I met Valkyrae in real life...

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hello new york it's me tommy or i guess tom here and i've been living in new york for the past seven days i've been daily vlogging each day doing a stupid amount of tasks you see i'm doing all of these so i can go and meet my hero schlatt he said he'd meet me here in seven days from now but only only if i complete his huge list of tasks i guess my hero is maybe not what i thought it was out to be the saying never meet your heroes it's well i don't believe in it thanks for you guys subscribing and watching every day at the same time it's been great if you're just tuning in to give you a recap i made 100 friends in a day [Music] started a poisonous water business oh look at that and i even briefly became batman hello it's me batman all of this because schlatt told me to so i can meet him let me tell you what we're doing today because it's a bit nuts oh no one of schlatt's weirdest tasks was just the phrase new york mud [Music] there you go you see i've had word that there are some uh influencers in town they're actually really cool people valkyrie psycho no tina some mates of mine for quite a long time and they're having their own little fun day out not me i'm a survivor a straggler sounds like they need to be sabotaged jeez the hell is happening oh god judgment day yesterday we met one of my good friends charlie but things went a lot off the rails i'm thinking from this point on we could do with some more manpower if we're going to be able to complete these tasks oh sorry all right suck let's go [Music] we're really far away we need to get in the cab all right gamers we're outside big starbucks word on the street has it the valkerae cycuno the whole gang are inside here let's go sabotage these streamers [Music] hello tommy that's incredibly rude facebook cabbage one two three four five six seven eight probably shouldn't have punched you valkyrie immediately upon meeting you i i i see who's your hero montage montage montage what's up ray what's up did you buy me a ticket i bought you a ticket for me how long have you lived in new york um it's been a while you're a rookie i've been living here for so long my seven actually moved here yeah just telling psyche you know about the gay goats that lick one of those balls i can't tell if you've actually seen that yep oh yeah and it was very real okay do you sell them oh my gosh that's serious this is like your kind of stuff that's my kind of thing i love a good mummy mummies [Music] hey look at these pots sakuno that's like that horny scene in that one film oh that pop for sure that one oh that one smash there's a reason they have those holes in it well i'm just saying looked at the big one and said smash wait what huh what shape do you think that looks like breasts marble marble ray i want to go look at the mummies now okay i will find them thank you come on psyche guys i'm scared of this [ __ ] yeah don't see that every day except from your tap the windows yeah look at these windows you took me to see i think tommy's enjoying it he's having a good time i had a poo this morning then i didn't want my ass properly and i found out a few hours later i had to wipe it again yeah okay necklace there you go it's probably worth a lot i love that probably yeah you love money don't you what do you mean have some money you i'm sure you've got plenty fun oh this is a penny do you like this place no you don't no one likes this place oh finally we can go spend our money on something who did we meet everybody we've been to so far has been amazing except this stupid boring old stupid [ __ ] plate-filled mum-loving [ __ ] place everyone else loves it why terrible the met store here i am [Laughter] [Music] apparently they found a sick room oh she's running again it's great isn't it she's waddling again stop waddling woman there she goes okay this is a box with wood that has bone on it that's cool right tommy great tommy yeah that's cool come on there's more wait for me valk ray they were here and i lost them it's a sitting chair if you want to sit on it you can i'll i'll shout you have so much energy could you just give me like like a bag of that coke no no no i don't do bits [Applause] she would anymore incredibly disrespectful i would love that if you were quiet sorry it was my snort you can smart however you want us thank you so whatever i want to snort as well very very easily panicked right it's sort of a huge flaw in your personality i feel like he's like the little voice in my head that's like narrating like my life your conscience and your conscience give tom simon some money now you're looking for in particular sort of a way out finally leaving this hell hole thank you i would never give you money thank you not really i'm just saying like i'm british i have to i'm coded that weapon thank you task on please go to a museum no matter how boring it is i feel it let's get can we get a photo nice you just lightly touched my bum backstage did you like it though i didn't i'm just letting you know it's like we have something more important than boring art so the city is [ __ ] awesome but fortunately there's a lot of people that suffer with homelessness and the people who are most vulnerable to that are young people especially lgbtq plus young people i really want to help so this whole series goal is to raise 100 000 for the ali forney center it helps these real people by giving them housing feeding them just doing anything they can with like counselling anything is seriously a really good thing and if you want to help out you can donate to the fundraiser right here if you want to donate a large sum of money for one of our incentives that are on screen right now use the link in the description but donating even one dollar is massively helping people that live here and it's really important because while we're here in the city i want to make it a better place i want to leave it knowing we've done something and that's because every subscriber i'm going to donate one cent to the charity so if you guys share these videos with your mates you make the series bigger then more people will see this more people subscribe but we can very small money so please consider subscribing especially if you enjoy the series because it really helps out and you're giving to charity thanks so much guys and now let's go shopping right i need to pay you yeah right now wait i don't need to pay anymore where did it go i'm learning so much about you tommy i'm learning so much about youtube right and i don't like any of it hey hey hey i hate you for charity do you need someone to take me to the toilet now i'm gonna take them to go apart i didn't know what to expect from meeting tommy in person for the first time but it somehow was going exactly how i expected very unexpectedly [Music] [Applause] okay i even have wet wipes if you need some oh i made my it's not used but you have what do you have for me [Music] yvonne yes excellent to meet you vaughn oh one second oh he's got another present mother taught me to be a kind boy tina in a window what's she gonna do she's gonna stare tina in the window what she's gonna do she is 13 is getting murdered by my hand tastic you know what i'll take it he said he hated me earlier so this is progress clean up please you're so filthy you're so filthy clean up clean up can i get a photo with your dog oh come on we love you s to your dog excuse me is it possible to buy these ones that are loose on the bottom oh yeah oh a free flower free flap for me you've got the flower let's give it to someone okay someone deserves this is a challenge right and if they refuse it that doesn't that doesn't count what if a fan comes up you can give it to your fan no i mean guys subscribe yes i think everyone will appreciate it excuse me can i give you this [Music] excuse me can i give you this flower oh he got rejected twice in a row oh thank you don't commentate on it he's used to the heartbreak don't worry oh there he goes okay it's okay there's no way you get rejected three times no way can i give you this flower thank you [Music] another task get dripped out bootleg style okay you pick me hot i'll pick you a hat absolutely you have like a glasses style i don't think i've ever seen you in glasses yeah i don't have a style yet but you can define it do you like color weird i mean yeah i'm trying to narrow it down here i'm more of a grayscale man myself reflective so uh [Laughter] wow i don't think these are fit my face very well wow but no but you look you look great now my nose is so small i barely hold them up ladies your future is calling you like it yeah how do i look on a scale of one to a million millionaires millionaire yeah i love puss oh my god hooray right what's the last item to become drip tab bootleg style a watch probably you reckon that's the only one my oh my we're lucky what we have here i need to get my watch on please help me on my watch on yeah yeah [Music] why are we actually kind of cool oh my god okay i'm gonna give you some slang to say all right okay back from where i'm from right all right oh i know what that means yeah obviously i'm not gonna lie to you please join me [Music] yeah yeah anything for the grammar so tommy's a bit hungry he just tried eating some light bulbs so we need to go big man a big mac yeah yeah toilet paper just dangling from his butt stay clean it's the only way i know how look guys what parkour sorry me and ray taking on the town we are going to get the crown we're not sad we just bad don't look at us we'll make you mad sparse i think click that clip that clip share it on tick tock you want a big mac yeah i'll get whatever you get no i don't want i don't have a mcdonald's account why are they double the size in america what the hell you know what tommy this is on me all right it's on you i guess i wasn't gonna pay anyway so hey ray what do you think about my hairline is it a problem [Music] no [Music] what about this side it's only a problem it's time yeah yeah so the challenge is just to eat a big mac new york big mac not delicious what are your future plans tommy what are you gonna do after this can we go our separate ways get laid he's not getting alone no i'm not gonna go home in my pants he's corrupting me i don't think i'll ever be the same after today i learned how to say [ __ ] these chips do be delicious though these are called french fries in america french fries yes french yes with a bin duo me and you ray cheers you're unhinged it hits my tonsils every time the tonsils are on the side what do you mean i have a sorry they're on the side back there and then you know the dangles in the middle and what about the tonsils the tonsils are back there on the sides no that's the vulva the tonsils are there i need to google a pulver right right oh yes yes yeah that's definitely not the vulva by the way guys all this cringe is for charity so it's worth it right yeah it's worth it so please if you're a youtuber it's a tax write-off please donate up there we have all these stupid incentives on the screen that you can make us do make him do make me i'm out of here and speaking of charity we've had some big progress thanks to slimesickle for the 5 000 donation he just asked for people to listen to just roll with it that's his epic dnd podcast it's [ __ ] awesome rambo's on an episode go listen now and i can't believe this another five thousand dollars from strawberry gs they just asked for a youtube shout out and after checking out their channel they're so sick they're a mum who really likes the dream smp and they're super cool so go support them thanks to everyone else for the massive donations oh man i really [ __ ] appreciate it thank you for watching and i hope you're enjoying this series see you tomorrow i'm never eating a big mac again yeah me neither i feel like [ __ ]
Channel: Tom Simons
Views: 2,509,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tom simons, tommyinnit, vlog, tommyinnit vlog, tom simons vlog, tom, simons, fun, funny, america, new york, among us, sykunno, I met Valkyrae in real life...
Id: k6VvJ4-Z3LI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 16 2022
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