I Have The Worst Best Friend (Animated Story Time)

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Hello friends it's me and today we are watching a my story animated video about a girl who has the worst best friend let's watch hi there I'm Ellie I've got a story that'll make you laugh cry maybe even question your own sanity hey Ellie I will give you a whole dollar if you make me cry I was born with a slight anger problem the kind that made me want to karate chop a stuffed animal when I was just five yep I had anger issues I had anger issues too you were an absolute monster if you taking it out on the stuffed animals they didn't do nothing wrong on a sunny day at the park five-year-old me just wanted to have fun on the swings and slides but things took a different turn I'm gonna slide like a penguin move it I'm going first hey no cutting that's not nice do I look like I care the bully pushed past me smirking feeling Furious I climbed the letter fast you'll be sorry mister I squeezed the Box hard squirting juice straight into the bully's eyes then I slapped him and pushed him down the slide and his nose started he started crying like a baby and his dad came running over what is wrong with you behaving like a monster you should be ashamed of yourself maybe your dumb kid shouldn't have got juice in his eye I picked up a pebble and threw it at him but it missed him by an inch don't tell me how to feel you should be thanking me for teaching your awful kid a lesson I threw another Pebble at him and then ran away what a weak family tree she bullied him and his dad what's next you gonna go down to the old folks home unplug Grandpa's life support this kid is a menace Mom and Dad yelled at me all the way back home I cried and said sorry fast forward to first grade and there I was little Ellie eager to make friends at school one day during recess I spotted a group of girls playing hopscotch and I approached them hey you I think we should be friends uh no thanks I already have friends well that didn't go as planned no thanks I already have friends I feel that I was like you feel like you can't just go up to somebody and be like hey let's be friends like you gotta have something in common oh yeah well you haven't met a friend like me I started shouting and spinning with my arms spread out like a wild little windmill I'm fine and I'll bring snacks to share so I wouldn't do it after you asked what makes you think screaming and throwing food is gonna make her like you a girl hesitated then let out aside okay fine I'll be your friend please just stop yelling at me and nothing like making new friends by force two years later in third grade my family told me one day that we had to move for Dad's job scared of losing Lucy I got really angry I won't leave Lucy she's my best friend and I'm not going anywhere I protested by staying in our backyard tree house and I refused to come down till my parents changed their minds that's literally the worst like you finally make friends in school and then your parents are like okay we're just gonna move to a new town say goodbye to your only friend and then you gotta go to a whole new school and start all over again we know you're upset but we have to think about what's good for the family but when I didn't budge my parents caved after a few days I moved to another school sophomore year of high school like do you have any idea how awkward that is like goodbye everybody I grew up with the older you get the harder it is to make new friends what I didn't realize back then though was that Lucy eventually figured she could take advantage of my anchor issues to get her way too if she wanted something from someone she'd come up with a sneaky plan to get me all riled up against that person oh how the tables have turned you know since you forced me to be your friend I'm gonna use you to get whatever I want she's gonna manipulate the manipulator as we entered Middle School though Lucy started doing it more frequently and for bigger things and I began getting into serious trouble like one day Lucy came to me saying that Mrs Thompson had called her into her office and said she was giving her a c minus on her project so what are you gonna do get her to beat up the class get myself a bit of a better friend because you're distracting me with all your fights and affecting my grades well you get good grades yourself she even said that you hang out with me just so you can feel better than me can you imagine in today's lesson I'm gonna confront her about this psychological manipulation and if she sneezes a lot it means she's nervous that I've told you everything she said yeah definitely not because she has allergies you know just randomly start sneezing when you're nervous Mrs Thompson is always sneezing because of her allergies but sneezing a lot means she's nervous and she's hiding something when it was Mrs Thompson's class Lucy gifted her a red nose and seconds later when she confronted her about the manipulation Mrs Thompson started sneezing like crazy and I felt Furious how could you I thought you were a nice teacher but you're just like the rest what are you gonna do what anyone fight the teacher in the middle of the classroom you know what today I'm going to teach you a lesson people literally cannot do this she's clearly allergic to the Rose I pushed her hard she fell down and screamed in pain while everyone's attention was focused on Me Lucy sneaked into Mrs Thompson's laptop and changed her own grade on the project Mrs Thompson broke her arm and I got suspended for three weeks suspended bro I feel like the cops would have been called she would have went to juvie yeah if only changing your grade was that easy oh how could be she has her laptop open change the grade from a c to an a well she's rolling around in pain on the floor this is a cartoon for real my parents were furious with me Mom said that Lucy was the manipulative witch here I yelled at her and didn't talk to her for days how could she say that about my BFF days later I visited Lucy and her mom opened the door and looked at me like I was some cockroach you again what do you want I heard what happened with Mrs Thompson why can't you be a normal human being she's like Lucy's personal attack dog poor Lucy she almost failed her project because of you you're crazy and you're affecting my child she'll end up ailing all her classes because of you oh boy now it's time to fight the mom he can't just fight anybody who says anything you don't like that's how you end up in prison why does everyone keep saying that because it's true Hey listen you silly woman listen you silly woman top 10 things to say before you punch somebody I was about to scream at her when Lucy showed up and told me inside her bedroom you can't talk to Mom like that no matter what she says but I'm a good friend and I forgive you now calm down girl and take the Snickers bar you know it's your favorite candy she's like dog for real like shut up and take the wolfberry when I return to school things were a bit different a new girl Isabella had joined her class Lucy seemed annoyed by her existence but she seems like a cool girl to me till one day Lucy and I saw Isabella walking out of the bathroom and I noticed a marker in her hand Lucy went in to use the bathroom as I waited in the hallway but moments later she came out dragging me back into the bathroom with her OMG you gotta see this you won't believe what Isabella wrote about you on the door it's totally her handwriting I'm so done with this annoying psycho Ellie she's always bullying everyone I want a peaceful calm school that I can brag about to my rich friends I offer a thousand dollars to anyone who can get rid of her DM me on this Instagram account if you're interested what a stupid ugly witch you know totally not your horrible friend who did that bro she's the new kid she don't even know you you know new kids are not allowed to have beef within the first six months how dare you write that about me on the bathroom door I saw you with that marker so don't you dare lie to me Ellie seriously it's a school who doesn't have a marker I only had a darker but I was working on an art project I didn't write anything about you well Lucy seems to think it's in your handwriting and I Lucy said that okay you should stop listening to that friend of yours she's just using you like a puppet for some reason Isabella's words struck a chord with me something out loud that I kind of already knew but I quickly brushed my thoughts away you don't know anything just leave me alone she's finally starting to see it Lucy is not a good guy you know I really hope this ends up with a 1v1 with Lucy and Ellie but Isabella didn't leave me alone she'd always make an effort to talk to me and waved at me with a smile I started warming up to her and we got closer but that drove Lucy crazy one day during lunch I was sitting with Isabella laughing and chatting when Lucy stomped over angrily Ellie how could you ditch me for Isabella just calm down will you I'm not ditching you just spending time with Isabella we can all be friends you know are you for real how dare you replace me and with that she pounced on me I didn't want to fight her so I just pushed her away she grabbed my hair again luckily someone called a teacher and Lucy got detention for two weeks he really think she can fight those were the best two weeks of my life Isabella even convinced me to start getting therapy for my anger issues and I felt really good about it then one day Isabella told me something hey Ellie yesterday when I got back from school I was shocked to find Lucy in my house I asked her what she was doing there but before she could reply her mom showed up she's our maid I swear I had no idea it doesn't start to sound like a dormant story don't judge other people until you've walked in their shoes now for manipulator to maid oh yeah I know that her mom works as a maid for you but we never talk about it because I don't want to embarrass her or anything but I don't have a good feeling about her suddenly being in your house she might be up to something fishy yeah like literally shoving an entire fish in your couch and I'm sure nobody will notice this one so we decided to keep an eye on Lucy that afternoon and we watched from a safe distance as Lucy's mom gave her instructions to clean but just a few moments later after her mom left we heard a loud crash followed by Lucy's scream we rushed to find Lucy lying on the floor with a broken shelf and Scattered kitchenware around her he tried to help her up but she screamed in pain and couldn't move just then Lucy's mom and Isabella's parents came running too oh no oh you hurt my child you beat her with the Shelf I'm suing you and I'm suing you and I'm suing you you will all perish oh Mom I was just reaching for something on this shelf but it was unstable it just all Came Crashing Down on Me Lucy's mom turned to Isabella's parents furiously this is all your fault you knew the Shelf was broken and you never bothered to fix it now my daughter is injured because of your negligence I'm gonna sue you for this you'll pay for the harm you've caused my daughter of course Karen help feeling sorry for Lucy although I was almost sure she'd hurt herself on purpose to cause trouble for Isabella and her parents she sure did like this is all part of their plan a few days later the teacher planned a visit to Lucy's house for the class to cheer her up but the moment we entered Lucy's room she went ballistic calling me a horrible friend who'd betrayed her and calling Isabella bad names too are you here to hurt my Lucy even more Ellie you've made it obvious whose friend you really are but be aware Isabella I'm certain she only chose you cause you're rich Ellie has always been a bad rotten egg suddenly I just snapped I jumped at Lucy's mom and she fell back and hit her head on the floor it was like the beginning take out your entire family tree One By One The Bloodline ends with you everyone looked shocked she didn't learn nothing in there if you messed up big time I ran out crying when mom found out about it she was so mad what did that guy just walk up to her and punch her in the face nobody gonna tell him nothing get well soon I guess I can't believe you attacked Lucy's mom she's threatening to contact child services and telling them that you need to be put in some rehab center because you're a danger for other people I honestly felt terrified hearing that and my first instinct was to lash out and scream in my defense but when you know you got a problem like scream yell and throw fish at every minor inconvenience mom I know it was wrong and I'm really sorry I'm working on controlling my anger I'll be better I promise Mom looked really surprised and then nodded but she still took my phone away and grounded me for a month and I didn't protest I knew I deserved that back at school Isabella told me Lucy's mom was going ahead with the lawsuit and I really wish there was something I could do to help Lucy or her mom wouldn't listen to a word I'd say who is this weird kid who keeps appearing is he a figment of our imagination I was in the school's bathroom when someone knocked on the stall door it was Lucy's mom Ellie I I need to talk to you Lucy's mom just showed up in this in the school walk to the girls bathroom oh I hope and I've discovered the truth about her actions she's been using your anger issues to her Advantage I sometimes had a feeling that something was off with Lucy's Behavior but I never knew for sure are you still gonna Sue Isabella's parents or report me to Child Services no I just wanted to apologize to you and I won't be causing you or Isabella's parents any more trouble oh it's probably because they gave her a check like here's ten thousand dollars shut up I'm so sorry for everything Ellie and I want to thank you for being a good friend to Lucy despite everything with that she gave me a quick hug and left I felt here's pricking my eyes I was kind of sad I wouldn't get to see Lucy again but I also felt lighter and free good riddance she's a bad friend horrible friend like you don't need people like that in your life Ellie is literally ryoko for killer kill Isabella hugged me tight and for the first time in a long while I felt like everything would be okay good news I don't owe you a dollar not a single tear out of me but anyway is all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that little like button though click click click and I just released some new merch we got hoodie shirts tank tops at OG wolfpack.com I'll link it below and subscribe to the wolf pack oh I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 1,395,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, true stories, animation, animated, actually happened, animated short film, story time, share my story, animated story, my animated story, animated story time
Id: kX33Vs2RWL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Mon May 22 2023
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