I made HOGWARTS based on the ORIGINAL MAP!

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so you think this is Hogwarts wrong hang on surely this must be nope I'm going to show you exactly what Hogwarts is meant to look like by making it and by following the original map exactly when the movie rides were first sold to Harry Potter and before the first movie was made this was drawn as a map of Hogwarts Sur you can't get more accurate than that right so With a Little Help From My trusty wand we can whack this onto our foam foundation and get to work sorry there are two massive points of interest on the map the lake which safe to last cuz of the resin Po and the cliff which will do first because it's kind of a center [Music] point for something of this scale you actually need some subtlety with some undulating terrain which is where the heat gun comes in [Music] all right I've got my terrain and my Cliff now I'm going to do the castle on the cliff now as it turns out there is more than just the one drawing of Hogwarts itself what's interesting is the general shape and structure of the castle is kind of the same but as a result of those two sketches I have a map of Hogwarts as exactly intended so I'm going to follow this to the letter and make Hogwarts as it's supposedly meant to be that with the top down layout sorted it's just a matter of grabbing all of those shapes in tubes and foam and essentially blocking out those [Music] pieces with the entire structure shape and texture of Hogwarts done then it's on to painting [Music] come [Music] it's time to set that aside to drive and move on to another part of the castle that isn't technically part of the castle it is taking all sorts of black magic to make this project possible but not the Hogwarts kind the video production black magic kind who have sponsored this video and my studio now normally I advocate against black magic but in this case I love it black magic design are the ultimate resource for video editors and content creators the CRA part is not only is the production equipment the most affordable of its kind you'll ever find but the video editing software is completely free there are no strings attached it's pure magic can we add a special effect in post thank you the best part is Blackmagic design as a company is genuinely driven by inspiring and empowering creatives and their storytelling like me and my studio which is why I'm so proud and grateful that black magic have partnered with me for this video and for so many previous videos and project to make so much of my content possible and they can make your content possible too a huge thank you to Black Magic design for supporting my studio links are in the description thank you black magic and not the naughty kind all right next up the Hogwarts front Gates and the perimeter and fencing stuff at the same time now this is described as having magnificent raw iron gates tall Stone pillars on either side and a winged ball on both pillars and for the gates and all of the fences this stuff is going to be magic this is foam clay and you can just shape it and texture it for the fencing all around the perimeters use some text rolls to get that classic English stack stone look and set those aside to cure which I can put into place much later once I've done a bunch more of the terrain one of the key features of the Gat is done I've 3D printed tiny winged BS there's a few of various sizes so got a few options I'm going to start out by shaping those Stone pills texturing them and adding the balls on top all that's left is to build the rot iron out of aluminum wire mesh [Music] now we're starting to get to some of the more intimate and outer details of the Hogwarts ground specifically Hagrid's cabin which features prominently all throughout the entire series I'm going to use the map to figure out where it is and then I'm going to have to scale it based on the castle now this is going to be a pretty simple build all of the descriptors I can find for Hagrid's cabin describe it is having windows with curtains it's on the edge of the forest by a sloping lawn from the castle it has a chimney and it's one room so the shape's not going to be complex but at the same time it's a feature and it's going to be recognizable and it's got to stand out up next is our little station for Hogwarts and I can say it's little because the descriptor is single tiny platform so little station I find the positioning of the station and the grand scheme of this whole layout really weird because there is a whole town on the exact opposite side of the Hogwarts grounds which realistically is where I think the station should be but all I have to do is follow the dam instruction which is make a little tiny platform that the Hogwarts Express can Choo chew into and our first years can climber onto their boats and the rest of the students can jump in their carriages all right next up Hogs me which is described as little thatched cottages and shops so I think this is about the most realistic scale comparison to the castle and people that I can come up with and on that basis I just cut up a whole bunch of little foam blocks that would be all of my little ages and shops I did the roofs in foam clay that I could then roughly texture into something resembling thatch and when all of that set it's just a matter of painting and dry [Music] brushing now you might be wondering why I haven't been putting the props down as I've been working on them that's because I need to work on the terrain before anything goes in which is what I'm doing next and it's my favorite step which I'm going to refer to fondly as the poop and sprinkles step the poop is sculpter mold I'm mixing up one smaller batch of earthier gray to go in the lake areas and some of the rockier places and then a much larger batch of green which will go under all of our Lush grassy terrain let's get [Music] poopy first poop now sprinkles okay cool set aside to dry and then we come back now so now we can actually start working on the board starting with the Quidditch pitch in map number one the Quidditch pitch takes up a huge amount of this school grounds area in the other map doesn't say where the stands are for viewing so I'm going to assume this whole border around the Quidditch pitch is where everyone can sit so I'm going to guess the quiddit pitch is roughly [Music] that big with the circumference of my pitch cut out I cut up a whole bunch of tiny little wooden sticks that I glued to paper so I could wrap it around the stand other than the border of the pitch the only thing specified in any of the maps is the change rooms on either side and with my quidditch Arena fully constructed it's time to cover it in some paint I've done all the things I've got Hogs meat I've got a quiddit pitch I got fences and I got a bloody Castle I shouldn't I shouldn't throw stuff I spent a lot of time on that so now it's time for the satisfying bit where I put everything on and start to detail starting with the castle which as you can see well it's a bit wobbly cuz I haven't really laid the foundation for it so we're going to have to cut out a bit of a foothold for it to do that I just Trace around the footprint of my castle in the direction it needs to face cut out and carve out a foundation for it to sit onto but make sure to also base it and cover up all that raw exposed foam with a bit of Muddy texture and now the most satisfying bit of all piece by piece the entirety of the school grounds is going to come together starting with the fencing and the perimeter and then onto all of the major props with all of the main props in place it gives me a hug huge amount of clarity to now follow the map to the tea and get in all of those smaller details paths and Roads huts and trees and of course Forest now on to the two parts that are going to bring everything together the forest and the lake not just the forest but all of the trees we're going to need a lot of trees fortunately Amy spent about half a day making a huge amount of these tiny trees from the woodland scenix forest canopy range and now we can just flood our terrain with trees but there is one very important tree I certainly I smoosh together an approximation of a wiing willow at this Scallon I actually think it turned out pretty good so before all the trees go in the most important tree goes right about there and for the rest of the trees it was just a matter of poking holes and putting them in with glue one tree at a time until our hundreds of trees have found their home the last thing is the lake but I need a giant squid and I have like 15 minutes I honestly think there might be a squid do we have a squid come on Tom luckily Amy's a hoarder so we sort of hold on to almost everything oo it's an octopus he's basically a squid giant squid all right I have a squid it's just fluro orange we can fix that bit of hot glue and you live there so I want want this to be really deep feeling and to capture that I sort of need to do a dark thin layer at the bottom and then do the Blues and stuff on top problem is time so we're going to do the first one in UV resin mixing in a few drops of alcohol ink and mixing that up to make a nice dark UV resin that will only cover a couple of millimeters at the bottom of the lake this will hopefully underneath the main clearer Bluer pore give the sense of huge amount of depth at the bottom of this lock this was more involved than you might expect but the whole process all the behind the scenes is actually available to my patrons if you want to support this channel it's a massive help so go check out my patreon you get early access to all of my weekly videos and a weekly behind the scenes and of course appearance in the fancy scroll which you shall see in this epic final Montage this was a big one which is why I have big thanks to give to my new Legend patrons Trev glitch Cube and Heidi trcy thank you and all of you for your support making big projects like this [Music] [Music] possible [Music] hey guys I really hope you've enjoyed this very ambitious video hit like or consider subscribing if you do and if you enjoyed this you're probably going to enjoy my other videos check them out and thanks so much for watching
Channel: Jazza
Views: 1,507,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, newgrounds, flash, humor, drawing, adobe, photoshop, Artist, Painting, challenge, funny, crazy, weird, draw, art, entertainment, hillarious, bob ross
Id: _TbkKzc7IIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2023
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