Making Mordor nearly broke me...

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a new war of the ring is coming and the power of the dark lord rises and he calls upon you to join his forces and he's called upon me to make a lovely uh entry diorama for bharador that's right i have been recruited by the dark lord and joined the forces of mordor and i am in charge of their recruitment efforts come join the dark lord i should probably keep do it say with a smile a bit more welcome here [Music] [Music] with the blocking of mount doom in place it's time to pay a little bit of attention to the rest of the board the tower of the dark lord himself looks a little flat just sitting on the ground so i thought i'd build up the ground around it and also that would allow me to sort of shape the most that i'll be able to add some lava effects to later now most of the planes of mordor are pretty flat but i do think it'll be good to add a little bit of visual interest i have these awesome rock moulds from woodland scenics that filled with lightweight hydrocoil plaster and a couple of spoons of concrete coloring mix i can get this really cool rocky texture and i can de-mold them every couple of hours so i've easily filled a whole box of this awesome rocky texture stuff that looks perfect for mordor and now we need to think about the rest of it and there's quite a bit to do there's also a big road that comes from baradura's giant iron gate and goes up to and then circles around mount doom until we have an entryway which is the gate or doorway into mount doom that feels about the right height directly opposite the iron bridge so we're going to have a few like settlements these like flexible light things will make awesome lava flows so we can have them spread around the board and they're just gonna make the whole thing just it's gonna look so good the lava isn't complete that's smoke now this is proof of concept at this point but using garden irrigation and a smoke machine in theory we can feed smoke look look look at it the whole board is going to come to life and then there's the task of covering texturing the whole board fortunately mordor has allies dug up fresh and ready to work ain't that right murray alright let's go so [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's the mortal recruitment video take 17. do you ever wake up and wonder how can i serve the dark lord today i know i do well fortunately with this video sponsor lord of the rings rise to war you can serve the dark lord like never before lord of the rings rise to war is a strategy mobile game that has just launched and you definitely don't want to miss out on you can choose from 10 factions select your favorite commanders and lead your own armies to expand your territory and now you can play the game with people all around the world and the destiny of middle earth is in your hands literally because it's a mobile game the one ring has resurfaced in the deserted castle of dolgodur it bestows unrivaled power to dominate middle earth on its bearer luring people from all factions into a great war you can attempt to conquer with your chosen faction gondor rohan loth lorion erebor eisenguard or mordor the best faction and you can enjoy it for free right now with a link in the description go download lord of the rings rise to war huge thank you to lord of the rings rise towards sponsoring this video and a huge thank you to the dark lord for giving me this great opportunity to recruit more for his army so excited all right it's time to hand it over to my buddy over in eisenguard to get bharadur painted [Music] it's but i've also done a bit of red bounce light from the lava give it a bit of that moozy moody presence and also i've done a bit of a a bluey green sort of metallic dirty look on it i think it should just look really cool i'm just gonna highlight it and make it look like that rusty nasty metal i'm trying to get this really weathered appearance and by just stippling it in certain areas rather than dry brushing over the entire thing you get that sort of random reflective nature that metal has so fingers crossed this will look really good [Music] hey how's progress murray dark lord is going to love that amazing did you yeah did you wipe off your did you wipe off the marker yeah sensitive skin is really irritating but um yeah i'm i wanted to talk to you about that uh it's a lot of work i it's it's not going to get done ah i can't understand you murray do you want to speak up a bit clearer you're an orc all right we'll have to get some help on this one and i have a plan i headed out to the mystical glades of lothlorien where i knew there was a talented magician of craft and i used the method that the dark lord himself did to control someone to help me out offered a ring of power she's going to help build mordor whether she likes it or not [Laughter] so you wanted me to help you with something yeah yeah we've got a craft project you just put the can you just put the ring on yeah so what do you think do you want sure yeah yeah i can help yeah it worked i've just done all of the hot wire cutting um onto the board and i'm not gonna lie it was actually a lot of fun i probably got a bit too carried away but i'm really glad that jazza gave me the opportunity to use it because i actually kind of went ham i'm just going around and turning on all of the leds and this is what it looks like so yeah i'm actually pretty stoked the color looks amazing so it's gonna look great so we're gonna cover all this with sculpt mold it'll be our nice foundation and then we'll have all our little towns and furnaces and war forges strewn across the plains of gorgoff we've got all the spaces where all of our leds will go as well so we're going to cover that too just to make sure that everything is stuck and well glued down it'll dry for the two days over the weekend and we will come back on monday and we'll see where we're at hexton hills have some really cool tileable towns and small encampments which would be perfect for the plains of gorgoth so we print out some of these and i set to painting them adding a small hole in some of them for our smoke effects ah how's uh house progress okay i've gotten all the smoke pipes installed you wanted it it's it's here it's happened all of the leds are also in oh sick this is going to look so good and i have an idea picture this inside mount do lava bridge that hold it ledge and sauron like with the we need more hands more help don't worry i know we can get more help oh okay bye with haste being of utmost importance i headed out to rohan and found a rehearing force lord whose reputation certainly preceded him but whose spirit would be weak against the powers of the persuasive ring of power that i offered him which would fool him in deserving the dark one [Music] what do you say though do you want to give us a cheese maybe just put that on just yeah just put it on oh yep yep and can you give us a hand yes i can yeah that's easy it's my my job so the rings yeah he gave me one too yeah he gave me one two one didn't fit at all he's being completely weird about it oh okay well i mean you could just ask her how pretty is he going right now i think [Music] he keeps getting me to paint my face with this pretty white paint and he keeps wanting me to grunt he keeps making me with a horsehead there's something wrong with him so jazza's strange obsession with rings aside i was just really happy to help with this project it looks like a cool one and i get the awesome task of building the inside of the volcano in many ways this is the most important scene in all of lord of the rings so i'm super pumped to bring this place to life the chamber where the ring was forged and ultimately destroyed this is gonna be fun i made sure to watch the final scenes of lord of the rings a few times to get this right and i noticed that in the chamber that i hollowed out with a foam cutter there's actually a long bridge in the style of the mordor buildings i built this with some plastic card pieces gluing it together and joined it to a jutting out crop of foam that would serve as the rocks and next it was time to line the inside to hide that foam and create a good rocky texture wow really cool man you know what's going to look even cooler i 3d printed a tiny sauron so we can put him in his dominion raining and mountain could you paint him up just in time for the deadline so that the dark lord will be pleased thank you sure yep hey man what are you sneakily doing around here i printed a hobbit because you know how jazza gave me that like dark lord manager yeah we've seen the movies man like it's got to be a hobbit in mount doom throwing the ring in the fire absolutely yeah i don't think it's gonna be good it's gonna be good yes sam wise ah my secret centerpiece i was really excited to paint this tiny model and the advantages to extremely small hobbit painting is it's really easy i laid down a couple of base coats and then just used washes to pick out the detail really simple painting at this tiny scale maybe this hobbit can throw the ring in the lava and kind of get rid of this crazy ring of power thing jazz has got going on here how goes the diorama for my visitor center yes dark lord it's all coming together we expect once we conquer gondor tourism will increase tenfold and we have a great diorama for the entryway of the visitor center is going to be marvellous it will be ready soon it will be done soon then they'll see how long has he been like this hours should we tell someone i just know that we've got heaps of work to do and he won't let us near the table until he's stopped communing after communing with the dark lord and receiving my final instructions it was time to bring all the pieces that we'd been working on together into this amazing board display these are some of my favorite kinds of hobby craft and creative projects these table boards and scenery builds because it really doesn't take a lot of skill or even time to make large and extremely impressive and intricate and fun builds and these little extra touches of the lava flows and the smoke which will hopefully work ah it's just so exciting and gratifying and even though their affection for the dark lord is somewhat lacking i am really grateful that the whole team is jumping in to help out with this well they come to think of it i haven't seen him for about an hour where is everyone all right i've messaged him he'll be here soon hey you guys want to speak to me yes hang on i see what's going on here you do good you have a problem with my introversion no no ever since you got this app this lord of the rings rise to war that one greatest mobile game of all time you've been insufferable it's more the sort of dark lord all of the realms are here you can be eisengard gondor you can be robot you can be a horse want to be a horse all right fine i'll tone it down take my cape off but i'm keeping the game sorry that's done it's over yeah thank goodness we're gonna leave it up leave it up because we'll need a point because there's next movement like thing next week yeah all right now we're in the home stretch whether or not the team is motivated to make the dark lord happy i know we're all motivated to make this the coolest board we possibly can and these final touches of the glowing reds and oranges on the mountains really making the punch of these lava flows stand out and finally adding some of these effects in the details of the door and gateway the lighting of the inside of mount doom airbrushed and then under lip with lighting we embed in the table and resin poured mixed with alcohol ink through all areas of lit lava this is gonna be the coolest volcanic board anyone could dream of and now that the board has wrapped up and we've put in the final details it's finally time to share with you our depiction of mordor as created by tolkien but you know what rather than any ostentatious music or voice over i think our board can speak for itself welcome to mordor this has truly been a journey there and back again to mount doom and baradar it's been really fun to follow those prompts from the original lord of the rings texts including some things like those little towns and villages and the fishes with the smoke coming out we've got to muck around with lava effects and all sorts of really cool stuff and by the way if anyone's interested where we've got this giant barodue tower we 3d printed it in a few parts and i'll link in the description to where we got the file from so if you're interested you can make your own giant ode to the dark lord and i reckon the dark lord's gonna be pretty chuffed early with the tower but with mount doom and through the cracks of doom sauron standing on is that that's a hobbit yeah i know i know who put a hobbit did you put a hobbit in there dave did it's not funny man yeah i was really looking forward to having a note to sour in mountain dew and i'm not mad but i'm just disappointed do you think we took it too far losing the dark lord and the hobbit thing yeah a little bit he looked really bummed do you want to get the the costumes and yeah i'll go get his cape cool let's do some cosplay we'll cheer him up ah it's screw on here oh it's the dark lord yeah yeah you're going to battle you guys are the best i'm mortal bro hey you can't be a rohan horselord without a oh horse again yeah just look at him having fun this was a great project but it was also really really fun to film all these stupid skits and if that tickled you because it certainly tickled us a little bit too much go check out the vlog over on the vlog channel you can see the card right here maybe probably uh and go subscribe to jazza studios while you're there also huge thank you to a lot of the rings right for sponsoring this video because we really got to uh express ourselves both creatively and stupidly thanks for watching bye i'm off to serve the dark lord
Channel: Jazza
Views: 737,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, newgrounds, flash, humor, drawing, adobe, photoshop, Artist, Painting, challenge, funny, crazy, weird, draw, art, entertainment, hillarious, bob ross
Id: SwIpIfA9Dns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Fri May 27 2022
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