This Roblox Hat Might Get BANNED

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so recently i made a roblox hat and the more i think about it the more it scares me because this hat you know now in retrospect it it might get me banned like if you look at the top left this is the hat it's a cute little monkey mask it's a finally i made a roblox hat it is the monkey mask i'm gonna link it in the pinned comments but uh the thing about this monkey mask is um it's actually based off of a roblox asset based off of this adorable monkey the cutest monkey you've ever seen the thing about that is that people aren't allowed to make ugcs uh copying roblox assets so i changed it up and hopefully this is different enough but i am still very very scared it's going to get me banned which would be upsetting it would be awful so today i'm gonna have fun while it's still up and i think you should buy it while it's still up because roblox monkey guys roblox monkey it's so cute i'm going to tell all of my audience hundreds of people to buy this hat and then we're going to raid roblox games am i a bad person yes will you still like the video it's it's your choice i guess i don't know man first i'm gonna need a head count i'm gonna make a roblox game tell people to buy the hat and join in just to see how many monkeys we got you know i need to get a good idea of like the amount that we're working with so i'm just gonna make this game i'm gonna insert coles admin i'm also just gonna insert jennifer because we always have jennifer oh jennifer yes that wasn't weird i don't know what you're talking about are we gonna publish it to roblox the monkey preparation i hope people have the monkey hat if they don't it's gonna be upsetting but that's okay it's it's fine that's not like i'm gonna take it personally or anything right i don't care all right there we go we made the game now time to do the announcement and everyone buy this hat and then join the game i'm sending in a second get a little nervous this hat's gonna get me bad and i'm not even gonna get anybody to buy it all right now let's hop in the game if there is nobody dressed up as the monkey i'm going to be so gravely upset i want like at least three people i want at least three monkeys i'm too poor give me money they have the monkey hat look at them they're so cute like me i'm a cutie look at me go this person has the monkey hat silly kids i love you you have three hats inside of your body but i love you dude these people i respect more than anything the monkeys they are perfect um i hate you if you don't have the monkey mask it's not cool it's not cool man but you know what we got a few monkey maskers we got a few chads this guy's wearing it even though his head doesn't you like you can't even see it just to get into the spirit of the season i'm gonna give everybody the hat just real quick but we are gonna be raiding random innocent games yay everybody has the monkey mask this is a perfect world all right boys we're gonna raid some games with the monkey mask let's write some monkey games actually i love monkey games i love monkey themed games yeah typical monkey game alright this game has one active player right now let's see how many players we can get it up to baby and everyone's actually gonna be a monkey in this game so it's perfect this is amazing what a good video i'm just randomly shoveling people into games these games do not deserve the random raids that i'm giving them nobody deserves this torture all right monkeys let's join dude so many people have already joined the game oh look we've already filmed two service the monkeys they're taking over wow actually look at how many of them have the monkey hat dude the monkeys they're multiplying look at all of us we're all the cute little roblox monkey it's so cute it's so adorable look at me i have a little roblox monkey i can hold him and i can throw him around and abuse him like the animals in my basement all right how many people have joined oh we have five servers worth of people dude and so many have the monkey hat i'm so happy man i've sold so many monkey heads i'm just a young up-and-coming businessman and i've sold so many what a good game i love just having a bunch of people i can shuffle into any game i want also before we go to the next game subscribe i like to ask at the middle of the video because by now you know if you want to subscribe or not it's your choice look there i am i'm in the game i'm a monkey that's what monkeys say that that's what they say you gotta take my word for it man you gotta take my word all right i'm sick of begging let's go to the next monkey game search up monkey in roblox games i wanna go to one where there's like actually somebody in it i want to visit a game that people are playing just so i can scare whoever's playing it there is one like little baby playing this game there's one like little tiny baby noob playing this game hold on what's their name i wanna go meet them i'm gonna go say hi before we summon the raid before we summon the swarm the real bombina in the top right where are they what are they doing in this little game am i having fun are they at least having fun in the monkey game i'm gonna say hi and see if they respond she left all the real bombing you know she won't know what she's missing i'm actually going to hide i'm going to hide and then summon the people the raid and see if they can find me everyone join this game and try to find me also while i'm here i just want to say unironically thank you obviously i'm making this video for fun it's not very good i'm just messing around so thank you for watching this long um making this hat has been a dream i love this hat i love the roblox monkey so i'm really glad that you're buying it and you're enjoying it and i'm i'm thankful i'm thankful also i know this video isn't very good i don't expect this video to do well it is an advertisement this video is a paid ad oh believe these little idiots these guys are the real monkeys they can't even find me look at these goobers oh no oh no this guy's getting dangerously close hey hey he just walked by me he didn't even notice me and the moai notices me right they're just hiding with me i'm gonna say shh encourage their silence you know all right so three people have found me do any of them have the monkey hat what a waste of life this guy is the headless and he can't afford my monkey mask wow wow give me your money i need your money okay well now maybe i feel a little bad what the how did this person light on fire why are they like a meteor why are they so on fire like they're not just a little bit on fire they're gonna cause like a forest fire or something man i'm surprised only three people have found me how many people are looking for me in this game how many people are in this server 81 i got 81 people here this server's literally full like 10 people have monkey masks good good on them those are the good citizens those are the people who help old ladies cross the street you know still only luca and weissly have found me under here and they're not spoiling it they're not giving away my spot like this guy even brought a bag of dorinos these are the best people to have found me they're just chilling with me in doritos popping our poppet that we have for some reason dude what a good little spot and look now another guys find me bag of beans what a nice name for that but i'm gonna move spots i'm gonna move spots and see if people see me actually i'm just gonna stand out in the open and see how fast people swarm me they have no idea they have no idea i look totally different i don't look like myself oh oh i got a little bit of a crowd following me on the elongated spawn point what why is he an orangutan why is he killing everyone no you can't do that dude i don't know what's happening right now how did he get that morph and his murdering everybody no i died i'm out i i died i died i'm literally dead right now i'm going to become among us that said you've pushed me to my limits i'm gonna do it guys i'm gonna become among us oh nope they just took away my banana and head so now i've revealed the other monkey underneath my outfit i think it's funny that i've invented monkey sacking having another separate monkey underneath your banana what a good outfit man this this mask can make so many good outfits dude what a good roblox item i can finally be the monkey man i'm so happy all right i'm gonna go to the next game what's a game that somebody's playing i just want to find one innocent person two little babies are playing gorilla tag hangout and 50 people can fit in the lobby good good i could fill it with my goons my little minions dude there's nobody here and i'm gonna go hide i'm gonna go hide what if i hide behind the massive gear wall they will never suspect that it's an impeccable spot how'd everyone join my new game yes they'll never find me they'll never find me but yeah while they're hunting me down obviously this video is just sort of a filler video i'm not trying to make it exceptionally good or anything i'm just having fun but thank you for buying the hat if you bought the hat i appreciate it and um maybe just maybe i will spare your life a little bit longer you have three seconds longer before i kill you this person in chat just like who else came from the tick tock and then thousands of people joined presumably from the tick tock you know what the hell this is a good spot i'm glitching inside of the billboard i'm gonna die do you
Channel: Laughability
Views: 211,238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox laughability, roblox, laughability, laugh ability, laugh ability roblox, laughability youtube, roblox youtube, roblox banned, banned, banned roblox game, laughability banned, roblox game ban, roblox deleted game, banned roblox games, banned game, roblox ban, roblox bans, inappropriate roblox game, inappropriate roblox, laughability ban, roblox not for kids, roblox meep city, not for kids, roblox hat, roblox inappropriate hat, roblox banned hat, banned hat
Id: 5vDu0JGReeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 02 2021
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