I Built Your Worst Fears in Lego... Episode 2

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in this video I'm building even more of your fears in Lego so let's go now I'm from the Midwest which means we get a ton of tornadoes and they can be incredibly destructive taking out entire buildings with ease so that's going to be our first build but let's set the scene first so I whipped up this classic Red Barn that has white trim in these big clean doors as well as these black plates for the roof to access the inside you can swing out this wall where you'll find a lamp post and the stall for the family horse Larry he can stick his head out of the barn Windows too there's a table of tools as well as some on the wall that Jethro can use for his projects there's also an upstairs where you'll find bells of hay in a pitchfork a rat scurrying around and a telescope looking out of the barn window there's also this ghost floating around the next thing I added was this pigpen because Jethro loves frying up some bacon but scooping up the poop is the worst Claire May takes care of the Sheep on the farm cheering their fur and also tends to this Garden that has a ton of beautiful flowers the family also uses chickens to harvest their own eggs so now that we have our farm set up it's time to start on the tornado itself which was a bit of a challenge to stabilize since they are narrow on the bottom and widen out at the top I gathered up a ton of these slopes along with some gray plates and Bricks to try to get the shape right and I think it turned out pretty good now the simple thing to do would just be to take it and mash it into the farm foreign which is pretty fun but I wanted to really spin to make it even better I set up this green box and used some gears to make what is basically just a turntable for the tornado to sit on top of however finger spinning still wasn't cutting it and honestly it was pretty lame so I got out this motor that came with this Lego Boost Set and it's pretty cool because it's actually controlled by this app even letting you control the speed making the tornado a lot better and actually intimidating to Lego Minifigures and you can connect them to it by just using these clear pieces which makes it pretty hilarious but anyways let's see it take out the farm wow on the last episode by far the most commented fear was Heights that tingly skittish feeling that you get in the pit of your stomach when looking over an edge is something that almost everyone can relate to and what better way to do that than with a Lego skyscraper so I gathered up a ton of black window pieces and went to work the final result ended up being pretty tall however we have to get a minifigure all the way up there on the roof leading us to a related fear elevators which can be kind of creepy since they're an enclosed space that would leave you helpless if something went wrong or if one of the cables just suddenly broke to get to the elevator I needed to set up the lobby on the first floor there's a reception desk this fancy lamp and a cart for your bags that can roll around I also added in these workers the Elevator Shaft works so track that guides the elevator car and I use this string as the cable that can pull it up to the top of the skyscraper just hope that nothing goes wrong on your way up at the top of the tower if you move this plate you can send the elevator in the minifigure inside crashing down to their deaths but let's go ahead and add in the motor and see what happens and surprisingly it actually worked really well however this Elevator Shaft was extremely fragile since the tower looked Plain on its own I set up this road outside of it along with these Street lamps and some trees making it look way more presentable back at the top of the tower he's probably wandering around scared to death and even though he's scared of heights he's also curious leading him to just take a peek over the edge but then he was so intense that he gets a sudden feeling of vertigo causing him to lose his balance and fall over the edge to his death and if you want to be even more cruel you can set up a deadly Spike that's enough trauma for one minifigure but since we have this Tower I figured we'd go ahead and add another floor a secret one you see another fear that some people have is secret societies such as the Illuminati and other unknown groups who try to control the world through their hidden influences in our case Dany and Jim the lobby workers are members of such a group reporting to their leader Master Von evil chuckle they meet around this triangular table and surrounding them are creepy candles ancient artifacts and Relics and this golden Trident they have a pet owl too because it seemed like the best fit for a secret society they have access to secret knowledge on these slabs of hieroglyphics and their Creed has been etched in secret symbols onto the slab of stone these books contain ancient lore as well as a record of the rules they've broken to launch their secret plans they simply push this big red button a fear that a ton of kids have is going to the doctor dreading the thought of having to get a shot or something even worse a lot of kids hate going to the dentist as well since so many movies talk about drills and root canals these clear blue window pieces have a doctor's office feel to them so that's where I started I then gathered up a ton of doctor accessories that Lego has released over the years that are really detailed in the doctor's office there are some cabinets and a heart monitor as well as that bed table thing you always have to sit on before getting a shot [Music] on the dentist side the operating table can lean back putting you at their Mercy this adjustable lamp is the kind that can spin and shine down in your face and just for good measure I added in these scary tools as well the roof has a red and white color scheme and I added this medical cross to the front of it the entire thing can swing open showing the doctor's office on one side and the dentist on the other fear that a ton of people said was rejection and for a lot of people that takes place at school so I set up this hallway with some lockers along with this picture of the principal and a poster for the school mascot and sprinkled in some students and today Timmy has finally decided to work up enough courage to ask his crush on a date should I ask her definitely I double dog dare you okay here goes want to be my GF ew never in a million years fine when you're not really fine next up we have the fear of flying in spite of it being technically way safer than driving if something does go wrong it can go really wrong since you're literally in a metal tube miles over the ground flying at 500 miles per hour so I started by putting together this Lego City airplane it has these cool engines and I customized it to fit more passengers all of which I tried to make look either concerned or scared I also added this bathroom in the back complete with a toilet sink and door to help calm down the passengers a bit I added this stewardess who has a snack cart it includes chocolate pizza drinks and slushies which at least make going down in an airplane a little bit better flying the airplane we have Captain Wingnut and co-pilot Ace flapsworth with everyone ready for takeoff the crew closes the door and takes flight however while sailing over the ocean they encounter a horrible storm causing a ton of turbulence cool suddenly the plane is struck by lightning and one of the engines catches on fire and explodes sending the plane crashing down into the ocean however Philly survives and Rises up from the wreckage as he swims he eventually washes up on the shore of a deserted island which is our next fear being completely stranded we're starting with this cool base plate that only ever came in one classic pirate set all the way back in 1989 to customize it I started with this tree that connects to a ton of branches using these Sprout pieces I then added this monkey that likes to throw poop on the side I built up this cave where a deadly leopard lives when Billy hears the leopard stalking him he takes off across the island barely escaping it as it gets dark he spends his first night on the island with his only shelter being a few leaves the next day he trips across the vine disturbing a snake that lurches out and bites him weakening him even more trying to survive Billy explores the island and is able to find a stick in some rocks that he Fashions into an ax while using his new tool he cuts down a tree and uses the wood to begin building a shelter he lays down a floor with bamboo planks and uses some bushy leaves as a pillow and weaves some vines into a blanket and he even builds this slanted roof to keep him drying out of the Sun as the days go by he trains this toucan to fly to fruit that he can't reach on his own even though he's mastered Island life Billy is really lonely so he gathers up some more wood and builds himself a raft he even uses his undies to make these sails using his last plank as an ore he pushes off from the shore and sets sail for home journeying across the open ocean
Channel: Brad's Brick Post
Views: 405,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lego, legos, lego minifigures, fears, lego custom, lego moc, cursed lego, fear of heights, lego top 10, phobia, video games, cursed, funny, lego memes, lego funny, lego story, lego city, city, horror, lego scary, scary, extreme weather, tornado, lego tornado
Id: 3sZXctXq864
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 50sec (530 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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