Can I Make A $60 S'more For Andrew From BuzzFeed Worth It? • Dish Granted

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Steven's last episode in the pilot season for Dish Granted~! Let's do our very best and watch the heck outta this episode!! 🥳

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/chlotea 📅︎︎ Jan 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

Steven is so sweet! I love his energy. He takes a lot of jokes from his coworkers, but he is so treasured. I've been a big fan of his from the Worth It segment on BF. He's always the heart of whatever he's working on. I am so glad he gets to do his own version of Worth It, in his way, which obviously is full of positivity and comes from a place of love.

I would love a season two. I am hoping maybe he can work with a chef who can scale a recipe to make it more accessible to home chefs. There are so many things I'd like to make and eat, but the ingredients are hard to come by. I know it's a, "fantasy" but I want to eat it, not dream it! Lol.

I did love his other segment that showcased chefs making traditional dishes and then friends who made them at home. I'm still planning on making the tamales not the restaurant tamales, the Abuela's Tamales.

Keep it up Steven! We love and appreciate you!

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/princesscorncob 📅︎︎ Jan 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

Maybe I'm in the minority here but part of why I love Dish Granted so much is because of the look of wholesome satisfaction and excitement at the end, like what we got from Ryan and Shane. This episode, to me, was less about "How can Steven elevate a favorite dish from someone" and more of "How well can you make this clearly disgusting combination of foods work together" and idk, I felt like I got cheated at the end LOL

Like for me, part of why I love cooking for my partner is the look of satisfaction and joy he gets from the dishes I prepare for him. I'm probably projecting here, but I hope in the next season we see more of guests who genuinely want Steven to elevate their already favorite dish and take it to the next level.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/bgomezzz 📅︎︎ Jan 24 2021 🗫︎ replies

The dish is wicked, s'moyster? Good on Steven for taking on the challenge like a boss!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Honeybeeq18 📅︎︎ Jan 24 2021 🗫︎ replies

Stumbled on this today and am totally into it. It’s definitely filling the hole that Gourmet Makes left in my heart.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/unitxe 📅︎︎ Jan 24 2021 🗫︎ replies

My partner and I were talking about how we might have handled something like this. I was thinking incorporating clam juice into the marshmallow. Then smoking the marshmallow before roasting it and serving that on an oyster shell with grated chocolate. Unfortunately it doesn't incorporate the actual oyster or Graham crackers so not nearly as fully thought out as Steven's idea. Also Steven is a much better cook than he is bartender.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/0ldstoneface 📅︎︎ Jan 24 2021 🗫︎ replies

I really don’t like Stephen.

I’m sorry but during a pandemic when people are struggling to eat I’m not hyped on him spending almost 1k on food for his friends.

It’s disgusting really. Flaunting these insane meals while at the same time claiming to “really understand the struggle”

Fuck you. Downvote me if you want but hospitals in his area are overwhelmed but gotta make a fancy dish right? Fuck off. Step off that pedestal just once. Maybe feed a food bank instead of dropping a stimulus check on making your buddy Mac and cheese?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

I wanted to smack the teeth out of Andrew.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/cousinstrange 📅︎︎ Jan 24 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hello and welcome to dish granted i'm your host and aspiring home cook stephen lim and i've had the opportunity to try some of the most extravagant expensive delicious meals all around the world but on this show i'll be attempting to give my friends a little taste of that same luxury with no limit to how much i can spend i'll have 24 hours to create a dish beyond their wildest dreams this is dish granted season finale this is the third episode we're a real show tony a very real show which means we got an apron we do have this on the if you want to match me oh this pocket's here that's cool today the person whose dish i will be granting is none other than my co-host on worth it long time friend andrew phil nicky we've eaten probably what over 200 300 meals together that's insane we've been to like every corner of the u.s australia and japan and that taste bud bond goes deeper than anybody else that i know in this entire world i chose andrew for this episode because he's truly been the best partner i could have ever asked for on worth it all that being said let's go and find out what andrew wants to eat today i thought long and hard about what food i'm going to ask you to make and i really focused in on the idea of it being a dream food like from the dark recesses of my mind that only come out during nighttime slumber okay the food that i would wish you to grant me is called a smoister and it's not a real food it's a s'more plus an oyster uh-huh just for my context how do you spell us moister oh i'm not sure i've ever written it down but does it have the apostrophe for the smoke yeah that's a good one s apostrophe m-o-y-s-t-e-o [Music] why did you pick us moisture when i was working on tasty a lot of the videos were based on reimagining popular flavors that's how we got like the pizza cone at first it was just a funny word but then when i started thinking about it i thought there might actually be some opportunity for really interesting flavors happening remember we did the video at providence and we had a chocolate cake with cherries and olives there's like something about salty briny flavors that go really well with sweets i vaguely remember that i do remember it tasting good when you taste this moisture what is going to make you say that was worth the 24 hours of effort you just put into it i think i'm always looking for foods that dissolve the illusion of what should and shouldn't go together like the rules that we have about food are kind of made up i think you can make a subtle seafood flavor really work in something that's polite and ethereal you know sorry cat is that wellington over there wellington yeah i want to see that half shell of the oyster and then like a very ethereal marshmallow thing sitting on top of it you just wanted to go into like alice in wonderland territory yes yes dish of my dreams stephen we do promise that we will grant the dish of your wildest dreams so challenge accepted awesome okay well i will see you right here in my apartment in 24 hours okay sounds good [Music] okay it's moisture shoot plus oyster where do we even start start with what you know what do i know good question spores the first thing came to mind was like you make a s'mores and then you take the oyster you like slip it in and then you just eat that but then like that sounds disgusting don't knock it till you try it don't so you want us to just try it okay so these are baines sound vancouver island oysters safety first kids i do not want to cut myself on this show wait how do you shop this wow i actually did it correctly i thought it doesn't have to google this i don't really eat chocolate but we do have this peppero korean chocolate that brittany got for us so thank you brittany oh we're making do kids oh shoot and then oh i present to you this moisture tony's face right now come here what do you think you don't eat that you were the one who told me to try it [Music] that was worse than i thought it was gonna taste kind of tasted like silver water here you try it oh i just experienced it again watching you eat that well we tried it i think i want to use my phone our friend right now he runs the first michelin rated noodle shop in new york city chef douglas i need your help all right chef douglas good to see you again let me walk you through what's going on today okay i am trying to make a combination of two dishes s'mores and oyster aka ace moisture have you ever heard of anything like this before uh not really but i just tried it okay how was that it was disgusting it was really bad i cannot imagine that kind of flavor combination this is what it looked like holy shoot yeah cool uh so i'm trying to understand this like from a culinary standpoint like why do those flavors not work together usually the oyster and sweetness doesn't go well raw oyster is very very simple thing in this industry almost more than 20 years now i learned certain things don't play with too much and oyster is one of them if you had to put these ingredients together what would you do to make it work you have to find something that connect together oysters usually work with the savory stuff bordeaux and friends oftentimes they serve pork sausage with raw oyster oh interesting another thing that i can think of is chocolate coated bacon i see where you're going okay if it's a one is oyster it's another one is s'mores you need a plus sign it could be bacon i'm imagining okay well i put the oyster and then i put a bacon in i don't think that would have solved the problem then you might need a sauce component smoother everything up and then maybe it will combine it together you would suggest that i do cook the oyster though in some way yeah i think it's a if you cook it it would become a lot more versatile this is very helpful chef no problem i'll send you a photo later of what we end up doing don't be afraid just gotta do it you know i mean sometimes it doesn't work at all but you know you got to continue to try okay chef douglas has inspired confidence in me let's do this s'more equals chocolate graham cracker marshmallow i liked chef's idea of turning the chocolate into a sauce and the best way to combine that into a savory sauce is use a traditional mole a traditional mole has the sweetness of the chocolate but it's not too intense like when we had this more earlier as well as bringing in the flavor i don't know it just sounds cool i mean the mole on uh oysters sounds cool right we're gonna do a homemade graham cracker and then for the marshmallow it's a blank canvas and we can add flavor to it and a flavor that works well with oysters lemon we're going to make lemon marshmallows that sounds bomb by itself now we need the components of an oyster uh oyster and we want to cook it down to bring down the flavor so examples of cooked oysters you can grill them you can fry them you can bake them you know what this baked oyster uses a buttery kind of sauce which rockefeller what if we take the oyster rockefeller and we replace the butter sauce with our own chocolate mole sauce and it does have breading on it so we replace that with breaded graham cracker i'm getting somewhere again somewhere okay okay so the best part of a s'more is roasting the marshmallow so what if we have a little fire for him and he gets to roast his own lemon marshmallow on top of that fire what if we make the marshmallow in the shape of an oyster shell and he puts that on top of the half shell and then just like scoops the whole thing in his mouth what about the bacon oh the bacon i forgot about the bacon i always forget about one thing where do we put the bacon should we bake the bacon on top like the bacon bits okay so we'll add some bacon bits here thank you for reminding me that my friends is what you call a moister it sounds better the more i've been saying it actually it's moisture here we go i've never made marshmallows before in my life but i did a quick google search and they're actually very simple fingers crossed to make so i found a recipe from joshua weissman on how to make the easiest homemade marshmallows you can add different flavors so i found an epicurious recipe that shows a way to incorporate lemons by using the zest the juice so i'm going to actually combine it together to make the easiest homemade lemon marshmallows one cup potato starch it's about a cup right i'm gonna be precise this is just the dust the dusting i am very messy in the kitchen we powdered our pan so that doesn't stick oh wow yeah let's just dump out some of the extra josh says to use a half cup of water so i'm going to use a half cup of lemon juice is that okay maybe i'll use a half of the half so we'll do a quarter cup of images quarter cup water [Applause] i just realized something i'm gonna use this tray it's a madeline pan which makes little shells it should work right if it sets in there it should sit in here technically the problem is that it takes 12 hours to set so if i mess it up i'm out of time do both yeah that's a good idea we're going to add the lemon water mixture and then we're going to combine that with the gelatin it's very clumpy though i wonder if it's too biscuits because of the lemon juice i don't know you're worried me too now we're going to combine our lemon zest with the sugar one and a quarter cup of corn syrup and now we're gonna cook the sugar until it's just starting to crystallize add a cup of water a little pinch of salt i never know what a pinch is [Music] i don't know if you're supposed to stir sugar oh [Music] so as soon as it starts bubbling take it off cool it and then slowly add it to the mixer it's bubbling it looks like the video look look compare this to this all right we're taking it off how do you know a lot of bubbles [Music] very strong lemon smell you know what though it's not as yellow as the epicurus marshmallow i wonder if they added food dye they did oh that's good there's one a little more that's good huh that's good two teaspoons of this maybe one's enough all right it looks pretty good it's pretty good huh how do i get it in here though really fast and slow oh god wait what just keep going to the next one this is a bad idea keep going the next one this was a bad idea right spread it yeah oh no no wait what you said spread it i'm trying to go the rest here i can't handle the stress [Music] oh i'm leaving this f f f so i have six marshmallows here let me just try it now actually the taste should be the same right why was i worried it's sugar and lemon this is good okay next step is our homemade graham crackers and i found a fun recipe online from bigger border baking it was like the most crispy also looked very homey which i know andrew will really appreciate thank you gemma very simple recipe we just need some whole wheat flour brown sugar one teaspoon of cinnamon baking soda salt room temperature butter a little hack here that i learned is you can make it room temp faster by cutting into little blocks i probably should use a food processor now that i'm looking at this but a third of a cup of honey that's a lot of honey vanilla extract three tablespoons of milk what is that old like fairy tale about the gingerbread house they follow the ginger bread crumbs until they died or something that's so easy i think one thing i have learned from the show is that things are easier to make than you think into the fridge we go i'm feeling more confident with dough i want to eat that straight up you can't eat that straight up look at a big piece [Music] it's very good how can it be bad i'm so good at this why are you laughing like that tony because whenever you say that something bad happened wait a second fudge fudge yeah hers is cracking but then it looks fine in that cut wait whoa whoa whoa there's a movie magic there gemma that's not right that looks like a gingerbread man that decided it wasn't worthy of being a gingerbread man wait what's going on why so crack dude [Applause] baking hates me why are you laughing you just do this to yourself hello crafts let's mend our ways and be friends again how's it looking tony from your vantage point crisis averted i think so okay good yes my perfect graham cracker please bake wow [Music] baking freakouts it makes sense to freak out makes sense to freak out the steps are hard all right i'm gonna add a little line down the middle here prosthetic that's beautiful i'll make a photo looks like real graham crackers does [Music] now we wait uh the graham crackers are a little bit on the thicker sides yes maybe like two more minutes i feel like they're not done yet they look soft can i touch it no i can't talk i think we're done i don't want to go too long oh yeah a little bit too done i wish we had like a chart of my confidence level over time it's like the stock market oh it did snap hey hey let's go you want some oh i'm so relieved right now that's a wrap on day one we have marshmallow setting in the back we have graham crackers that are finished tomorrow we need to complete the mole bake it all together prepare the fire okay the next time you see me it will be day two [Applause] day two okay i want to check on my marshmallows from last night i cover them because simba will eat anything if you leave it out oh no what happened now it was flat last night and then i guess a draft must have come because it's stuck to part of the marshmallow oh no it's stuck this is one variable i did not account for it's so bad it's so bad i can't blame it on simba it's not his fault but i wouldn't have done this if it wasn't for him oh you got it this one's not sticky on top whoa i've never seen a big floss of marshmallows okay we got marshmallows cheers [Music] i dare say that's better than any marshmallow i've ever had pretty good pretty good pretty damn good thank you my confidence is skyrocketing pretty you want to try it [Music] that is a lemon marshmallow thank you that good job that brittany just gave me was way more validating than anything tony's ever said to me ta-da all right we can move on to the mole now i made this because i was stressed it's pretty simple actually um it's just 30 ingredients but you take all this stuff put it in a blender cook it down and that's mole so i looked up on youtube small recipes and i really wanted one that used a lot of chocolate the best one was from simply mama cooks and we got chocolate from a place called chocobibo 65 cacao 85 cacao and 100 i'm thinking we'll split the difference to have a more bitter taste but still remain some sweetness the first step is to rinse the chilies stem and then pull out some of the seeds because i really want it to be focused on the chocolate i've not cooked with a lot of chilis in my life not that i don't like chilies but typically when i eat at home i want more bland foods stuff that's not going to make me want to what's like a you've euphemism for a toilet jump to the loo and then i'm gonna actually broil these for just a minute you know get the flavor out this is great i feel more comfortable when i'm cooking not baking tomatillos tomatoes and then aguajito chilis whoa spicy how much garlic do we need eight cloves of garlic thank you blast these in the oven for one minute hot hot oh it's hot i'm gonna throw all the chilies down in this big bowl and we're gonna steep them this is one of those things right i really don't think i can mess it up you take the ingredients throw it in the blender and then cook it you can't mess that up right all right before i go ahead and blend all of the other ingredients together i do want to do a little chocolate taste test cheers oh it's dark that bitterness hits the back of your tongue uh-huh and it stays there it's definitely just like stuck right here simba i know you want chocolate but you can't eat this it will kill you no there are tomatoes and tomatillos and then our onion and then corn tortillas this i believe is to help it get a little bit more i think the word they use is body will it blend yes now i'm gonna put the chipotle chili in prunes this is what she swears by so i'm just gonna trust that these are good in here here we go wow that thing is amazing now we're going to sieve it sieve it did i put too much in there at once patience steven it's one thing i've learned from this show well that's all the particles left huh we're at 10 grams of chocolate help it melt a little bit by breaking it up get that in there a little bit of cinnamon just a pinch of ground clove and the sugar and salt is more kind of just to your taste i'm gonna just add two and then see if it's good half a cup of sun butter and some salt maybe maybe we'll stop there for now yeah yeah the chocolate is very strong maybe he doesn't need more chocolate oh you know what it means it's chicken broth oh you didn't add that yeah i gotta add this now sorry i forgot about this it's such a complex sauce the first wave is the chocolate and then the saltiness and then the spiciness i think it needs now the sweetness we're almost there with like this i can see the finish line should we add this chipotle sauce sorry simply mama kitchen we're going off the road better better the chocolate is really strong that's some salt [Music] no it's not that's why you put it in your hand first oh my god if this is too salty i will cry [Music] oh yes yes how are you feeling i'm getting to the point of the day where i feel crazy it's not that out ah let's get crispy up in here and it all comes down to this you know what's funny is back when andrew had this idea he didn't like oysters it's interesting how far we've come really as people let's preheat our oven to 350. i'm going to combine graham cracker and bacon together okay so let's make rockefeller turn the oysters and then bake at 450. put the molle on top the bacon and then crumble or graham cracker six minutes i don't usually get stressed out cooking but i'm realizing it's because i'm cooking for somebody else like my mom ingrained in me the food you serve has to be good or else it just ends there there's nowhere else okay time's up huh it doesn't look as crazy as i thought well it tastes good hello hi steven are you ready for your moisture i'm ready come on in i'll ever be oh my gosh i can't believe i'm doing this i'm nervous how are you doing you shouldn't be nervous even if you don't come up with anything i think it'll be a success just because you tried to make something so silly it is indeed the silliest thing i've ever done in my life why don't we bring out the dish yeah i smell burning stephen are you are you okay over there andrew ilnicki yes your dish has been granted does that mean i open my eyes yeah okay wow bacon huh i think i need your help what am i looking at here we took inspiration from oyster rockefeller where they bake the oyster with butter so instead of butter we wanted to incorporate the chocolate somehow chocolate comes in the form of mole okay made from scratch and then from scratch so that's a chocolate element homemade graham crackers did it for you sprinkled homemade graham cracker yeah typically you want to have lemon with your oysters yeah so we infused the lemon pretty much just put lemon juice in the marshmallow toast those on your own above the campfire and then add it over the oyster rockefeller but mole just moisture and why is there bacon on it that's a great question i was optimizing for taste and i spoke with a chef friend and he said you have no connecting piece between the oyster and the s'mores you know you have bacon oysters and then you have bacon chocolate yeah well i think first i should toast a marshmallow right go for it stephen i'm very impressed yeah this is a whole restaurant experience it's not just a dish but it's like speaking of wish we got you some wine because wine goes well with oysters i didn't realize the sort of treatment you got your own dish granted oh boy that's an oyster covered in chocolate with a marshmallow on top and graham cracker crust with bacon in a graham cracker crust cheers steven [Music] huh not bad it's really not bad quite a lot of uh heavy flavors right right the mole the oyster it almost tastes like i'm eating some sort of like chowder in a oyster shell cup could use more marshmallows more marshmallows yeah what kind of wood are we smoking the marshmallow with here these are west side la twigs here did you learn anything surprising taking this moisture here's the thing it hasn't been done before and there's a reason why pretty blown away that you elevated this experience with the campfire right on the table a s'more isn't a s'more without roasting it over fire no yeah and it has to be fresh and melty oh yeah um trying to think of what it reminds me of like a fried oyster po boy almost it's quite strange though i'm not gonna lie i don't recommend others to make this dish good job i mean thank you like i said it was pretty it's not great but it's pretty good i will take pretty good i actually have a surprise for you a desserts moisture oh wow i set the marshmallow on graham cracker in an oyster mold oh so you thought my my idea sucks i'm gonna make him what i think will actually taste good lemon marshmallow pretty good lemon marshmallow right mm-hmm i think you should be proud of yourself we took a lot of risks with this one oh it's really good i think you get a gold star steven i get this had you like bought graham crackers or bought marshmallows no gold star but the fact that you did the campfire marshmallow oysters is it a gold star dish probably not good job steven thank you well this has been dish granted season one thank you for joining us thank you for granting my dish i'm honestly shocked how not gross it was that is compliment [Music] i don't know what's gonna happen next maybe i'll just freak out fade to black fade to black fade faster faster [Music] faster
Channel: Watcher
Views: 490,674
Rating: 4.9814701 out of 5
Keywords: Steven Lim, BuzzFeed Worth It, Vs., Expensive, Food, Cooking Show, Competition, Tasty, Recipe, Without A Recipe, About to eat, andrew ilnyckyj, steven and andrew, worth it, smores, oyster, weird food, watcher, watcher entertainment
Id: qur-is7BBEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 30sec (1650 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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