I Made an Achatina Cementing Paste Farm! - ARK Survival Ascended [E42]

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so today we are building up a snail farm and I've already actually started by taming up this one right here well it's getting tamed right now it's going to take a little bit cuz it's a freaking 140 I was honestly not trying to go for something that high level but I'm not going to ignore a 140 when I find one so we're actually looking for levels around 100ish and I want decent level snails for that food stat because I know for a fact that I will let these things starve if I do not have uh at least a good food stat to keep them going for a little while now in case you're not familiar with the akatina in Arc this is a really amazing creature it actually produces basically cementing paste it's just called actina paste it works it works the exact same way it can also produce organic polymer though not at a super uh efficient rate or anything like that so um yeah this is a really amazing creature and I want a little farm with probably maybe like 10 of them I would say cuz then every single time I go to look at them I'll be able to open it up there'll be like 100 ACAA paste in each of them if I waigh enough time between um and then yeah it's a decent Farm to get going at the base cuz uh centic paste is um you know it's it's one thing that you're going to need a lot of especially getting into the industrial tier making weapons and stuff so yeah I feel like uh just having a good amount of that Supply constantly coming in and then uh obviously I can craft some too wow I really needed to clear my throat there um yeah so anyway we're uh we're making a farm for these guys here today we're going to teame another one and then we can breed them together cuz they don't actually have genders and uh then we can make a couple baby and maybe I'll keep the parents just in case cuz you know I'm probably going to let them starve or something at some point um so yeah I don't know maybe remind me occasionally to feed them if I haven't if I haven't been doing that and if you don't see snails then I guess we can all just assume that they are dead um anyway so yeah we're uh we're just taming up this guy right here and then I'll go on the prow for some more well just one more at least uh I actually found this guy right around here which is kind of like a perfect spot to find them it's pretty much like that little bit of extra land beside the Redwoods and the swamp right here and I found him actually I found him over this side there was like a level 75 around here which I might go back for cuz I could keep breeding until I actually do get some decent stats cuz if this guy right here's got some good stats we're eventually going to get one that has this food on the on the other one as well uh with the other stats so anyway that's all for later for the moment we do need to get this thing all tamed up and you will be needing some narcotic here because you guys drain fairly quick not crazy quick I guess they don't have that much torpor so anyway guys go ahead do me a favor hit the like button if you find yourself enjoying this one I will say right now we actually still have the Christmas mod active not by choice I think there's some sort of thing that we have to put into the ini I in the game to be able to keep our skins and stuff cuz I guess Wild Card messed up so whatever that is I'll get that all sorted and we'll remove the Christmas mod but for the moment we probably still have some crazy colors going around this map uh so yeah we'll see if we manag to actually get a green snail it'd be pretty cool but it's probably also a Christmas one as well all right well this thing's got one more bite and then it's going to be fully tamed and yeah uh one thing that you actually don't want to do with the snails by the way is you don't want to starve them out a huge amount because the timer that appears on the veggie cakes can actually um kind of hinder you a little bit because it's going to think it doesn't have food in its inventory for 30 seconds between feeds so you don't really want to starve them out but there we go we got you all teed up nice probably just going to pop you straight away can I put the syntax face skin on it is this the one I think that is okay hang on let me see if I can put put that on the snail I don't know if this is going to work probably not oh no way hang on a second look it's me I'm a snail oh my God that's so stupid that is amazing the animated Eyes On The Mask are really good as well is it actually happening are they anim oh they are animated it just looked around there I think it follows the camera it's very hard to understand I think it kind of does but it looks weird sometimes anyway yeah there we go we got a freaking uh syex snail that's so stupid all right anyway let's uh let's go ahead and put you away real quick and we need to go find another one did you I think yeah no it did lose levels actually it lost one level probably 0.1 uh points or whatever like that um yeah we got to we got to go find another decent level snail I'm actually going to check over here cuz usually over here was I guess kind of okay for them I'm thinking uh oh yeah no it's way over in this direction I've completely misjudged where my own taming pen is I don't know why I always think it's like further over in the Redwoods but it's really not it's actually like kind of central almost right beside the mountain so yeah right over here kind of close to Evo's base like directly ahead of us there where we meet the water that is where I want to go cuz I do remember that being a pretty okay spot to find some snails in the past but we'll see all right the unfortunate part is this place now is very heavily uh planted there's a lot of trees here there wasn't a huge amount of trees here with survival evolved like this area was like completely bare there was like the occasional tree maybe but that's about it uh so I can't really see any snails there I might just fly to the other side of the Redwoods where we were earlier where I got that other snail so we might have better luck over in that side look at that green parasor aium crazy looking ooh hello yep I'll take that one I will definitely take that one I can grab it while it's shelled up as well which is amazing the only issue is is that it is unfortunately shelled up so we will have to probably wait for it to pop its head out hm I'll just bring it oh I can't bring it back to the base now can I huh yeah no not really I don't want to fly back to the taming pen uh with this thing and have to sit with it for ages maybe I'll just fly up to the top of the volcano or something I don't know I really need to get a taming pen beside my base it's kind of silly that I removed that one but it was also kind of in the way oh I just noticed it just came out of a shell so that's perfect uh now all we need to do is actually knock this thing out um I might just drop it on the top of my roof and then just knock it out up there cuz it's only going to take like like two darts like the last one did so yeah that's kind of Perfect all right let me let me get back to my base which is slightly over in this direction I am stale trailing in the sky do you guys see that back there that is very oddl looking I don't think I've ever noticed that before okay great anyway Let's uh let's let's fly over here we're very very close to the base I do actually want to mention um you may have noticed that there's been a little bit of a lack of videos recently on the channel and um yeah you know I just kind of decided to take it a little bit of a break I was a bit I was getting a bit tired a bit worn out and uh I just decided to recharge just a little bit and come back with like a fresh mindset and one thing that I think that I might try and stop doing is the crazy daily videos all the time I think what I want to try and do going forward is when it's done it's done videos um cuz I don't want to be rushing to try and get things done and and having to sacrifice you know quality and and and everything else and if I have something to do on a specific day having to like Rush that or the video or whatever so yeah I think um oh he's like oh he's like Tony Hawk or something oh my God he's like fully like grinding down the rail there that was crazy that was so weird okay hang on let me get back up here then I got to drop them maybe not on top of the rail cuz he just completely slid down okay are we good yeah I think we're good nice so um yeah I don't know couple changes might be coming to the channel we might start playing a couple other things as well cuz there's a lot of good games I'm excited for coming out this year and uh obviously we've been playing power world recently we played a little bit of Avatar at the very end of last year which I'm sorry there hasn't been any more in all honesty the game's cool and all but like I have probably about eight or nine hours of footage that just didn't really make it to be a video because it just wasn't um it didn't really feel video worthy if you understand cuz it was all just kind of like random little things and nothing substantial I guess so yeah um maybe I'll try and put out some more of that I actually haven't played in a little bit to be honest after recording about eight or nine hours of random things happening um anyway so yeah I don't know that that might be the mindset going forward and um and yeah hopefully everybody's okay with that but I guess we'll see anyway so um yeah let's get this thing all teamed up I just got a babysit it for a little while I just watch that tour and maybe I'll let it drain down a bunch and then feed it a couple narcotic to keep it going that would probably be a little bit smarter I would say yeah we'll just do that you know actually on the topic of there being potentially less content on this channel going forward um we also have the side channel the sausage party my group Channel with the boys and uh we've been steadily uploading a video every single Friday sometimes also on a Sunday so yeah check that out if you guys are interested I will be completely honest and I've said it before and I'll say it again the videos over there are better than these videos they are just they're so much more funny like I can actually watch those videos back I can't watch these videos back at all um so yeah I don't know go check it out honestly you will not regret it I promise you you will laugh and if you don't you'll get your money back somehow I'll give you a cookie I guess I don't know yeah so go ahead and check it out there's always a link down below we've been playing like a lot of different like horror games and stuff so there's that and then obviously like party games and we've been playing like green hell and I love the green hell series that we've been making um I think that's kind of the way I want to do a lot of content going forward do that with the boys over there cuz the videos just come together beautifully and I just really enjoy it anyway that's enough of that for the we got a little snail to tame up here and that is a really creepy looking mouth oh one more thing actually I I did forget to mention this um one thing that I've unfortunately had to do quite a lot recently because I just felt like they weren't up to Quality is scrap a couple videos uh I pretty much scrapped the reindeer video cuz it's kind of pointless to even put it out um especially at this stage um and then there's been a couple other like minor little like things that I've done that could have potentially made it into a video Oh I thought you were a wild one there for a second holy crap um but yeah so you may notice that hey I have an extra procoptodon or hey I have this or that or whatever so I don't know uh just assume that it's scrapped content cuz yeah I probably scrap like at least enough content to probably make around three or four different videos I guess if I put it all together yeah I don't know quality is just it's something that I really want to keep up so yeah anyway oh hey there we go nice we got that snail all tamed up and let me go ahead and put you into a ball as well so yeah now we need to actually hang on no no I'm not I'm not going to do that I'm actually going to breath them immediately yeah that would make the most sense just have all the snails ready and maybe build up the thingy as we're waiting let me see so we hop down at the front here so I think I might actually want to build it right here which initially was going to be the kibble Farm um yeah I might make this one the snail farm and then maybe put kibble over here and then Greenhouse there or something so yeah nice let me um let me actually breathe them up top just so they're safe and let me yeah we'll just do it right in here I got to say I love the addition of the crow pods just cuz now I don't have creatures absolutely everywhere my base feels a lot nicer to be in um I don't I never really worry too much about frames but I'm sure that there's a bit of a bump from the fact that there's not 16 billion creatures in here anymore so that's awesome anyway let's go ahead and get you guys mating boom and we should have a baby and they're actually both going to be prant as well which is awesome there we go nice so every few minutes we're going to have uh two more babies to check so that's that's amazing just like May wings uh they don't have gender so that's just how they work anyway so for the build I do probably need to build up or I guess um craft up a couple things but that's where I want to do it and I think I have an idea of kind of like building um a little thing coming out on three sides of it here let me actually grab some stuff and I'll just kind of explain as we do it just going to drop a bunch of my random ass weapons here here cuz they are going to weigh me down by a ton and the parachutes bunch of ammo nice okay now I can actually move freely we still also have Raptor claws available now but I won't be farming that too much in fact I probably should have been farming the actual Raptor claws gift things that it can give you by being good and naughty and whatnot cuz I heard that all that stuff is actually quite good I just kind of just didn't really want to I guess anyway let me uh let me try and get up here we're going to probably have to place a ceiling there just so I can actually hop onto it maybe one here too hey there we go nice okay so what I want to do is keeping in mind that right here could probably be the center let's see so if that's going to be the center then I'm going to want to start back here so essentially what I want to do is I want to build out on um every third one so then it would be over here as well I believe right there there and then it would also be this one over over here right here right oh I'm randomly placing them over there that's okay so yeah you can see the pattern that I'm going for so essentially what we have is like three kind of three walls right here and then we have these bits that will go up and I want those bits to kind of like wrap around the building a little bit so yeah it's going to be kind of hard to explain and envision until we actually get some of it done so I think what I want to try and do is ignore this Christmas music and uh try to get some of it done so I think this is kind of like the rough idea here then so let me I can't zoom that anymore yeah no we're fully out so right here these bits are going to slope up on top of the roof that's already going to be here and I want to slope that roof directly from like right here so we're going to start sloping in and just kind of creating a normal roof like that except uh then we're going to have these bits like wrapping up on top of it and I might keep those as Stone and then have the rest as wood I think that could look kind of cool all right we definitely should have some at least right it's only being a few minutes okay there we go let me pick you up and Chuck you over there and you as well nice 204 and 204 I think so they might actually have the same stats it is possible I'm getting a couple pieces of paste already nice uh okay let's see yeah food on this one is a lot higher than the other one actually uh oh no the these two are the exact same okay wait are they the exact exact same see uh 29 or sorry 319 uh th000 okay yeah let me see so yeah they have the exact same stats okay that's perfect I might I might actually just use these two and and yeah we'll uh we'll just maybe I'll breed these few again just a couple more times we might get more 204s but 204 is going to be the target level because that means that it has these exact stats cool all right all good let me see so um we're probably going to have to feed them actually yeah they do take veggie Cakes as well I believe I think it literally is just veggie cakes they don't take anything else right that sucks that's so expensive oh man all right I'm going to Chuck one cake into each of them are they going to eat those they might wait a little bit but they should eat them eventually all right cool so you guys are going to made up in a little bit uh we're going to have to wait for the full 5 minutes cuz both of them have to be uh without the timers and uh then yeah we should be able to get another another few babies out of them in the meantime I'm going to probably just work on this I want to maybe build up the roof and then you guys should understand a little bit more of what I'm kind of talking about I'm not super great at explaining things sometimes when I'm doing them so yeah we'll see let me uh let me grab some stuff anyway keep getting stuck in the stupid anky let me put you over here actually you know what I'm going to put you away in a cwod yeah I did like a big metal run recently so I've just had him there just for some reason I guess I never put him away what's in here oh yeah bunch of berries okay so this is pretty much what I was trying to explain earlier I'm not sure if I did a really good job at that or not but uh yeah here we go we have a rough kind of shell of what I'm looking to do initially I did want to do these beams as Stone and have the rest maybe as wood but I thought you know what let's keep the inner part as Stone and then the outer part as wood I don't know I just feel like that might look a little bit better so right now what we're doing is we're just filling in all these other bits and then I'll probably do one side of like the roof that will connect to these beams let me see hang on let me there we go that was very awkward to do this stuff I cannot wait to have a tech suit that's going to make this so much easier so right here then we're going to be putting one can I get it trying to think of like the best way to do this I could probably just build one one of these sides and then kind of just build all the rest and then connect in this roof the way that we're actually going to do that is um is exactly like this we're going to go ahead and take some of these guys and then flip them oh wait hang on flip them upside down have them like that and then just kind of like go forward with a bunch of these kind of just just like leading up the slope it will intersect with what we have going on here slightly but not kind of I don't know it it I guess it doesn't stick through at all in some places I think it does there it's kind of hard to tell I don't really know we're going to have to just go down below and have a little look in a minute here um oh crap yeah we're going to have to have that slope in now H how am I going to do that cuz this piece also needs to be not there needs to be coming down from here okay yeah like that and then oh there we go okay that's how we do it nice okay yeah I just had the wrong idea there for a second so we just we basically just need to be following this line here uh or that line there and just pretty much snapping them on from there so I guess we could probably start with these pieces first and then snap the bottom pieces on instead of trying to go from the bottom to the top so that's pretty much what we're going to have and then obviously it's going to meet the stone roof here and we're going to have the same on the opposite side there and I don't know I think it's going to look pretty cool we'll see definitely looks kind of unique it needs some extra detail because cuz the stone is just very plain but don't worry we'll get to that eventually I just didn't want to do the exact same thing like reversing it so the beams are on the outside so maybe we'll add like some Stone pillars or something to add some proper detail but yeah so from the inside we're just going to have like a normal Stone roof you won't even see any of this wood stuff um ideally at least yeah and in fact it might actually be more yeah okay now that's actually a little bit to snap it from down here instead so what we'll do is we'll have all the roof done um these will be closed off I'll probably just put Gates there or something and then I don't know if I want to have like an inner kind of area maybe I'll frame from like there to there with like some railings or something and just kind of separate out the spot where the snails will be cuz yeah I don't know I feel like that would be for the best just in case I leave the door open and then something can get in or maybe they can get out cuz they will have to be on wandering I do believe so yeah that's going to be kind of annoying um anyway yeah so I'll just continue with this I mean you can kind of get the the general gist of what I'm doing here you know we're pretty much just going to be filling in the in inner part with all those Stone pieces and we've already got the the wood pieces in place so then I guess the last thing to do is to just connect them like what we did with those triangle pieces right there okay so I've got a pretty substantial update to show you guys and here it is here is the building we're still going with that like original idea of those extra bits on the outside kind of like going up and wrapping up and around on the roof um except now I added like this front piece of roof between those pieces and did some like you know railing work and stuff like that and added in some pillars to kind of give it some more structure and then you know what I I got down to the bottom and I was like well I'm going to need probably something similar down here to kind of tie it all together so now we also have this like extra trim around the bottom and that actually goes right down into the water I did not mean to drop off but you can see it goes right down into the water like that kind of matching that top roof come here bro come here come on come to me and there we go nice so um yeah pretty much the same kind of idea except obviously now we have all of that in addition and um I took away a lot of the actual stone walls and stuff like that just cuz I felt like it was it was quite plain even adding in some like pillar I forgot you were following me even adding in some like pillars and stuff um I decided to actually then put in some door frames there and then I put in some doors and then on the wooden sides I actually have this like trim of uh these are the ful length ones two of those and then that one right there is the one that kind of like caps off if you know what I mean so these ones go up a full wall and then the top one goes up most of a wall and then there's like a little bit of wall on top of that so um yeah pretty cool I I like the actual just like the light coming in here it adds a lot to it um obviously it's not a crazy amount and obviously I'm not a major fan of the greenhouse walls from this game they looked a lot nicer in the old game like when you stare through them you can actually see things but when you take a step back like I I don't know I don't like the effect that we get when we're moving you know if I stand still like you can see that perfectly I mean like it's a little bit foggy but I don't know I just don't really like it it it's very strange but um I guess I don't know it's probably more accurate either way though yeah this is uh this is what we got going on so now all we need to do is kind of figure out the inside there's a couple things that I'm going to need in here number one thing is going to be a vault and and I might end up putting that into like one of these sides or something like that the vault is going to be to store all the um the atina paste when we're getting that uh because obviously like I'm not going to want to run it all the way up all the time I can easily like Drop in here grab some actina paste and then hop in there and get some organic polymer and stuff like that but um yeah I want a vault to be able to store it uh and then also we're going to need a fridge and now we don't need a generator because over there in the penguin Farm we actually already have a generator so that's kind of perfect for us we don't have to have have another one um and I actually have run out of generators being allowed in this area which is a really silly thing hopefully there's a way to disable that cuz I really don't like that not for what I'm doing here I mean it doesn't make a whole lot of sense for PVE just in general but anyway so um yeah that's the whole thing and then obviously we got to kind of like figure out what we're going to do to section off this area I'm thinking maybe just coming in with like some railings kind of like alternating trying to like meet from this pillar right here to this pillar right here and then we'll have that whole area right there for the snails and they'll be able to just do their thing cuz they do have to wander around um so yeah maybe what I need to do is I think I might actually have some more railings to be able to do that what would happen if I did this and then this as the actual railings um I'm curious if the snails can get through here cuz I can walk through here so if they can get through that's not preferable and it looks like currently it's it has gone through okay crap I like that though I really do H yeah okay we're going to have to figure something else out maybe we could just go with like normal railings like I I really doubt I can get through here right I mean I can't fit through here but I'm not a snail last time I checked so I don't know um let me see let me try and like figure out the way that I'm going to travel here where are we here is this the middle I think it is it's kind of hard to see it's quite dark in here uh there and then there did I do that correctly I believe that I did so we have like roughly like half the room for the snails they don't really need a crazy amount of space or anything like that uh we'll add in maybe like a gate or something on one side um yeah or I guess I could just jump over that could also work yeah I might just do that oh I failed that jump there we go we did it so um yeah we just got to get all the snails down here now now here's the unfortunate part currently there's no creature in the game that will pick up the actina paste I know that in in survival evolved what people did was they actually had gachas in with their acaas in like a small box you just put a bunch of gachas or sorry one up gotcha with a bunch of aratina in a box and then you'd be able to just go to the gacha and he would have picked up all of that uh actina paste so that's a really good way of doing it um obviously the got is not in the game currently and it will not be on this map as well so yeah we don't really have any way of picking up that stuff which is unfortunate because they actually produce way more of that stuff on the ground than they do in the inventories I believe at least um from what I know you know they they produce pretty much like a decent amount of this all the time and they also don't have to be wandering for it as well let me just get them all onto the elevator me just throw you from there so yeah that is the unfortunate part um there's no way to pick it up it would be great if there was a creature that could do that you know they've been adding all these extra abilities to all these other creatures in Arc right now but I don't know give us a creature that can pick stuff up man like you know we got I don't know there's like so many things that you could actually do like even a monkey like even like a uh mesopithecus would be great um I don't know we just we need something that can actually pick up things off the ground that would be fantastic but um unfortunately we're going to have to settle with not having that currently you know what I'm actually I'm going to grab all the other snails as well I'll probably breed these guys a couple more times and keep a couple what are you are you inside of there how did you even do that you're amazing let me throw you oh let me not throw you let me put you there um yeah I might uh I might breed them up a couple more times and uh and then yeah we'll we'll put away like two 204s or something like that we still have you on the tracker there we go nice um yeah so let me let me get these guys over here okay I am actually just realizing a little bit of an issue right now so we will have to have them on wandering to produce the paste cuz oh wait did he just get some or are they passively just getting it no they are not okay so he clearly just immediately produced that paste um okay hang on let me me get this one so yeah we will have to have them on wandering to produce the paste but I'm actually going to need to neuter every single one of these uh snails because if I don't they're just going to keep breeding you know if they're on wandering that actually also counts as breeding if you guys didn't know um so yeah I don't know that's that's going to be kind of annoying let me see ignore group whistles wait which one was I even on was it this one here I think it was this one right yeah okay cool and then we're going to wait are you on passive yeah you are okay we're going to copy all those settings to every single other snail and we're just going to have a snor in here a little snail orgy nice but uh yeah you can see they're already producing a little bit of paste here on the ground like there's a good amount of pieces and with enough snails you'd honestly have like a decent amount of this after a couple minutes you know but um yeah that is unfortunate that we don't have anything that can grab it look at that we've already got 10 what how do you already have 10 I just put your you guys on wandering what the hell how does that one have 10 though that's very confusing I didn't put any in there right I don't think I did uh okay very strange anyway we're just going to let the snori happen for a little bit um yeah we're just going to let them do their thing we'll uh we'll get a couple more snails out of it and um I don't know oh are is that one below wait what the hell how the hell did you get down there already are you serious wait what how how did you do that that doesn't make any sense oh crap hang on I'm going to have to cryopod this thing how did you already escape this building like you escaped through the ground of all places you've already got three oity p I'm very confused by the way I will fill in this bottom part at some point but clearly maybe I shouldn't I don't know that's uh that's very confusing how how did that happen that is so confusing I don't I don't understand like there's no holes here right yeah I don't I don't know maybe maybe that one followed me under it could have but it would have been following me although I did at one point uh unfollow on things yeah I don't really know I'll have to watch back the footage and figure out where the hell that one came from but yeah that's that's confusing you need your settings done again boom nice so yeah we're gonna we're going to let them do their thing for the Moment Like I said they are in fact uh gestating so that's cool um yeah see you guys in a little bit um God I really hope they don't all just manage to leave this area that would be the worst all right so I really haven't done a whole lot since the last clip except for go around and collect up tons and tons of stone because these stupid little snails would not stop appearing underneath the building they just phase right through these ceilings somehow and it's super annoying so yeah they're all weighed down um it's a ton of stuff Stone this took me absolutely ages even with the slightly increased rates that we have on here there's a lot of stone in each of these things and I have 15 of them in total there's like about 2,000 worth of 2,000 Stone in each of them so yeah um let's say the doic is on holiday for probably another week now so um yeah anyway here they are I had decided that I wanted to craft up all these like holiday little beanies and put them onto the snails just cuz it looks absolutely hilarious um I also actually made up one of these um pumpkin pie slice uh half thingies from the um the Thanksgiving event what's it that it's called turkey trial there we go I just completely blanked on that there for a second um but yeah I made that up just before the event actually ended we also had the turkey one which you guys had seen which looks absolutely hilarious on this dude as well and then I decided to make up the antlers from the Christmas event as well and um yeah I don't know these the antlers actually are really crazy cuz they get so big in fact all these Skins are kind of like stretched as well which is kind of funny but um yeah I think it kind of works with the beanie cuz you know people can have fat heads and and the beanie stretches I don't know I feel like that's a thing uh I actually really like this one right here the hlna one is pretty cool anyway I can't even move with these snails which is kind of funny uh we also have the syntax nail of course um and I think that's pretty much it there's a zanta head on this one as well this is the one that I was wearing so um yeah I got lots of Santa hats I probably could have put one onto everybody but there's lots of these beanies so I figured we might make of them additionally I did actually go ahead and uh just do a couple pillars Up on the Roof there just to kind of break up the really plain looking roof that we had before so yeah it's pretty cool looking I actually really like it to be honest um anyway so how are the snails doing well I've only recently finished uh putting all the stone in there probably I don't even know a little while ago uh then I put them all onto wandering at the same time and I have been leveling their food by the way um so yeah they are on wandering right now and they can produce the paste and of course the organic polymer when they get a certain amount of paste I think that they can start producing this um it's not super efficient though and it's I think you're probably not going to get a huge amount out of them they're not great for it but pretty handy I guess if you just want to fix your ghilly occasionally anyway yeah so they can produce the paste when they are overburdened but they do need to be on wandering for that so yeah we we have a good amount of paste out of each of them here I mean like 15 of them how much is this going to give me it's going to give me a good amount they seem to have like roughly around the same amount I guarantee okay maybe they actually do produce it at the exact same rate I don't know okay that one had 81 that hat is actually really nice as well to be honest um this one here is super plain looking I don't really like that one very much but um yeah obviously this Farm is going to be super efficient for me um it's just a like it's a real shame that I actually had to weigh them all down because that was a lot of stone that's just sitting here uh but then on top of that you know I kind of like the idea of the creatures moving around and stuff but currently there is no Dino leash in the game so we can't really restrict them to an area and as we all know in the previous Arc and in this one too structures load in after creatures so essentially creatures can phase through structures because if they're here first and then the structure appears you know it's just that's the thing that's how it kind of works they they start moving they move where a wall is they move halfway through the wall suddenly the structure appears when you load it in and then the creatures already through it so yeah not uh not super great um did I grab it from every single one of them I don't even know it's going to be kind of hard to keep track also I did remove those railings as well just cuz I felt like it was kind of un necessary if I'm not actually having them like in a specific area I guess we will have to be super careful about actually closing the doors but maybe I can make like a little like airlock type system so we'll just put like a gate or something at the very front here um I don't know we'll see I think I might have gotten them all uh there's a little bit still producing in some of them here of course but I feel like I might have gotten them all it's kind of hard to tell uh uh did I get the the slice the pie one uh I guess I did cool well regardless we have a good amount of paste here and we already had a bunch in here as well most of that I will say has been picked up off the ground so you would be surprised how much paste is actually just on the ground do they I think that they still kind of make it right now but I can't uh obviously oh yeah we we're grabbing like a little bit here every so often um let me try and see we probably grabbed any that was there you see it's kind of hard to actually grab now because obviously um yeah I'm not grabbing any if there is some there but um yeah it's kind of hard to grab cuz they're not moving away from it they're just sitting on top of it so it's uh probably not going to be something I'm going to focus on unless I can specifically see a good amount of pieces but for the most part it's going to be the the pace that they are producing inside their inventories and as you can see it's relatively good um currently there are 15 of them I cannot tell you if there's going to be 15 as we go forward cuz that's a lot of Veggie cakes to keep keep these guys alive and for the moment I think I'm just going to be focusing on pumping up their uh their food to try and keep them topped up um and then maybe occasionally when they're starting to get lower on the food I'll I'll drop in some more veggie cakes you can actually put them into the trough which is super handy cuz obviously having them super weigh down like this if you put the veggie cakes directly into their inventories then you're going to have an issue because when they eat them they can move cuz veggie cakes weigh a decent amount to be honest I think they weigh like six each or something like that it's kind of crazy um I do still have the two breeders right here which is great so we're just going to hang on to those I'm going to put those up into the base um but yeah I can safely say that this project is done I will remove that Smithy we've got the uh the Vault over here we've got the fridge and I don't really think this needs anything else unless you guys have some suggestions please let me know uh wild card if you're watching please add something that can pick up the paste off the ground uh and maybe add the dino leash back in cuz it's so stupid that we have to wait for extinction to get that when it's like such a useful thing for the for the base game but whatever all right well anyway guys if you have enjoyed the video go ahead do me a favor hit the like button um if you like the build let me know uh if you have any suggestions for changes and stuff like that also let me know we might make some changes I feel like maybe it's a bit too pointy but maybe that's just me I don't know you guys might like it uh but yeah anyway that's going to be it and I will catch you in the next one when I don't know what we'll be doing but soon enough we're definitely going to be building these things up cuz I definitely need a greenhouse now after making a ton of cakes we basically have no crops and it kind of [Music] sucks
Channel: Syntac
Views: 97,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark, ark survival evolved, ark survival ascended, asa, new ark, ark 2, ark remastered, ark survival ascended gameplay, asa gameplay, ark winter wonderland, ark new, ark update, ark op loot, ark funny moments, ark asa, ark ascended gameplay, ark news, ark memes, syntac asa, ark ascended, ark survival, ark solo tame, syntac new ark series, ark survival ascended new update, ark snail, ark achatina, ark cementing paste farm, ark farm, ark automatic farm
Id: Svw25ccAUyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 44sec (2144 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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