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welcome back to the past the game challenge each developers make a video game The Catch being that no communication between them is loud we've done this Challenge three times already and the end result is always surprisingly awesome for example check out Titan Smasher or managod so the question is what will we create today I'll even have an exciting twist so stick up right until the end okay let's begin with developer number one hey I'm Liam and I'm the first person to work on this brand new game I can literally do whatever I want and it's going to be the foundation that everybody after me is going to have to add to vol's been quite fascinated about the insect world so I wanted this game to be about that commanding and growing an army of insects I started by making this little underground Nest as well as this insect that can move around it now this insect is pretty lonely at the moment so I made this egg room of where the poor can go to to hatch new insect soldiers for now they just look like a pile of dead corpses so I implemented a cool a star pathfinding algorithm so they can now move around the nest I thought it would be cool have two different parts to the game The Nest where all the Army management and building would take place and the dangerous outside section where our army would battle other creatures so there are now a bunch of enemies patrolling outside the nest and our baby soldiers down gold sides battle those creatures once the creatures died they drop a corpse and their baby soldiers grab that corpse go back to the nest and bring them to the corpse room by this time my four hours were almost complete so I couldn't do anything with this new corpse resource I'm sure another Dev will figure that one out I just had some time left to add this cool troll facts to make my insects look extra sexy and I also added some post-processing let me now give this lovely little package to James the game so far was pretty interesting but I didn't really think there was enough Challenge and there was no real game Loop going on so first thing I did was add in a bunch more enemies spawning in over time I made this little camera transition between areas as well I added some tiny little health bars to our little soldier guys who were going outside to destroy our enemies to make it a bit more obvious to our players when they were actually doing something I did the same thing with the enemies as well I then also added some simple little attack effects and death effects I added a little hunger bar up in the top left corner I had a giant message about feeding the queen so the player knows exactly what they must do but now of course we need to actually do something with all these corpses that were getting piled up so it made the system work so with our little soldiers going out we could then go down and grab a little guy down here run over to our little Masher room pop that guy in and he'd squash out and pop out some food down in the food storage room so the game is now at least has a functional core gameplay Loop and I can't wait to see what Noah will do with the game next all right no here and the third developer and the first thing I'm going to do is improve the visuals I removed the blend grade backgrounds and made a squishy looking egg and Masher using Photoshop also a fan of these little sperm-like creatures so turn them into golden bugs I worshiped Hollow Knight so if I can add a little insect magic into a game I will jump onto that opportunity it's a small claustrophobic tunnels made me think of the deep nest and its many spooky inhabitants so I created a monstrous juicy spider for the player character also I had to make creepy spider minions and some Ambience particle effects oh and the Queen Spider can now die of hunger but also when she reaches zero HP is where the player will not overuse her to gain corpses we'll need to rely a little more heavily on her ever-growing Army of tiny spiderlings I like the idea of having an enemy called the corporator that would devour your precious corpse resources so it made some arts and animations for that although unfortunately I didn't have enough time to implement that into the gameplay alright that's it for me I'm now gonna pass this project to the master of horror Mrs hey I'm Mrs a YouTube game developer I recently released a a survival horror game called endoparasitic where three of your limbs were ripped off and you have to escape so I played through the game I was given I noticed that carrying corpses back and forth one at a time was really tedious so I mean so you can carry up to five instead I also made so you can grab corpses that soldiers are carrying instead of waiting for them to go to the storage room to drop them off next I wanted to add a cost to making soldiers since right now you can spawn them endlessly and overwhelm the enemies so I made so that when the soldiers spawn it starts as a scaled down Largo version and will go to the food storage area if there's food there at ezek grows up and becomes a normal Soldier after that I wanted to add some more strategy for controlling your soldiers I made this golden blob a healing room that slowly regenes the health of nearby injured soldiers then I made so if you're a nearby an injured Soldier you can press h to make it stop what it's doing and go to that room until it's fully healed finally I wanted to add a win condition I copied the game over screen and put a you win message on it and then made it display it if you kill the giant bug enemy then I made the giant bug deal damage to you based on how much health it has if you walk into it so if you try to kill it on your own you'll just die me meaning you have to rely on your soldiers to win and then I just did some Polish like making enemy bugs actually face whatever they're attacking and making food restore more of your hunger so you can afford to keep making soldiers to help okay four developers have worked on the spider game the next part of the video is going to be filled with challenges struggles and a major twist so stick around because the fun has just begun project I was really excited my first idea was a little bit overboard I was thinking maybe I'll make this a multiplayer game and have it so that you're competing for resources in the middle then I remembered I've only got four hours so I scaled it way back and I thought what do I want to do to keep this on theme and the first thing was to get rid of the health bar and turn that into hunger or tie that back into the theme of hunger since the game said the queen must feed next I decided to change the way the eggs worked I wanted the spiders to just keep coming so that maybe they could follow me around and I could guide them over the food that seemed like a new mechanic or a new way to use the larva where I could just have them go to food and try to keep them alive on the way so I can grow these little soldiers that will then work for me and get me more corpses and morphine this felt really great I had now had a new way to level up my guys and I was having a lot of fun with it but I wanted to add in something else I felt like why not give my spider some ability something that she could do so I made it so that she could spit food by hitting the the F key this probably is a little bit too powerful but it added a lot of fun to it and certainly made the game beatable for me it's my turn so at this point I'm pretty sure I'm one of the last developers to go but it's hard for the player to understand how things work and what they're supposed to even do so I'm going to spend a little bit of time trying to think of changes that will make the game a little more intuitive to the player and just a little more fun to play the clock is ticking let's get started here is my list of Game breaking bugs and improvements I wanted to focus on ordered by difficulty I reverse the direction of the hunger meter because I found it a bit confusing and right to left is more in line with the health bars in most games to fix the infinite food for baby spiders bug I added a validation that checks if there's enough hunger left in a hunger meter at the same time I debug some of the spaghetti code and added some of my own so that the hunger meter would no longer get stuck and stop decreasing now the queen could automatically win the game by killing the fat enemy so I removed the ability to do so I also made it possible for the queen to be targeted by the fat and purple enemies with those bugs hopefully fixed I moved on to redesigning the game so that it's more intuitive to a new player players needed to know how our game could be won so I redesigned the intertex adding a touch of story insisting that the player kills the king aka the fat enemy I added a crown to the fat enemy and suddenly this game also has a plot a queen and her Army trying to take out a king another issue I experienced was that I didn't understand how the food turned baby spiders into soldiers so I added a larva and a piece of food to the scene so that at startup the player can see the larva transform when it eats the food taking on a show don't tell mentality by far the largest change I made was to separate the hunger meter from the player's Health this was actually what was causing the original bug where the hunger meter would stop and I personally didn't like that Health was tied to the hunger to begin with instead I made it so the small enemies take away a small percentage of Health but you automatically pick up corpses that you take to the Masher for food and to get the heart more of a purpose the queen can go back and heal how would a player know that they can heal though surprisingly the answer was more plot the queen now starts out injured sitting next to the heart and healing and the intro text says that the queen has been injured by the king I quickly added one more animation for the heart and at that point I thought it was in pretty good shape with my final moments I was able to update some text and fonts to be more fitting for the game's atmosphere and that is all from iHeart DMW so for the three previous past the game challenges the projects were always complete after six developers unfortunately this time around despite the best efforts of the six creators the game wasn't done so I called on my friend yen to be the seventh and hopefully final developer yeah so as you know I spent most of my time kind of getting to grips with the project and Bug fixing there was quite a lot that was just wrong I like that was just notably not what it was intended to be Jokes Aside Yan did an awesome job cleaning up heaps of bugs and adding lots of small quality of life tweaks to the world oh and there's also a nice color difference between the spider's nest and the dangerous Outdoors but hey seven developers and the game still isn't finished drastic measures were in order so we opened up the project to the entire Community everyone had a chance to be the eighth and final developer they had a couple days to add whatever they liked to the project and the best submission would be featured in the final video but before we show our favorite submission here's some great examples made by the community my name is cartoon coffee and I make 2D hand-drawn art for video games I can't code but I really wanted to participate in this Challenge and I really like Noah's Art style but it could be cool to see the game with a new coat of paint so I decided to reskin the whole game in total I have to create about 28 new art assets and for an additional challenge I'll stick within the four hour time limit but the other game devs had to do I wish I could show the entire video but I need to speed things up to show what some other devs have created this was all done within 24 hour window so although I failed my four hour challenge I do still believe that this managed to keep the game Jam Spirit of the project and that's all I have for you guys today that was my submission hats off to cartoon coffee that's just awesome artwork right there Duran added the unique pheromone mechanic this is used to slow down enemies and spawn new soldiers he also added a much needed tutorial which introduces the player to some of the key mechanics found in the game hi there my name's cubic and I'm a gamedev YouTuber the biggest change I made was adding voice commands heal now you can use your voice to tell the spider soldiers to protect the queen attack the king or go and heal protect this new feature adds a whole new level of immersion to the game and makes it much more fun to play the most important thing that I added was web shooting so now you can move using web swinging so that's cool and also attract different objects like corpses food also enemies definitely makes moving the queen more entertaining Alex added what I consider to be some of the most original ideas the ability to create three unique spider types your tiny spiderlings will transform into a melee Warrior arranged hunter or an enormous golden tank depending on the food that you feed them what's more you can also temporarily mutate your Queen by having her eat the food and then you can have your spiders wait at specific spots in the world this way you can slowly grow your army feed your minions and then unleash Chaos on the king and his juicy allies unfortunately it is almost impossible to win either we've just not figured out how to defeat the King which feels like he's got a thousand HP or there's some balancing issues so after playing dozens of versions of the spider game we had to come to a difficult decision who would be the final developer on this pass the game challenge first of all big thank you to the community for joining us on this adventure okay drum rolls we decided on nominating no lamos Edition as the final version this clever developer really polished the entire experience adding an awesome shot mechanic that allows you to increase the rate at which soldiers spawn the ability to have glorious golden worker spider helping you carry corpses to the masher and make food as well as a boss fights with devilish red cannons this version sticks very closely to what was already built by the first seven developers but polishes and expands everything into a tidy and fun package I'm eager to see how fast you can grow your army and defeat the king you could of course play the final version of this game directly in your browser using the link in the description oh and if you also want to learn how to make video games then me and my bro have launched five courses on udemy to teach you how to code use the unity game engine and make game hearts and animations with a course on how to make a top-down shooter a turn-by-turn strategy game or even an online multiplayer game we have special promo codes Linked In the description this way you can get each course for only ten dollars thanks a ton for watching guys see you very soon make sure to subscribe and like if you enjoyed this whole video tell us what other developers you would enjoy seeing on this sort of Challenge and we'll see you really soon cheers [Music]
Channel: Blackthornprod
Views: 962,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 8 DEVS Make a GAME without COMMUNICATING!, 8 devs make a game without comunicating, pass the game challenge, blackthornprod, miziziziz, jason weimann, 8 game developers, game design, game dev challenge, game jam, making a game, devlog, without talking, unity2D, unity3D, noa calice, liam calice, C#, game idea, pass the game
Id: oNwR2c2Q8gE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 15 2022
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