Rich Parents Adopted Me Then Changed Their Mind

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hello friends it's me today we are watching a true story animation about a rich couple who adopts a kid and then later changes their mind like i don't want this kid anymore can you do that hi my name is julie i have no idea where i was born or who my parents really were all i ever knew was my orphanage and the kids there but once when i was five i saw a magazine in a trash bin and i fished it out as i flipped the pages i came across a picture of a beautiful couple they looked perfect i was certain my parents looked like that right did you just say i don't know anything about my parents i don't know them i never met them i don't know what they look or smell like as soon as i was born kicked me to the curb said yi this to the fetus and now she sees this magazine and she's like oh i bet my parents would look like that it's nice to dream i cut out the picture and tucked it under my pillow weirdo a couple came to the orphanage and the head mother took me to meet them i looked at their faces and then at the picture in my hand nah i'm not going with them and with that i ran off to hide okay weirdo you know she's an orphan and everything but now i have a certain standard i need my parents to look a specific way if a name megan fox a machine gun kelly i don't want him basically after that i refuse to get adopted till i met a couple of my dreams by the time i was in first grade most of my friends had left can the kids say no like you live in an orphanage they're trying to get rid of you this family is rich loving and they will take good care of you no if they don't look like this i don't want them i don't think you can choose one night i spotted some paint cans and brushes by a wall i climbed down and started painting on the side of the building i thought it looked really good but the next morning i woke up to the head mother's screams i want everyone downstairs no as i joined the rest outside sheep painting which one of you brats made this nonsense perfectly paints a johannes vermeer painting gets in trouble for it this is how you get yourself adopted just then a car drove up to the orphanage and i was shook it was a beautiful couple exactly like the one in my picture the one with the lambo yes i want that couple to adopt me not exactly but close enough suddenly the woman said oh wow who painted this wall mural me it was me head mother turned purple while the couple told me i was so talented and then they adopted me when we reached their house my jaw dropped it looked more like a palace they took me to my beautiful room and a maid walked in with paints and brushes you can paint the walls however you like sweetheart go crazy wow she hit the jackpot i guess waiting this whole time wasn't so bad for the next two years i lived my best life grand birthdays party on yachts exotic vacations my parents kept me by their side and were always boasting to their friends about how talented i was imagine living as an orphan living on one potato a day to partying on a yacht so you ruin a child i felt truly loved then one day in third grade i went downstairs to find them crying mom dad what's wrong oh darling these are happy tears i'm pregnant after trying for ten years i can't believe this is happening i ran forward and hugged them it would be awesome to have a sibling who said anything about sibling ah you gotta go back to the orphanage we can have our own child now no need for you anymore i fell in love with baby polly at first sight she and mom were resting in the hospital room i went to the vending machine to get candy but when i returned the room was empty i ran to the reception and the lady there said that my family had just checked out wait what imagining an amber alert yeah they left in a white lambo oh it's an opposite of an amber alert instead of taking the child they left the child what kind of alert is this the lady dropped me home and i stormed off inside i found my parents in my room and all my stuff was outside some men were slapping on pink paint all over my wall art mom dad i'm here um good to know why are you announcing it shut up shut up there's there's a baby here i have a new baby no more love for you you don't matter anymore also we got a whole entire mansion why are you painting her room like it's the only room in the house where's she gonna live you guys forgot me at the hospital no i didn't did you hit your head somewhere and can you please pick up your stuff turns out my parents had decided to convert my room to polly's nursery gaslight gay keep girl boss her mother has learned well and i was shifted to the room in the other wing of the house as polly grew older she had my parents wrapped around her little finger she could do no wrong oh darling she burnt the house down oh how cute buy her another one our future arsonist she jumped onto the table and pushed my bowl of hot soup onto my lap gosh polly what's wrong with you don't talk to her like that she's just a baby she doesn't know what she's doing by the time polly was four my parents felt worried because she still only spoke what was that she's an alien from planet stupid and when i was watching tv she suddenly climbed onto the couch and brought her face close to my ear julie i hate you you're disgusting what did you just say you're not talking with me and with that she smiled and started watching tv mom and dad walked in and i shouted you won't believe this paulie can talk like proper words what oh my baby i missed it imagine her first worst being i hate you say mama ma ma i hate you what did she say she said she she hates me i'm disgusting wow julie really she just started talking and she's saying words like disgusting what rubbish i swear oh be quiet paulie if you can talk say i love you mommy over nothing julie don't know why you're turning into such a brat i was convinced my baby sister was a psychopath well i think she is the symptoms of psychopaths online and they were usually highly intelligent and use big words from a young age holly seemed to fit the description perfectly when i was in 11th grade and paulie was eight my parents decided to host a grand new year's party as i was getting dressed i looked up in the mirror to see paulie standing behind me holding a pair of scissors hey that's dangerous hey you want to be the guinea pig for this new five-minute craft hack i just saw she gave me a look that shivers down my spine you didn't say please and then she grabbed her long blonde curls and snipped them off oh my god why'd you do that you'll see and suddenly ah bottom lip started to quiver and tears welled up in her eyes where are y'all getting these demon children from mom and dad came running and they were beyond furious every time you see her gotta whip out the camera 4k they wouldn't even listen to me we know you're jealous of paulie but we never thought you'd go this far sometimes i wonder if we made a mistake adopting you sometimes i think i made a mistake too thinking you were the perfect parents with that i ran off to the park across the street i was sitting on the swings when someone joined me hey is everything okay hey i thought rich people didn't have problems what is this why are you here by yourself at night i live right across the street and i'm fine why are you here oh i just moved here with my aunt and the house next to that huge mansion i felt myself warming up to his kind face but just then my tummy let out a loud growl god how embarrassing but he didn't laugh everybody's tummy grumbles what do you mean he's gonna laugh like oh my god that's so embarrassing did your stomach just make that sound ah disgusting very ugly as lucas walked me back home a clock somewhere struck midnight fireworks exploded all over the sky happy new year he suddenly took my hand and my heart raced a little everyone should have someone to kiss on new year's eve happy new year julie he pulled me closer and i leaned in for a kiss why you just met this guy there is no way like oh wait wait i'm sat in a horrible mood i'm gonna run away it goes to the park meets a cute boy what and what pad is this if i go to the park at night sometimes there's like tweakers taking a nap on the bench we started dating and i was loving every second of it one night i let lucas in through my window and we were making out when suddenly we heard the lock on the door click and someone flung it open uh-oh oh my god how did you open the door i have keys to all the rooms duh i come here all the time why are you keeping your boyfriend a secret from me that is actually the older sibling's job to come into the baby's room and knocking someone over and checking up on them you're seriously asking why maybe because you're a complete psycho and you'll find a way to ruin anything good in my life jeez you're so melodramatic lucas how soon can you marry julie and take her away i can't marry her right now but wrong answer and with that she fled the room two minutes later she's so embarrassing to find me sleeping peacefully where's the boy uh oh what what boy polly said you had a boy in your room no she's insane sleeping so i don't know what crazy polly saw go ahead and look my parents searched my room and the servant searched the grounds and found nothing after they finally left i lifted the loose floorboard in my room and lucas crept out from under it he fit in a floorboard that ain't a man that's a two by four wooden plank that probably thought she knew everything but i've been here longer than her but to my horror the door flung open again and my parents and polly were standing there oh see i told you he was still here how did she even know all hell broke loose as my parents called over lucas is on and threatened to hand him to the police for breaking in please sir it won't happen again you bet it won't do you even know who i am uh no i have no idea who you are you're the weirdos next door as lucas's aunt dragged him off dad turned to me why is this your cashier eternity god knows what kind of people your parents were because you seem like a really bad egg well by that logic your parents must have been big jerks how dare you talk like that after everything we've done for you you're just an orphan no one wanted and we saved you from that miserable place y'all can't bring that up again also if your parents are so rich why they got so much time no you took me because you just wanted a talented child to show off but since polly came you've reminded me every day that i'm not your kid she got a mouth on her my eyes fell on a stuffed teddy bear on the shelf it was the only present paulie had given me once and suddenly i had a realization why uh-oh i pulled out the teddy bear's eyes and i saw what i'd suspect there was a tiny camera behind one of them polly had been using it to spy on me i looked straight into the camera polly you're a creep nah nah not even a creep if your sibling did that to you death is only a matter of a little pain but this is the last time you'll mess with me and with that i ripped it out and smashed it with my foot that night i packed my paintings and climbed out the window leaving that house behind forever dang she walked out of there with the moral lisa that'll fetch you a pretty penny get you a couple of dollars i didn't go to lucas and went back to the orphanage well i just knew you'd be back one day you can stay but you'll have to earn your key i started teaching kids in the orphanage and i felt happier than i had in ages one day as i was going to class a car drove up and i was shocked to see lucas and his aunt wait you could just as an adult i don't know how old she is but like she could just go back to the orphanage like yeah it didn't really work out so here i am lucas ran to me and gave me a bear hug his aunt took my hand next and said julie lucas and i were wondering would it be okay if i officially adopted you thank you for that but i don't need a parent if she adopted you wouldn't you and the guy that you like be related and that would be weird wouldn't it oh what are you doing step bro i kept dating lucas while i worked my way through college soon after my graduation he went down on one knee with a ring and of course i said yes we got married in a small ceremony but i made sure to invite all the kids from the orphanage he got that bad posture he's definitely a pc player a year later i gave birth to a beautiful baby boy and my heart soared with joy oh she made your own family best life possible and now make you always know that you're truly truly loved that is actually very cute i think this one had a good ending don't you think but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button and make sure you subscribe to my story animated in the description below and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe join the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 10,867,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, true stories, animated, animation, actually happened, animated short film, story time, share my story, animated story, my animated story, animated story time
Id: NSVPScTt5bs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 01 2021
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