I made Tonkotsu Miso Ramen from Naruto, it's epic!

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Internal-Company6364 📅︎︎ May 07 2021 🗫︎ replies
This is my boy Naruto my family's  favorite anime and this boy can eat.   He just loves ramen and his favorite one is  this one; tonkotsu miso ramen straight from   Ichiraku's ramen shop. And today I'm going to be  showing you my take on naruto's favorite ramen.   And the first thing we gotta do is char siu aka  chinese barbecue pork and as you can see naruto   has great taste. I mean take a look at this! Give me  that by itself and I'm already happy. And to make   it it is extremely easy and here's how. The first  thing we need to do is to marinate so I started   with a little bit of white wine, followed by sesame  oil, then I added miriam, dark soy sauce, brown sugar   and white pepper. Now all there's left to do is to mix  it well because your marinade is done. Now this is   going to be perfect for a pork belly, talking about  that, here it is. I want you to notice that this one   is without the skin and that's because we're going  to be using it for ramen if it was for something   else we definitely want a crispy chicharron. One  other thing that you got to look for in a pork   belly whenever you're making ramen is to ensure  that it has plenty of meat, because by default   it already has a lot of fat. And to marinate it  what I like to do is to put it in a vacuum bag   this will ensure that the entire surface of the  meat is fully covered with the marinade. As you can   see once I was done everything is nicely coated.  You want to let it marinate for at least 12 hours   or better yet overnight. The very next day I  took it out and this is what it looks like. The   dark coloration is a sign that the marinade did  its job and hopefully it infused in a wonderful   flavor inside of the pork belly. Now the next thing  we need to do is to go ahead and roll this up so   that we can cook it. And as you can see my piece  is not that large. So the first thing I try to do   is to just roll it into itself like this, and man  that does not work because take a look at this.   It's just not a good idea. The best way to do is to  go ahead and split it open a little bit more, this   will give me more surface area so that I can roll  it into itself. Once it was completely butterflied   it made the job a lot easier. The only thing left  to do now is to tie it up because once I was done   take a look at this. Now that is what I'm talking  about! We want to do this not only for a great   presentation but it will also cook evenly. Talking  about that the next thing to do is to go ahead   and throw it into my smoker. For that i chose a  temperature of 300 degrees fahrenheit, not only is   it gonna cook nice and fast but it's also gonna  give a wonderful smoky flavor. And if you don't   have a smoker you should definitely get one, but  it is also possible to cook it in your oven, just   always remember to have a nice large pot on the  bottom so that it can catch us all the rendering   fat. Because once you hit an internal temperature  of 165 degrees fahrenheit this is what it looks   like. It is now fully cooked, however I am missing a  little bit of char on the top. The smoky flavor is   a hundred percent already there but a nice little  char is gonna go a long way. So for that I just   grabbed my torch and went to town. This is quick  work, it literally takes about one minute to do and   the results is definitely noticeable. Now before  slicing the pork belly you want to let it rest for   a little bit, if you don't the juices is just gonna  completely run out. So after you rested about one   hour it was time to slice. And as I did oh I could  not be happier. I mean take a look at it! This by   itself in a sandwich is amazing and I am a hundred  percent sure in a ramen it's gonna be real tasty   that is how easy it is to make char sui Naruto style.  Moving on to the next ingredient we gotta prepare   we're talking about the broth. This one is where  all the flavor comes from and remember this, it's   not a race but it is a marathon. Naruto's favorite  ramen as you guys already know it's tonkotsu which   is usually made with pork bones but since I did  not have any and it was hard to find I went to the   next best thing which is ribs. Come on now, ribs for  ramen yes! That's what I'm talking about! Now this   next ingredient is not traditional whatsoever but  I wanted to add it to my ramen because I love it   and so does everyone else in my family. And as you  can see it is beef bone marrow. This has an amazing   flavor and hopefully it's going to take my ramen  to a whole new level. The next ingredient I'm going   to be adding is this one. Now I know what you're  thinking. What? That doesn't look good and I agree,   because I mean who loves chicken feet? No one. But  I'll tell you one thing it gives an incredible   flavor to your broth and if you've never tried  it i highly recommend. So now that I have all   of my meats ready the next thing to do is to  go ahead and get it cooking. And for that I   added everything into a large stock pot, throw  in a good amount of water and took it outside,   because this is gonna take a while. I turn the  gas on on my powerful stove and let it boil for   about 20 minutes. As you can see a lot of scum  is gonna come up right on top. That has to go. If   you wanna have a nice clear taste of your broth  you gotta get rid of it. You can skim it little   by little and that's okay, but what i like to do  is to discard the whole first batch of water. I'm   telling you if you do this your broth will taste  better. So once everything was out I went ahead and   refilled the pot then I started another boil and  if any scum comes up continue to remove it as   much as possible. Because after about four hours  the next thing to do is to add a bunch of other   ingredients. And here's what I chose for this broth;  we got ginger, garlic, scallion, carrots and onions.   You are welcome to add any other if you like and  one more thing I love to add into my broth is   mushrooms, it gives an incredible umami flavor to  it. So after adding it all up I just make sure to   stir it all around because now it's time to leave  it alone and I'm talking about an additional four   hours, but trust me there is a huge reward in the  end. Once that time was up I went ahead and added   even more flavor and here's what it is; into  boiling water I threw in a little bit of kombu   aka dry seaweed, followed by a little bit of bonito  flakes. Let that simmer for about five minutes and   strain it. This gives a wonderful umami flavor  to your broth and you saw how easy it is to make,   so I highly recommend this one. So after adding  that up to the stock the next thing to do is to   cover it up and let it boil for an additional six  hours because once that time is up your broth is   ready. The only thing left to do now is to strain  it because once you are done you are rewarded with   this. I'm telling you friends it is incredible  a wonderful rich flavor that is hard to explain,   but so easy to enjoy, it is delicious. However it  is still not a hundred percent done yet because   we need to add two more special ingredients and I'm  talking about miso. And as you can see I chose the   red and white adding both gives a wonderful flavor.  Just make sure that once it's added you stir it   well so everything can combine. But now that our  broth is ready the next thing to do is to start   up our toppings. And the very first one we're  gonna make is eggs these are super easy, however   at the same time super delicious. I like mine soft  boil to get those result I like to boil my eggs   for a total of 6 minutes. Once the time is up I  immediately throw them into an ice bath this will   prevent it from cooking any further. And to peel it  I like to use this method; I slowly break up all of   the shells and throw them right back into the bowl.  The little microscopic cracks allows water to go   inside making the peeling a lot easier to do. The  next thing we gotta do is the marinade. So into a   bowl I threw in a little bit of soy sauce, followed  by miriam, sesame oil, a good amount of brown sugar   and finish that off with water. Mix it well because  once you have done so the only thing left to do is   to add it to the eggs. Keep in mind that the longer  you keep them in there the stronger the flavor of   the marinade will penetrate. For me at least three  hours in the refrigerator is good enough because   as you can see with that time they turn dark real  quick. Imagine how you would be if you leave it   overnight. And these eggs are good on anything even  with rice by itself. Jumping onto the next topping   we gotta make nenma aka bamboo shoot. Now this one  here you're either gonna love it or hate it. And to   make it it is super simple. As you can see this  is what it looks like, there are other kinds but   the only one I was able to find was this one here  on my Asian supermarket. So after straining it I   added a little bit of sesame oil into the pan and  threw them in there, then I added a good amount of   chicken stock, followed by a little bit of mirin and of course soy sauce. I mixed it well and cooked   it for about five minutes. Once all of the liquid  was evaporated the only thing left to do was to   add a little bit of chili oil. The only thing left  to do was to stir it because my menma was done.   That is how easy it is to make this topping  and like I said you either gonna love it or not.   Moving on to the next topping this one might be  the most popular of them all, I'm talking about   narutomaki, and there's no way that you can make  Naruto's favorite ramen without this. And I gotta   be honest it is difficult to find, not every Asian  supermarket has it so if you find it make sure you   buy a good amount. And if you wonder what this is  it is fish cake the pink thing in the middle is   just food coloring and I think I understand  why naruto likes this very much. Check out   the ingredients, do you see what I see? Monosodium  glutamate aka msg the king of flavor. The very next   toppings we gotta prepare is scallions. There is  no secret to this whatsoever you just gotta chop   it up and it's ready. Now the last one and maybe  the most important one of them all is the noodles.   I've chose these at least for me they are the  best ramen noodles I ever had. I just followed the   packaging instruction for the cooking and it was  ready. It is pretty simple there's no secret to it.   But now that we have everything ready the only  thing left to do is to plate it up and enjoy   Naruto's Ramen. So now I say it is enough talking  and it is time to plate and eat. So let's do it! All right everybody here we have our beautiful  ramen today Angel. No steak today. -Today, today   on Shikamaru guys. -What does it look like to you?  What does it look like? -Bro this is Naruto's ramen bro. -That's right that's right! -From the ichiraku ramen  shop. -Absolutely correct. -This is like a photocopy   bro. -I know. -It looks exactly the same. -I try to make  it as uh as authentic let's just say because it's   uh you know I mean it's an anime everybody. But  uh at least I think that's what my take is on it.   I hope you guys enjoy it but the only thing left  to do really is to try it, you know what i mean?   Yes it's a little bit of work to make ramen  but when you make it at home it's phenomenal,  I'll tell you that right now. How does it taste  let's see? -Oh that's like. -Oh come on now. -It's like   a chickeny pork. -That is fire everybody! That's  all I can say. -Naruto knew what he was eating though.   -I don't know if i did it his way but at least  it's my way. Okay try the pork let me let me   know about the pork. Cheers everybody! That is ridiculously amazing come on. -You know I asked him, I asked him Guga, you make a ramen video, like the naruto one?   And he was like oh yeah because he's watching with  his kids, and then what did you say? -Let's do it! I'll tell you one thing everybody, is it a little  bit of work? Yes it is, it is totally worth it   though a hundred percent worth it. -I will say, I  will say -Yeah?. -Naruto eats this like an animal.  -I know right I was trying to do it but  you were talking I didn't want to be rude. The slurping. -He eats that thing like an animal. -He don't play around. I think we should copy. I hope you guys enjoyed this video. If you do enjoy,  make sure to give it a thumbs up. If you're not a   subscriber be sure to subscribe for future videos.  Remember if you are interested in anything I use   everything is always in the description  down below. Thank you so much for watching   and we'll see you guys on the next  one. Take care everybody. Bye-bye we out.   -How the hell does he eat it so fast. -I know right.
Channel: Guga Foods
Views: 794,204
Rating: 4.9594202 out of 5
Keywords: naruto, anime, ramen, tonkatsu recipe ramen, tonkatsu ramen, ramen recipe, naruto's ramen, how to cook, how to make, naruto's farovite ramen, best ramen, recipe
Id: rjXlwqgu6S4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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