AI Learns to Walk (deep reinforcement learning)

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This is Albert. He's an artificial intelligence we taught him to crawl to targets, but can he learn to walk? Albert can control each of his limbs, and he's rewarded for getting closer to the target, so he'll learn how to use his limbs to walk. It looks like you learned how to do the worm... that's not how you're supposed to walk... I see how it is, Albert. Let's see the worm work in these next rooms. From now on you'll be punished for hitting the ground, but rewarded when your feet hit the ground. No, Albert, the worm won't work here. You'll need to get a lot better with your legs to walk... You're actually balancing! Albert, that was your first step! It wasn't very graceful, but it's a start. Now we're getting somewhere, You're learning to skip! You're getting pretty good at it, Albert! Skipping is better than the worm, I guess. But you're supposed to walk, not skip. Skipping isn't going to work for long, Albert. Nevertheless, you're almost there! Oh... you don't know how to turn... You hit the button, but there's a lot more to learn. In this room, you'll be forced to learn to turn. On top of the other rewards, you'll be rewarded for keeping your chest up. To make sure you don't cheat, if your chest isn't high enough, You can't hit buttons. Yes, walls exist now, Albert. It looks like you're still skipping... But at least you've hit the first button! Again?! *sigh* That's better than jumping off the edge, I suppose. That's two buttons! You're almost there, Albert! You can't walk through walls, Albert. Go around it. Nice work, Albert! But this is more of a shuffle than a walk... Regardless, Well done! Now it's time to learn to take real steps. For this room, you need to learn to deal with cubes. On top of the other rewards and punishments, you'll also be rewarded for alternating feet. With this new reward, your shuffle isn't as good. Yes! You're finally starting to take proper steps! but you still suck... Come on, Albert, you got this! No, Albert. That's the wrong way... It looks like you've learned to manage the cubes! Yes! That was good, Albert, but you'll need to be a lot better to beat this final challenge. Excellent work, Albert! Now that you can walk, there's a whole new world of things to learn :)
Channel: AI Warehouse
Views: 7,858,065
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AI, Artificial Intelligence, Evolution, Reinforcement Learning, Simulation, Neural Network, Neural Net, AIHouse, Simulate, AI Learning, AI Learns, Machine Learning, Machine-Learning, Robot Learning, Deep Learning, Deep-Learning
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 39sec (519 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2023
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