I Tried To Re-Create This Orange Made Of Meat • Eating Your Feed • Tasty

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okay so here we are it's me Andrew once again on eating your feed the show where we recreate foods from viral videos and today I'm doing something called meat fruit and I'm being challenged by Shane Maday yes you are Shane Maday from BuzzFeed's unsolved Network give it a watch are ghosts real no check it out alvin on tasty actually went to this restaurant dinner by Heston Blumenthal what appears to be a mandarin orange on a board but then when you cut into it inside there's a meat paste it's a pate which is kind of like blended up usually livers into like a spreadable tasty paste of meat luckily for such a difficult recipe we were able to get the cookbook it's called historic Heston mr. Blumenthal himself wrote at the recipe I love when a book has this thing you know it's gonna be good this meat fruit is essentially taking a tasty puree putting that into a half-circle mold breezing that taking those two halves putting them together into now a perfect circle dipping that into orange jelly that will coat the outside why am I making this this dish I want to be surprised and delighted okay well I hope I won't disappoint you so I'm going to ask culinary advisor all-around good person ray mcclenney to give me some words of advice hi ray hi I'm making the meat fruit today I think you've gotten a peek at the recipe yes it's gonna be pretty hard right it's very difficult I think I'm not gonna make his pate recipe okay they use this machine that circulates while it cooks their pate and it costs like $1,500 Wow I want to make a more simple one okay pets they should be fairly easy though that one if you'll find about okay for this jelly I'm worried about it just turning into a pool on the plate I've seen that before yeah I could just avoid puddle plate I'll be pretty pleased with myself yeah okay so a couple notes about the recipe I'm going to do some stuff we were not able to obtain couldn't get glucose but we have corn syrup which i think is like maybe 80% the same thing 40 grams of corn syrup we got 1 kilogram of Mandarin puree here and the recipe begins by adding half of that amount I'm gonna start warming that up you're just gonna eyeball it like that yeah I'm heating this up to 120 Mason jet off Oh everything is sticky now I hate this this feeling 90 degrees Fahrenheit this is a merry old English recipe we'll do this one in the metric thing Celsius part of the metric system I consider those one in the same we're at 34 I need to get to 50 I don't know what happens if I exceed that but I don't want to find out speaking of Blumenthal I'm gonna bloom my gelatin now look at that that's a sheet of bronze gelatin bronze gelatin is a grade of gelatin where you also have silver and gold and I think it determines how firm it will be okay break this in half wait okay you can't you can't do that you freaking kidding me well that is hard now I cover it with cold water sure why not and I will set a timer for five minutes it's like sheets of jelly this rivals the time that Patrick and I massage the bowl of eggs doesn't roll in your hands through a bunch of eggs if I were you I can use acrylic so the concept is hard-boiled eggs in a bathtub do you see that how funny does that look oh my god this is some Star Wars this is truly one of the weirdest things I've ever touched do you like it I really do I'll just put this in my warm to liquid now okay oh it's dissolving pretty quickly oh okay it's gone so I'm just gonna do a portion of this into here and then I'm gonna make a little color cocktail here when we start with base orange do two drops okay oh boy extremely orange II I'm gonna add a drop of yellow mm-hmm okay now I'm gonna add this back this is not how this is supposed to go okay so the next step is to pass it through a sieve to make sure it's really nice and smooth and then oh it's getting very uh oh dude it's getting so jelly I'm worried wait what's the what's wait a second that's a quick little ball so tomorrow when I dip the jelly oh my god it's becoming so jelly you see the consistency it's no good oh my god do you see what's happening in this pot right now that's gonna be tough to sieve are you kidding me we're gonna warm it a touch I mean that way are you kidding me an EDA my second portion of Mandarin puree was still like a little icing so maybe it dropped the temperature too much so I'm gonna gently warm this [Music] mmm delicious jello yeah all right everything's gonna be a little sticky after this portion of the recipe but we're gonna have to deal okay move to a slightly larger vessel I found a larger pitcher we're gonna go with this should I put it back through the sieve Oh double sieve yeah I'll just do that Oh God we're losing it you think you're flopping one way and it can go opps the other that's gonna be it okay that's gonna be it what are you tasting my jelly yeah we're jelly frankly I'd put this on toast hmm you guys heard of oh that's good jelly that's going in the cool tank for 24 hours so the pate recipe that we're following is closest to this Mark Bittman New York Times creamy chicken liver pate as you can see I'm no longer wearing the sweater I was wearing earlier it's eaten up so at its core we have the chicken livers which has the consistency of like a waterbed and fun fact the cashier at the supermarket asked me if I was gonna feed them to my dog which I guess is a thing people do and then we got duck fat because the original recipe has foie gras this recipe has butter so I thought we'll swap this and that'll steer it more towards the fatty bird territory and you know add some fanciness to this recipe all right so to begin I'll slice up these onions is a shallot not an onion but no it's not if there was a onion Club and a shallot wanted to come would they turn it away yes it's coming now the - no all right I'm just gonna take some of that do not find curing salt but I did find pink Himalayan salt which I'm sure somebody's gonna tell me that not gonna do the same thing but you know what this is all we got so I've my spice grinder here to which I will add 10 black peppercorns 2 allspice berries a clove 4 coriander seeds okay cool it's all good I saved it and now I'm gonna add my livers to the onions oh that is a gnarly sight let me tell you do you know Adam you've cooked livers in the past right am I supposed to like rinse them or anything you never cooked livers these look ready to go I'm just gonna pop them in there's also some kind of tubular dude in here are those the veins oh okay whatever that is that's just throw their veins on there are those those little squiggly I'm googling removing liver vein for cooking do this up royally do these look veiny to you there's some gnarly looking stuff on here and neglected to clean so plop them right back in as I go if it looks like I don't know what I'm doing it's because I have no idea yeah he said he kind of wanted his to still be pink in the center my livers are about F overcooked and half nice and bloody so I call it their food processor meat livers my spice mix into the food processor two tablespoons of brandy this feels ridiculous well plop in a stick of butter into a blender with meat mm-hmm oh I forgot to add a third of a cup of cream that should make it a little bit lighter oh that's so thick okay barely a barely a difference so the heston blumenthal final product is like a strawberry sorbet inside why is it so different this looks like I've never made pate before why don't you try a little bit of it that was yeah that was chill know what you know if that was chilled Oh tastes mad good right there is a there's a lingering bitterness she's a little minerality to it for her yeah you're supposed to clean livers apparently before you cook them just took the fastest trip to the grocery store ever it would have been slightly faster had I stayed in the checkout line that I was in but it was the same guy as before so I swapped the lines to hide my shame while I was waiting in that line I did some googling and I learned that what you should do is soak your livers in water so that's what I'm gonna do here Della's horrifying I'm not feeling good about this anymore flashback to when I thought the gelatin would be the hard part I was like oh yeah you just blend up chicken livers and then you got pet day no I'm gonna do a white onion this time which hopefully that will keep the color a little brighter instead of shallots instead of shallots yeah sure lows okay [Music] did you keep trying to go fast oh that's okay let's get a band-aid oh yeah well we already cut don't worry about that so I'm gonna recut my onion we've sterilized the area ah fooled you I was good really yeah I'm also going to try real hard not to brown the onions at all just sweating like me okay my livers look not bad so what I'm gonna do now is take each one out and try to remove any connective tissue or ugly stuff attached to it and put that in a separate Bowl I go through all this work to try to make it taste fine and it tastes bad then I'm just gonna buy chicken liver pate you know freeze it my spices same mixture as before I'll do one tablespoon of brandy this time there's a little too boozy last time right yep here they come blop I'm stressed it's definitely rosier than before it smells less disgusting than earlier they hate this there's a there's a lightness to it a sponge Enis it is a sponginess the first one tasted like there's blood in your mouth here I have my silicone mold so I'm going to fill up my piping bag it would appear to be a little looser than optimally desired okay maybe boys just sound like people while you do this okay these will go in the freezer now overnight I'm a little worried we're gonna we're gonna eat something tomorrow it might just be puddle plate pate so yesterday we made the jelly which had to rest overnight we made our pate as a backup we also have some pate from a local fine butcher store called when here in Los Angeles and this should be delicious okay so time to do a taste test okay Oh so I guess the outside of my pate oxidized but when I scrape it away it's actually a rosier color inside it actually looks identical it's not bad it's not gross in any way but I definitely should not have added all the spices yeah the aftertaste is really metallic let's try this oh and see graters has a grey on top too oh my god is it much better that's delicious okay [Applause] there they are Wow okay we've got a blowtorch which I will use to soften up the edge of the sphere it has the texture of like a frozen Wendy's frosty for sure but it is meat yeah it stuck together I mean it's not great it's there's some separation there I think I can use a little bit of my reserved pate as a spackle you're like Bob Ross with this thing okay I'm gonna go toss these back in the freezer now for a little bit of a insurance policy I'm going to take our butcher store purchased pate and put those in our silicone semi spheres it's like a weird toothpaste this is the kind of satisfying activity that I was really hoping for with this challenge I'm gonna pop these in the freezer and I need to start warming my Mandarin jelly the recipe really warns not to exceed a certain temperature with a mandarin jelly so it needs to be gradually warmed and held at a specific temperature so that's why we're using this water circulator okay hey good morning just gonna top this off oh wait a second what happened misread the instructions a little bit what I'm supposed to do now is take all this manner and jelly put it in a saucepan gently bring it back to a liquid state ensuring that it doesn't go over 40 degrees Celsius is it really supposed to be like that probably the gelatin are they melting that's kind of hard to tell yeah there's oh yeah there's some little oil liquid is forming at the bottom and now into the immersion circulator great it's submerged in water well we have a few more minutes the half spheres from the butcher store pate are pretty firm and I think I can form them into circles now into the freezer this is my battle station for dipping the spheres into the orange jelly each sphere is going to go into the jelly two times then stick on here this goes in the fridge for a minute and then I do it as many times as necessary to have a satisfying coating on the outside all right here we go all of these steps have led up to this moment [Music] okay I'm gonna put that into the fridge okay I'm gonna dip again okay it's starting to look really cool it's now like a shiny orange sphere this is very shiny and smooth into the fridge how to remove the stick do you see the way it jiggles there's definitely a lot of gelatin oh this is cool it's fun this is the fun part so these ones went in the freezer which gave them more of a texture I think that's gonna contribute to the final orange flesh type texture this is the best one yet dude yeah the freezer gives it a matte finish immediately net and wrinkly okay I've got the good pate I feel really good about this it's going straight in the freezer okay just waiting for those balls to freeze I think this is the best one so far it's dimply but not too shiny oh yeah it's got a nice texture to it a nice orange color it's got the light colored pate inside so I'm gonna pop this off and put it in the refrigerator so the pate spheres have been in the fridge now for almost 6 hours we've got a nice loaf of bread from Tartine bakery here in Los Angeles that we're going to use to serve the pate with that's how it's served at the restaurant the best parts of this episode are all the things that I've just bought ok now a nice thick slice that I'll toast up oh oh these are the two that came from the Gwen pate you can see the colors a lot lighter and we started to get the texture nail down I think this is my hero orange here's the VIP cutting board we have our little spreader knife some leaves that we took from a not orange tree but not poisonous tree outside my bread how's that oh my god that is really very impressive all right I'm gonna get Rea in here okay don't open your eyes yet so you remember what the meat fruit looks like yes open your eyes Wow you say the best job ready to make them so Alvin cuts a full face off of it okay you know honestly I think yours looks better yeah I'm not kidding yeah I'm gonna come right across the front here Oh oh yeah this is definitely the coolest thing I've ever really yeah I am surprised and delighted [Music] good are you kidding me so good stop it laughing yeah you want to try the one with the pate that I mean yeah sure it's pup egg should I be prepared I'll try it first I'll be the guinea pig that doesn't look good yeah thanks shame for opening my eyes to what the world of roots shaped meats is like thank you for nailing it except for the liver I'd like to now show it to somebody who has no idea what it is welcome Aria hello hi thank you for having me you don't really know what's happening right now absolutely no idea thought this would make it fancy I know I'm gonna show you a plate of food and I'd like you to just have a bite in whatever way you think is appropriate all right here it is oh all right yeah all right just almost like like I like it okay or however you think you should eat it mmm give him the context clues you know well that his breath oh yeah yeah yeah yeah and I had to touch okay I do I'm he's dead whatever you want to do whatever is drawing you in whatever things are oh oh that's gelatinous ah yes it is right there yeah oh by the way I thought there was some ooze coming out okay that's great that's why you like that this is something what's that man the man the English guy bald Heston you know has some Blumenthal oh yes I do them know by name and by a couple of shows this is a Heston Blumenthal dish how do you know well Wow we ask the right person to come into this food Heston well done has been fantastic I didn't know it was that has a little dish I've ever eaten at a Heston Blumenthal restaurant know what love to while now I have the experience all right that's been eating your feed [Music] you
Channel: Tasty
Views: 2,888,466
Rating: 4.9427748 out of 5
Keywords: I Tried To Re-Create This Orange Made Of Meat, K_fe, PL-EYF, PL-EYF-S3, andrew ilnyckyj, buzzfeed, buzzfeed andrew, buzzfeed rie, buzzfeed shane, buzzfeed tasty, eating your feed, eating your feed meat fruit, eating your feed orange made of meat, eyf, food challenge, how to make, i tried to recreate, making meat fruit, meat fruit, orange made of meat, shane madej, tasty, viral food videos, we tried to recreate
Id: eugVGJkOjsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 33sec (1353 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 30 2019
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