I made 3 WORLDS Exactly as described in the Books..

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in this video I am bringing worlds from books to life worlds that have already been depicted but were they accurate to how they were described well we're going to find out and it's going to get epic we know what they are there are three hobbiton little hagleton graveyard and the wall I'm going to Anchor myself to the description as best as I can and I'm going to try and divorce my mind from the visuals of the films in the show PA Hobbit had originally lived in holes in the ground in the Shire in bu's days it was as a rule only the richest and the poorest Hobbits that maintained the old custom the poorest went on living in barrows in the most primitive kind while the welltoo still constructed more luxurious versions of the simple diggings of old there were now many houses of wood brick or stone a preference for round windows and round doors was the chief remaining peculiarity of Hobbit architecture let's launch into making the Shire happen I want to make sure to convey most of those elements then it's hot knife time I have some pretty cool undulating shy terrain I'm going to do this in multiple layers starting off with a bit of a base of coloring texture then I'll set that aside to dry so I can start hand building and making props and buildings and all the cool stuff I've created a mix of vibrant green to go under where the grass will go and then gloving up and slathering it all [Music] on adding a little bit of extra wet glue on top it's time to go around and sprinkle on that base texture now that is a fairly substantial amount of the terrain work sort of done for me but now I can work with this as a really solid foundation to figure out all of the stuff that's going to fill hobbiton and I'm going to cheat a little this is a gorgeous table that tabletop time made that was used in a battle report that has all been and done and this is lived in storage so it's not really usable for anything anymore except for me see the description of the show specifically talked about a Watermill I have a Watermill mine now now the moment with the sh is just a sad bunch of holes in the ground so let's build it up a [Music] bit now is a matter of adding all the details to the rest of the [Music] sh [Music] with all those features of my little hobbiton section done it's time to hand them over to Murray for a little bit of miniature [Music] painting this was the opportunity of course for me to focus on the pathways and the terrain [Music] and by the time most of that was dried I got these props back from Murray that literally just slotted into place and brought the whole environment to [Music] live now it's just a matter of adding in the detail there's only two things left to bring the whole thing completely to life starting with our running [Music] River last but not least of course it wouldn't be taking it to the next level unless we had some Hobbits to fill in our [Music] town [Music] [Applause] e ah nothing like the Shire on a lovely sunny day the real sh mind you all right let's have a look at the Lord of the Ring Shire look even a Watermill is this is the specific section it's mostly Hobbit holes in the hill like look at the where are the above ground buildings there are two buildings there you go that one there and the Watermill they are the only buildings in Hobbit and ground everything else is a hobbit hole it was pretty clear from the description that The Hobbit holes were actually the exception the moral of the story is sometimes leaning into the aisle in the interesting bits is a way better choice than sticking exactly to the [Music] script they were standing inside a dark and overgrown graveyard the black outline of a small church was visible Beyond a large u tree to their right a Hill Rose above their left Harry could just make out the outline of a fine old house on the hillside only 6 ft from them a towering marble headstone Harry saw the name upon it flickering in the one light Tom Riddle the layout was really straightforward I mean the house on a hill up to the left a church behind a u tree off to the right and then the Central Area The Towering statue that Harry and Cedric appear in front of I wanted to have a bit of fun with this and have a few dug open Graves one that might be halfway through being buried and one that I can put an open coffin in later for where a bone is extracted to bring back folded water with a mix of paint and glue slathering down a nice earthy color and sprinkling on a mixture of dark greens and [Music] Browns it's time to move on to the little church that's going to be off to the right cutting it out of two bits of layered foam into a really basic shape that I could just add detail to too I cut out a chunk of foam that would also act as a base for the Statue which would create a shape that feasibly a coffin might have been slid into I am really happy with how my cemetery is coming together I've got the uh this is the part where Harry and Cedric are going to appear 6 ft from a towering statue that and the church and the walls Marie I Beque to you some random wall segments at church and last but not least we have Tom's grave and bonus points if we can get a teeny weeny Tom Riddle on the front there I've moved on to filling in the scenery a little [Music] bit Mari has finished his work with the props and my God does that bring the scene to life slapping in some pre-built trees from Woodland scenics this whole scene is completely transformed in detail in such a short period of time now while I've been working on putting all this together muray has been painting a couple of unsuspecting Hogwart students to be teleported into the [Music] [Applause] [Music] cemetery [Music] [Applause] [Music] Cedric are you okay I haven't watched these movies in a very long time and I certainly didn't reference them when making my depiction of little hangleton graveyard but let's see from the film depiction where Harry and Cedric landed that's where's the overgrown where's your overgrown there's no overgrown there's nothing grown there he is bloody giant death statue in a cemetery this is absolutely absurd there's the old that looks like the old Mana over the hill there but I haven't seen a UT tree at all we get it you were going for spooky I think you overreached and I think we nailed it it you know what you going to [Music] do approximately 700 ft tall it's made of solid ice stone and Earth it appears gray or blue depending on the weather and time of day the top is wide enough for a dozen mounted Knights to ride a breast windblown dirt covers the wall like film the top of the wall is studded with catapults and cranes trebuchets the knight's watch can reach the top of the wall from on the southern side via winch drawn cages and steps of ice thus concludes our description I'm really lonely and it's cold let's see if we can get an accurate height 700 ft tall I have 3D printed some members of the Night's Watch all right let's pretend he's 7 ft tall that will make this so much easier and that is 35 mm so that's just going to be 35 * 100 so that's 10 times that three and a half M can't we can't okay no no we're going to have to uh do the top of the wall just imagine that it keeps going [Music] down now that I've constructed the top of a wall That's surely durable enough to hold off white walkers it's time to start shaping it using my hot knife again creating a shape with the curval blade in a way that's going to really capture that icy feel next I move on to painting the side the mixture of a vibrant purpley blue and Mod Podge at the top of the wall I'm literally just using an earthy dirty mix like the description says it's covered in wind blown dirt like a film we are going to create an elevator section A Car go lift where supplies are lifted up to the very top of this wall this gives us the opportunity to extend the diarama further out than the terrain itself and create a bit of a sense of [Music] vertigo it's at this point I handed over to Amy to help me out by detailing out the stairs and the platform and building me a precarious looking lift that would carry members of the Nights Watch and their [Music] cargo I was off rading the wall with mixes of purples blues and a little bit of brown again to mix it back into an earthy texture Amy had made the ultimate foundation for me to build from roughing in what I thought a support structure might look like in the end I actually felt like I achieved something pretty believable and with all of that construction in place it would be made infinitely more believable with the next [Music] steps [Music] oh my God this looks so cool there's only one thing missing and that is some lonely deprived men who have been Outcast and forced to serve the rest of their time in the KN [Music] watch [Music] I see we've got a new recruit welcome to the wall let's check out what the show did when John snor arrived at the watch this is literally him going up in the elevator their elevator looks like it's a little more structur Rel sound o there you go there's the scale that to me okay so from the description 700 ft that to me looks about right they don't have a single rope suspension which let's face it I would definitely much rather go up the lift in this show there you go that actually is the closest to a glimpse of thickness of the wall that we could get I got to say I think they missed the mark there I think they did a better job with the engineering I guess you could say their thickness is way off that actually brings us to the end of this video we have done three dramatic pieces of terrain I would love to do it again and you can help with that by hitting the like button subscribing for more fun with art and creativity of all sorts and of course joining the the creative watch cuz you watch me be creative every week anyway thanks for watching uh I'll see you later
Channel: Jazza
Views: 1,036,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, newgrounds, flash, humor, drawing, adobe, photoshop, Artist, Painting, challenge, funny, crazy, weird, draw, art, entertainment, hillarious, bob ross
Id: vlBBh0wiVeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2023
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