I Built a Wizard Study... in my entire room

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this is my room and I'm gonna try to turn this into a proper magical wizard study see I like how it looks at the moment it's dark and it's cozy but it's also very Ikea fantasy just look Ikea Ikea Ikea and I mean nothing wrong with that it just doesn't give up that Whimsical Vibe does it never heard of an Ikea wizard okay here's the plan we're gonna tear everything down and build entirely new walls everywhere and I'm thinking lots and lots of bookcases and magical artifacts I'm taking a fireplace over here and a staircase over there and maybe even a giant fake window at the back just think how cool that's gonna look Oh and before you comment like Martina isn't that technically your studio would not be a room well I'm here all the time except for when I sleep so it's basically my room fight me of course both hanse and I will be working on this and we're gonna get some more help later because this project is uh huge like a lot of the things we do are huge but this they just this Takes the Cake but first we gotta remove everything back here so let's go look how sad it looks so empty okay so I want to try to make this room transportable so I can like pack it up and just bring it with me wherever I go well maybe not like in the suitcase but like if if we move somewhere we can just bring it with us oh that should be Aaron he's actually a friend of ours who's a professional set builder and he's been so kind to agree to help us out for the next couple of days hello ready to build some walls yeah pretty much awesome and also Han says rented a band so we can actually bring all the stuff we need over to the workshop materials check so now let's build [Music] thank you guys look at this all the walls are done oh my God I can't believe how fast we got all these walls up like one day and these are all just like two by one frames with a thin plywood sheet on top so the challenge Now is really to try to take all this plywood and turn it into something that actually looks like a wizard study how day two okay so there's basically three main elements to make staircase window fireplace all right staircase time so where do we begin all right so to get the curve on the staircase we're going to glue up three sheets of ply but first we need to come down the table saw let's go [Music] now we're just going to glue one more curve on the outside [Music] thank you to tripods for all your support now you gotta take him down okay so if we are to follow Martina sketch we are gonna have to make a lot of books to put in the background and it's not like we've never made books before but the thing is we're gonna make literally hundreds and we don't want to waste that much material let alone the time it would have to take to make hundreds of letter bound books no these are pure props so what I've done here is I have two stacks of XPS foam on top of each other that I've glued together using some spray glue and we have our trusty foam cutter so let me show you how it works let it heat once it's heating up you can just push it through it's super easy so what we have to do is we have to print out some spines of books and then we're going to glue them onto the foam and then hopefully we have something that can resemble the back of a book so let's go do that some paper and there we have it it almost looks like a prop from a video game because it has like this dragged out textures but it's fast and now we just have to make 100 more of these yay good morning everyone it's day three in my plywood Mansion very beautiful very well decorated for some reason Nori is just in love with these steps he keeps running up and down them all the time very cute anyway we completed the entire base for the staircase yesterday and Aaron also put together the fireplace oh my God it looks amazing this very fireproof plywood fireplace so what we're going to begin with today is the window we gotta cut it out window time [Music] now that we have the hole cut we're just going to remove these beams and try to reinforce it a little bit on the back we have a window I have a super fancy design planned out for this which we're gonna make in foam but before we can do that we have to figure out how to make the Foam look like wood okay so I think I finally know how to make the wood that we want to make it's a bit complicated it's a few steps but bear with me so the first thing I did to make the texture was to use a wire brush along with a box knife to make the deeper grooves then to make it a bit more structural I used some PVA glue along with some orangey color for the darker parts and then a Sandy paint for the lighter brown one and then on top we just use a bit darker paint to make it pop along with some black wash and a regular old dry brush so that's how we made the wood that I've done it once we just have to do it a million more times to basically cover up the entire room that we're building it's gonna be fun [Music] hello [Music] thank you [Music] hello [Music] [Music] we've cut and textured so much foam and now it's time to assemble it this is the fun part let's go [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] it's been over a week of only texturing and cutting foam but it's finally starting to look like something the thing is though we still have two main problems left the window and the fireplace I just feel like I need a little break from all the foam work starting to get a little old at this point so I'm gonna sleep on those problems and in the meantime start working on some of the details which I'm so excited about okay so one of the main elements I've thought a lot about is I really want to make like a bronze statue I just really think it fits that you know Library Wizard and this ties in perfectly with the ad for today's video which is which song Miniatures they really got some absolutely amazing miniature models like super high in detail and I just thought this sunlight serif bust was just beautiful I mean look at the silhouette of that thing you can imagine that in bronze I've actually already printed the main body we've got to clean this up it's almost too big for the honestly I need some help I thought the whole thing would fit [Laughter] the whole point was I tried to make this as large as I could for the printer we have you obviously don't need a giant 3D printer to print which songs managers really their models are perfect whether you already know a lot of 3D printing or nothing you're just getting started and now clean up what I think is cool about which song is that you can subscribe for only a dollar a month and in return you get a single hyper detail model including a stat sheet for tabletop gaming if that's your thing and I mean their models are just beautiful like have a look for yourself [Music] I mean it needs a little bit of cleanup on the sides here I'm just gonna sand it away a little bit normally I'd put this in the UV curing chamber but uh yeah no so we'll put you outside there you go Little Friends enjoy your tanning which song have also been so kind that they've given all of you nerd folders a bunch of free Miniatures if you sign up for their one dollar monthly subscription so if you do what you'll get is of course the June monthly miniature model to be revealed as well as the ascended great wolf and the faceless queen as part of the welcome pack but since you're one of us you also get these four amazing additional models for free that's awesome and also if you want you can download the faceless King for free without signing up or anything so you can check them out first I think you should be good now let's get some paint on [Music] base coat is dry so let's paint first we cover everything in dark brown just airbrush it all over the place and we're left with something that kind of looks like chocolate donate It Martina stop I then mixed up this really nice dirty yellow brown mid-tone and kind of just brushed it on pretty heavily everywhere just avoiding the little nooks and crannies because I don't want this to look like literal and a final touch adding some bronze metallic paint on all the little high points to make it shiny oh my God I was so tempted to just like smack on a bunch of this but in this case for once I think less is more and you know I think the result turned up really realistic and boom it's bronze baby one final note about wheatstone Miniatures is that once a year they like to do a charity project for a cause and need and this year they asked us to pick the charity we decided on give well so starting from today throughout the end of the month for every subscription which song managers gets why one dollar will be donated to give well they're an amazing cause and I think it's a really cool opportunity to spend a dollar on something cool and at the same time donate to charity so thank you so much to which song managers you're awesome and if you're interested make sure to check out their my mini Factory page and join their tribe I'll leave a link to it down below so that's one decoration piece down and we're gonna make a lot more later but now let's sort out this window and fireplace all right our mission is to make a detailed window step one we find the design we got it step two divide the design into six parts and let our laser do the work thanks William step three join the parts together cut it to size and insert it into its slot success dude this window is my favorite thing in this entire place it still has to dry up because I've added some acrylic filler around the edges just to fill in some gaps and I also have to complete the little halfman windows on the sides but before we do that let's attack the fireplace there's basically three main elements to this fireplace down here we're gonna have some Square stones on here we're gonna have a wooden mantelpiece all the way up here we're gonna have individual little cobblestones we know how to make the wood so we basically just have to figure out how to make stone okay let's just begin with something easy covering this whole bottom part in foam and break it down [Music] main shape done so now we just need to make Stones what I'm thinking instead of like cutting this into individual Stones I'll just take a saw cut a strip and then carve individual breaks between the cuts should be pretty easy [Music] we got our main layout ready so I think I'm just going to take all of this down lay it out flat and then do some more carving on the stones [Music] see before after I really just like cut off the corners here so they're a bit more angled and they already look a lot more like Stone we need more texture I got myself a rock and now we texture for better I also cut out this round shape for the Cobblestone and I'm thinking we can just texture it the same way just being a little gentler this time dude that looks so good we're gonna need a ridiculous amount of cobblestones to cover up this entire thing so I'm gonna ask Halsey and Aaron to help me out making all the stones texturing everything and then we can assemble the fireplace let's go [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] okay so recently we've been to Andy access Studio where he showed us something called virtual production if you haven't seen the result of that you should definitely check it out turned out super cool but I really want to make something similar in our studio so the idea is basically that we are gonna stick a screen in there like a television or something and the background on that television is going to be tracked along with the camera so it looks like it's actually appearing like a window over there the thing is I don't really know anything about virtual production or VR at all so I have a friend helping me this is Nils and he's going to help me set up everything and hopefully we can get it all done [Music] okay so we are mostly finished setting up everything we need for our 3D background like we have the trackers in the ceiling Nils is working on the software everything is looking good the only thing we're missing is an actual 3D background and we're gonna use Unreal Engine to make that I just don't know how to use Unreal Engine so that's kind of a problem Oh wait is that William voucher hey William hey hey do you want to help me with my virtual production setup sure why not yes awesome we got him okay so will it Miss a super talented VFX artist and he actually scanned our entire 30k brick castle and turned it into a 3D model you should definitely check his video out on that because it's super cool hey William welcome nice to meet you okay let's get this ball rolling [Music] homework is complete finally so let me show you around my nice little purple Castle beginning over here you can see we've started to add some books in the shelves we're gonna try to like fill everything here down here of course we have the fireplace we have a little more to add on the inside here but I think the stone texture turned out so nice and also up here we have all the Cobblestone that we just put some sculpt mold in between to kind of blend them together and then of course we have the beautiful beams going to the ceiling oh so nice and my favorite the window oh I'm super happy with how the little Half Moon windows turn out as well then we have the bench here Aaron made a nice little alchemy stand and of course we have our curved stairs textured steps that you can actually walk on oh I forgot almost the bench look at that bench so we just cut it down a bit and added some legs to the front and I think it looks so cool and so like massive oh believe all the foam work is done and we are ready to paint there's just a couple things we have to find first gonna need a lot of decoration items we already have some books and stuff to put on the shelves but I also want to like put a lot of clutter in there and just cover up the walls so I'm gonna go to a couple of secondhand stores and see if I can find some cool stuff all right first stop our mission is to try to find some gold frames and maybe some cool decoration items there's so many people here I'm very awkward filming okay found the frames these are perfect I'm gonna have them all yes look at all those frames dude this store is incredible do you see what I see that's a cauldron stand oh yes oh yes 10 out of 10. really cool store hello I have brought frames look at these frames they're so pretty oh they look so good I know now that's what I call a successful Quest look at all those beautiful frames we have this nice metal handles the potion bottles and a bunch of these tiny little cauldrons what do you think Nori great success I think we have all the decoration pieces We need oh my God I cannot wait to put it inside the final set and you know what that means it means it is final time for the painting yes let's go [Music] this code is done so now it's time for the mid-tones [Music] thank you and now time for the wash [Music] foreign [Music] brush [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] seriously we've been working for three weeks I'm building this set ninety percent of the time it's looked like all the ugly stages there's been so many long ugly stages and it felt like it would never be good but it turned out so nice in the end I have no idea how many books we have there's probably hundreds so many potions so many scroll so many picture frames I feel like everywhere you look there's something to look at and I love it I I want my house to look like this now that's the problem don't do it Martina seriously and my favorite part the window pick up the camera oh oh it looks so good on the viewfinder it's like so good I love it I just think about the potential think about so many backgrounds we can make oh my God are you ready to see the final result I know I am huge thanks to Aaron Niels and will for helping us out this would never have been possible without them and Aaron and his friend Nate recently made this ridiculous giant fork it's super cool so check it out just a little side note this whole project wasn't really just about having a cool room I wanted to challenge myself in building something big and challenging myself creatively emotionally and just trying new techniques and learning new things and kind of what started this whole thing was after we went to Universal we saw all these amazing sets and I had to make something myself it's definitely been such a fun and frustrating and awesome experience and I'm super super happy we went through with it and finally thank you so much to our patrons for continuing this for us you guys are awesome and maybe just maybe you might find one of your names on the books here and now it is time let's have a look at the followers [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Nerdforge
Views: 1,659,796
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Vg1TGADF248
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 42sec (1422 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2023
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