I Made the Most ANNOYING Roblox Game

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what is poppin gamers fellas we all know something for certain anybody who plays roblox is a little bubble blowing baby there are little chumps little tiny children boys they eat chalk they sniff sunscreen everything little babies do and that means they get mad easily you know they anger easily so today i'm gonna make a game just to get people mad and now i know what you're saying laughability you play roblox doesn't that make you a baby and sure maybe i enjoy the occasional sunscreen sniff maybe i like to feel my brain cells die whenever i play adopt me but today i'm acting as an inside agent to make my own kind hate me to make the fellow roblox players get so mad at me they can't stand me and to do that i'm going to make a roblox game filled with angering stuff and trolling stuff and then invite hundreds of people to play it because i am a calculated sociopath i'm a danger to society much like many roblox players outside me you see a nerd but inside me is a demon there are two wolves inside of me one of them sucks toes the other one of them sucks toes i suck toes and also make games that make people mad now so yeah while we're at the beginning of the video like it if you want me to do something like this again if it gets 3000 likes i'll try it again but yeah with that being said let's make people upset because that seems to be all i ever do so anyways let's insert among us people hate among us people when they see among us they start to rip out their hair they start to kick puppies steal candy from babies among us brings out the worst in everybody right so let's just make it among us sky box because i feel like hurting somebody's feelings today and doesn't this just like cast such a nice atmosphere over the game now instead of having a blue fog the fog is kind of reddish pink and i love among us what else do people hate uh puppets boom among us pop it it's like a two in one two birds with one stone or as peta wants you to say two ducks with one scone which actually isn't healthy for ducks so peta is stupid and nobody watching this video will even understand what i'm talking about so for you guys among us puppets so that anyone who joins this game will immediately have ptsd flashbacks to approximately three months ago look at this amazing puppet guys don't you just want to like kill somebody don't you just want to burn down a friendly orphanage after seeing this bad boy now let's insert admin because i want to torture people manually what fun is it unless i make people mad manually like sure i could insert a bunch of stuff that heightens their anxiety but nothing's gonna make someone more mad than me turning them into a dog and flinging them off the men and also nothing's going to make me laugh more than that so this is all working out ooh what if we give everybody a sword but make it not work this will make people upset see that sword script nope see that mouse icon nope see that thumbnail camera i'm pretty sure we don't need that anyway but nope now the sword just shouldn't work it should swing but it shouldn't do anything and that's kind of what people expect the sword to do so i'm diverting their expectations you know when you have a sharp object you expect it to be able to stab things but today we're just going to use this for like cutting bread or something i don't know so yeah already a dysfunctional tool and among us to make people upset and we're like five minutes into the video so i need to start burning some rubber and going faster i'm gonna look up angry in models what what will upset people truly angry dad from india big fan of angry dad from india i'm going to have angry dad from india in this game you promised my son three robux angry birds pig everybody hates the pigs and angry birds if you were born like in 1999 and played angry birds look at this big old pier look at him look at how big this big old pig is i like this big old pig what did i do why did i do this i elongated him it's like he got crushed by a cement truck look at this fella look at his nose damn that nose can smell they weren't lying that nose can smell man make them a little longer for comedic effect all right obviously this stuff won't make them that angry the real thing i'm gonna be doing to anger them is being near them because i immediately cause anyone pain that i stand next to the doctor says that it's an incurable disease called being annoying and so today i'm going to utilize that and make people regret living because i i already said i'm annoying i don't need to say it again oh i got an idea what if i add jennifer the most attractive and alluring female in a 20 mile radius and i make her so large right for the toe sucking but i make her just out of toe sucking reach nobody can suck these toes baby these toes are gonna be dirty for the rest of your life i should stop talking about toe sucking i feel like this is a little uncomfortable do you feel like this is a little uncomfortable i i feel like this is a little uncomfortable all right she goes there levitating above the crowd so no one can suck those toes and just in case people jump up there i will make her collisions off because god damn it i will die before you suck this woman's toes there we go and now i think the time has long awaited and finally came it's time for me to publish the game and i just rhymed that because i'm a genius published around blocks what should the name be i'm gonna name it relaxing game that way people get tricked into joining the game thinking it's relaxing but actually it's an excuse for me to mentally torture you without getting arrested the police will never catch me now description is gonna be so relaxing better than reading a good book and i'm like talking real good like a really good and i'm creating the game and before we play the game it's the middle of the video that means it's time for me to say the same thing i've said for the past 45 videos i'm going to beg you to subscribe to the channel i like to ask at the middle of the video because by now you know if you want to subscribe or not i'm not going to bombard you at the beginning of the video like 90 of youtubers do it's your choice just just do it if you want and like the video to support me that is like the easiest way that you can support me even if you're already subbed that's crazy right or you can forward me fifty dollars on paypal without telling your parents that's a that's a pretty badass way to support me i think all right now we gotta make this have enough players we gotta go to access and make it have hundreds and thousands of players that way whenever anybody joins they they'll be crowded which will add to their anxiety and make them even angrier also i feel like now's a good time to say if you could not tell this is a joke video i'm not actually trying to make anyone angry just kidding you just got pranked it's not a joke video this is entirely serious i have a complex when i make people mad i get excited i should not have said that that's i should not have said that that's going in the laughability out of context video all right let's just sweep that comment under the rug and go shout this game out to my discord and everyone join my game honestly i'm willing to bet that before i even do anything people are already gonna be pissed off at the among us people hate the imposter because when the imposter is sus it is like the least funny joke you can make it does not matter how many layers of irony you have in that joke it is not funny whenever you mention the among us imposter i will just like if i have a firearm on me which i probably don't but if i do then you best hope that 14 rounds of shotgun ammo aren't gonna be lodged in your skull let's see what people think about this game so relaxing yeah the sword doesn't even work i i successfully did it i just saw somebody say sword no work this is a bad game that's true that's true keep that hate in your heart keep hating everything i'm gonna ask them up front do you hate this game laugh fix your game yes we're making people upset they're they're molding right now their blood is boiling yes oh hey refle what's up refikal but too many people still like the game i'm seeing a lot of no's in chat people who still support me even though i've done very awful things like the majority of content creators so i need to find a way to turn these people i need to find a way to make them really upset at me i will upset you i will make you mad this is a warning here goes when the imbuster is sus chat is exploding right now let me do it again let me do it again here it goes again get ready i just want to see chad explode when the imposter is suss and then look at how fast it's going by it literally like multiplies times two in speed how does this person look like that they're making me mad now all right face scan back on hair back to being whatever the hell wedge shape this is someone is spamming i committed war crimes in iraq and this guy is scp-096 i'm confused but yeah i feel like it's safe to say that we have made everyone angry and you know what let's make them even more angry but sword all now everyone has a sword and nobody can tell which sword in their inventory is the real one and isn't that exciting and also very very laggy for the game people are telling me that i am worse than major acts of terror in chat which i mean i pride myself in that buddy what you say doesn't affect me in any way i need a force field myself so players think they can kill me but they actually can't look i've got it myself so people don't even see the force field they think they'll be able to get me but they can the swords don't work idiots they don't work on me i'm too genius my brain cells are operating at four times the speed of normal human beings i have my brain have my brain have my brain wow that's so cool i'm not gonna do that i have to decline your offer of having your brain all right now we're gonna host a poll vote all are you mad i just sent out a little straw poll that everyone can answer they can answer yes if they're mad and know if they're not mad and we'll see how it goes or if it's all censored it's all censored that is badass all right so i just need to make an announcement and see how many people say yes and how many people say no are you mad this is bad yes every single person around me is saying yes oh no this person says no i need to make this person in particular's life a living hell all right what is their name what is their name i need to find them their display name is noob and no capitals so their real name is bini 666 geet benny 666 yi you said this game didn't make you mad benny i will make you regret that everyone what happens next is binny's fault and nuke uh isn't this exciting now the game is literally unplayable by everyone and nuke all you guys like lag how about even more of it nuke all again dear lord it's all exploding and now that everyone is sufficiently mad the final nail in the coffin if you weren't mad before you'll be bad now ban all everyone is banned and watch they're all gonna disappear there they go and you know what that's a fitting end of the video i think i'm going to leave now subscribe if you liked it thai if you don't i don't care bye [Music] you
Channel: Laughability
Views: 137,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox laughability, roblox, laughability, laugh ability, laugh ability roblox, laughability youtube, roblox youtube, roblox rage game, roblox rage, rage game, laughability rage, laughability rage game, roblox annoying, roblox annoying moments, annoying roblox games, annoying roblox game, laughability annoying, roblox mad, roblox angry, annoying game, annoying games, laughability makes a game, roblox making a game, building a roblox game, make a roblox game, roblox build
Id: HcB57XjaCEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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