Roblox MeepCity is Worse Than You Think

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what if i told you that there was a game where lots of people get away with very very inappropriate content that should not be shown to children every single day and then what if i told you that that game has 8 billion visits and soon to be 9 billion visits a game that you already know by the title of this video in a game you've probably seen a lot on roblox meep city by alex neutron so what is poppin gamers today uh i kinda got this video idea from a video a few videos ago that's a big sentence i know but i went into meep city for a part of the video and i saw something very very awful incredibly bad so i thought to myself is meep city always this bad and i joined a few parties and yeah yeah it really is i'm not going to insult alex neutron at all please don't attack alex neutron at all don't even attack his game meep city is still a really really good game i just want to make a video about the problems that go on in meep city because it is honestly very very funny and also shocking and also something that should not be on roblox especially not one of its biggest games so yeah time for meep city a game that i never thought that i'd play after the age of seven but here we are and yeah like this video if you want me to do a part two or whatever because even though this is awful it's also kind of an entertaining video idea so there's these things in meep city called parties right you can go music role play social showcase holiday lots of different categories and you can see some of these have insane amounts of players like more players than i get likes on my videos like this one has 1 000 players in it it is apparently a music social party so let's see what the hell's going on here let's go in and wow immediately literally right away uh these are what we call strip pulls in the business these are vastly inappropriate i am not going to describe to you what they are because if you've been on the internet for more than a year you probably know but not something the children should have and not something i want to talk about because i will get demonetized immediately i'm gonna be like can echo kitten and get all of my ads removed sorry kaneko i just know that you make videos on a lot of inappropriate topics somebody has to i mean no i know what you might be saying these are very clearly support beams they support the roof right right uh support beams are meant to be on the outermost edge and not on the dance floor which is typically where uh what i was talking about earlier reside which is unfortunate also can we talk about this not safe for work environment i could totally fall off this disco floor and break my legs i could be legless for the rest of my oh my god what the hell why is that in there this is just like a solo room are there secret rooms in here for inappropriate actions oh my god okay the rabbit hole goes deeper than i thought i thought those could definitely be like roof supports or something and i was just making a big deal out of nothing but oh my god it is just straight up one in there i am i'm scared i'm going to be honest i i am very very scared also i'm not gonna comment on this bypass clothing because oh my god this is an upsetting game to be in keep in mind this was the first party i joined on meep city and i find all this this uh i'm gonna say inappropriate content for roblox something that could probably get uh you banned if you made a game with only it but meep city is cool you know just have uh this is people i don't want to talk about their clothing oh wow awesome this is i am having a really tough time describing this without going in the details because it not only will get me demonetized but also scar lots and lots of innocent children and if i have to skirt around details in your game that is meant for children to not scar children for life alex neutron man this is uh an interesting game i'm having a great time over here this is a completely empty room this is where we store the bodies this is where we do all of our detective wake where do i go now i feel like there's no topping this this is just just out in the open like that oh cool there's an outfit room i can change into different outfits this seems like the most innocent part of this oh i like this outfit isn't this just awful oh my god oh my god trilogy trilogy cut that out cut that out oh my god that is a screenshot from that is oh my god i'm good i'm gonna get demonetized when i started this video i was not under the impression it was this bad oh my god i am shocked honestly i don't have any words my hairs are literally standing up alex neutron what are you doing i'm gonna get deleted off of youtube oh my god why the rest of these outfits are so innocent and this one is i need to change out of this i need to i need to change out of this i don't care what outfit i'm being i just need to change get out of this party and leave and never come back oh my god how many minutes are we in we're only eight minutes into the video this is a much larger problem than i anticipated i'm gonna be honest with you guys what the hell i can't think of anything to say i don't know what to say oh my god i don't even know if i want to keep doing this video this is awful oh cool look at this one lady gaga 100s party and the person who made it is completely ass naked let's do it let's play this won't be bad surely not oh why'd it keep my outfit i don't want to look like this anymore oh look there's flamingo i love flamingo yay this is a maze with shattered glass in it that's fun alright what's out here let's get to the main party okay okay this seems better this seems like an actual viable party there's like a ball pit there's a trampoline there's no uh inappropriate pole objects from what i'm seeing it's it just seems like a nice normal party see meep city's like this you either get genuinely depraved awful parties or you get a ball pit and i like the ball pit option better i am going to be honest with you i would rather have a ball pit than whatever the hell we saw in the first one ah this is a strange room i like this room filled with orbs emitting light praise the orbs praise the orbs what do we do from this point on please tell me there's not any inappropriate outfits in this game please okay okay they all they all seem normal they all seem like outfits that will not get me content deleted outfits that won't get me banned immediately from roblox but oh my god i'm just so shaken by the previous one obviously i knew this was going to be bad right i did not expect to leave this with a new interpretation on meep city alex neutron straight up just i am speechless hey trilogy can you can you please post your thoughts on the screen real quick i just want to see what my editor has to think hey trilogy please i don't want to be alone please all right let's go into this room this guy just had to deny a romantic request that's basically what meep city is about is just a bunch of online dating i love online dating guys i i love online dating i love dating children on roblox that was a joke for legal reasons that was a joke please i am just sorry to dwell on the past you didn't see what i saw trilogy saw what i saw i'm sorry trilogy oh my god this uh was upsetting let's join another party how about we go to the bottom of the barrel how about we find the parties all the way at the bottom like thicky nicki's party this surely isn't gonna be appropriate with a name like thickie nicki how could it be wow i spawned in jail that is uh strange oh i took the slide out see that's nice hey while we're on the topic of awesome meep city parties it's the middle of the video that means it's time for me to beg you to subscribe to the channel i understand why you might not want to subscribe after uh this but no no i understand if you don't want to subscribe i just usually wait till the middle of the video to ask you because like by now you know if you like my channel or not right you can choose whether you want to subscribe out of your own volition but yeah subscribe if you want to it helps me out a lot you can never take it back unfortunately but you know that's just the way it is here on youtube all right now back into the video i just noticed i'm wearing a naruto shirt i reckon it's about time i get a new outfit because naruto on my leg don't look too good he looks like when you stretch out an accordion hey look we found thicky nicky hey what's up nicki how you doing we just got a little dance floor see this party's innocent enough some meep city parties are like this where it's just so pure some meep city parties let you put a ding-dong on your chest which i'm still scared for life i'm 17. i've seen this type of stuff before i have experienced this it's the internet in roblox in roblox i don't know if you noticed but my voice may have gotten a little higher pitched after that incident and that is because all of the testosterone was scared out of my body let's go to the next party man oh my god so far we've only seen like music social parties so what if we go to showcase what do you reckon showcase parties are gonna have for us perhaps showing us stuff i like being shown things see this this seems good there's some nice dance floors there is a suspicious amount of santa claus on the floor but this seems innocent i don't like the fact that there is a dark room up here but yeah it seems fine one of the top parties in the whole game the second top party in the whole game that we went to before literally has it i'm never gonna look at mape city the same way again this is just dear lord man for the first time in any of my videos i i do not have words this is a children's game seven year olds 13 year olds they see that alex neutron please it does not take much effort alex neutron please just fix this the second most popular party in your game the second most popular let's go into the first most popular shirley it's gonna be much better i still have six minutes to record this video honestly i just want to pack it up i just want to end now but i i guess we'll keep going by the way i don't actually have to record this video for six more minutes i could in now if i wanted to but this is just this is the most emotional i've ever gotten during a roblox video and look in this game there is a bar ooh i love bars can i get some alcohol drink below the sign oh it's just a normal non-alcoholic drink bar i hate bars that don't serve alcohol and other recreational drugs all i have is this smoothie and a tattoo on my left leg i don't know what that's all about but it's there storage room this is where we keep the bodies yeah yeah there's uh suspicious people up there i don't know what they're doing but i'm too scared to ask or find out see one thing that i haven't touched on in meep city is that often times in these houses there's secret little compartments that the owner and a chosen few lucky contestants go into and those compartments are where illegal things happen there's no better way i can put that without getting immediately demonetized and thrown off of the platform but that is where uh that's where the bad stuff happens that's where it goes so if you see any names through walls and places that you can't go that is uh safe to assume that's probably what's happening safe doing some that's probably what's going on which is really really unfortunate okay this game seems innocent oh my god what the hell the secret gamer cave finally i can play dodgeball roblox dodgeball i love roblox dodgeball i love the gamer caves this guy going through the wall hey girl i have no idea who the hell he's talking to but they must be immensely uncomfortable yeah let's focus on the player interactions for a bit why don't we the players in meep city are insanely creepy i don't think there's a better way i could put that but you saw the hey girl message imagine if i walked up to you in public and i said hey girl you would not like it you wouldn't i'd probably get sued honestly which yeah good i would deserve it if i did that oh my god oh look there's some lamps my friend here justin he already taken and he crafted fortnite mine guy my friend he's just in here i am cracked at fortnight my guy i understood that reference it's a maymay wow this guy's got a whole box of pizzas to deliver to this person come upstairs to get free pizza well i mean i've never been one to oppose free pizza i've also never really been one to actively seek out and get it but i mean who cares so this party seems innocent i want to find one more awful one before i leave one more that really makes me question the goodness of humanity really makes me question to see if mr calvin hobbes was on the right trail with things he is a philosopher just kidding he's a name i made up all right let's go to brooke hart's party i don't know what the hell that name says but i did my best to sound it out okay let's see what's popping over in brooke's neck of the woods i left no i don't want to leave the party i immediately walked out the exit once i entered okay once again this seems innocent enough this doesn't seem like there's any secret awful things here at least and right when i say that there is a suspicious bed over here suspicious because it is color-coded to have a boy and a girl and i i'm just saying that you know in meep city in order to have two people sleep next to each other you need to place two beds now i'm not saying two people can't sleep next to each other i'm just saying it is suspicious based off the track record of this game that we've seen so far and i know it sounds like i'm the fun police right now taking everything in meep city way too seriously taking all the suspicious pole placement way too seriously i'm just patrolling a game that doesn't have anything wrong with it look at this awesome race car look there's a little track for it see that is so cool and i can click on it and play race cars but after that first party i don't think i'm the same person i think i am a vastly different person in fact but let's not get into how i've been scarred for life by meep city let's play this awesome game instead but yeah i think that's all i can take i think i might just end the video here i don't know how i'm not gonna get this video demonetized man meep city a roblox game one of the most kid-friendly sites of all time i'm struggling to think of how i'm going to make this appropriate for advertisers how i'm gonna make this appropriate for me not getting taken off of youtube alex neutron i know this isn't inherently your fault but there are many many many many things you can do to fix it so please please for the love of god please fix it man it is an obvious issue like the second most popular party in your game did you not play your game but yeah uh i'm just gonna i'm just gonna end the video now subscribe if you liked it use starco life at checkout for robux or use it when getting robux it does not give you roblox i'm sorry i'm sorry but uh that's the end of the video leave just get just get out of here while you can oh my god i would not suggest doing this by yourself by the way just just just take my word for it
Channel: Laughability
Views: 590,023
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox laughability, roblox, laughability, laugh ability, laugh ability roblox, laughability youtube, roblox youtube, roblox MeepCity, roblox meep city, meep city, meepcity, laughability meepcity, roblox meep, roblox meepcity is worse than you think, roblox inappropriate meepcity, roblox meepcity oder, roblox games, games roblox, roblox game, roblox challenge, roblox funny moments, roblox trolling, funny roblox game, roblox funny, funny roblox, no swearing, no cursing
Id: ggDYfR8JFX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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