The Older I Get, The Prettier I Look (Animated Story Time)

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hello friends it's me today we're watching a video from my story animated hi i'm katie from new york hello katie from new york my aunt said my parents had an accident when i was a baby and since then i've lived with her and my cousin lucy but you never guess another kid lived in this house all the wall frames had pictures of just aunt and lucy lucy had the biggest room bursting with toys and books lucy had so many clothes she had another room as a closet what's the point of a child having that many things a whole entire room for a closet next year you're just gonna grow out of all those clothes send them to the goodwill and buy an entire new closet of clothes my child's gonna have two outfits on rotation and me i lived in the attic with her hand-me-downs katie are you adopted or something clearly we know who's the favorite all i ever really wanted was for aunt to love me like she loved lucy so i did whatever on ask me i served her breakfast in bed polished her shoes painted her nails that is not a child that is a servant let me guess the cake was dry the shoe polish ate away at the leather and ruined her shoes once when i was 10 a new neighbor came to visit aunt and she looked awestruck when she saw me what a beautiful child that gorgeous red hair and those adorable dimples adorable they're just dents in her face stop smiling katie you look like a [ __ ] what is her problem hello cps i went to the kitchen spat and on tv and gave her the cup with a very serious face as you should because if somebody's gonna be treating you like that go ahead spit in their teeth but soon after i turned 13 aunt was going through the mail when suddenly she spat out her cereal i saw the letter she was reading had my name on it but aunt had already jumped off her chair and she threw the letter in the fireplace what do you mean why'd you do that i would have snatched her weave right then and there throw her in the fire that could have been a check for kd you didn't see anything and she stormed off i couldn't help thinking who would write to me a few days later the drill ball rang and a postman was standing outside expressed delivery for miss katie suddenly a flying figure pushed me aside and attacked the postman uh she going to jail it is a crime to attack a postman i was just sitting on him i tried snatching the letter from her but she was off with it like a bullet i was dying to find out but the letters stopped coming but one evening when the bell rang aunt ran to open the door and standing outside were two bodyguards with a wealthy looking man can you explain what happened to the letters and plane tickets i sent for my daughter wait what just then the man spotted me and his eyes welled up oh my god you must be katie you look exactly like your mother hey so how did she end up here with the aunt that didn't want to take care of her oh of course she comes from a rich family rich dad is here to collect his child you know in real life it usually goes the opposite daddy went to go get the milk will not get back until the child is suddenly famous or rich dad you're my dad why didn't you come for me before he tearfully explained that he and mom had gotten divorced before i was born and she told him never to get in touch he found out just recently that mom had an accident so long ago and he tracked me down you made me think he wasn't even alive and why were you keeping the letters from me because you don't deserve to go live like a princess that child has done nothing to you but bring you cake and polish your shoes you ungrateful old lady if i can't be rich you can't be rich you should be my maid after everything i've done for you roshi tried to be your maid and you were still ungrateful stupid you've used me all these years used to you yo i did everything you ever asked just so you'd love me did you ever love me at all no how could i dad told me to pack my things immediately but before going i made sure to rub aunt's toothbrush inside the toilet as you should goodbye poor people off to my new life with my rich dad enjoy your piss stained toothbrush we flew over to new york and i was shocked at the size of dad's mansion dang he got a mention like that in new york that's at least 20 million dollars he rich rich as dad was showing me around the house i suddenly saw a tall woman staring at me coldly from a distance dad was married so that must be my stepmom mary there you are come meet katie but mary just turned away and slammed the door behind her later that night i walked past their bedroom to hear dad and mary talking in loud voices it's her first day here mary think how unwelcome she must have felt what about me you just expect you'll bring a child home and i'll start loving her like she's my own i mean she does have a point it's not even her child but also you're dating a millionaire can you just be like here shut up lucy and love my child like she's your own do be like that sometimes great another mom figure who already hated me when i went down for breakfast the next morning dad greeted me with a smile and so did mary sorry katie i wasn't feeling too well yesterday i hope you slept well you already know he slit her some money under the table be nice to her stop mommy do it for the check when i asked dad for the orange juice mary quickly got up to port for me and she dropped the whole jug in my lap oh my god what are you doing i'm so sorry it just slipped from my hands oh i'm nervous must be the meds her whole innocent act was fake and she proved me right soon enough a few days later i was walking over to the sofa in the living room when suddenly i tripped over something i went flying straight into this weird statue and i stared at the wreck in horror y'all live in a mansion why are you gonna walk directly in front of her growing up with brothers i learned this the hard way never walk directly in front of somebody sitting all they got to do put out an ankle and you got a face full of carpet oh my god how could you be so clumsy do you know what that's worth just then dad burst into the room and behind him were some guests what are you doing stepmom oh honey katie broke the statue by accident but thankfully she's not hurt you were just shouting at me but the minute dad came in you became an angel i was just shocked i didn't mean to shout stop acting mary you just want me to look bad in front of dad dang mary you should go try out for a movie i didn't know stepmom was an actress i think you tripped me up with your leg what you little brat how dare you you must have tripped on the carpet that's enough in case you both forget we have guests kitty please go to your room i walked off angrily and slammed my door shut dad got me enrolled in school soon and i felt nervous walking into the huge building a few kids were looking at me and i smiled and suddenly a bunch of boys were surrounding me oh my god can you do that again um do what smile please smile again said no one ever first day of school and she got a whole army of sims please smile for us again bless us with a curve of your mouth what was wrong with my smile those dimples are so freaking cute wow these tints in my face boys like these just then a girl pushed to the crowd get away from her you morons you're scaring her hi i'm veronica and i don't have a redhead in my group you look nice and rich so we're friends now okay is this pretty privileged like people walk up to you and suddenly your friends no personality development necessary you look pretty enriched you're my friend we're getting soft tacos i was part of her popular girls gang now i love my new school but it started bothering me really soon that veronica could be rather mean to other kids i tried to tell her a few times but she always says she was only joking it's just a prank bro i saw her and her friends making fun of a kid on crutches hey that is a one-way ticket to get cancelled why are you bothering him oh come on we're just joking around but it's not funny you're just being a jerk bully no one talks to me like that tomato girl whoa whoa tomato girl oh how the tables have turned the queen stands up for her simps i pushed her back and she went crashing straight into the chemistry teacher walking by he dropped all the bottles he was holding and the vile smell of chemicals had everyone gagging and running out of there ain't nobody gonna talk about the chemistry teacher just passed out on the floor my dude just got folded like and veronica and i got suspended for a week dad would be so disappointed when i went down that evening to tell him he wasn't in a study but i found freaking veronica poking her nose through his things she just picked up a pen and put it in her pocket wait a second i knew veronica looked familiar look too familiar veronica what are you doing in my house your house you live here since when you're interrogating me you thief left at her trying to reach her pocket she fought back and screamed hey we're going for round two we're already suspended trying to go for a fatality suddenly we were pulled apart by mary and another woman this witch attacked me she's the one who got me suspended too mom katie veronica is my guest her mom and i are friends what's going on here i thought it was a stepmom's daughter but it's not it's a stepmom's friend's daughter yes of course mary was friends with awful people like herself a few days later dad was away on a business trip and someone quietly opened my door at midnight to my surprise it was mary with a hand behind her back wow you know this is why you sleep with your door unlocked especially when you live with people you don't like what do you want your dad told me it's your birthday and i just came to say well happy birthday she stopped four with a cake katie i think we got off on the wrong foot and i'd really like to start over yeah i think i'd like that mary i know you can't trust her y'all saw her acting ability from before don't eat the cake or you're stupid we started hanging out more and i found myself actually liking her she had the best taste in clothes and shopping with her was so much fun so you ate the cake and you're fine she didn't poison it she didn't stuff it with laxatives some still suspicious there was a dance in school and i'd been asked out by this new boy who had all the girls drooling we were slow dancing to a song when suddenly someone pulled the back of my dress really hard and i heard the fabric rip oh my god i turned around in horror to see veronica grinning and holding part of my dress but everyone was staring at my back at a long ugly scar what a freak who's just gonna take a bite out of your dress so however so easily why are you wearing a tissue paper dress i had it since i was seven when i fell down the stair once that scar was not from falling down the stairs that's what they all say look at that disgusting thing on her back it's like she's freaking frankenstein suddenly i went forward and slapped her hard whoa i was about to say frankenstein go hard monster here veronica is you i ran out in angry tears and got into my car i didn't care if anyone knew about my stupid scar but the only person who could have told veronica about it was mary she'd seen it when she was helping me try on a dress one day i burst into the living room and started screaming how could you be such a witch mary you almost made me believe you cared about me what are you talking about what happened to your dress veronica ripped my dress because you told her about this scar even dad doesn't know i only told you why would you trust her just no hoes and you thought it could be something you tell veronica to use against me you're the most horrible person i know you're even worse than my aunt as i cried furiously in my room dad came in and hugged me sweetheart there must be some mistake mary wouldn't do this she would she did dad what do you know also no shame in a scar scars are pretty cool look like you've been in a battle and you've won veronica thought i was gonna be embarrassed and hide she was so wrong i went back to school the next day expecting weird looks and comments the principal walked in during the first lesson and said the entire class came to me this morning to complain of an incident at the dance yesterday and there is no way that i will tolerate this kind of behavior in my school veronica you're expelled oh you know this wasn't even done privately in the principal's office just the middle of class veronica pack your stuff get out of here veronica stared at her in horror the whole class erupted into cheers and applause everyone's like bye-bye and when i got home that afternoon i heard screams from the living room it was veronica's mom no one had been spying on katie your stupid mate saw her scar one day and told us and so what my daughter played a harmless little prank and now she deserves to be expelled i don't think that was harmless her entire future destroyed ah poor thing she destroyed her own future because of that stupid disfigured red-haired witch don't you dare talk like that about my daughter i hope you're recording these two karen's go at it her mom about to get expelled too we're not welcome here ever as the butlers let her out and she went screaming mary suddenly saw me and i started to cry here i'm so sorry mary for thinking it was you i i've had a hard time believing you could really care for me i heard you the first day you said you couldn't love me like your own and i guess i've been scared to love you in case you didn't love me back oh darling i said that yes because i couldn't love you right away it was also new for me too i've never been anyone's mom but i've tried so hard to get to know you and love you and i really do now katie i love you you're my daughter as much as your dads now i love you too mom for real happy ending seem too good to be true but all right stepmom love acquired definitely not because the dad's rich or anything but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe to the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 6,996,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, true stories, animation, animated, actually happened, animated short film, story time, share my story, animated story, my animated story, animated story time
Id: GaDrcfq15KQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 14 2022
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