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so we're starting this project on the weekend gareth's here to help me out we're being a little sneaky we're gonna get started by hiding the workspace on in what am i doing and why am i calling it operation tahiti 80 years ago my wife and i spent a month in tahiti so we had a lot of fun like snorkeling and doing lots of stuff i got to spend my time drawing and doing whatever i wanted and i built a world specifically this world this is the world of sundar i'm gonna take my world map turn it into a world [Music] so to make the job easier for myself in my off time i pre-prepared a bit of a map grid taking the map that i have and prepping it to be laser cut this should make my job super easy the water traced will cut the layering back the mountain trace will give me something to stack on top i think you get the idea let's put together a giant jigsaw puzzle [Music] i find every step in the terrain and board building process super fun starting off with this stage the sort of roughing and blocking things out especially when i have a nice big hot knife to use it's like carving through butter really satisfyingly shaping together the undulation of the board [Music] [Music] the base of the texture of the oceans it's going to be sand i'm going to add a little bit of oxide coloring a bunch of mod podge and a bit of water this is the exhilarating part this is so much fun [Music] so this stuff sculpt a mold or modeling compound this is primarily going to be what is going to make the mountains happen and i'm going to make up quite a lot of it because i'm going to do the whole boards mountains that looks better right a bunch of green and a little bit of red not a lot yeah see who needs measurements huh all right this is it this is the last thing i'm doing today because it's gonna set overnight and everything will fully hard and then we can do the really fun stuff [Music] these are 3d printed towns and cities oh my god normally they're meant to be printed at this size this is the default size and the idea of these things is that you can make your dungeons and dragons maps or whatever by printing and painting and interconnecting these things and we made a whole map over on tabletop time so you can see what they're sort of for and how they look at the end but as you can see mine are a little bit smaller by comparison and this is where i've tried not to bother you guys with how giddy i am about the fact that i'm bringing my own world to life because every detail of this place is something that i have in my head they're real places to me and i'm actually putting the towns in they have names things have happened and i love it but suffice it to say if the thing i love about making stuff and creating art is bringing worlds and stories to life this is the kind of project that i just get really excited about all right so i think i've put pretty much most of the stuff down this has been the most tedious bit so far but i have actually matched my game map and all the towns to this map which is really really satisfying but then when we get outside this area i actually haven't planned where towns go i know that this is the nissia and it's sort of you know a little more coastal there's gonna be a lot of vineyards and rolling hills and lush greenery and all that stuff over here this is the desert civilization so they're sort of following along the water path for a trade route a big coastal city and a big trading city over here with these mountain people i'm having so much fun [Music] it's not drying i've had this heat gun on for about half an hour and it's sort of dried this area but it's very liberally applied and quite wet we're gonna shut the blinds and we're gonna we're gonna take it out into the sun one thing i want to do before we take it out to dry now iron spire is huge it's like kilometers tall so i can be pretty aggressive with my green stuff sculpting here [Music] now we're going to take it outside so this can dry perfect it's fairly heavy all right hey rob oh pink hey dave no peeking we're being so secretive this is how garrett's editing at the moment hey gareth hey i need you to help me carry a table i love his little editing alcove how good is that so i've got these out ready to go because the next step is going to be creating a little bit of a base coat of color over the whole thing give it a lot of like varying colors let's base coat baby so this step does a lot of the groundwork for me obviously i've got all the terrain in there but as far as putting color down by doing base coats and all the aerosols i really get to create those gradients that i actually also can follow as a pattern when i put down the other materials later and of course it brings the whole thing to life [Music] now that i've put down the sprays it looks a bit washed out a little bit flat because we lose i don't know some of the depth in the crevices so i'm going to create a little bit of a wash using just some water a bit of black paint a bit of green a bit of red in theory this will create a nice dark brown earthy wash but i think this will add quite a lot of depth very quickly [Music] [Music] we're finally here we're finally the step that i've been dreaming of using all this stuff now i have to give a huge shout out and thank you to woodland scenics this video is not sponsored but they did send a ton of basing and terraining and table stuff over the table top time and i'm stealing it because i want to do this stuff everything happened to this point has just been basic craft materials foam glue wood paint but everything from this point is woodland scenics and this looks amazing already but just you wait just chew it i knew it i can't it's just it's slow hanging fruit just dangles this this is the step i always look forward to most because it makes the biggest change so quickly and with real minimal effort and on top of that i'm going to be honest this takes me way back to my childhood my dad used to make model railroad dioramas and that's probably in large part where my interest in you know warhammer and tabletop gaming came from but just the smells and the textures and the feel of just putting the stuff down really just takes me back to learning and discovering that i loved this hobbying when i was a teenager and it just is so satisfying to watch come together [Music] now as you can see already just from this it looks really cool you let this set i'm gonna come back tomorrow it's the next day the glue has dried let's see how it's looking about the same as it did seconds ago in the edit because everything's in the same place but this is the fun bit because i get to very satisfyingly tip this up and brush stuff off [Music] it's done an awesome base coat now it's just moving on to like details and features which is super cool and oh my god look at this oh my god i'm so chuffed it's very cool i'm gonna put down larger globs of glue and stick down this stuff coarse turf so this is much more coarse as you can imagine than the other stuff and in the context of this scale in groups sort of glued to the board sort of clustered it's going to look like large forest areas it's going to be awesome i wanted this continent this board to feel massive and this was the step that really did that the texture of the forests and the trees adding the snow cap top to the mountains this really was the fine-tuning step that gave the vibe that i was really after which was frankly you know those information center like tourist map things that are like a tiny diorama representation of the place you're at i wanted this to feel like that like you're looking at a place that is a real place a world that exists in my head [Music] okay it is the night before reveal tomorrow morning has to be the reveal because we have to edit and finish the video tomorrow because tomorrow is the last day of work before the holiday break so no pressure but i'm coming in late to finish this off it's been drying so i haven't seen this since it was soaked in glue oh okay yep yeah this is good i love it this is gonna look so good in the reveals i'm so stoked and there is i think literally one thing left but it is the most high pressure intense and scary thing the water if i don't seal it perfectly it's going to leak everywhere and ruin the peak i could have got the coastlines or the levels wrong or they could warp during construction which could mean that water could end up all over the middle of an area or too low in some areas which could ruin the this step could ruin the board so i'm a little scared and it's 9 30 at night so i'm in for a late one and i don't know if it's gonna cure by tomorrow which is when the reveals are which could ruin the boy you know what i'm just gonna do this and i'm just cross your fingers for me because i'm feeling heightened right now [Music] okay i have stuck an acrylic border around this so that i can pour the resin in but it has to be water tight any gaps and the resin will just pour out and ruin the board so i'm going to first use uv resin and just do a bead along every edge that could create a gap cure it with uv and hope that keeps it watertight [Music] i'm mixing in prussian blue alcohol ink to give it that oceanic color there you go okay shallow pour you can see it's not too dark and in fact i can test how opaque that will look on the board that looks pretty pretty good i thought i might have mixed too much but it turns out i barely mixed enough just for this one side of the board and this is the shallow so like this is the smaller body of water out of the two water is looking glassy and very nice i'm loving that sense of depth the ink is sort of resting in the lowest areas which is making it look super deep you can also see like the edges on the inside of the water ah this is gonna be really cool just hoping that this side works well as well and that i can match the color [Music] [Music] all right the pour is done i think it went well but any contaminants in the air that float down and touch this surface while it's curing are gonna be there forever so i have to try and shield it and this is basically a giant sail so i'm gonna have to be real gentle here and not breathe oh my god i think we're good good morning i was here late i just want to see if it's set i'm just going to touch and see if it's touch dry touch dry it's a little tacky to the to the touch but i think that's to be expected it's not ideal to take this off because i still don't want any contaminants to get on the surface but i do have some final touch-ups to do on the board before the final reveal so i also don't know how the uh the ink settled in the pour how does it look oh oh that looks pretty good okay and all i want to do is fill the rivers maybe touch up the little towns and we've got a world look at that in that cool all right i'm gonna hopefully take the edges off okay we've got some flexibility [Music] i'm recording this wrap it all up in the heat of the last day of work we are way close to the line i worked until 2am last night gareth came in at 7 in the morning to get this video done to get this project done why have i signed up for this to wrap up the year when i could have or should have done a reaction video or something much much simpler well honestly because in my mind i had three days to do whatever i wanted or more specifically something i really care about and i really care about this world that i started building seven years ago and has over time and more recently with my friends on table top time role play been shaped into something i treasure and i wanted to make something that represents that and share it with you so to show this off in all its glory i hope you'll bear with me as i intro the world of sunder to you in a dramatic storyteller voice with some epic swooping shots 782 years ago king grayson banished all competing tribes and clans from the land he claimed as his own the nation of grey dale was born and has since reigned as the supreme military and trade power over the continent but those banished fledgling tribes has since survived and even flourished in their various territories far to the east across the glimmering sea the nissia has become the land of culture and plenty it's now a matriarchal society rich with art wine and knowledge and has deep roots throughout other nations as the nissians have ventured out offering their services and skills in exchange for what they are value above all knowledge far to the west beyond the desert of the envel plains the empire of fellmore has become rich beyond measure in large part due to the rate of gold from the coldish clans of the mountain crown to the south their cities sprawled with towering structures of sandstone and concrete and even common failing citizens are adorned in silks gold and fine finger glass the phelan have bred their own slave race from the prodigy of the giant cold from the mountain crown a breed they call the failing cult handled like livestock the average adult failing cult stands between seven to eight feet tall and is heavily muscled and responsible for building felmal's greatest structures sustaining its agricultural efficiency and are rumored to become the most imposing military force in all of sunder despite these challenges to power grey dale stands strong in large part due to the unrelenting loyalty of its people to the king rendrick iii who reigns in the capital i inspire the city named after the colossal structure at his helm that pierces the sky and casts a shadow over the land every day when the sun rises all right here you are i am sure you have some suspicions given that it is this specific group that has been hidden from the truth of operation tahiti let me start off by saying a year ago you were all volunteering your time coming in to tell some stories and get tabletop time going one year later here we are we've got a studio we're doing bigger and cooler stuff than ever before and i made a little bit of a tribute to one of the stories we're currently telling you oh cool it's a map i made a new map it's extremely ambitious that's sorry this is really cool it was good fun i know you know how desperate i've been to build a board so where are you drawn to actually where do you live here yeah finish the white cap buildings on the coastline that just draw me straight to finish yeah yeah there it is amazing wow we've been bringing the stories to life over the last year lots of different ones this is the current one and it's just really fun like we all get a kick out of just these things in our imagination that feel real and fun just even cooler when we can get art and make cool stuff for them so thanks for uh telling cool stories with you guys so like i said i could have taken the easy road on the last day of work which is now we have three and a half hours left to finish this video i've been slamming through it in the edit while i've been slamming through the production and i really hope you enjoy that we here at jazza studios are passionate about telling stories and making art so go check out the inspire playlist and keep in mind it's like a basically a free audio book it's an improvised audio drama i dj the music live while i run this story session with my friends we have amazing art and thumbnails commissioned to bring it all to life all because we're so passionate about telling stories so you're gonna love it if you go check it out i hope i inspired you for the okay that's enough this the whole video has been absolutely like me just letting myself geek out about my thing i hope you love my thing i freaking love it and if you do to hit the like button subscribe for more epic freaking cool nerdy stuff otherwise that's it for now happy holidays and thank you for joining me in 2021 and i can't wait to kick things up a notch next year see you later
Channel: Jazza
Views: 1,689,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, newgrounds, flash, humor, drawing, adobe, photoshop, Artist, Painting, challenge, funny, crazy, weird, draw, art, entertainment, hillarious, bob ross
Id: maUjVifKaNU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 28 2021
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