I Put Every Minecraft Texture Through Google Translate 100,000,000 Times...

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so two weeks ago I Googled translated Minecraft 10 million times and created a competitor for my job Java called main requirements Java Edition but what if we made a competitor for main requirements what if we Google translated the textures of Minecraft 100 million times oh boy guys if you do enjoy this video please like and soon I'm gonna do the classic YouTuber and say please guys only 12.6 of you subscribe please soup I need lots of money I Love Money okay this is gonna be a big one because 100 million is quite a big number so let's start off as always you know what we're gonna do the grass block and we're gonna Google translate this 100 million times metal fence okay is this a good stop I don't know we're gonna have to go with metal fed uh let's use a PNG of this metal fence right I'm Gonna Leave the background transparent to see if we can like x-ray through this is our grass block okay now that we got the grass block let's Google Translate the grass 100 million times what well I do know someone who does have a white shirt yeah he's back by popular the demand pointing man is back look at him go pointing guy your return and your new job is to be grass of course we've got to do the trees so let's Google translate the logs 100 million times building houses can I make the trees houses what are some houses made out of bricks okay we're gonna take these bricks here we go this is gonna be our tree and to finish off the trees what are the leaves Google translated 100 million times wave what kind of wave let's get pointing guy a new best friend who's pointing guy's best friend this guy waving guy yes pointing guys new best friend waving guy he's got a nice big wave and that's our leaves we are go we are going in oh no what have I done pointing guy why are you looking at me like that I'm pointing out what have you done you're pointing at this world oh uh pointing guy has two arms now guys or three arms pointing guys grown an extra arm and the floor the floor is just one giant metal fence that looks so dumb and it kind of has work you can kind of now x-ray through the metal fence what is the graph looks so real the entire floor is one giant metal fence what about the trees over here oh it's pointing guys best friend waving guy on a giant brick tree this looks suckers what have I done yeah okay so now trees are made out of bricks and they're kind of hard to punch oh that looks so cool though look at that I got myself a brick that can make a house now as always I've already broken the textures of Minecraft but how far can we push this let's carry on Google translating things let's Google translate sound 100 million times fire in the rain of course that makes perfect sense yes okay we're gonna grab some fire we'll Chuck this in and of course pointing guys here give me some rain this is a very confusing texture there's a lot of rain and a lot of fire going on too things don't really mix let's Google translate the water 100 million times under water I know someone who's under the water okay I can't pass an opportunity when the text says underwater the guy who is stuck underwater and he just needs a little bit of help okay let's use this texture for water you know there's Villages nearby I don't think I've changed Villages before so let's Google translate the Villager 100 million times My Hope am I going to dox myself ah home sweet home okay this is my house okay now we'll just paste in my house like this get a nice photo of my house and now I've quite literally turned this Village into my house that is so dumb what have I done since there's a village nearby let's do oak planks 100 million times harmonious music what is that Melody and of course we're just gonna get pointing guy in pointing at this guy and just asking what is that Melody you know he doesn't a pointing guy doesn't know plot pointing guys just a little just a little curious he's just a little curious guy we all love a bit of cobblestone let's Google translate Cobblestone 100 million times in office there is only one office that we love in being yes I that is in English sentence [Music] okay we're in we're in the brand new updated version and we got this is so dumb this is so dumb Michael Scott we got some uh harm modus smell Melody let's check out this roof what is that Melody that's a harmonious melody look at the structure of this building it's coming along pretty nicely if you ask me let's quickly change the dirt path dude path Google translated 100 million times bad it just says bad a red block this is the bad block bad it's that Michael Jackson this is the worst texture I think I've made in every single one of my videos this is this is the worst but you know what we we like now we're gonna Chuck this in who's bad Bell no no no no no no hello house wow house I didn't know you got a job as a librarian uh yeah oh okay it's good as I'm gonna walk out we gotta check out the sand what have we got for the sand oh my goodness it is fire in the rain okay now what about the water guys help them they're trapped under the water no no they're under the water I'm gonna jump in to save you young man okay maybe not that young I like the brick uh Farm you got going on here house my house is a farmer hello waving guy we gotta finish dirt Stone and also the inventory and the widgets and all of that so let's get translated let's do this all right we've got a speed run dude what's dude Google translated 100 million times entry you can go ahead we'll just slap that in here until we add pointing guy you know is it a lot of textures these of course we do is that even a question we've done a lot of blocks so far but we gotta finish off with store let's Google translate Stone 100 million times Hotel Trivago anyone else remember hit Classic Hotel Mario that's a Mamma Mia okay let's Google translate the hot bar 100 million times the summer I mean the summer is coming let's make the summer to Hotmail oh no this is a cool looking sense I have decided we're adding the real Sun as our hot bar or maybe we could do both like this is horrendous why why does this exist this Sun's hot get it I don't know where this summer camp is but I sure as heck wanna go to this summer camp okay this is the cool Sun we're gonna Slide the cool sun down as our little hot now he's gonna be she's gonna be right fine right there there we go now we got a very cool hot bar now what do I do for the selecty thingy biggie yeah I have an idea we're gonna take these glasses and then these glasses are gonna be this collecting wheel so whichever one we're on that's gonna be on the sun let's Google translate the widgets 100 million times focus on progress and I like progress so let's add a progress bar I have an idea there's some genius going on okay a low bar like that then we got the next bar is gonna reach yellow and there we go we have our progress bars and our hot bar this is gonna look so dumb but I'm all here for it guys Google translate the hit marker 100 million times I saw you this morning oh okay these are the eyes that apparently saw me this morning these eyes can be the hit marker because technically I am looking everywhere I put the hit marker so what about the hearts Google translated 100 million times sleep well right we got some I think this will be a good heart what one sleep for one heart okay now let's Google translate the armor 100 million times number of deaths and you know when you die the rotating spinning skull okay this goofy ass skull is gonna be our armor yeah okay now we're cooking that was Hunger Google translated 100 million times he is hungry oh who's hungry I don't I don't know who's hungry oh no oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no okay we've cut them out let's struggling oh yeah yeah this is so dumb okay let's do the XP bar 100 million times line up this has the word line I'm gonna turn the XP bar into a line okay now I'm gonna carefully carefully very carefully draw the XP bar like this boom look at those XP bars they look so awesome okay let's take all of this into Minecraft okay so this is what our our widgets look like and if we hover over them they fill up they do fill up what is going on okay I see those eyes they're nice pointing at pointing guy hello pointing guy I'm looking at you so whatever you look now you know have a pair of eyes just looking for you that makes sense yes it does and then we've got our brand new hot bar with the Suns oh that sun is looking Dapper look at that sun he's got cool shades on oh yeah I gotta use the glasses to select what I don't I want to hold there we go I'm holding some real pork chop with the glasses hey I'm sorry piggy you can have your friend back I'll point you guys back is it is the entry this way pointing guy do I gotta go down this way oh no right now from the moment of truth if I go into survival mode we're gonna have a brand new widgets and icons let's do this bam oh okay okay this might be one of my favorites so far we got a sleep bar now in Minecraft you're feeling too tired you run out of sleep and then we got him whenever you're hungry he's gonna let you know that you're hungry and then we got my super cool XP bar whoa it's filling up with one line that actually might be my favorite XP bar we've done so far so let's see what our armor ball is like that looks so dumb no I've lost one sleep we got a lot more Google translated to do so let's do this all right let's Google translate the environment so let's start with Google translating the rain 100 million times foods to eat okay I know the perfect food for a Terrain it's raining tackle yeah let's Google translate the clouds 100 million times selfish should we just grab a sailfish this is a shellfish right uh that's a lot of shellfish let's Google translate the sun 100 million times this week calendar do we keep the PNG we're gonna we're gonna keep the PNG background right this might be hard to pull off but let's Google translate the font 100 million times it's raining okay this works well into our ring because you know what was raining tacos a b b c d that's a lot of tacos now we gotta actually draw the letters that is amazing I think we've done it let's load back in please oh yes it is all tacos look I got 14 tacos netherite sword the shellfish in the clouds and the calendar today is it today you can just look at the sun to see what day it is ah it's tacos oh no it's raining tacos we have all of this all of this all of this everything oh it's lagging now it's lagging but there's still a few things that I haven't done so let's get to even more Google translating yeah since we're wearing it let's Google translate diamond armor 100 million times you will reach we make flat out jewelry armor now that is some cool jewelry let's grab this look at that yes jewelry armor if we're doing the diamond armor let's do the diamond sword 100 million times the Diamond wall yeah I've just found a photo of a diamond wall now we're talking that's a diamond I don't think we've Google translated the light terrain a while anyway so let's Google translate the elitro 100 million times a watch yeah we'll turn the electric oh that's a nice watch yeah now we got our watch isn't a lighter I don't know how this is gonna work or look but we'll see so with all this gear we're gonna head into the nether so let's Google translate obsidian 100 million times programming a game like code hmm yeah that looks about a right for obsidian okay now let's Google translate the portal itself 100 million times house house I swear we had a house last time okay now that's a lot of houses for a portal as soon as I go into third person I'm gonna see my brand new diamond armor okay three two one oh you know what that actually looks pretty cool it looks very stylish oh yeah we have all the crystal armor what about the diamond sword this is so dumb it's just a diamond wall there's no more sword anymore I'm just flat out holding a giant Diamond wall that was pretty cool but let's get even more stacked let's get on a light for us oh my God I'm wearing a watch I'm flying with a watch if any like you know companies out there wanna you know like sponsor me and they can have their own like you know what hook me up expensive watch companies yeah yo villagers check out my new Rolex man look at my new Rolex I got big cool Rolex man check it out yo yeah you like you like my watch pointing guy let's head to the nether now so let's make an obsidian portal we got the program finally we can Bridge into the Mainframe past the firewall two one oh it's my house again well that actually looks pretty cool I mean if you ignore the houses this looks not too bad so now it's time for us to Google translate the nether let's do this let's Google translate Netherrack 100 million times tender we got some tender meat let's Google translate the lava 100 million times stop stop right there criminal scum do you know who's stopping you pointing guy he's back at it again let's Google translate the fire 100 million times reset you sir are our new fire let's Google translate the soul sound 100 million times for the country a lot of you guys like the screaming guy of the pigling last video so let's do the piglet again 100 million times very funny and you know who I think is very funny in my personal opinion because I've met the guy you know I think he's a pretty cool guy pointing guy right cheer me out I might be creating Frankenstein's monster with pointy guy but this this is going to work this is going to work three two one okay we're in no is that the research man look at them just bouncing up and down look at them gold bouncing up and down um I completely ignore the fact that everywhere is just tender meat um oh no we got our brand new lava with his pointing guy go no all that's left in the lava is pointing Kai's arm no fighting guys going on dude you tell me to stop but this place looks pretty cool oh there's a soul sound Valley of just whales this nether is coming along pretty cool if I do say so myself but there's one more guy we haven't checked out and that is the pig Lin oh no all right we got a piglet spawn egg let's spawn it up igno okay three two one life's going up buddy oh I fixed up your right arm and your right leg and you you got a nice you got your nice white shirt on pointing guy you're looking better than ever pointing guy yeah no I'm sorry apology video coming soon guys on how I turn pointing guy into a piglet ah pointing guy no I'm sorry oh guys I got one sleep left let's Google translate some more things let's do this yeah let's move on to the end now as we always do it let's Google translate and stone 100 million times car battery okay should we just have a photo of a car battery yeah we are what about the end Crystal Google translated 100 million times a small mirror okay we could turn the end Crystal into a mirror just gonna grab a PNG of the mirror like this hey now the entire thing is a mirror what about the end Crystal beam that heals the dragon Google translated 100 million times good good okay I'm just gonna write the word good we're gonna color it green like that going now we're just gonna copy and paste all of this it's gonna be a good beam what about the Enderman Google translated 100 million times why so I've Googled why just to see what would y be and I've just found this poor guy he just with the word Y and I'm gonna use this guy perfect those are the eyes now let's Google translate the Ender Dragon 100 million times a dragon from another world what if we turn the dragon and make the dragon realistic okay so I'm gonna add a realistic mouth to the dragon like this okay so I've added all this realistic texture to the dragon I'm making a dragon from another world okay last for the end what is the end Sky Google translated 100 million times it's cold today okay let's make the end cold that is a pretty cold texture let's make a little bit more blue I know oh it's cold okay to actually get into the end let's do the end portal 100 million times the door is ready oh what perfect we got the Roblox door perfect okay let's use this and instead of our Ender I be in this it can be this oh no let's check this all out in Minecraft okay we've got the diamond armor on we got the end door frames right let's place this down three door frames like that three door frames like that oh no okay and then we got he's a smiling end of pearls we're ready to go I'm gonna grab my diamond wall three two one the power line car battery and there's the Ender Dragon with the brand new Boss Bar okay the end sky is awfully cold or today kind of chilly in here in the end right let's head on over okay we got the obsidian towers that are holding these mirrors where is the Dragon whoa It's a dragon from another world look at that thing ah it's been healed by good Dragon damn what about the Enderman oh oh hello why oh I'm so sorry what I've done to you oh no why why why that is the exact same question I'm asking when I'm looking at all of this why why have I done this right let's break these good mirrors look at that thing whoa go Boss Bar go down yeah let's go buy dragon from another world oh that looks sick oh on the research manner on the car batteries this makes so much sense now we have one last thing to do and that is give this competitor a need what is Minecraft itself Google translated 100 million times Minecraft week yes it's Minecraft week time for Minecraft week week that's the week done Minecraft week okay now we go to Google translate the background 100 million times excitement yeah let's check this guy in yeah and then this guy and even This Guy's excited everyone can't wait to play this hit new game Minecraft Wii this is pointing guys third cousin excited man okay someone's missing from this entire picture I think he's back there he is yeah just gonna grab this mustache this is pointing guys uncle uncle indication he's indicating over here everyone's excited for our new game Let's Chuck this in it's time to see if this brand new game competes I present to you guys Minecraft Wii yeah there is now a Ceylon for just one single dollar you can get every single one of these Minecraft texture packs and all this is is just a tiny Hub towards the channel to help me create more and more of these stupid dumb videos so thank you guys I appreciate all of you guys the patreon will be down in the description down below thank you to my awesome patrons you guys are awesome on screen right here bye
Channel: ReniDrag
Views: 378,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: putting minecraft through google translate, minecraft google translate, minecraft, google translate minecraft, minecraft google translated, google translate minecraft 100 times, minecraft google translate memes, i google translated minecraft 100 times then made a custom mod, google translate minecraft 1000000, my job java minecraft, my job java renidrag, i google translated minecraft, google translating minecraft, google translate minecraft mobs 100 times, my job java, reni, renidrag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2023
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