wow well now you're never getting through now you're never oh my god oh my god oh my god you oh my god oh my god no it's mate he just walked into mate it's just made it's bishop his g6 is made in one [Music] which means oh my god i can't believe he blundered checkmate wow well now it's just game over i mean i'm shocked the game did not end like this where one pawn just makes it to g7 and just promo i don't know that was a crazy game ah wow okay hold on i really gotta think about that i actually have no idea okay let's let let's briefly scroll through this game so it was a pretty like what is that i mean f3 f3 is like either a 1700 that like took a youtube video and tried to make it their own yeah like bishop b4 is a really bad move their openings were very bad the middle game was very scatterbrained but then white decided to play like a genius i'm gonna say like 12 to 1300 probably 12 to 1300 is what i'm gonna say all right let's go take a look it's not this guy 12 to 1300. he said it wasn't my game this guy told me it wasn't his game he sent me a game he lied to me 1560 versus 1737. unbelievable if you are even remotely close to these ratings you should feel confident it's possible black hung a mate in a winning end game proceeded to allow counter play to the tune of just two pawns oh my that was a crazy game let me just quickly look how much time did they both have in the end game i just want to look how much time did they have in that end game black hat oh my god okay by the time black blundered mate black had a minute and 30 seconds so it could be worse but it was it was pretty worse already okay good start very solid start do i live in the city homie is this an interview am i what are we doing here mr luke the link yes new york city yes that is where i i'm from can i go back to guess the elo now thank you that was a good game thank you for the game that was good you go to nyu that's cool man awesome that's so great i hope you go to like a good school within nyu not the ones you pay 70k a year for and then you know work at like circuit city which is bankrupt okay we have a vienna anyway i hope you have a fun time at nyu a very fun school f4 i love this it's the art school uh oh well that's not i you know you could still become a super successful artist new york city is probably one of the best places to do art plus you don't need to go to school to be an artist you know what i mean you need heart speaking of heart i think knight h4 is a really good move here top engine move look at that look at that why light squared weaknesses and if you take check which is the problem of the light squared weaknesses now queenie1 not bad oh where's the queen going by the way okay knight d5 okay okay oh god oh god oh go oh god it's guess the elo so did it happen but obviously white won this game right right right okay what is knight d4 the the player's inability to count even the smallest of moves by the way if you haven't watched my video called uh most common chest mistakes the seven most common chest mistakes it's like this you guys play a pawn move and you just don't even ask yourself where's the knight gonna go i don't know why you guys do that you're like i'm gonna attack the horse and now it's your turn like no that's not how chess works okay this black blunder this rook oh my wait wait wait wait wait wait wait okay one of two things is gonna happen one of two things is gonna happen the rook is gonna go here and then it's gonna be take take fork or black is not even going to see this of course of course take with the king and then take back oh you had to go to the safe square no because the king's just gonna hunt you down oh or not that's made by the way that's mate that is mate and white is winning how do y'all just like win a queen on move 15 16 you win a queen and by move 24 eight moves later you got no in pieces left how do you do that i live censored myself there did you see that i just i didn't even say it how do you how do you do this this is why you can't have nice things all right now white is gonna have to lose all the pieces yo nasty tactic check oh oh attraction oh clean up clean up an aisle i don't know seven six i don't know anyway oh god anyway of course these people are like oh spotted spotted spotted oh oh yes take everything take everything take everything take everything take everything take everything take everything yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no or you still made it you still made it you still made it oh my god you still no no dude dude no dude dude you you hadn't it was it was so close it was so close oh oh hi gotham city oh god between seven and eight hundred between seven and eight hundred no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no these are not eleven hundreds and you did not stalemate him with one minute and 19 seconds on the clock are you completely out of your damn mind are you completely out of your mind you're 11 45 and you still made it a guy up two queens in a pawn no you're out of your damn mind why did it take you four seconds how did you take how did you play this move in four seconds how did you play this move in four seconds you have 83 seconds on the clock and in four seconds you stalemate i'm gonna i'm gonna have a heart attack i mean this is the stupidest thing i've ever seen bro i'm glad your name is it's bonk you should be bonked on the head for this game oh my i might stop doing guess the elo like this might be the last episode ever i i don't feel good i don't feel good anyway uh listen i'm just kidding i'm not actually mad um that was all theatrics thank you for providing that game wow wow uh yeah by the way if if anyone actually gets offended by any of my rants during these episodes i try to include this little disclaimer in some of these episodes it's theatrics it's not actually mad or upset or offended i mostly just want the audience to laugh and if you're offended by guess the elo then i don't know probably you're just not a very fun person you probably yell at the movie theater screen when the movie's going on anyway h6 h6 is a very common move against bishop c4 because you play knight f6 and there is no knight g5 um so the best way to punish this is to play d4 or c3 very quickly by white because it's too slow all right somebody said you're good levi that's not my name so before you tell me i'm good please actually give me the right name i don't know about taking voluntarily oh why are you doing this your king is in the there's the most powerful piece ever invented is on the other side of the board and you just you just open it you just open it all do you enjoy getting the slapped out of you people like is that why you play like this it's is guys oh oh okay of course white okay never resign never resign is nice never resign you don't have to resign don't resign because if you're zanzi yo by the way if you really wanted to play a savage move you could have tried this you really could have tried this um that would have been pretty brutal imagine oh wait i'm i'm confused there was no comeback but you just sent me a game where you hung all your pieces what was this you just sent the game where you just lost is this like evidence of a murder like what is this i asked for games you didn't win yeah but i didn't ask for games where you hung all your pieces okay the biggest lesson here is stop just giving a bishop for a knight for no damn reason i don't care if the engine is like bishop c3 no stop it and then at least castle before you open up the center of the board also you you traded a dark squared bishop so just put things on dark squares please anyway i don't have any idea i i don't know a thousand i i don't know dude this is sad i don't know a thousand okay eight yeah eight eight seventy three okay i'm i feel like i'm just watching like a child get beaten and i don't know whether to intervene or not i i i okay anyway um can we go to the next game please i fee i'm starting to feel uncomfortable um d4 oh this is the game that before the match uh sorry before the episode i said is completely insane so we have an england gambit d5 which is already bad black is already doing very well knight f6 knight c3 okay we have like a pin recreational blocking in of our own bishop and now big brain move b6 i i think in the in the if i go to chess base right now i think this position has never been reached before i'm gonna try okay i'm gonna go to chess base i have chess base open right now so i'm seeing if this position has ever been reached before it is not in fact after e3 it's a novelty it's already a novelty this position has never been reached ever in history uh-huh okay see by the way this person's putting all their pawns on dark squares good nice good good center control oh you might get the legendary pawn diamond that's very rare in the wild oh oh oh stop giving bishops for no damn reason you bozos okay rookie one f4 something with f4 gotta happen oh this is like shockingly logical play now don't hang your queen this doesn't even begin to work it doesn't even make any sense now he's like oh my god my my queen i go two pieces goodness me is this another game that blacks just kills white like what would it why are you sending me these games why do you enjoy watching oh is there like a snail mate coming why guys when i said don't send games you win i did not mean send games where you literally get your soul sucked out of your body this is not what i meant you guys are getting completely smashed in these games can i have a game where you lose but you were winning or you win but you were losing i don't know something you are literally harry potter in the tunnel in the beginning of order of the phoenix wait is that the movie no is it goblet of fire where is he in the tunnel is it prisoner of azkaban oh it's prisoner of azkaban obviously or is the order of the phoenix where he oh no it's of course it's ordered the phoenix because he uses the patronus and then the rest of the movie he's like put on trial or whatever it's of course i should trust my gut gut gut sorry dementors became introduced in movie three which is why i thought i don't i don't know i don't know i don't know dude i'm gonna guess uh ah like i don't know i don't know 700 like again like again it's going to be like 2 000 or something yo 11 50 versus 1960. how are you 11.50 bro bro how unite why what how i got mad questions i don't even i don't even want my questions answered i'm leaving i'm not interested anymore can this last game please be somewhat normal can we can this be somewhat normal please why y'all put in links in the chat yo youtube we have people in the middle of the recording still putting their links in the chat looking to get their games reviewed i've selected all the games prior i have done this for 26 or 27 episodes why are putting your games in the chat what is wrong with y'all oh my this might be the last episode i can't do this anymore that's not gonna be the last episode the content on this is amazing sponsors come at me and want me to feature their you know in the beginning because anyway all right c5 good move actually that's a really good move i think this person might have seen my video called how to crush london system which goes like this and then you play this move this is really this is an edgy way to play now um anyway white plays knight f3 and it's just already much worse which is much worse f65 of course black no no chance plays f6 do you see do you see what can happen to your chest when you watch my content and you actually listen and yeah actually listen to me because that's what i said to play in the damn video and that what do you mean leg reveal what do you mean i've revealed my like so many times i'm talking about no leg reveal this is a crazy episode this episode is all over the place e5 and we there we go know why you were doing so well why did you play bishop to before why did you play bishop to b4 for what for what do you understand that if you had played this move you would have had this check you would have won this queen but you literally shot yourself in the foot okay of course bro yeah see this is the problem you watched my video and oh my god okay black is still crushing great position awesome position put the knight in the mid no [Music] night in the middle of the board which means please put your knight in the center because that's where it belongs we're not just like a friendly russian word it's like hey what's up man it's like usually what you say to each other um yeah knight to e5 is just it's you stopped improving your opponent's structures you all of course of course why would you not just mirror your opponent why not give your opponent a protected pass pawn nice okay g5 is probably just like very strong queen d6 something like this i love it love that move yes yes yes uh queen g5 yes oh knight to h3 king h1 knight f2 is gg yes yes yes oh my god yes sorry parents your kid is not watching any adult website it's it's guess the elo queen e3 rookie three rook f1 oh yes yes yes yes yes yes oh yes that is how you end against the ela episode i don't know 2800 2800 okay i'm not gonna lie though yo the first like sixth move of this game like this magnus carlsen for the next like six moves carlos magnuson and then from there on out stockfish 14 and then you minus that move that move sucked everything like bro from knight from f5 onward it's like this guy just i don't know i mean took took adderall or something and was like must attack king at all costs must sack my queen for mate crazy i don't dude i don't know um like i would say like 15 1600 hold on these moves really give lose you credibility also very creative by white to play this and yeah i'm saying yeah i'm sitting pretty pretty high rating yeah knight d4 is an awful move though yeah i'm gonna say like 1600 1600 let's see you you're a thousand you you're a thousand you're rated a thousand you you're you are rated what wow i don't know anything about chess anymore that's nuts dude that you you wow wow wow dude by the way chad is just going to accuse you of cheating so because chat has your accuracy this game was probably like higher than all of chat's like lifetime history uh combined so they're just gonna accuse you of cheating so just be prepared wait wait wait wait that was a blitz game wait but now you're blitz rating that game was from a long time ago this guy's rated 1300 blitz right now wait this guy has 1300 blitz and 1600 rapid that guy sent me an old game anyway i'm not gonna put this part into the youtube video so youtube is just gonna think that guy was a 1000. so one of you can comment levy said that he's not going to edit out that part
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 579,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess, gothamchess rating climb, chess game analysis, chess analysis, beginner chess lessons, guess the elo, guess the elo chess, middlegame chess, chess middlegame, chess middlegames, chess lessons, chess lesson, chess tips, chess strategy, how to play chess, how to win at chess, guess the elo gotham, gothamchess guess the elo
Id: Y1xzL8I9sAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 17sec (1757 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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