I Spoke To PewDiePie

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i spoke to pewdiepie that's right i was streaming and pokemane invited me to her amongst lobby i had no pre-warning of this so i was a little caught off guard this is my first time speaking to pewdiepie and don't worry boys i didn't let you down also please do subscribe if you enjoy youtube unsubscribes you from creators it's really dumb i know but if you can check the subscribe button that helps me out so much also huge huge news i'm getting a youtubes boys that is right i'm getting a little figurine of myself and it's so cool ever since i bought one i've been completely just surrounded by women it's incredible i'm holding my vlogging i've got twitch prime cash flowing out of my pockets and look it's pogging now if you want one they drop on november 17th but if you want one for free all you've got to do is head to my instagram and click on my newest post you can do it right now please it's literally free stuff man what is that to lose you gotta like the new post tag one of your mates in the comments and follow the boys over at youtube they are giving me free things to give away to you lot so it's probably the least we can do we're gonna pick a load of you lot to win next week and that's it enjoy the video you've all got that helmet oh would you like to mess with us you know no no i'm actually going to be just completely an utterly content not wearing cat ears if that's all right all right yeah if you're the imposter kill toby if you kill tommy as the imposter we will not even report the body yeah [Laughter] man does he know people in here it's amazing how people just come in in the group they don't and just speak like that nicely right oh my god okay and my mute hockey isn't working in discord okay [Music] let's try and keep tommy safe you know he just came in to fill with us uh sounds like a nice fellow so we're gonna try and keep him alive tommy okay i don't know how that one works oh no tommy what's that oh no he's taking a minute on that that one doesn't usually take that long but that's not a very good read for me because i'm not sure is that was he pretending to do the nav well i don't know if everyone can get nav how's everyone doing okay let's let's let's kill some let's kill some [ __ ] that's what i say hello i [ __ ] knew it it was so obvious i didn't even see who the other imposter is we've got to be on our a game big star isn't in this lobby but it's okay big p is there oh wait they're gonna they're gonna know i've came from up here oh hello pokemon okay no okay how do i actually get out there's there's pokemane tommy where's your cat ears i'm really sorry big p i just don't want to wear cat ears i actually i actually have reason to believe it might be tommy too okay well no that's not you can't just vote me out because i wouldn't immediately put on katy's dream i know this is i know this is a big deal for everyone here all right so what what did you do and special right what tasty doing specimen yeah i was mainly just trying to stick with you because uh you know i wanted to see a familiar green friend did you know green is the most welcoming colour and you and psycuna were both green i'll be honest i've played with tommy before and he is a bit naturally suspicious but thanks well i reckon it's dream definitely not but why would he just accuse me because you're not wearing cat ears that is so strange i don't think it's you tommy thanks big ass okay okay okay okay what did he say big s maybe that's like his thing for nicknames he just goes by your first letter that was big p and i referred to him as big p and got away with it and my power grows so much stronger stream has his like sixth sense in the way that felix does whenever he thinks that somebody usually is and i think it might be tommy or straight i reckon we got to start getting some kills i'm just going to kill this man was it uh it's okay me and corps are good friends one day we will be good friends hey let's get it now who did it the person that they suspected the person they suspected okay so let's say i was in the bottom left that's my aloe bye oh my god i can't scream this time because my parents were actually in i'm fine with voting pokey first because huge already voted poker no okay dude i think you'd be okay can i can i speak for a second pewds what have you done what have you actually done oh uh sorry uh i didn't vote pokey i i i was just gonna head out okay well so so big p what the [ __ ] was that he's just going to spam emergency meeting we don't have to say anything here we're all on the same page i think dream was on to something wait wait no no please don't owe me because this is not like i don't j this doesn't make any sense like you know when pewds please listen i know i'm not wearing cat ears and i know i know that makes me not the man that i could be living up to but please let me i believe that one day you can be great tommy you are a you are a terrible man i have so many things to say but so little time you will give in to the peer pressure i'm i'm not going to wait cat is we weren't dead have you have you voted for me toast well actually i voted to skip so if you convince tycoono to skip you can still live okay well dude psych you know i literally i voted to skip tommy i don't want to win the [ __ ] category you want to put on the cat ears no i mean i i definitely don't have to do tommy you know what thank you what is he doing no no no no no no no no no okay here we go hello everyone we're just chilling here this is how you play of august oh no okay once the lights are down i'm gonna go off and do my own [ __ ] it's like you know don't kill me don't we're so good friends we've bonded so much your colour is green all right tommy looks extremely innocent this round he's doing his task there's been a double kill oh god i trust all green people i trust any color that isn't i was about to clear rey i know who it is who if you look around yeah bobby it's tommy i am big brain at this game no it's not really tommy it's not tommy i saw him at the vitals guys i still just want to vote tommy for the ears it's not that's so offensive yeah it's because because your iq is too big i'm scared of what i don't know what i want to meme someone i don't know too much we've got to use the taskbar to our advantage man's got hacks you know rey's turned a new leaf the old ray 100 would have killed me there and she didn't and i think she knows what the heck i take it back she hasn't turned a new leaf okay we're doing good let's do all of our tasks so then i can vouch for me i think i've got good intentions and you know long term i can see my uh no i just got in here i did the little card who was two vitals and then i went down there i can't can he um i'm dead we know it's two of three people i think the safety is jack because ray walking on the body with us um pewds i think the safe vote i guess you don't have to no no oh thanks felix i appreciate that thank you no one's gonna put a stop to him wait are we i trusted you a lot of people in my chat thought i was mad from last round i just want to say i'm not actually mad oh that's true yeah i was actually mad so if you wouldn't mind all just apologizing tommy we're so mad at you yeah i don't i don't think i care i'm very angry what's a kink all right take care guys felix oh yeah all the best guys see you later [Music] i don't like the way lifestyle was looking at me i don't like the way dream looks i was so tommy but i don't like the way i don't like you [Laughter] i'm just on youtube [Music] i really hope these jokes are landing with someone because they're definitely not landing [Music] i wonder who it could be i mean everyone has to face these problems but you just don't know oh he just he just disappeared he so did he i don't mean maybe corpse or tommy but i don't know why would it be what is why do you always say listen can i just say can i just say dream just this thing where he talks really confidently for the whole round and you never give yourself an alibi if i were to take a guess right now i would guess dream yeah yeah let's kill him tommy said he's done with his task since what has tommy done his task there's nothing suspicious about me i'll vote yeah what are you doing here cops what's your play oh i just stand in the button and if anyone walks near me i'll press because we're almost done with these tasks [Music] right i think we're gonna we should swap to the beta version guys left yeah real quick is he having a wii right now good man he's having a poo i just hope he wipes [Music] what the [ __ ] are you guys talking about choke me you said you were going to the bathroom okay don't make jokes about people wiping their ass okay well i can win this now the taskbar is not even nearly done why am i the why am i the only one good among us it makes no sense i'm the only one that's i'm the only one that's good
Channel: TommyInnit
Views: 1,666,281
Rating: 4.9565568 out of 5
Keywords: tommyinnit, among us, among, us, pewdiepie, minecraft, dream, dream minecraft, funny, among us imposter, among us iq, 900 IQ, among us funny, funny among us, fun, among us pewdiepie, corpse, corpse husband, jacksepticeye, disguised toast, pokimane, valkyrae, among us dream, among us moments, pewdiepie real life, I Spoke To PewDiePie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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