Griffpatch vs Scratch JR: Flappy Bird Challenge!

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foreign scratchers and welcome to this scratch Junior challenge yes apparently this is a thing where scratchers forgo the comparative power of scratch and attempt to recreate the ever popular flappy bird in scratch's little baby brother scratch Junior and here are a few examples of what I've seen the question people have been asking is if Griff patch use scratch Junior could he do any better well challenge accepted so flappy bird not the most complex game and I'm thinking if I can make the graphics look good then the game will just follow so what do we have we got these Sprites on the left script below the main game stage and the backdrop at the top perhaps yeah it's a little different to scratch 3 for sure the lack of color choices in the palette is a tiny bit worrying but let's see how this plays out Flappy is played portrait so these guys will help me keep within the game bounce and then a few more guides for the road bushes and clouds now mostly with ovals let's draw these clouds and I quite enjoy using that fill tool pop pop very cloud-like I love it the buildings are going to be a lot more fiddly rectangles this time and for many hours of pain I learned a neat trick that shapes positioned on top of other shapes can be manipulated as a group so if I clone stamp the whole rectangle oops not the cloud there that makes it so much easier you've no idea so the grassy Hills many more ovals I guess just gotta remember to draw these from Back to Front another lesson learned is that it is really difficult to change the order later on so get it right first time or else hide the bottom of the hills using a field rectangle and then layer on more ovals and that final rectangle yeah this is looking surprisingly good don't you think so all this will be static without any movement but the floor area down here wants to scroll sounds simple enough how hard can it be I'll use a new Sprite just like in scratch and draw out the floor we want that nice diagonal stripe pattern across the top so I'll just have to hand draw those using lines only scratch junior is doing its darndest to get in the way joining up the lines where I don't want oh man now it's done something really naughty filled the outline of the shape behind I didn't even know you could do that with this tool oh well you can always learn something new from our mistakes anyhow change of plan I'll use the Clone tool and I'll space them out more a few moments later good enough just touching them up with some filled rectangle highlights and shadows ah okay so these Sprite costumes are apparently only half the width of the stage that's unfortunate I guess I'll need two of these Sprites to fill the entire floor but before that let's make it scroll do we have a Wen green flag click block aha there's the little beauty what a reassuring sight and we'll move left yep but wait what are the units is it pixels hmm try 20 and smash that green flag whoa I did not see that coming that is not a scratch move block it functions more like a Glide block apparently and it wraps around and stops exactly where it began very curious I need a moment to understand this uh hold on soon after okay I found a clue we can turn on a helpful grid View and this reveals the stage is exactly 20 grid cells wide the exact amount I happen to pick to move by hold on then that's really restrictive scratch has 480 possible expositions and scratch junior is limited to 20. gosh um is this game actually going to be possible right I need two of these floor Sprites to cover the entire width of the screen is there a clone block I wish we just have to create a new Sprite luckily we can choose to copy the costume from a previous instance don't ask me why they look Blank That's confused me no end too oh what something has gone wrong the costume is way off center and has issues one nice thing is that we can easily copy code scripts between supplies good job too because we need them so this one could go on the left and hold on hold on the diagonal stripes are reversed what's going on one eternity later okay so it turns out when you move a Sprite to the left or right it flips to face the direction it moved there's no way though to turn that off but not to worry because both grounds will eventually move the same way and so they'll be flipped the same direction I thought I was going mad cool so I need this floor movement to Loop forever no forever Loop aha yes this looks like the bee's knees Perfecto well almost there's a gap let me just oh this editor no stretch yes got it and I'm thinking this will look great as soon as we add in some filled sidebar Blanca Sprites to cover up the edges of the screen sizing it up and there we need another one for the opposite side though but I'm having trouble getting it into the position it's because it's flipped after I moved it again ah I didn't learn from my mistake there this is marvelous there's nothing wrong with this at all 10 points for Griff patch and it only took a couple of hours to get to this point now to tackle the Flappy Bird themselves please don't end up looking cursed [Music] voila not so shabby All Things Considered so on the title screen of this game Flappy wants to just hover up and down a little at present they are looking more like a bird torpedo problem is we're limited to these grid squares of movement I'll try the smallest up and down movement possible forever um yeah that's janky we can't move less but perhaps if we could slow the motion down is that possible aha what's this a speed block slow medium or fast I presume switching to medium and this is somewhat better the transition is a tad harsh but Beggars can't be choosers and I am most pleased with the overall look thus far next up we need to detect user input clicking to start the game and to activate a jump the best I think we can do is have an on-screen button to tap on for convenience it can be added as part of the right hand blanker Sprite great so when the button is first pressed I'm going to switch to a brand new scene to keep our coding as clean as possible scratch Junior's scenes are not at all the same as scratch 3 as no Sprites are shared between them so we have to copy both the scene backdrop and every Sprite one at a time from the first scene like so okay this looks good now to introduce the bane of flappy bird life those pesky pipes something like this to see if it's the right size yeah not bad just a small change and I think we are on to a winner it'll look great when we shade it in [Music] one hour later wow ridiculously time consuming and intensely satisfying just like Flappy Bird for the lower tube I guess I can just rotate oh no no not like that just copy it and there now I'm a bit worried about making a mistake adjusting these costumes so I'll make a new copy now foreign hold on what's that mysterious dot is it a smudge on my monitor I can't select it or delete it and yet weird of weirdnesses if I draw around it I can move it with my Square what never mind I'll sort it later [Music] no now the end of my pipe is messed up for goodness sake fine delete that and clone again seriously this is not rocket science guys there one complete pipe complete with curved pixel but out of sight out of mind perfect the pipes will begin over to the right eventually Behind These side panels and when the flag is clicked hmm is that right there's no when seen start option so I'm guessing we still use the green flag now we'll pause for some number I have no idea what that is seconds I don't know then repeatedly Loop the pipes movement a little setup though I think I want to quickly make sure the pipe is visible and then at the normal Pace move the pipe across the screen to the left using this oh no I don't believe it the costume has flipped again why scratch Junior why would you do this to me now I've got to switch the whole pipe around the other way what a waste of time three hours later okay so moving 20 grid squares to the left for a complete circuit you know all that change of speed was Overkill we can probably do without that now that's nice I'll just up that to 99 repeats and pop in an extra weight 20 so the same pipes don't show up again too quickly now to spice things up we need more pipes and at different heights so a new Sprite copied from the latest costume copy the script size Urban position but change the initial delay so that the pipe appears a little later on than the first finding the best time is a matter of trial and error [Music] and there I have plugged for 17 and that appears to work well just going to nudge the costume upwards and that curved pixel foreign hey look at this beautiful yay and there's just enough Gap to fit in one more pair of pipes I believe obviously we could go on and on making even more pipes with a longer delay across the board but for now this will do fine so to get these pipes behind the floor Sprites just hold down on a Sprite to bring it to the front and the sidebars too smash the green flag yes yes no oh the second floor Sprite this is a pain to bring it to the front I'm gonna have to move these other things right out of the way and there we go reset everything else back careful does it and look at this can you believe this is scratch Junior really yeah now I'm getting rather excited but truly the fun is just beginning we want to activate a jump when the player clicks the jump button when the right blank is bright including the button that is clicked a broadcast message now there's no names in scratch Junior just colors so I'll pick a very Flappy yellow then in the bird Sprite whoa there hold on I've made a blunder I'm coding the game script in the first scene pants how did this happen I thought I'd added the pipes only to the second scene okay so quick fix up finish copying those committing Sprites uh the sidebars and then reverse the scene order and we're good as new the first scene has no pipes and when the jump button is clicked we actually just change to scene two game on dudes we can see this in action no pipes are coming in scene one click the jump button and bring it on we are in the game brilliant I don't like that tacky black line there though is that in the backdrop be gone you guideline so this is it we must get Flappy Bird jumping it should be simple but I'm rather dreading it due to the limited scratch blocks available we trigger off the yellow jump event and hold the phone do mine eyes deceive me or does scratch Junior have a jump block built in hmm wow initially this looks good but it could be faster yes much better but there is a problem the jump curve is great but the motion stops abruptly at the same height as it began we need it to continue downwards like this perhaps no perhaps faster okay better but still not perfect and as it turns out using this block leads to a whole world of pain when more jumps are strung together so what else is possible how about we build a movement by hand fast upwards by two squares and this still looks too slow to me but this is the fastest we can set it to the only thing I can think to do is to try using two scripts at once moving up at the same time is that possible yes yes it is and by only moving one block in the second move the movement starts fast and then slows down a touch so that is a real neat trick to finish the jump we might try pausing just for one and then at a medium pace begin back down before at full Pace once more drop right down to the ground so how does this look yeah now it's not as smooth as the jump block but it is under our control man I can tell you this game is going to be really tough to play ha it would be game over for me all the time I wonder if I can improve that jumping script at all let's just try a few things now without the second jump oh no that is awful put that back in and just confirming the built-in jump isn't better at all oh no really that is really isn't I'm thinking perhaps I should try removing the weight at the top of the jump Arc and I must put back in that second jump script okay now this is something yeah yeah I think this is it so before we add the final Collision detection and prove just how bad at this game I really am I'd love to get the bird tilt upwards as they jump yes oh magical oh this oh oh oh this is actually hilarious this has gone horribly wrong but I love it I did worry this might happen because we don't have a way to reset the direction of the bird with each jump action scratch Junior can only rotate by but not pointing Direction and if we jump again before the first jump ended the rotation is compounded it's strangely odd but you know what I do rather like it quirky if you want to know if I came up with a solution to this problem then actually I did we can get around it but only by having two Flappy Bird Sprites each at different angles that we hide and show as they jump it works a treat if you really want to get things as close to real as possible so the final stretch now collisions super easy when the Sprite collides with another you can't ask what it collided with so everything except the stage backdrop is a possible Collision here and then we stop all the scripts in the birds right then we'll use a broadcast message to stop the other Sprites too red for game over and do it quickly as we can too a quick test flying straight into a pipe good the bird has stopped and now we need to stop everything else pipes first when red event is triggered stop all the screens the same for all three pipe Sprites too testing again yeah oh I forgot about the ground scrolling drop the script into those two Sprites too and yes now we are in business wow this is so good I'm sure it's not just me but I can't help but notice the bird continues moving by one frame or more after the collision and that's a bit of a shame and try as I might there does not appear to be a fix for this I know what I do in scratch 3 but in scratch Junior with the timings and movement our hands are tied and so all that's left is to trigger a reset to the starting screen ready to try the game again wait for three and then go to the next scene which I assume will Loop us back to scene one let's see and yes it surely does wow guys so what do you think this is it it sure was fun trying to push scratch Junior's boundaries some people say that scratch is not a real programming language and that it's really limited but man just set them to using scratch Junior for a day and when they emerge they will be ready to embrace scratch with open arms seriously scratch 3 is simply fantastic still this game is actually pretty good and I think I'm starting to get the hang of it at last it does make me wonder just how much further could we take this Flappy Bird game do you think it is possible to make a score counter I mean we don't have any variables do we but I have some ideas that might be fun to try out one day perhaps so if you enjoyed this bit of fun please do smash the like button Now And subscribe to the channel so as not to miss my next exciting tutorial until next time then have a great week ahead and scratch guys [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: griffpatch
Views: 1,463,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coding, coding for beginners, coding for kids, coding in scratchjr, flappy bird, flappy bird scratch, flappy bird scratch jr, games on scratch jr, griffpatch, how to make a game in scratch, how to make flappy bird in scratch, scratch, scratch coding, scratch coding games, scratch coding tips, scratch coding tutorial, scratch game, scratch jr, scratch jr project, scratch jr tutorial, scratch junior, scratch programming, scratchjr, scratchjr coding, scratchjr coding tutorial
Id: GJd32WCt7Qg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 41sec (1181 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 13 2023
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