I Played Garten of Banban Chapter 4 (FULL GAME)

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whatever happened to me just know it wasn't actually me I was forced to obey without much thought [Applause] we are starting off exactly where we did in Garner band 3. look it's my bird this is where we left off and garden of ban Bane three why is this happening some of that I don't even look behind me there's no way he can fit through this yes he can't fit right please tell me he can't fit hello all right let's figure this out so we have a vending machine over here we have two pressure plates I'm gonna put the bird on one of them and then I'm gonna go on the other one yeah it's Mom it keeps following me around oh okay so now we have a pressure plate that's up here we're gonna dump this guy down here so he can't follow me when he's up on a Ledge and we have to press this with our drone wow okay the puzzles are getting crazy in Garden of Batman 4. go my friend yes thank you Gerald all right if you come over here Peggy I think we have to leave pinky behind for some reason it's not letting me pick him up I don't like this wouldn't you just see the dark abyss in a horror game you would know it's an immediate no what is this I'm kind of horn huh what I just collapsed on the ground I'm being dragged I'm I think I'm being dragged by somebody who is dragging me or rather what is dragging my body don't cut to Black no no they're gonna like take one of my organs whoa listen up Criminal that whole Act of you being unconscious won't work on me what you're a prisoner now what you'll do what you're told without any questions yes sir understood okay now your first task is very simple I will ask you yes or no questions and you'll answer them using the buttons on your left all right my gosh this is a lie detector we're being interrogated on you right yes and the button on your left is a no and one someone locked up all the criminals in the swamp on the level above was that you uh okay so this happened in the third game I definitely did this I'm gonna lie and say no interesting huh have you ever come in contact with the threat shown on the board uh because I've already lied one so I might as well keep lying no well consider yourself lucky that's a crazy one come in contact with the threat shown on the board I feel like I have to say yes to this one that Stinger Flynn yes have you ever come in contact with a threat shown on the board uh I've never seen that person before I thought so you must have come from the floors above have you ever come in contact with the threat shown on the board uh yes I have okay now I don't know if it matters if I lie or tell the truth it gives me the creeps never come in contact with the threats shown on the board um that's you no the rest of your answers all right grab your belongings from the back step out of the room what the heck so this is Sheriff toadster but why am I being interrogated and why is he so thick he's so juicy I just want to smack those frog legs all right we get our items back but what about a bird oh man see I don't know man is he good I don't know if Sheriff toaster is actually a good guy he is a sheriff you don't even work here hey yo don't be mean what on Earth no you know what follow me we can talk more inside okay oh look at his whole back is stitched up and he's got the thickest badonk look at the way he walks like he doesn't have the toes it's not very sturdy okay Sheriff toadster so far this is probably the best Garden of ban ban character he's the only one that hasn't tried to kill me or eat me I'm actually I think I'm in love maybe it's just a placebo effect oh wow big dark purple brick area it kind of looks like the nether in Minecraft whoa whoa Welcome To The Kingdom to the what all right oh my God oh my God said I don't know if I would consider this a kingdom it it's not up to me to decide what to do with your partner we need to talk to the Queen the queen when we do what there's a queen oh I Spit on the queen oh my gosh he wasn't kidding there's a genu there's an actual Queen here who is this who is this I've never seen this person in my entire life oh my gosh she's huge not like that just like big like way taller than I expected and I'm pretty sure she's a kangaroo finished interrogate I would say it too [Music] oh it's true I did it's a new one did they say what they're doing I'm afraid not you didn't ask me what I was doing down here a worried parent can spot another worried parent from a mile away thank you this queen actually is good you're here in search of your child yes exactly you won't find them most humans have ceased to come down to this floor find some time now hey don't say that don't be negative always getting you back up to the office to introduce ourselves first okay the ruler of the Kingdom okay the protector and only of a citizen of the Kingdom that's it I apologize there's only two of them in the entire Kingdom I'm sure you can understand uh yes I would be as well it's broken as well it's missions of crucial parts three to be exact yeah see it's busted yeah I was previously two occupied to go collect other okay the coming owls will be rough for us all but this is not your battle pet yes sir a sheriff a company grab the missing parts yes yes Queen we should be focused on protecting you no help me find my child we've spent four games trying to find this kid okay it's time come on bambolina you heard the lady let's head to the station partner thank you Queen bounce Leah you're dummy thick get by too well for someone oh my bird from that gets me much of what the queen has said and really downplayed our situation yeah dude you're in a kingdom of two a lot of trouble part how are you in trouble the Queen's Jester is gone Rogue who knows what happens he must not make the queen laugh otherwise what's in her pouch escapes and we all die what wait what so if the jester makes the queen laugh there's something inside of her pouch that will kill everybody who is the jester in this situation is it is it nabna I think it's NAB nap because he's got the little party hat on that's the only one that makes sense that would be the jester unless it's ban ban I don't know I actually can't answer that question I don't know who it is but I'm in this really weird Kingdom right now giant barrels of gavinium wait Sheriff toaster wait for me buddy [Music] oh man okay I believe it's two tickets per router for me two for you and two for little B here hey his name's pinky there should be some scattered around here all right look at this oh my gosh one of the flints is Wanted Dead or Alive for a million banned coins whatever that is okay so here's what we have to do we have to get three different Elevator Parts but before we can do that we have to get tickets that's one oh another ticket okay that's two I think we have to get six tickets it's two tickets per Sheriff toaster hello hey do you see the guy that's looking at us right now around the corner that's a third ticket and I'm beyond terrified right now hey hey ho oh oh I don't like how he moved okay I'm not no I'm not going there you can go there pinky I'm not oh we got a fifth ticket on the vending machine now we're just missing one more that's five where's the six oh there it is yes okay all six tickets have been collected now we can finally operate the elevators they look like bars of soap all right Sheriff we're ready what's that sound oh hey is he supposed okay cool I was I didn't know if he was supposed to come out okay head to the sector marked with the color yellow so we want to go to the vidilation sector here we go whoa you know I'll get your confusion partner do you really I really do I don't think you do what's a massive Bob pedal toad with a half detecting the giant purple kangaroo Queen okay fair yes I was thrown down here about your con like I was trash what do you mean I was hopeless aimless cold and miles away from the promised surface don't blame me for this story short I was found and accepted at my lowest okay well that's good for you myself the ultimate protector of the queen all right that's a cool story bro but nobody asks worth fighting for nobody no no good-hearted individuals nobody asked okay I I can't tell you this enough I do think you're a very adorable man though also these elevators are sick imagine if these existed in real life maybe they do and I just don't have them here in America wait we're here partner let's get this over with okay well we don't get this over with too fast now all right let's um that was the chameleon that was chasing us at the beginning the part we need should be in the administration room within the ventilation corridors okay so we gotta go to the ventilation room oh of course the door's locked oh this is the guy's name bitter giggle says nothing is as precious as Smiles tell the joke and wait he's the jester this is the gesture that sheriff toadster was saying if the queen laughs by him the thing inside of her pouch kills everybody so we have to do whatever it takes to keep this guy away from the queen because if the queen laughs it's not going to be good hey we have a button over here oh we got two buttons where's my bird come here all right we're gonna send our drone to this button yes sir Mr drone and we're gonna put the we're gonna put the bird on the table button and then we'll go to this one and that should activate the button for the Drone [Music] yeah that's right you impressed with me Sheriff toadster you better be I'm the goat oh we have a piece of paper whoa okay when uh interesting whenever I scan that it shows a jewelry store in Ohio when I scan the QR code I don't know what that's supposed to mean oh sheriff please don't let me go here alone you're way bigger and scarier than me sending me down this dark Hall is like sending me to my deathbed and there's something on the ceiling I'm gonna die oh what what's happening Sheriff you stay in there and don't move I'll figure out a way to get the door oh my gosh are you turning on me already oh hi I'm a hungry snake do you have anything no I don't I'm out of food I do not have food Sheriff wait Sheriff toaster's not gonna be able to do anything the natural predator to a toad and frogs are snakes this is bad I don't have any food I come in peace hello no no no it's Giggles Sheriff opened the door cheer up open by the door yeah totem toad stars did you just throw a shuriken was the gesture I was talking about AKA bitter giggle I don't know if we're not in the Kingdom let's grab the party get out of here oh no he does know that means he could go for the queen but I mean as long as the queen doesn't laugh then she's fine so unless she's got a case of the giggles can sense Danger oh so if the bird starts singing then we know danger is imminent you hear that Pinky also I like how I've got now the Frog I know my enemies we're being stopped what do you mean these fans are interconnected they make perfect traps oh wait I'm sure there's a way we can tell which ones are rigged we just need to figure it out is it safe I'm gonna take that as a yes and I'm gonna walk one job pinky one job huh piggy help us out here oh okay that Vince cursed so whenever pinky starts screaming we know that the Vince cursed what about this one pinky good okay oh okay not that one either dude this is crazy so then we have to go this way please don't kill me oh thank God all right Pinky how do we feel about this one good no no okay not that one no okay I'm so glad that I saw the riding on the wall holy cow all right this one's good all right we're halfway there oh not that one hey righty tidy no never mind Lefty Lucy Lefty Lucy oh okay it's not metal it's gonna be right 100 this one yes two more okay no no no It's gotta be left just kidding it's right we've come way too far this is the last one I'm not getting resets yes please please don't kill me with a jump scare yes okay bullet has been dodged now get us out of here look at how we had to go through to get to this point system operable all right very cool temporary shutdown is that what we want to do Sheriff toadster uh I mean he's looking at me like I want to shut this down so I guess we gotta shut it down this just seems like a bad idea like are we sure we want a shot I mean okay we're gonna do it now the system is inoperable maybe that will open this door yes and we have a piece of the elevator let's go let's head back and see if it'll fit wait wait sheriff sheriff can we go that way is it safe sheriff is just walking the same direction back okay maybe NAB NAB is gone he's not in the vents anymore so now we can just walk whatever direction we want thank God Sheriff you can't leave me okay you gotta stop doing this I have abandonment issues already as it is and he keeps leaving me behind that is not kosher so if we just made it to the ventilation section the question is where do we go now because we can bring the part back to where we were but I don't know if that's where we're supposed to go like we can go I mean is he worried about the queen because Queen bounced Leah could be under Fire from the freaking whatever his name was giggle bidderson's or whatever something along those lines that's the one concern I do have the one thing I am not concerned about is the fact that our new chalk collection from firemerge.com is so busting and it's incredible and we have other epic back to school things I'm sorry I had to get a plug-in all right Gamers we've arrived at our destination let's head for the elevator to see if the park fits oh dude imagine if doesn't fit that would be the most devastating I think since I decided to try a hazelnut toast it wasn't nearly as good as it was hyped up to be jelly and jam is still better time to see if this part fits where do I put the part oh uh okay place the piece you have oh just right down here that's one of three what I'll stay here and put everything together uh okay yeah sure uh well I'm gonna pick up this piece of paper first no staff member is safe near case number nine which is Sheriff toaster because his methods are simply do violent for a human being to survive case nine has become a real Western Sheriff we're existing as one will ruin everything so that is a little bit scary if I'm gonna be completely honest he's like one of those good guys that's also a psychopath at the same time but he's the only person that we have that isn't trying to kill us so all right time to raise up Queen bounce Aaliyah I hope your journey was worth it it was I just what is inside of her pouch well I'm not trying to be weird but what is inside of there that's going to kill all of us putting your life on the line and fighting forces far more powerful hey don't step on me chill admirable it's a token of my respect please reach Ed wait five five wait was it band I'm going now blue key card wait a second so now I feel like I'm being adopted into this country or Kingdom that I don't even want to be a part of and I feel like they're going to try to slowly kill me or keep me here forever she says she wants to help me find my child because she's a pregnant mother but what if that is just a uh alive well well well look at who it is ban ban himself huh you got a lot of explaining to do buddy this is the first time I've seen you mentioned having many visitors in one day I knew it had to be you it is me listen whatever happened to me whatever I try doing to you just know it wasn't actually amazing you tried to eat me I'm just gonna say it without much thought you tried to eat me I started communicating with you from afar for a reason now you know the true reason why because you're a monster still I want to make it up to you the queen filled me into the situation with the elevator I want to help with that okay I feel much more in control now I'll come help you find the missing pieces of the elevator I don't know if I want you to be following me you need to rest for a little bit and I'll meet you at whatever that station is this is a bad idea for the record this is a bad idea uh oh wow thank you so very much almost missed that key card I I don't like this to be frank I don't think it's a good idea I don't think it's a good idea great and another person is waiting for us at the oh [Music] Stinger Flynn [Music] what has happened you buddy you're being sucked by these tubes wow we are just meeting way too many new friends uh in one one day at this point I'm gonna be honest with you like this is this is this is a lot to digest okay hello stinker Flynn are you looking to kill me again hopefully not oh yep yes it is in the flesh [Music] thank God [Music] why is that buddy we're not listening to me and leaving when you have the chance to have made it great in the state you don't know anything you're a jellyfish finally after managing to keep Josh under control you just had to come around and anger him I didn't do hit I Didn't Do It political arrogance now a position where neither of us can get to the children this is your fault and nobody else's I meant it when I said I would practice the safest of procedures I have something I want to show first of all don't know if I want to see it second of all I don't want you near the children whoa hey put that down buddy what do you do to me oh it's a memory oh this is creepy oh hi you're up again yeah yeah this is wild you're a sleepy fellow what is this place grab some of the vegetables next we collected indeed [Music] um okay oh they're all finished oh thank you what a great guy good on you stinker Flynn sorry about that thanks ban ban hey NAB NAB you could share that cantaloupe come on give me half just give me half yeah there we go see look at this dude NAB nah be a good guy oh it's cabbage I have never witnessed kindness coming from a spider before until today you have man if Uncle Josh was here he would have loved those vegetables yeah he would have turned us into that suppose [Music] same why do you hate him so much sure he's got some anger issues but overall he's pretty chill this is the wildest conversation I've ever heard monsters are having regular conversations at a campfire site to emotion [Music] oh well that's not again nobody asked nobody asked you forever we each have our plans and goals but at the end of the day it doesn't really matter all right dude life is too short to be sad all the time is Tinker thank you ban Ben that's a great great call well I don't know what to tell you you know I'm not the best at this thus maybe NAB NAB or the captain can help yeah NAB NAB what do you think about this huh let me eat my cabbage as expected Captain doesn't talk he's the captain for a reason he just sits there what's that sound I mean isn't that one of us are you pulling my leg right now [Music] could be anything what do you mean hey yeah but what kind of animal makes that sound that's not an animal that's a demon wait is it choo choo Charles hold up that is a character from another video game am I crazy laughs what so much confusion choo choo Charles appears in Garden of ban ban and then the campfire explodes abruptly I don't know what I just witnessed and great now he's asleep again this is this makes no sense but there's a key card up here that we're gonna have to get oh it's not a key card it's a tape one of the secret tapes okay all right hello purple this is the first entry to what I will refer to as the toast okay what is that it looks like information gathered about criminals will be recorded hmm criminal number one the snail snail was captured near the front Gates of the Kingdom while I was on patrol huh the snail was captured while hiding in her shell and has remained hidden thick oh that's the shell I thought that was the wholesale an empty shell husk until quiet crying with her coming from within the cell it's kind of creepy that's all attempts to convince the snail to leave her shell it failed well maybe do better with extreme distress has not yet been determined but I have a theory yeah what is that theory huh this criminal ain't from around here okay so it's possible that this foreign hostile environment is what's causing this unnatural Behavior I could see that huh more updates soon every time I hear Sheriff toadster talk I want to put on my Texas accent where have you been uh well I've been waiting for a while okay I wish we got that long piece that we need should be at the second station the feeding sector that sounds terrifying like that's the one place I probably would not want to go you know because the feeding sector to me just screams I'm going to be eaten does anybody else think that when they hear feeding sector it can't just be me right like It's gotta be I feel now is a good time to introduce ourselves no which we haven't done up to this point if you can believe it yeah you're the guy who tries to eat me I am I worked here before everything came crashing down literally and figuratively huh I can't imagine the stuff you've witnessed down here yeah it's been pretty messed up buddy my co-workers and I should have spoken up sooner perhaps all of this should have been prevented then that would have been really nice but then again my co-workers weren't really friends in those last couple of months anyway so would have needed some good playing what do you mean just get to the point I've had those friends that suddenly turn on you for no reason yes I have actually to say mine turned on me would be an understatement they suddenly stopped talking to me they looked at me like I was some sort of monster interesting a lot of times I lose my temper sure but it seemed excessive I was and still am confused to say the least the same very much so same all right this is enough let's get going wait are we at the feeding sector okay it says we're at the feeding sector but to me it looks like they're at the employee exercise sector because you know it's purple oh wait wait what do you mean get down what's happening Bam Bam hello Josh it's freaking jump on Josh hey yo are those melons those are some nice melons did he just get dragged away that must have been a trap that the sheriff set up earlier oh Sheriff I can't imagine how confusing this has all been for him what do you mean for him he's trying to also kill us you know you have sympathy for some of the weirdest people you know that wasn't locked the last time I was here yeah okay I'm sure it's too hard to get it open though right well you know you say that but I know that I'm gonna be the one that's got to figure out the puzzle and you're just gonna sit back and relax um I don't know if I want to open that door wow yeah we're just gonna go down this terrifying staircase and probably getting devoured by something because we're in the feeding sector oh maybe it's normal maybe I'm being a baby for no reason left Mouse button to use my toy Smash beautiful now the real question is will it open it will not open I don't want to go down here it's so pink so fruity I like it whoa what in the heck is this dismembered pieces of gestures and this one's huge what does it say nothing is funny enough oh dude that's just kind of sad if I'm being honest holy cow no wonder why the jester is so upset oh a crown now why would I need a crown you just come in here steal what's ours and then leave no you humans are all the same no no these with no shame I didn't even want to get this thing your greed Knows No Limits stop be controllable for minutes stop this is freaking me out right now I couldn't care less about that really then why are you freaking out for my little little please no I'm not giving you any Applause don't listen to that guy over there about her as poems I'll show you something that's actually impressive wait that's so sick I know that guy magic trick okay show me the magic trick thing noodles this is Sesame and [Music] waiting I earned a round of applause for that I'm doing I'm gonna do it because it's fake noodles we clap for think noodles that was unexpected and amazing at the same time wow okay so freaking cool but now what do we get this button too open the door open New York thank you your whoa wow this is beautiful looking how do they keep the floors so clean is what I want to know uh all right let's stay focused on the task at hand we have oh this is interesting okay now we've got a puzzle on our hands ladies and gentlemen so four buttons to open the room this should be easy enough it's just a little bit of a drone puzzle me we go here yeah yeah go down here follow the X's why am I not doing that this would make life so much easier yes and then you can get this one right there boom I think oh no drone yes hit a drone come on you can do it believe believe you're so close oh that makes so much more sense [Music] you click on the other side of the wall so the Drone runs into the button I don't know why I didn't think of that that is actually so much more fun to do it's a lot more difficult but it makes so much more sense yeah so now we send the drones down this way and then we go behind the button where there should be the yellow X and then we do dude watch boom yes okay this is sick uh probably need to do it for this one as well is there a button on the ground for this one or where is that button because I see a button right there we have two other buttons remaining so we need to get our drone first so we're gonna send our drone back down this way then we're gonna send them up here and then we have to like maneuver them around inside of these upper areas to get him to press the buttons that we need him to press so like this one for example hopefully he gets a button there if there is one but he can get this button for sure come on yes and then finally the last button right over dad gum diddly right here and that's gonna be a twofer right here come on get the birdie my friend if you play golf that means two okay it's not a birdie I forget what comes after three but it's a three four just kidding it's a form thank you you took a long time there buddy anyways doesn't matter because we got the red key card that's what matters and we had fun while doing it huh and we didn't get eaten I think we should celebrate the small wins in life like not being devoured by those creatures inside of there uh that that's a good win for me ban ban I've done the hard stuff here you go you're welcome by the way another door doesn't look like the second one takes a key card you gotta be kidding me huge you are a monster you knew this was gonna happen too didn't you I feel like you knew this was gonna happen can I see something on the other side is there like a puzzle two okay good there's not a puzzle that's fantastic now what do we do with these because obviously these are keys to the next puzzle like that is just as clear as day but what does it mean what do the numbers mean Mason practice safety and you'll be okay this is the pattern it's just an o and a k oh that is so brilliant I was like how do you figure out that puzzle and I just figured it out all we have to do is make it the pattern of an oh it should be so easy yes Frick yes yes and then now he's got to do a k and I think the K was all the way down and then it was like this and then that boom right now before we grab the elevator piece there's something I need to do first okay uh wait I need to hand this imposter over to someone very close to me we'll see the honors I don't want to do the honors why is this guy an imposter what's wrong with him he's just a he's not even alive he must have gotten very lonely but I got him a new friend who are you talking about who is lonely we wait why are you standing so oh wait no nap I did not see that coming up take him why what what is it what's wrong with the abnab having him oh my gosh dude I hate this creature this is a Giant Spider Man wait up I can't my stubby little legs are not as fast as your stubby legs can you please wait I'm literally not even able to keep up with him right now he's going so freaking fast and conveniently the door closes and now I'm the one who's got to do the parkour ah fine all right we don't lose these ladies and gentlemen we win these we were called the parkour king for a reason and we're gonna make sure that our title is upheld even in darn of Van van easy I tried fixing you so many times if you're just unfixable he's not there's nothing wrong with him enough is enough what are you gonna do to him oh oh my God no that's the evil band oh fantastic good okay all right um see maybe if we just didn't you know put this guy on display none of this would have happened you know this was like you know freaking play dumb games Win stupid prizes I can control it I know I can yeah good for you buddy while you're leaking out gavinium to do around here you'll go back without me all right honestly I'm okay with that part should be around yeah I know I got it I got it don't worry and now NAB NAB is either dead or just knocked down gold what a circus man these people need some help okay and the only one who can fix them is Jesus I am not dealing with that and one of these tables they're like giant soap tables I want to know what they mean so we did just get a key card do you need to take a break what do you mean do I need to take a break mean why is there a vending machine all the way over here could you imagine people who work here having to jump almost to their death in order to sit down to a non-stocked vending machine well we did get the tape and there was a cup of coffee so I suppose it's not a bad idea you know I I would do that for the cup of coffee but only for the cup of coffee if I'm being honest I do like the Parkour in this game for whatever reason it's like oddly satisfying my worst fear is getting jump scared while drinking water and spinning it all over my monitor frying my PC that was pretty close wait that's that guy is huge see the size of this creature what in God's green earth are you he was the one that was supposed to get that coat hanger creature I am not going to look at you for very long because you are terrifying me holy cow but we do have the second elevator part meaning we only need one more to fix it then we can go back up but the question is if we're trying to find our kid is our kid up or is our kid down this whole place seems like some kind of crazy dungeon where we don't even know where we're even going there you are okay I didn't realize my bird stayed here with Sheriff toaster keep a good eye on him two or three great work partner you're welcome captain also why this I've already picked this paper up and it keeps falling back on the ground oh we gotta go speak to the queen again I don't want to every time I speak to her I act up here we are I don't have a good feeling about this I hope your journey it was amazing elevator a little more usable I understand for the safety of the children you're looking for me too okay because I'm pretty sure one of them's my child can I ask for a favor preferably not um see it's getting weird this is thank you thank you I'm probably not going to take you up on your request have arrived if you'd like to go check on me why are so many of them appearing in the the place [Music] so all we needed there was one final piece of the elevator and then we are finally getting out of this place and I feel like if we don't do it soon the kangaroo Queen bouncilia is going to force us to stay inside of her kingdom she's showing those signs of controlling where you just know something is messed up and she's desperately lonely and also a little bit cuckoo on the inside I feel for her I really do I guy who could really purple kangaroo with something inside of her pouch that's apparently going to kill somebody oh my gosh the birds are here this is the third entry to the toaster archives were captured by being lured in their current holding cells they're sudden and unannounced appearance within the walls of the Kingdom took me by surprise but they are now safely they are so deadly do not let them out they seem to be very territorial they did not exhibit any hostile Behavior as long as I kept my distance from their sail oh they're so scary man I don't like those seems that they were frantically looking for something although I'm not sure what since containment they've remained completely still I think they might be trying to trick me into getting it to check on them the reason why they're sitting still I'm not is because of Pinky but pinky is mine what about bambolina this is who I want to hear about second entry to the Toads there archives criminal number two yeah captured near the elevator that goes down from the third man Sheriff dobster I give him a lot of crap but he's actually doing a really good job like he's captured slow Celine he's captured both of the birds I can't remember this one's name I know this is opelia I I feel bad I forget this one's name all the time he's got jumbo Josh finally given up like he's only missing one and who is the last person it better not be me and he's even got Stinger Flynn the teacher has been sitting in a corner since common down repeating the sentence I can't be late to herself over and over this is the most impressive catch that is all I'm gonna say this is the fourth entry to the toaster archives like how do you catch the creature this large the gorilla all the green gorillas so far the Green Gorilla has been chained so not too much information has been I don't even think that these chains are gonna all jumbo jobs he's gonna break out of it we've received seven cases in only a few hours it's very unnatural I think I'm the cause of this something up above has happened that's causing these cases it's me it's Gotta Be Me but I can't I can't risk my health more updates soon wow so we're literally only missing like one other creature to be imprisoned every other prison is now full thanks to sheriff toaster the employee exercise sector the last area of Garden of band band four let's freaking do this Gamers this is it baby welcome welcome the employee sector employee exercise sector the final section morning exercise checklist cognitive physical communicative every single one of them has an X instead of a green check mark so that is not a great sign ladies and gentlemen whoa oh you already know something bad's happening here I'm about to get jump scared why are these rooms so nice they actually look really well done like the boxes even this area looks gorgeous it's like a nice living room I mean look at this bathtub man this is huge uh okay now that's a little strange why do we have a picture of a toilet on the mirror that's just that's the one thing about it unless wait a second are these hints these might actually be some kind of hints unless I'm crazy but why are there pictures of the toilets and the couches up here that's got to be something that we need to figure out actually and this area is gorgeous over here well I mean these are massive apples those are some big old apples and there's another one of those signs see like now we have a sun logo get your brain new work ready with this morning exercises three games two rounds each lights out something in one of the rooms might have changed report the room where the change has occurred remember the contents of each room and keep your eyes peeled oh frick we have to remember all the details of every single room because in each round something changes that is going to be a little difficult if I'm going to be honest but I'm down for the challenge okay let's go four minutes one second okay now we have to notice what the change is this all looks good to me had the same watering cans I think there might have been an apple in that top corner but I don't think it's that one if some room made a significant change which one would it be oh wow this is really hard I don't even know if there was a change actually everything in each room looks exactly the same all right what are the options here so no change a toilet changed couch changed Sun changed or a box changed no change does that mean that was good because jumbo Josh just popped up on the screen oh there was no change okay sick oh it's happening again over the timer stays the same throughout that makes it really really difficult uh two watering cans boxes look like they're all in the same places [Music] I'm gonna be honest guys I don't notice a change that is not good for me that is really bad nothing changed there was no there was no change am I crazy I'm not crazy how are there no changes twice in a row okay next round any other changes two watering cans same four apples the cardboard boxes is the hardest one to pay attention to if I'm being honest wait why do I feel like we're missing stuff that was on the table [Music] I think that the thing I think the living room changed I think it was the living room I'm gonna be honest I'm gonna see who's the living room [Music] this is hard but it's really fun okay one more round um okay apples four apples three chairs two watering cans that room's good again if the box has changed I do not notice it yeah see that's what happened last round all of these items were off of the table and somewhere else but now my real question is I don't think anything has changed unless I wasn't paying close enough attention I'm gonna say no change I'm gonna say no change come on please oh no we got it wrong okay wave the apples they're green instead of brown okay that is straight up super easy for us and this is the sun room yeah that definitely changed a nice try trying to change the color of the apples do you think I wasn't gonna notice that come on we all know the apple a day keeps the doctor away regardless if it's true or not it's really catchy and I love the saying yes ain't no way that's wrong oh boxes are missing oh straight away yup we got boxes missing ladies and gentlemen that one was so much more obvious than I expected it to be just okay remember it's three games two rounds each we've now done two games we need one more to win and obviously you know they're gonna get more difficult as they go on that's just the nature of every puzzle game ever apples looking good watering cans good boxes all look to be in order so either no Chin I do remember there being toilet paper somewhere I'm gonna see toilet it's either toilet or no change I don't know come on yes I think it was the toilet paper that was changed let me know in the comments if you guys know what it was because I actually I wasn't paying close enough attention apparently uh oh we're missing the plate straight away what are you doing man you can't take away our plates yeah give us our plates back we need plates now open the Sesame door please yes sir boom shakalaka you're stingling here we go oh my gosh that was just the cognitive morning exercise we saw the new physical and communicative okay next up is physical oh I don't like this do I need to run from him without dying well thanks I officially do not like this room oh I really hate this room now please what is that can you at least sir maybe you can sir step on the button sir okay do I use my drone for this where does he do something here oh he's supposed to run into it okay that's easy enough okay what's the next button game I need the next one please which button is the next button or do I have to step on it to activate it [Music] two more sweat okay we should be in a perfect position here you go just hit this button hit this button yes now just don't eat me all right one more we can do this oh way too close way too close for comfort yes okay perfect here we go here we go I got one more for you if you want to just snack on this button just give it a snack give it a must give it a promise imagine being an employee and having to do this for physical exercise every morning you have to kill a giant T-rex cat like what is this this is the biggest piece of garbage I've ever seen that's actually a disease it gives me nightmares Kitty Soros says meow it friends Roar at the face of enemies I do not think so Sam I am huh goodness gracious okay not quite ready for work go through here yeah you know I'm ready for my final challenge about communication where it looks like I'm about to be interrogated what is this and what do these sapphires or blue crystals I like how instinctively I just knew that they were important to pick up I mean they just seem pretty they're so shiny I don't know if we're supposed to pick him up but I wanted to whoa oh queen bouncilia queen bansalia is looking for crystals for her crown oh we just have to give eight for a prize do we miss a crystal hey yo ain't no way we missed a crystal what are you talking about unless they're one of these magical mushrooms or under the chair I don't think he wants another chair hey yo Queen bounce Aaliyah where's your Crystals at all right we got to get these we gotta get this oh what is this hey sneaky sneaky so there was a hidden one you are dirty are you not what the heck that was actually kind of a hard find because I looked at the other side and I almost didn't come around the other side but we got the key card I'm so carted out right now you have no idea I'm ready to get this final part I mean I've had to go through living heck to get here and I'm gonna have to go through it one more time because we still have to do communicate oh no that what's communication oh you know I'm honestly okay with that that was the easiest of the three by far and we have the final come on no I lied I thought the dinosaur would finish you off but if it's wrapping you will get you out of my way leave me alone buddy I I never seem to get stop insulting the humans people who were genetically programmed to laugh at my every every joke this guy's got some problems he's got some problems whatever's in the Queen's pouch escapes if I make her laugh but I'm not buying I think it's true I when I became dead set on making the ultimate joke after failing time and time again so nobody's laughing at his jokes that is kind of sad I will there was nobody better to be made by me I would agree with that with Sheriff occupied no way is he going to the queen right now [Music] None Like You no you can't do this oh my gosh he's fast my boy was hobbling and wobbling all right how do I get out of this room I need to go warn the quick I need to go warn the queen and the sheriff uh okay drone you gotta you gotta let me out oh did not mean to press that drone let me out right here yes hit the button on the other side of the wall thank you [Music] oh okay oh we're not gonna make it in time there's no way we're gonna be able to make it frick he's gonna be able to get the to the queen before me I mean like I'm speeding this and I'm not gonna make it back he's probably already taken the elevator quick well this is really really really bad news queen I'm coming great and the kittiesaurus is there too we're we're good we're actually we're done we're done yeah and I've got the third and final elevator part but what am I supposed to do against a giant kittiesaurus I mean little pinkies over here stay away from my queen your majesty no finally come to do what I was made for her and deliver my jokes don't deliver the jokes my best bet I don't believe you she's programmed to laugh at any joke so it doesn't matter if she tries not to laugh oh pinky just laid it in the vat of gabanium well this is awkward [Applause] my goodness follow every single one of your order why won't you give me that satisfaction one last time don't laugh Queen he's not funny but you know what will happen if I lost yes something really bad time and time again something are more important than laughter no but I can't wait anymore I need to make you laugh even if just for a little bit don't do it [Music] you don't have to do this queen queen don't do it if you're really sorry don't make the joke no no what did the train can know um that's okay that was pretty good did she laugh s terrible no she's laughing partially it can only go down but right now we have to escape great so now we're going to go even lower welcome to Garden of bam ban 5. ladies and gentlemen dude that was the weirdest thing I've ever experienced the pouch shot out a giant laser beam like she was freaking Iron Man oh and we're being chased we're being chased toaster anywhere else don't sir go he's right oh dude he's actually right behind us this is terrifying Sheriff move it faster buddy he's gaining on us I don't like the way that he moves sheriff sheriff sheriff quick here here we gotta go why is he with us we've worked so hard to build just through it you didn't build the elevator fast enough why did you let them go make it down there alive we need to find the Queen's scepter it's the only thing that can stop this madness [Music] ah I will see you for part five when we find the queen scepter foreign
Channel: PrestonGamez
Views: 1,184,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, roblox funny, preston, prestonplayz, gaming, funny, family friendly, kreekcraft, ssundee, thinknooodles, unspeakable, captainjackattack, aphmau, gametoons
Id: cokV9qWqEQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 42sec (3762 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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