We Spent 100 Days in Ark The Island - Duo Ark Survival Ascended 100 Days

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we spent a 100 days in Ark survival ascended on the island you see I've been on a quest to defeat the alpha overseer over the past few months but I've always fallen short from my goal either because of glitches or personal failure so I've teamed up with another YouTuber to help me finally achieve my goal of killing the alpha overseer and ascending off the ark to whatever lies ahead anyway meet justifi he has a Channel of his own so make sure to go check out his perspective on this video anyway with our thousands of hours combined into the ark franchise together we are Ark survival descended day one started pretty similar to every other 100 days that I've done even with another person playing with me I first made my character and then spawned in the end just kidding we had decided we were going to spawn in the north 2 spawn Zone that's a round where I had built my base and my solo Island 100 days and we picked here to spawn because we wanted to test our skills and rough it out a little bit there aren a ton of Explorer notes around here so we'll actually have to work for our levels and rely on each other to keep progressing also the Hidden Lake isn't too far of a walk from here and that's where we both want to build our base so North 2 was the obvious choice anyway we spent the next minute trying to figure out fig out where each other was so we could join a tribe together we obviously want our teams and structures to be shared so that's where the name Arc survival descended came from I see you I'm right behind and now that we're legally Bound in a tribe it's time to get started a pickaxe was up to be made first for the both of us since you literally can't do anything without it next now that we have a pickaxe do we a make a spear B make a hatchet C make a bow or D enable admin cheats and kill every boss in the game and end the video right now well if you picked D you would have been correct if I let my intrusive thoughts win I used a pickaxe to make a stone Hatchet and it was lit and I then use my new Hatchet to begin crafting Spears since I'm not really able to do a good note run on my character and get a ton of experience killing dinosaurs is going to be my main way of getting experience anyway while I was midway through getting Spears I noticed a level 50 Pteranodon that was nearby and I'm going to let you guys in on a little secret here we're going to beat it unconscious with clubs in a few minutes okay that was a lot so let's be civilized for a little bit longer I realized I was still 90% naked so I decided to get some cloth armor from picking fiber from nearby bushes and that's where me and justifi civility ended because we decided to knock out the at level 50 to it on with clubes it's brutal but it must be done yeah all right I'm ready to beat it I'm not even going to let come on yes it's level 50 so obviously it's not going to be very good but a PT is a PT nonetheless anyway now that we have that PT knocked out we have a more permanent area that we need to stay around to make sure it tames I'm going to go off and try to hunt some Doos or something okay I'm going to set up like a mortar and PES yeah this is a Duo 100 days so we can multitask like that so you think we'd be able to to beat this map in about half the time it would take one of us right well don't worry we definitely Bob out later anyway I ran back towards the beach to try and find some doas that kill or just whatever creature I came across that I would be able to take down with some SPS and I managed to kill one dodo before the D Mafia rolled up on me but I managed to take them down without any problem whatsoever I think I can post up nice nice oh the first death I was going just Club anyway after that I used my stone tools to farm a few campfires to keep us fed and warm as we did spawn in the northern part of the map and I ran back over towards where we had knocked the bird out and by this time justifi had set up a thatch foundation with a mod pestle on it to begin crafting narcotics for future tames after I got some food cooking I was tabbed out on my other monitor I'm not sure what I was doing I was probably just looking up ways to tell my Duo partner that he's a bob nicely anyway while I was tabbed out a doo began attacking the BT we had knocked out and in return we knocked it out dude's unconscious with eight Spears in his back and in the short time that Doo was awake and actively targeting us he managed to lower our PT's taming Effectiveness and Destroy two of our campfires so we're going to tame and forc him to be our pet for the rest of this 100 days as a punishment the dial tamed a few seconds later and we named it Karen Karen is a male and it's also around this time that we decided we're going to bring Karen into the alpha Ascension boss fight with us he is the official leader of Ark survival descendant and moving towards the end of day one not much happened I made some more bolos as well as some more cloth armor to finish my set as it was getting very cold up here anyway just before the Clock Struck midnight I spotted a level 80 Tan on that and made the mistake of landing near our camp and I think you can guess what happened to it soon after well we could always we got it okay okay just like that we got another PT knocked out and soon to be ours as long as it isn't killed by any other nuisances and speaking of nuisances I was attacked by Pego like 10 seconds later and I killed him for his crimes against humanity and immediately after I killed the Pego a random level 10 parasaur was just walking by and practically begging me to tame it this parasaur right here is going to be a mighty fine Berry Farmer for us it's only level 10 but it doesn't matter since it's one purpose is to farm Narco berries for me and Justified anyway the parasaur tamed in a matter of less than 2 minutes because it's a level 10 and well it's a parasaur and the whole time while I was taming this parasaur justify was taming one as well which he named Perry and also if you haven't noticed by now justify plays arc on Steam with a controller now I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that but there's definitely something wrong with that anyway I named my parasaur Mama Mia and she was going to help us conquer this Ark along with Karen and I then marched Mama Mia back to our camp and I left her there as I went to craft a bow some Bas and some arrows it's not safe out in these parts of the arc because I'm a skinny white boy with no street cred so I've got to stay strapped anyway after crafting a ton of arrows I quickly put them to use by killing another random Pteranodon which I wasn't interested in taming I wanted its skin and I also used its flesh to feed the level 80 Pteranodon we I knocked out to tame it it's hardcore cannibalism but what it doesn't know won't hurt him moving on I'm already level 35 yeah so it seemed the plan of us trying to rough it and grind out our levels kind of failed because the XP multiplier was set a little bit too high which justifies fall now we're just kind of waiting around for the pts to tame so that we can make the journey into the Hidden Lake and set up a more permanent base there but it's still going to take a while for these guys to tame and we'll also have to craft saddles for them at some point so in the meantime I spent my time wisely by crafting hide armor to keep me warm as it was pretty cold and I then killed a nearby parasaur and used its skin to make a saddle for my parasaur once again it's morally wrong but I don't really care and I then farmed some narcoberries and we and justify lit up a turtle with stone arrows until it died we need keratin or kitan for a PT saddle so it was a justif kill see what I did there yeah that suck next clip the next few minutes were pretty uneventful I spent time farming our berries and the first PT we had knocked out actually did tame but things didn't stay too mellow for too long as level 135 trike wandered over to our area and a tame like that could be very beneficial in taking down threats that we might encounter in the Hidden Lake so me and Justify both loaded up our bows and Arro with Tran darts and started spamming it oh dude watch out he's about to charge oh no yo you're getting boxed oh my God well this trike is definitely strong that's for sure anyway after a few long minutes of scuffling with the trike and it breaking our structures on our thatch Foundation oh oh we eventually knocked it out and there was a rogue Caro nearby so I let it away while justifi finished putting the trike to sleep and the trike was going to take a while to tame so we're going to have to spend some more time around here 2.6 per that's it's going to take a minute yeah after making sure that trike had more than enough meob berries to tame I went back over towards our base area where justify had claimed a random baby parasaur that he found and by found I mean that he killed his parents and then adopted him forcefully anyway this was actually really good for us because we realized that our baby maturation rate was way too slow because we'd be done recording this video by the time this baby parasaur became an adult and the rest of the day was pretty chill I set up another campfire because our other one had been destroyed by the trike and we got more narcotics crafting and killed another turtle for keratin as well as another trike also justify hit me with an arrow but he said it was an accident so I guess I'll let it slide I already had it pulled back I just let it go you know lodged it in my right hand we're still waiting for this truck to tame on day three so we still have a lot more time to kill I tried running up and down the beach to see if I can find anything to kill for either more hide or more keratin but I only managed to take down one di before heading back to camp and the island was also experiencing a heat wave so I had to take off all my armor or I was going to bake like a potato and I was literally freezing at this exact spot just over a day ago this just goes to show how bipolar the weather is on the island anyway I crafted the trike saddle because they're pretty cheap and after only a few more minutes it was tamed and just justify named her TR Wazowski which is an impeccable name if you ask me moving on we're pretty much ready for our invasion of the Hidden Lake where we're going to set up our new base there is some pretty thick jungle between us and the lake however so we both spent a few minutes gearing up for the journey our main threat is a pack of raptors but as long as we have some bolos and our tro rosowski we should be able to take them down with ease and just like that we were off like a herd of turtles because we were not moving fast at all and I was leading the charge on the trike to try and take down any dinos that were in our way while justify had all the other dinos following him also the level 80P had tamed by now but we didn't have a saddle for either of them yet it's too late oh we got some shr arrows some pel and then a Ascendant for cap anyway shortly after opening the drop we arrived at the Hidden Lake and luckily we didn't see any immediate threats heror filled the pit and there were even some beavers and their dams in the lake so so far so good but as we went up to the plateau that overlooks the lake where we wanted to set up our base we spotted a theory and a raptor but there was only one so I killed it pretty easy with our trike but the much bigger threat is that we don't know what level it is and if it gets aggate onto our teams and it's a high level we're definitely done for it so justify decided to take one for the team and got eliminated by the the so we could see what level it was but don't worry he had placed a sleeping bag before he sacrificed himself I see it there ow luckily it's only a level 55 so we should be able to kill that with our trike but while I was trying to get organized and get some more that foundations the the somehow circled around the lake and began attacking our tames and we lost some valuable tames and I even died but luckily justify had placed a bed down Karen survived the attack however though and that's all that really matters now it's great in all that Karan survived the thoso attack but we still lost some very valuable tames we really could have used something like a tank to keep all of our tames safe wait what is that War Thunder is the most comprehensive vehicle combat game ever made and it's now free to play on PC and console so everybody can fight together you can take command of over 2,500 tanks planes helicopters and ships from the years ranging from the 1920 to today's fighter jets and tanks the immersive details of War Thunder will throw you right into the heat of the battle with showstopping graphics and eargasm sound effects and these battles aren't little either you can join a community of over 70 million players for epic battles and dive into breathtaking experiences that is War Thunder now you obviously can't blow up husky Theos and War Thunder but you can blow up other battle machines to your heart's desire and if you're feeling especially spiteful just imagine that all of your enemies are Theos xenosaurus and get revenge for whatever crimes they've committed against you in Ark so join the fight today download War Thunder using my link in the description or pin comment for PC Playstation or Xbox and if you've played War Thunder before and are looking to pick it back up with this new rage you found for the's new and returning players that haven't played in 6 months will receive a massive bonus pack on all platforms this pack contains the eagle of Valor vehicle decorator 100,000 silver lions and 7 Days of premium account and it's only going to be around for a little while longer so download War Thunder today but in the end the lower level PT that we tamed had died and at least one of the parasaurs and I'm pretty sure Mama Mia also died but I don't know for certain I've tried looking back through the footage but she vanished she might pop back up but I'm not really sure anyway I don't want something like this happening again the Hidden Lake is pretty secluded and safe but it's not safe enough I decided that I'm going to dedicate myself to putting up three different sections of wooden gates to hopefully prevent any other dangerous creatures from getting into our base so that's what I did for the rest of the day while justify worked on setting up another camp we had decided that justify was going to lead the base design because if you guys have seen any of my other videos you would definitely agree that this is a good idea anyway justify managed to loot a drop with some decent loot set up a storage B and a refining Forge so we can get some metal tools before the end of the day I was still on that gate grind for about the first half of day four let me just give you a little bit of taste of what I was doing anyway while I was doing all this justify was flying around looting a few good tier drops that were near by and there was a red one out in the snow and it was risky to get but boy was it worth it it had a Mastercraft the saddle blooper inside of it we had already planned to use thees to fight the dragon so maybe we'll use them for another boss fight if we can't find anything else too anyway after I was done getting the gates up I admired the beautiful Mastercraft the saddle blueprint that justify had just managed to get and justify had also got some nice other valuable resources from the Drop Like polymer and electronics which will be super nice to have in the future but moving on after that I set up another campfire to get some more food cooking back at our new base while justify was demolishing some new metal foundations anyway justify was demolishing the foundations cuz we were actually extremely poor and needed the metal and with that metal he was able to cook up a Smithy for us so we could Advance into the metal stage and speaking of advancing I wanted to get us both spy glasses playing without a spy glass is not fun like at all it would have definitely been really nice to have one when we found that the near our base so I took out our PT and flew to a nearby metal mountain and farm some Crystal and I got just enough for two spy glasses before leaving and flying back to base and I did check out some PT levels that were nearby as well because we definitely want more than just one BT anyway I crafted both spy glasses and gab one to justify and he had also crafted me both metal tools and a crossbow by the time I'd gotten back he's a real one anyway I decided to turn around and put these metal tools to good use right away I did spot a level 95 PT when I was making my way back from getting crystals so I took rpt back over to the beach and knocked it out and began taming it with Prim meat that I gathered having two of these things is definitely going to be super beneficial and anyway I spent the rest of the day flying around and trying to see if there's anything else I wanted to tame but I didn't find anything and justify was wrapping up today by starting to farm resources for our base we're going to build it out of wood because honestly screw building out of stone I was still waiting for the PT to tame in the morning of day five we needed some more kiten for another PT saddle because we'll have two pts now duh anyway I spent some time flying around the nearby Mountain until I eventually found a scorpion which I killed with my crossbow and I got more than enough kiten from it for the saddle yeah maybe our rid are a little bit too high again oh well it's justifies fa once again anyway I returned back to the PT just before it finished taming and flew back to the base and once there I crafted the pts saddle and first named it blueberry but I didn't like that name so I immediately changed it to red face because its face is red and in the time that I was gone justify had got some decent work done on the front foundation of the base we didn't really have any plan of what the base was going to look like but our initial idea is to have a part of the base that is on land and another part above the lake where we can land Flyers however we're both getting a little bored of just straight PVE and bobbing around and there just so happens to be 10 caves on this map that we need to explore and retrieve the artifacts from so we decided it was best to try and get some creatures we can bring into the said cave sooner rather than later but we didn't have any cryopods or an Argy yet so we won't be able to move any creatures around that easily so I decided to farm up and craft the raft that we can sail over to the Carno island or other parts of the map we're going to try and find some saber-tooth cats to tame since since they're both small and two should be able to put out some decent damage anyway after I got the raft crafted I waited on justify crafting some structures like a Smithy and a bed to put on the raft and then we took off for the coast and set up the raft and as we were about Midway from sailing from the eastern coast to the carnivore Island oh my God my Game just crashed and justify had crashed so hard that even his OBS had crashed with it anyway he would eventually turn off frame generation which would mostly solve this problem and hey I'm yet to crash so this is an amazing start for me anyway justify logged back in and we continued until we arrived at the car carnivore Island and there was a purple drop waiting for us on the beach of the island so I took the liberty of getting it and it gave me a decent Hatchet and some cooked mutton that's about it but that's not what we're here for we're here for sabertooths to raid caves with so we decided to spend the next few minutes circling the island but I got a little bit distracted when I spotted ooh 130 RG on the very back of the island we do happen to need an RG so I think this is the perfect opportunity as we already have most of the taming gear that we needed so I led the RG out to sea a little bit so me and justify could clear the area to tame it and after taking down the local pests I got off my PT and farmed up a simple RG trap but it didn't go without trouble because I was knocked out by a scorpion Midway through farming it but I eventually completed my task justify continued tring out the bird while I continued to try and look for another SaberCat to tame but I didn't find any and I ended the day by bringing a dead RG over to try and heal this RG as it was getting pretty low from being shot but it eventually knocked out and we started the taming process the first third of day six was pretty tame me and justifi had switch jobs I was now watching the RG and made sure nothing attacked it while it was taming while justifi was flying around looking for some Sabers to tame we still wanted to do our first cave kind of soonish to get a head start on the tribute Gathering process anyway the RG took about 10 minutes into day six a tame which honestly isn't terrible and I named the oversized pigeon chick and with all the killing that I had to do to make sure the small part of the island was safe for the Rd to tame I had a lot of kitan and hide left over and looking to see what I needed to craft the RGS saddle I only needed some Fiber and a little bit more high so I picked a few B for the fiber and killed an ARG and that small amount of farming was enough to catapult me into crafting an RG saddle just if I hadn't had any other success finding a saber on Carno Island so we both returned to the raft and decided to sail over to a nearby Mountain instead to continue our search also I just like to add this clip of justify looking absolutely dripped out in this combination of Riot kitan and hide armor all at once let me know what you think about this fit in the comments you see we wanted two of these saber kitties and we wanted them bad and now since we have an RG saddle we're actually able to pick up the Sabers if we find any and that should make the tamming process a lot easier and safer so we began scouring the mountains but all we found was a level 25 Giga you know just the stuff you find every day I mean it was only level 25 so there's no point in taming it but maybe we'll be back in the future to kill it for its heart as we do need two for the Alpha dragon boss fight moving on me and justify split off to cover more ground but literally like 1 minute later I found an anleo that we needed to tame 135 anky I think we yeah we sure we can go on a legitimate metal run right here we're definitely going to need a good Eno to Mass foral in the future so this honestly is a great find even if it's not a saber that we've been looking for anyway I scooped up the eny with my RG and dropped it inside an ancient ruin where it couldn't escape and justif I shot it with arrows until it fell asleep and once the anky was knocked out I farmed all the mayho berries that we need to tame it this thing is going to take a while to tame like probably even longer than the trike and I still wasn't having any luck finding a saber and neither was justified so I decided to spend the rest of the day on the very tip of the mountain farming metal and stone because we'll need it later on and some random level 45 PT also landed on a raft so justify decided to tame it just for fun I guess I don't know we'll probably never use it because it's terrible but I don't know he tamed it I had farmed a few stacks of metal by the morning of day seven so I flew back down from the mountain to the raft and put it all into a forge with some wood to get it smelting and there was also a red drop coming down literally 5 ft from our base so just a fly flew over on the PT and looted it it wasn't as nearly good as the last one but who doesn't love some free polymer and a peacemaker after that I flew back over towards where the anky was but instead of just sitting by the anky I did a little snooping around the area and I actually found a level 50 five Alpha Caro now that should be a pretty easy kill I have an RG that can fly and my RG also needs levels so this seems to be a match made in heaven so I flew back up to the mountain and grabbed an explore note that I knew was there and I returned to kill the alpha Caro I began slowly whittling down its health and recruited justify to help me but it did not go all to plan like at all the Carno was taking forever to kill and it was also melting the rg's and PT's health and if you've ever played Arc you'll know that when a Dyno has low Health it gains its stamina back very slowly so that combined with justifies bird getting hit by Titan drones it wasn't able to get the stamina and was killed by the alpha Caro dude I'm literally at of St but just if I did manage to escape and get the safety and Alpha Carno was still on pretty low health and I still had some time left on my experience buff this Carno had to pay for killing rpt D it's got to be low it is so fight back I got it I got with 3 seconds left on my thing nice yep I clutched up just like I always do anyway I put the levels into the RG picked up justify from this rock of safety and flew back towards the raft and after dropping justify off at the raft I began flying back towards the anleo as I was getting pretty close to being finished taming I don't know about you but after this recording session I'm going to go oh I just fell off my RG oh no yeah so that was a classic fat finger play where I didn't mean to press the Dismount button but I did and I was going to say I'm going to crush some Chipotle after this recording session if you were wondering anyway I spawned back in and justify used red face to carry me back over to my body and the RG now the tables have turned anyway once I got myself put back together I finally returned to the anky and sat down with it until it tamed and I carried it back to the raft dropped it on it and then hit the sack day eight and we logged in to see that the server we were playing on had rolled back a little bit since the last time that we had played so it was still day seven but I did pretty much the same things as I did on the actual day S I deposited the crystal that I farmed back at the raft and flew back over to the anky who had just now tamed and I named him Hank the tank little did I know that this name was actually pretty fitting because I would later to go on to discover that this guy had 7,000 Health that's actually kind of insane it looks like every Point went into health because it's melee is kind of garbage anyway what can you do I flew the anky back to the raft and once there I immediately crafted the ank a saddle so I pulled all the resources I could for the saddle but I was still missing some hid so I flew back over to a nearby mountain and did some killing and boom look Hank the tank now has a saddle with his 7,000 health I seriously cannot get over how much health this guy has anyway I decided to put Hank to work right away you got to earn your keep around here I scooped up the anky on my RG and flew back up towards the mountain to farm a bunch of metal and once I had gathered a decent amount of metal I flew back to the raft in me and justif I sted home we decided to pack it in because we weren't finding any good Savers a tame and we had been out for quite a few days now and we figured we probably want a better functioning base before we go and start taming everything under the Sun so anyway I transferred everything from our Expedition into the RG and I also crafted some flak inside of it since its saddle also works as a Smithy before finally heading back home and after getting organized at her camp for a little bit I decided to use chick to lose some of the Beaver Dan because we needed the pace for the future and the wood for our base but the Beavers were not too happy with me I mean I get I sold their whole life to work in seconds but forgiveness is the first step in the healing process anyway I was trying to farm narcotics when I noed damage numbers on the other side of the lake turns out the Beavers had rebelled and were actively destroyed the wooden gates that had worked so hard to keep us safe we were getting raided by beavers anyway we kind of just let them do their thing because gates are easily replaceable and I went back to crafting narcotics remember how I said me and justify were going to focus building up on our base a little bit before we start taming more dinos well yeah that was a lie because I completely forgot after I finished crafting narcotics we set out towards the snow and the middle of the map to look for direwolves this time you can't put saddles on direwolves but if we have two M boosted with a pack bonus they might be really strong so anyway we spent the rest of the day searching around the snow and the grand Hills with me on the RG and justify on a PT and just before the end of the day I found the Dire Wolf worth taming I had the wolf in my rg's talents in the morning of day nine and I was transporting it to a safer location the T it and justify well I don't know what justify was doing but he did eventually make his way over to where I was and I kept holding the wolf with my RG while justify shot Tran arrows into it it took a little bit because the way of picking up dinos Works in Arc is kind of horrible like half the dino is inside your din hip box so you have to find just the right angle to be able to shoot it but after a few minutes the wolf was knocked unconscious and fell a few feet to the floor but it'll be fine I promise and I already had some prime meat in my rg's inventory to tame the wolf so I just put that into its inventory and decided to sit with it for it to tame while justifi was flying around looking for another wolf to tame but well while I was still waiting for my wolf to tame later on I heard justifi say this you never want to hear that from your friend when you're playing Ark oh prelia yeah I'm good but my pterodon is like stunned okay yeah yeah so justify had managed to get both of our pts killed make sure to Flame him in the comments for that anyway I had to go pick him up to save him and I dropped him back at the wolf who had now tamed and I named her Shiva we're going to conquer these islands caves together and maybe justify can join too if he stops getting our tames killed anyway after dropping justify off I flew back over to where red face had died because there's actually level 95 saber-tooth over there it obviously wasn't great but we had lost too much searching for caving creatures and we had had to wrap this up so I brought the saber back over with the RG and we used the same strategy to knock it out and I then flew back out to get some prime meat to actually tame the saber and before long it was tamed and we began making our way back to the base I was carrying Shiva and justify was running back on the saber with a low lever direwolf that we had also tamed to try and breed the two dire wolves but it didn't survive the journey home so I don't even know why I'm mentioning it and eventually I made it home just before the end of the day and it made up a ton of Narcotics as we had a ton of spoiled meat left over and justify also made it home alive somehow even though he had to run through literal hell on saber anyway the creature that actually killed our lowlevel direwolf was a level 140 saber which honestly the irony is kind of insane so we took the ARG back out to go look for it I spent the early morning of day 10 first healing up Shiva and then killing some nearby dinos in the lake to try and get some more levels under her belt and after that I was just doing some general work around the base like narcotic crafting and I also made some spark powder and we now only have one good flyer being the RG and justify was using it to look for the saber I think that crappy PT justifi tamed a few days ago was still alive but there's no way I'm going to be using that thing and also I'm just now realizing that this is probably the most I've ever been struggling in my recent 100 days usually day 10 is where I begin picking up some stride but we're in the dumps right now anyway justify returned back to base about 10 minutes later into day 10 but not with the level 140 saber he couldn't find it instead he came back with a level 70 direwolf which isn't great but maybe the pack bonus will be enough to get us through some caves so I first tried knocking the direwolf out while J if I held it with the Archie but I wasn't able to get any good shots off so we ended up just dropping it and we chased it around the lake to later try knocking it out and when we eventually did knock it out it fell asleep inside the lake bro it literally drowned and we didn't get the tame moving on justifi had gotten a pump shotgun from a drop though slightly better than a primitive one at some point and of course I had to yon it for myself because I love these boomsticks and I then proceeded to take some shotgun shells from our base and set out with me and Shiva and justify on a saber-tooth that's really named Neil Armstrong Jr I honestly don't know why anyway if you couldn't figure it out we're going to go do our first cave now we decided that we wanted to try and defeat The Brood mother boss first and you need the clever artifact to summon it The Brood mother's tributes are pretty easy to get so that's why we decided on this anyway the next 10 minutes we spent running down the river and along the giant river that runs through the middle of the map towards the Cave the Cave was on the other side of the metal mountain and we could either take the long way or the way through literal hell so we chose the long way and we also killed some dinos that were blocking our way for levels and we made it to the cave with about 5 minutes left on day 10 and we ran straight in and uh it's very safe to say that we were very underprepared for this cave anyway we begin fighting our way through the cave and it was definitely hard [Music] getting Mega rabies was probably the worst part about this cave there were a million bats that kept dishing and out like candy on Halloween and I literally had to have Justified kill me twice because my health was so low and I kept accidentally reinfecting myself from My Dead Body day 11 started off great too because I accidentally spawned back where respond on day one somehow but don't worry I quickly eliminated Myself by drowning and once I finally responded back into the cave I made even more sleeping bags and so did justify because we were probably going to die a few more times I really can't understate how unprepared we were for this cave anyway we both mounted our tames again and went into the next section of the cave to clear it and I literally got Mega rabies once again these bats got to start getting their vaccines anyway I eventually made my way out of the cave and even made a bed because we were both dying so often and the next section went a little bit like this force feed fight force feed die fight that was an accident I swear anyway I led a saber back to safety until he responded and we finally killed the last few creatures that we needed and got the artifact and we also aggroed a Megalosaurus on the way out of the cave so you know we got out of there in like lightning speed and once we did get out of the cave we pretty much spent the rest of the day running back home we're both back at base by the morning of day 12 and we honestly spent way longer than the cave than we expected to we actually did get dogged on in there anyway we can't really dwell on the past because we have to keep moving forward and I spotted a yellow drop not too far from our base but I didn't really get anything great out of it anyway once I got back I crafted up some more shotgun shells cuz I had already gone through the whopping SS that I had brought into the cave shotguns are super good but we're currently in no financial position to actually afford the ammo for them so anyway we're going to settle back for a little while and actually work on the base now there has been way too much chaos in the last few days as I said earlier justify is going to be leading the building process so I'm going to form the resources needed and try to add a few structures here and there when I can after farming all that wood I crafted a wooden gate to put on the front of the base so we can get some smaller dinos in and out and now I can say I actually helped build the base anyway a few seconds later our crappy PT that was in still fact alive died to a trudon I mean neither of us cared at all because it was level 59 but I did go over on my direwolf and kill a trudon and that's when I saw a beaver dam hiding in the bushes with a beaver right next to it so I ran back over and hopped on my RG and peacefully relocated the beaver so I could loot it home in peace and I did just that but a few minutes later the beaver somehow found me so I once again peacefully relocated the beaver because I'm a nice guy I don't need to kill everything in sight and I want to keep reproducing more Dam so I can steal from it but that's not the point anyway I got back to what I was doing but just over a minute later the beaver somehow found its way back to me and it was even more mad this time as it went straight to chomping down our wooden base but I once again out of the kindness of my heart flew the beaver back to the other side of the lake this time I made sure it was super far away and I got back to what I was doing and I just realized I haven't actually said what I'm doing I was actually putting together a little Throne surrounded by standing torches for Karen because he is the leader of this tribe and once I got that set up I whipped up a few storage boxes cuz our small amount of structures were already overflowing with flu and resources anyway after that yeah the beaver somehow managed to find its way back after like 5 minutes of me not seeing it that thing was out for blood and I finally said enough is enough and I killed it with my RG and I spent the rest of the day repairing the base and adding a few more storage boxes I started day 13 by carrying the anky out on my RG towards a nearby Mountain not the farm metal though as you all know I am a PVE Bob and I like things to look nice I'm probably one of the best looking things in in this game are artifact pedestals and I just don't happen to want 10 of them since there are 10 artifacts I mean I'll probably never have all 10 artifacts at once but who knows anyway let me smack these obsidian rocks real quick okay let's go back to base and get these artifact pedestals placed down and I did also craft them inside the Argin since bro is literally a mobile Smithy after I got all the pedestals down I talked to justify for a few minutes about how the base was going to end up looking like I don't really know how to describe it right now but you guys would just have to see it when it's done anyway I decided to pitch in again and expand the platform that'll go out over the lake where we're going to land our flyers and have our crafting structures so I took chick down to the other side of the lake and first Farm fiber then wood and thatch to craft pillars and after that I spent the rest of the day placing and crafting ceilings to fill out the platform and throughout pretty much the whole day and the whole time while I was doing this josephi was working on other parts of the base he made two outdoor walkways connecting the ground to the platform and also worked on placing the ceiling in ramp combo type thing to make a roof for us but there would also be some space on the top that we could use later on and he also tamed a low-l baby stego earlier in the day and named it Spike wasowski for some reason I honestly have no idea why he did it but it doesn't matter because it would later go on to die from a theory or something I can't honestly remember what happened to it day 14 and turns out the stego died just to starvation yeah that thing didn't last long at all and I don't know what I was on when I said it died to a theory or something anyway I was just about finished making the platform over the leg for our base I was using triangle ceilings to try and angle it so it wasn't just a giant square and I thought it looked pretty good except when I brought it all together and was just about to be finished there wasn't enough support for be able to place the last ceiling so I had the farmer craft a whole another set of pillars to be able to place one more ceiling ARC building really does flip you the bird sometimes and during all this justify was finishing up the ceiling and upper level of the base and he also added a stone water tap because water was a constant problem for us the hidden leg is super hot about 75% of the time anyway after I finished the platform I added some brailing so you know we don't fall off and it's now time to fully move everything into the base and sort out all the items from my little camp and I thought of a great way to organize our storage boxes I'm going to put Painting canvases on them and of course paint what's in the box with a little picture on it and the actual canvases were pretty cheap so I crafted a few and placed all those and I then crafted a cooking pot and made some black dye to draw with and yeah me and justify got carried away we spent the rest of the day painting on the canvases and let me show you just a few of the things we came up with first up we have the three resource storage boxes and they were appropriately labeled with pictures being rocks more rocks and even more rocks and then we have my personal favorite tributes with of course Giga balls it's a real piece of art and the last one I'll show you will be the structures box with this awesome looking house on it you can tell we really have our priorities straight day 15 we both logged back into the server just to discover that the same glitch had happened back on day eight the server rolled back about 10 minutes of real time so all of our amazing paintings were gone and that simply didn't sit well with me so I organized a raid on N headquarters just kidding me and justify spent the rest of day seven repainting our paintings and don't worry I put the Giga balls right back to where they were those aren't going anywhere anyway now that our glorious paintings are back in their place it's time to actually organize our storage boxes so we spent the next few minutes doing just that and I also crafted a preserving bin to store our spoiles until we get a fridge later on and I crafted three more for fighting forges so we'll be able to speed up our metal production it feels like we're finally getting somewhere and we still had a bunch of raw metal left over from when I did that small metal run a few days back while we and justifi were both out by the mountain so I quickly farmed up some more wood and got the rest of that smelting along with cooking some more food and campfires and I then set up a small crafting station only consisting of a Smithy and mortar and pestle right now but it'll get bigger I promise that's what she said next clip sorry moving on I spotted a yellow drop with a ring coming down only a few seconds flight North so I took out our only flyer and looted it for some man Saddles and gasoline yeah the gas was only the really good part of that if you're an ark Pro you probably notice the stwn structures that are in my inventory and you'll probably recognize that they're exact same structures that I need to tame a giga just kidding it's an RG trap we're going to tame an RG as I said a few seconds ago chick is our only flyer and that doesn't really work cuz there's two of us so we decided to fly back over to the caral island to tame another RG and we'll get some more pts later on and there were actually a ton of RGS on on the island and they're just so happening to be a level 125 among them and that level meets our standard so justif I set me down while I could set up the Trap while he made sure the area was safe and I actually sniped the RG out of the sky and got into the Trap all by myself I'm basically him and I spent the rest of the day just standing there waiting for the RG to tame because I couldn't do much while justify was using the other RG the RG tamed a few minutes into day 16 and about 60% of its feathers were orange so of course I named it Cheeto and I had already made the second and saddle on day 15 before we left so I was able to mount cheetah right away and take off but before heading back to base we flew back over to the nearby Mountain once again because justify had spotted an alpha Raptor and we both basically smothered it to death with our RGS and I got a ton of experience on the RG for easy levels as well as a decent crossbow to tame stuff with and then we actually did fly back to base but we weren't going to stay here for too long I think I said it earlier but I'm not totally sure since the script is already over 9,000 words but we want to take down the brood mother first and we're planning to use megatherium to take down the oversized spider and and her minions since the giant sloth are basically engineered to kill her anyway I crafted up a bunch more stone structures in a few wooden ramps and we both flew out towards the snow to find us a giant sloth to tame it'd be nice to find two high levels but we can just tame one and then breed the good stats out with a bad level if it comes to it and the next few minutes we're pretty uneventful we are both just scouting the snow and I looted a blue drop and got a decent anky saddle then all of the sudden justify gets Pria and dies I tried to make my way over as fast as I could but I wasn't able to save his RG either justify has really got to stay out of the snow he's basically a magnet for pelia anyway justifi responded at the bed that we had put in the clever cave and ran back over towards where he died and waited for me and once I got over to him I escorted him to his loot which he then deposited into the Cheeto and died once again to respa back at base and as you can probably guess I flew back to the base so he could get his Loot and I then crafted up a bunch of TRS because we only have one flyer once again this justifi dude really has to stop getting our Flyers killed anyway I had spotted a level 95 RG on the way back to base and obviously that's not great but justifi doesn't get a good pick if he keeps losing our tames like this I left justify on a nearby Plateau to set up a trap while I flew back over to find and lead the RG back and it did take me a few minutes to find the RG but it took justify even longer to actually trap it he wasn't able to get the snap points to actually place the walls for his life and to be fair I was watching about 15 ft away with plenty of walls straight chilling in my hot bar but he needs to get better at this if he's going to keep losing our Flyers anyway justify eventually trapped the extremely mid RG and I killed a nearby Diplo to get the prime meat to tame it and after that I left justify on his own and began searching for a good meum once again since he had the RG in a safe area and anyway I spent literally the rest of the day flying all around the snow looking for a good meum to tame I wasn't having any probably actually finding megatheriums but they were all horrible levels I saw an ungodly amount of level fives and tens and I even found an ois before I found a megatherium no way I found a whole obis before I find it good and don't worry I was making sure to kill all the bad levels so the new ones would respawn but I was having no luck and neither was justified his RG eventually tamed and he once again began scouting the snow but there was a whole lot of nothing so toward W the end of the day he began flying out towards the Redwoods we really do want to get a good boss Army as soon as possible because we don't want to cram all three bosses into the last 25 days or whatever day 18 I spent literally the whole day searching for a singular good meum and once again the megatheriums are everywhere but there aren't any good ones and once again I have no idea how many low levels I actually killed and after so long the memories of just flying around the snow and spy glassing megatheriums begin to blur together and half of my mental capacity is now gone now you have to be saying well how is justifi doing teror he scouted the whole redwoods and found nothing as well and after scouting the Redwoods he returned to the snow to keep scouting once again but nothing the highlight of both of our days which justify opening a yellow and red drop earlier on in the day with both had some pretty good loot in them day 19 and we've basically given up we've searched the snow multiple times now I've basically been doing figure rates around it for the past hour now anyway me and justifi have decided to give ourselves a break of sorts we're going to try and retrieve the artifact of the hunter from the southern cave so I returned back to base and dropped off a few things I had gotten from a supply drop while I was searching I didn't get anything good but I then picked up Shiva with my RG and begin the long flight southwards and just if I had gone back to base late on day 18 and he was already headed that way with his saber-tooth anyway I finally made it out to the cave about a third of the way through the day and justifi was waiting for me and we ran straight into the cave decim mating all the small spiders and titanos that tried to stand in our way and we got the artifact and we did actually grab two of the artifacts since I wanted to have one for the boss and one for the display in our base but we'll probably only grab one in some of the harder Cades because it can't be that laxed with our time in there anyway before leaving the cave we actually both t a dung beetle with some of our poop these little guys are going to produce fertilizer that we need to grow crops with whether they like it or not I don't know they probably do like it cuz they're poop beetles and we didn't really plan on taming these guys either they were kind of just there when we were in the cave anyway we exited the cave and began flying back towards our base and I also had a ton of kit that I kept as we might need it in the future and we both arrived back home just before the end of the day and I didn't do much beside depositing all the resources in looing a mid red drop on Carno Island day 20 I flew back across the channel of water towards the main part of the island I decided to finally bite the bullet and try to tame me and justify some more pts these RGS are good and all but they're super slow and we don't have any time to waste like that cuz we're already on day 20 anyway I began flying down the northeastern River and I eventually turned onto the river right above the Redwoods because a bunch of PT spawn along it and it didn't take me too long to find a level 135 to straight chilling and it may have taken more than one bolo to actually get it stuck to the ground bro but when I did stick the Bowa the PT was quickly put to sleep and right after I knocked out the PT I was attacked by some Rogue trons which reminded me that I was taming this thing in the Redwoods so I quickly farmed up some wooden spikes and placed them around the bird to protect it I'm going to be pretty sad if this thing dies and I already had some pride meat as well for it so I gave it to the bird and decided to just sit with it to secure the tame before going to look for another and I did exactly that and while all this was going on justify was making some crop plots back at base so who can get some Veggie cakes and stuff for the future and the bird tamed a few minutes later and I had whistled it to follow me as I kept moving down the river looking for another one to tame hopefully a male so that will have a breeding pair and it turns out out this river is actually a che code for finding high level pts because I found a level 145 Legit 2 minutes later it was a female but I'll still take a 145 any day of the week so anyway I landed and waiting for it to do the same and I picked up the spike walls for my previous PT tame so this process was exactly the same as last time and instead of waiting for this one to tame I went straight back to looking for another one to tame but the odds of me finding another highle PT and it being a male is very low so I decided to do this level 15 PT a favor and for force him to join our army oh my God yeah so I may have accidentally left the PT that I already tamed on neutral and it decided to take a bite out of the level 15 after I bowet it oh well there are a ton of other crappy birds around here and that Stan was quickly proven true because I knocked out and tamed the level 10 in the span of 2 minutes and I flew back to do a flyby pickup of the level 145 which had also tamed just before the end of the day but justifi hadn't just been sitting around for the rest of the day after placing the crops down since we weren't having any luck what's soever getting a good meum we decided that we can maybe use spinos in The Brood mother I don't know that I've ever seen anybody actually using spinos to fight it but I'm 99% sure there is water in the arena which they get a buff from it's a really Pie in the Sky idea but it could be super cool if it works but I'd still really like to find a good meum for a guaranteed dub so anyway instead of flying around the map justifi decided to die over and over again and spawn in different locations to check the rivers it was brutal but it was efficient it took me a little while but I finally made my way back to base on day 21 I really dislike how slow these rgies are sometimes anyway as soon as I got back I despawned IRL because there is a 2-minute period where I don't move an inch just kidding I was just taking a leak and once I was actually back in my PC I organized the items I had gotten from my adventure into the storage boxes and while I was performing a normal bodily function justif I had bread rpts and he had also seated and fertilizer new crw plots since the dung beetles that we got from the hunter cave were now producing fertilizer and once again both of the good levels are breeding with an absolutely terrible male so we'll probably have to breed them quite a few times to get a baby with all the good stats and anyway we both hatched an egg and the babies were all terrible so I held true to my branding and I killed mine but justifi had actually hatched triplets but they were all terrible so they would later go on to be killed in a few days moving on I'm just now realizing that it's day 21 and we don't have a fabricator we're really bobbing out I know you don't have to tell me anyway we already had all the resources at base to craft it so I created it and then placed it right next to our Smithy after moving our anky and I firstly crafted us both to canteens the Hidden Lake is super hot most of the time as I said earlier so it'll be nice to have some water wher we are and I then combined some charcoal with spark powder to eventually craft more shotgun bullets because five isn't going to cut it especially since My Boomstick is primitive it ain't putting out big damage numbers like that and I also crafted a holoscope for my freedom dispensers simply because I like having one and now that my shotty is fully kitted out with all the new drip I decided to put it to use by taking down two rg's in the snow we need 10 Talons for The Brood mother boss fight so it was a good excuse to exercise my rights anyway that's all I did thank you for coming to my TED talk about boomsticks anyway just if I spent most of the day doing small things around the base but but he did set out towards the end of the day to scout the islands Rivers for more spinos to Tain seriously we're not having any luck with these megatherium so we'll take anything we can get day 22 started with me grinding narcotics and you're probably wondering what I'm crafting narcotics for well I actually spotted a level 130 Theory back on day 21 I didn't say anything because I totally forgot that I actually saw it so I'm just bringing it up now anyway as you all probably know the's take a lot of Narcotics to tame hence why I spit the first half of day 22 crafting over 200 narcotics so that tickle chicken will stay asleep while we actually tame it and we already had a trap crafted up because we were going to use the same trap as we were going to use for a mega theum if we had actually found one and yeah I know we were planning to fight the broodmother first but we do need the's for the dragon boss fight and we might be able to even use them for the MEAP picus boss fight because it's so weak what I'm trying to say is we can't pass up on this opportunity and we need to tame the the even if it does mean that we have to fight the megap pipus first rather than the broodmother even though we already have two of three artifacts for it so after I got everything crafted me and justify began flying out towards the theory location by the Redwoods on our high Lev level pts that I tamed and they didn't have too many levels put into them yet so that's why we jumped at the chance to actually get some when we spotted an alpha Raptor not too far from our base so we both first grabbed an explore note for that sweet sweet double experience boost and then spent way too long killing the alpha Raptor it's just kind of hitting me now how weak actually are dinos are that I'm not playing with single player settings anymore the stats boost single player settings gives is actually kind of crazy anyway the Raptor gave us both some decent levels and I pumped up flapan Tina stats over 750 stamina and 330 weight and yes I did just name her flap anyway we continued our flight out towards a and arrived at its location just before the end of the day and we began clearing the side to make sure it was safe I know we didn't actually do much on day 22 but that's because day 22 was actually shortened if you can remember our server would keep having roll backs for about 8 minutes every time we close and launch the server so to try and counteract this we tried to let the server run a little bit longer than shut it down on day 21 so it' start perfectly on day 22 but not even the slightest roll back happened this time the server just has a mind of its own I don't know day 23 I constructed the best theory trap that you've ever SE seen just kidding it's just a normal trap but it should just work just fine and justifi decided to take one for the team and take a few hits but he did manage to get the the in the Trap with relative ease and I plac even more walls on the ramp side so that there's no way this gal is getting out and we've discovered that since Dino AI did get smarter and Arc survival ascended you have to let the dino that you're trying to trap actually hit you as it's walking into the Trap or else it's just going to actually walk around the Trap anyway I now have to knock out this the now I actually can't do too much while I wait for this the to tame I'm going to have to keep coming back and feeding her narcotics every so often to make sure that she stays asleep so for the first few minutes after putting the tickle chicken to sleep I kind of just stood there having a very intellectual talk to justify about if birds are real or not but after that I decided to pump the theory full of Narcotics and go start scouting the snow again to hopefully find a good megatherium and I'll give you a little hint on how it went uh I didn't find one so that was another 20 minutes wasted I flew another whole lap around the snow with nothing to show for it I mean I guess I can't do that much anyway right now anyway I just returned back to the theory before the end of the day to feated more narcotics and I kind of just sat with it and justify I spent pretty much the whole day searching the islands Rivers once again for a singular good spino to tame and yeah he didn't find any either day 24 was a little odd because it started with me trapping and knocking out a level 10 male Theory and we trapped it in the same trap as the level 130 since they aren't able to damage each other I decided to tame this guy simply because the odds of us finding another highle the and being a male are pretty low so anyway now that I have two the's knocked out and they're both taming with meob berries which is likely the slowest possible way to do it I can't really leave they were both shredding through their torpidity and the narcotics that I had so I had to stick around and I even crafted another mortar and pestle which I crafted a few more narcotics with as well to keep these guys asleep I don't think I needed too many of them but I did it just to be safe anyway the level 10 tamed first and obviously it was terrible but we'll definitely be able to breed the good stats out and the level 130 tamed just before the end of the day now obviously we don't want to walk these two back to our base that would take forever and it would be pretty dangerous so justifi decided to get the resources from our base and craft up four cryopods in a blue drop and bring them out to me but besides that we both hadn't done too much on day 24 justif I had continued the search for either a good spino or meum but I think you all know by now he didn't find any but that's all right because we now have these ster so at least we'll be able to start progressing towards some of the bosses I made the long flight back to our base in the morning of day 25 with both of our new the's in their cryopods and basically as soon as I arrived back from the base I put down the bad PT triplets it was very satisfying and after that I gave justify one of the the's in the cryopod and we both threw them out so we could start them breeding we're probably going to need to do that a lot since we're breeding a level 194 with a level 14 and we're actually going to need some air conditioners to actually hatch the eggs and we need a generator to power all that so I finally crafted up one of those bad boys to power our base and oh we also have an industrial Grill just if I had gotten it out of a drop I don't know when but he did anyway I put the generator down and it's now powering our base and we are also cooking up some polymer and two air conditioners in our fabricator we're basically balling out right now but after that I moved some of the fertilizer that our dung beetles had produced into the crop plot and I hatched and killed some babies our base was actually hot enough to hatch some of them without the air conditioners but it won't always be like that and during all this justify was making a little box under our platform where the air conditioners would actually sit and after he got them placed down we hatched a ton of RG eggs we had been passively collecting a ton over the past few days anyway after getting trapped in the little box together where the air conditioners were can you like stack the aces on top of each other that's I was about to do oh no you can't hold on let me just uh yeah make the grand Escape we hatched the args and most of them sucked so we only kept two to raise and we also hatched some the's and they were good and one was even good enough to be our female breeder and after farming a bunch of berries to put into the trough to feed our new dinos I farmed up a bunch of wood and got it burning in the forges and then I mounted the inky and justify G on Cheeto and we farmed a ton of spark powder and if you couldn't tell we're actually on the gunpowder grind we need more shotgun shells because it's our main way to defend ourselves when we're not on our tames it's life or death out here bro we finished up farming flint and stone on the morning of Day 26 and we were able to craft quite a decent amount of spark powder but it's still going to be a little while until all the charcoal smelted and we can turn it all into gunpowder and speaking of that wood that I have burning at the charcoal it's kind of pointless just to have it burning in the forges alone so we might as well smell some metal along with it and kill two pegos with one stone so me and justifi switched and I was on the RG this time and we flew out towards the metal mountain and we depleted all the metal on the mountain that it had the offer and as I was flying back I noticed a red drop was coming down just a few seconds flight from our base so I dropped justifi I of and went to get it but all it really had to offer was some right pants and a metal elevator platform but believe it or not these are actually going to come in clutch later on so after depositing those items I killed the crappy PT that I tamed as we no longer needed it and I then filled the forges with metal that we had gathered and after that I decided it's about time that we craft a fridge our base is getting a whole industrial makeover right now and I'm all here for it and we had all the resources that we needed and all I had to do was craft a fuel electronics and boom refrigerator and now that we're shifting our Focus towards the megapithecus we actually need to get the artifacts in tributes for it so we've decided to pause the PVE grind and go and try and retrieve the artifact of the devour from the nearby cave on car Island there are usually a ton of bats in that cave however and those were our biggest threats when we actually getting the artifact of the clever and we also don't have any shotgun bullets right now and it's going to be a while for us to actually craft any so we've decided to bring our good the that we tamed in and some fabricated pistols fabricated pistols aren't good like at all but we have a ton of fabricated ammo since basically every drop that you open in Asa has at least 30 bullets so anyway we sued it up it was decided that just if I would ride the theion I would ride my direwolf aiva with a shotgun and fabricated pistol I really hope it doesn't come to us actually needing the fabricated pistol anyway once we were ready we set out for the cave just before the end of the day we made it into the cave in the very early morning of day 27 and the cave has a path that kind of spirals down toward the bottom where the artifact is so we begin making our way down the ramp normally I run this cave with a thila and kind of just jump down and I climb the walls back up but that's not going to work this time so we have to do it the way it was intended major bump but everything was going smoothly and you know what it was actually going better than smoothly mostly because we got a yellow cave drop with actually some really good loot in it oh 10 shotgun shells ascended crossbow blueprint with almost 400 damage what bro that's the highest damage I've ever seen but things went less well immediately after cuz we got Mega rabies and it didn't really stop us but justif I got it a few times back to back so I had to put him out of his misery so he could respond with full health you prefer a pump or a pistol used the pistol anyway we both continued through the cave without much trouble and we both went full Dooms Slayer mode at the bottom where we had to fight a whole Army of cave creatures but I got the artifact don't you worry and the climb back up out of the cave was super easy because we had cleared everything out on the way down and we may have also had to spray the bats with some bullets just as we were about to leave I can't lie bats are probably the biggest threat and problem we faced so far so we swam back to the entrance of the cave mounted our birds and flew back home to put our new artifact on display and by the time we returned a bunch of the wood had burned the charcoal so I was able to craft a decent amount of gunpowder but more importantly I farmed the fiber and wood that we needed to craft the ascendant crossbow having 388 damage it's honestly kind of crazy and now that I have this shiny brand new crossbow I'm once again motivated to look for a good meum so I once again gathered up everything I needed to tame one and set back out towards the snow for the rest of the day but justify wasn't just sitting around while I was out looking for a good giant sloth he had found a high Lev bionics a few days back we also do need to venture into the easy underwater cave soon as we need to get the artifact in there to summon alp megap pagus so some of these Berry boys would do just fine when we have to go down there so anyway justify spent the rest of the day actually taming it day 28 and my motivation to find a good meum quickly faded I swear it has to be impossible to actually find one of these things and that lack of motivation led me to being distracted by a red drop coming down and that red drop actually must have been a beacon of some sorts because there's actually a level 120 male Theory literally right next to it I have no idea what's going on I never have near this much luck with finding good the but I've also never had a problem finding good megatheriums anyway I was debating on actually taming this guy since we already have a decent Theory but looking at its stats now it's just all right we could definitely use a better melee stat so I decided to return to the base and gather everything I would need to tame in and it wasn't much cuz considering with this new crossbow it's only going to take about 14 arrows to knock out so I didn't even bring a trap anyway when the theory finally fell asleep it was like halfway inside a hill but that doesn't matter and I am just going to have to kind of sit with this guy all day so they wake up so fast and that's pretty much what I did for just the rest of the day but just if I was cooking up something more entertaining than me at this time he had managed to trap two berries in the same trap in the very early morning of day 28 the one being level 120 and one being level 10 but they were a breeding pair so we could just once again breed out the good stats and be chilling so anyway he knocked those guys out in the swamp and then flew back over towards the Redwood to kill some saber salmon to get some prime fish meat since they only tame on fish meat and Barry's tame shockingly fast so he was back at the base with them well before the end of the day and once there he threw them both out of their cryopods and looted a yellow drop and got some organic polymer and then he started breeding the two but the first baby that was actually hatched just before the end of the day was terrible so it was quickly put down with lethal Force day 29 I logged in and my PT was under attack by a scorpion it was fine but it was a little bit too close to the theory for Comfort I would have been really mad if I logged in and it was going to town lowering the the's taming Effectiveness anyway I sat with the the for a little bit kind of just deciding what to do I still can't commit to a big task because I have to keep feeding this guy narcotics so he'll actually tame so I spent the day kind of just scouring the islands Rivers looking for a decent spino since I still had no luck finding any megatheriums yeah I didn't find any good spinos either so I just returned back to the theory towards the end of the day and justify had a pretty relaxed day as well he spent the time working to get good stats to breed out on them very onyxes but he did manage to get two males by the end of the day with good stats so I think we do have a breeding pair now day 30 was pretty lame I can't lie to you guys it took over half the day for the the to finally finish taming but when it did finish it didn't even have any good stats the female that we tamed a few days ago was much better than this so basically this was a big waste of time and I kind of want to die right now anyway complaining gets me nowhere so I put the theory back into a cryo and headed home and justify had been pretty much just grinding the berries we were feeding them by killing fish in the lake since the babies only eat fish meat anyway once I got back to base I deposited a bunch of stuff from my inventory and then hatched a bunch of berry eggs that justified save for me I think there was like five but it doesn't even matter since all them hatched with bad stats and there was one that even hatched his triplets with a mutation and they were all bright green but their stats weren't worth keeping so they were all executed along with the others day 31 I crafted up a ton more gunpowder since our forges had been burning for a little while and actually ACC accumulated a lot of charcoal and I hatched another Berry egg immediately after which luckily turned out to have all the good stats and I named them Long John Silver please don't sue me we brought a lot more baby dinos into the world in the next few minutes that followed as well being some the's and berries I'm pretty sure we had a good the breeding Pair by now as well I'm not actually sure though it's all kind of starting to blur together but yeah justify had been going crazy with getting all the dinos that we needed but I wasn't about that life and I also wanted an industrial Forge since these small forges aren't cutting it anymore so I decided to take an RG and anky out to the metal mountain and do a solo metal run while justify stayed back at base and continued breeding the dinos and I spent like 15 minutes farming on the metal mountain and getting all the metal that I could just look at all that shiny raw metal too bad it's going to take forever to smell anyway when I got back justify helped me unload all the metal as the day came to an end and I don't think I've said this yet but justify actually managed to get a melee mutation on one of the baby the's and it came out pink so at least our Theory Army will look cool even if they're weak so I'm sure the dragon will take it easy on us if our the's are absolutely dripped out day 32 you started with me unloading 780 Crystal that I farmed on the metal run and yes I'm just now realizing that I left that out on day 31 tell me a break okay I don't have any excuse this time I just want to break anyway after that I raided the local beaver dams that were just below our base they should know that this water hole is my water hole and it's my water hole only well I guess it justifies to but that doesn't sound as cool anyway I got a few hundred more cementing paste that I'll use to craft an industrial Forge later on but for now me and justifi want to retrieve the artifact of the Brute from the easy underwater cave Long John Silver was now fully raised and justify had also raised the berri so we were pretty much ready to rock and roll after we got some scuba gear so we began our flight thinking our berries will easily be able to get us in and out of this cave with no problem and I also looted a red drop on the flight out there which G me some Electronics a ton of hard polymer and a decent Mastercraft udy saddle but just an FYI between you and me I'll never actually use the saddle mostly because I lost it it kind of fell off the face of the Earth okay or the ark whatever you want to call it we'll just leave it at that anyway we arrived on the west coast about 5 minutes after that but it then took us like another 10 minutes to actually get into the cave because neither of us could actually remember where it was and we also killed two bassies for their blubber and the large amount of oil that they get but we're here for the artifact so we need to use our combined three brain cells and lock in right now so we finally began swimming into the cave and there was a singular jellyfish near the entrance so I went to kill it cuz I didn't want it to cause a problem later but as I went to do that literally everything and its mom that started to try and kill me there were eels and sharks everywhere and we both barely made it out alive but luckily Bar's can go on land so we can escape the hell that is underwater and after regrouping and healing up some we decided to keep on going we plunged back into the water towards the main artifact chamber servers definitely have less creatures okay I'm getting assaulted by eels right now my help is getting good yeah might be I'm oh no on I'm stuck in an e man are you good no I should not to try to help I definitely should not have cl to try to help yeah so that didn't go to plan like at all and the top it all off justifies Barry died as well but he somehow survived anyway I respond back at base cuz that's the only place I could respond I decided I would go back down there with one of our spare berries so we could at least try and get the artifact and maybe even get my stuff but there was an ungodly amount of eels in there and I spent the rest of the day crafting another cryopod for the bionics and more scuba so we could actually breathe down there I was making the final preparations to head back out to the water cave in the morning of day 33 and I even had to make another PT saddle so I could fly one of our terrible birds out there but there was a red drop coming down literally right next to our base so I decided to wait for it and luckily I did because I got a whole Indie Forge out of it for free oh my God fabricator and an industrial Forge and not going to lie I was pretty mad that I did die in the cave but now not so much I definitely would have not gotten the forge if I hadn't have died anyway I can set that up later justify is still waiting for me at the bottom of the ocean in this cave right now so I once again FW the long flight out there deployed the berry and swam back into the cave and once in there I did give justify the berry but I couldn't do too much after that he had to try and pick off a few eels at a time but usually you get the whole pack as soon as one sees you so it wasn't going well at all and after about 10 minutes of virtually no progress I decided to go for something very risky I had given up on trying to get my stuff back which really sucked cuz I had a good crossbow and my PT and a a cryopod in my inventory but we need that artifact I never want to come back down here and neither do justify so I decided to respawn back a base to craft some more scuba grapping hooks get a strap and take some stews from our fridge I'm basically going to try and make a Mad Dash for the artifact what justify distracts everything that he can I should be able to swim right into the big room and just survive long enough to Grapple to the ceiling where hopefully nothing can get me and hopefully this does go to plan because we basically blown all of our resources on this Mission now but you won't see anything of that today because I now have to fly the whole way across the map on an RG which really sucks oh and justify was still trying to pick off all that he could in the cave the whole time while I was doing this but it still wasn't going well I finally made it back out to the west coast once again in the morning of day 34 and the RG was so slow that I nearly froze to death so I had to wait a little bit before diving into the ocean so I could actually feel safe enough to make it into the cave but after about 5 minutes I finally felt confident to dive into the cave and now my viewers I present to you the heist oh no I hear a bat I have a fabricated pistol but like did you take my shotgun oh you didn't no I'm putting okay I killed an arani all right I made it past them dude the spiders are swimming towards me okay I should be able to put him down I got it nice grab now have you ever doubted me during any of this comment your sincere apology down below right now anyway I gave the artifact and my gear to justify so he could return to the surface with the bionics and fly home and I took the easier way home however dying and respawning and I didn't really do too much for the rest of the day kind of just stood around waiting for justifi to get back we've had a very eventful past few days so I think I've earned this I started day 35 by first crafting armor as I no longer had any cuz you know I died in a cave but a few minutes later justify finally arrived back to base it took him so long cuz he had to fly the rgy back but we set up the Indie Forge right after that and transferred everything that was in our old small forges into it to continue smelting and after that I crafted myself another Boomstick with a bunch more bullets for it I just have to have one of these bad boys in my inventory at all times cuz I'm an American and I can't lie to you guys once again I didn't really do anything for the rest of day 35 besides getting my kit back together but justifi did start breeding more the's and now that we have two out of three artifacts that we need for the alpha MEAP picus boss we probably do need to get an army going sooner rather than later start of Day 36 was pretty slow as well I crafted a few more things for my kit like parachutes and I may or may not have already crafted another one of those amazing crossbows come on I just got to have it but I'm actually going to put it to good use cuz I'm going to go and try and tame us a yudi for our boss fighting Army oh and also I claimed a random baby theory for the Army but that's not important anyway I farmed a few more ramps that I needed for the Trap and set out to look for a Yi but literally less than 2 minutes later I found a level 115 which will do just fine it doesn't need to be super high level it just needs to have a little bit of health and some stamina so I got to work first clearing the area of any unwanted d then assembling the Trap and the next few minutes were spent trying to actually get the ud into the Trap because they're actually butth holes when it comes to that but I did it and then started to try and trink it out I say try because there is an alpha Carno in the area that was scaring me so it took me a while to actually do it but I eventually did get it to go to sleep and I fed it the prime meat from its Caro Minions that I killed and while that started to tame I returned back to the base to make more Boomstick ammo and I also claimed another barrier which I named bat eater 3000 hopefully this guy doesn't get got like Long John Silver and justif I spent the entirety of the day going to town and basically raising our whole Theory boss Army I really have to give him credit for this because there's no way I wanted to do this and he really came in clutch and did it so he's a real one I started day 37 off by looting another Beaver D and I made sure to relocate the home owner far far away so he shouldn't be able to rad our paase again and I then proceeded to name the one theory that I randomly claimed yeah don't question it moving on I opened the blue drop that was right next to our base and it just so happened to have a flare gun anyway it's time to stop messing around justifi had moved our baby Theory Army outside and they were still shredding through the berries in our feeding troughs so I proceeded to farm a bunch of berries to keep them fed with tri wasowski who was still alive I'll have you know and immediately after that the Udi finished taming it was pretty mid all around but that's fine because it doesn't need to be great so I put it in a cryopod and picked up the Trap and then returned back to base and I then gave the Udi another sus name once again just don't question it after that mean justifi teamed up once again and farmed a bunch more flint and stone which I then turned into spark powder and there's still a little bit of charcoal in the industrial Forge so I added that into the mor pestles for more gunpowder and something that will definitely help when we're exploring caves or doing anything dangerous in general is medical Birds we could make some in cooking pots but that's super slow and inefficient so I decided to take one for the team and try and make us an industrial cooker and we really only need organic polymer for it and obviously I don't want to craft all the hard polymer because that will drain our obsidian and cementing base stocks so I decided that I'm going to Massacre Peno in the snow for their organic polymer and I crafted up five clubs since they are the most efficient at extracting organic polymer from their dead bodies and I off towards snow on the back of a PT but I quickly got distracted by a red drop I did get fear W by UD so that was annoying but I did get 68 hard polymer out of the drop so that's always a plus anyway I continued out towards the snow and just kidding I got distracted by a purple drop with a ring and it actually had a really decent long neck and ghilly chest piece in it I really don't mind if I do with that anyway I finally made my way out to where the penguin spawns and I killed and harvested a few just before the end of the day and as for an update on justify he was still working to raise and imprint all the baby thies it's a lot of work to raise all those tick chickens I was still farming organic polymer however but I was slowly freezing to death so I crafted up a sleeping bag just so I could hit the respawn button and be right back where I was but more importantly I was killing the adult penguins and I then noticed there was a yellow baby penguin all alone so I claimed him and named him Golden Nugget because he was golded but by this time justifi had mentioned to me that I should also Farm the organic polymer that we need for a chemistry bench as well cuz we really do need one of those and I'm already out here so I might as well but the problem with that is I was already running low on weight so I wouldn't be able to carry Golden Nugget home with me the little dude would just have to survive out here until I come back for him and honestly I have no idea when that'll be anyway I spent the next few minutes farming the last bits of polymer that I needed and by the end I think I farmed just over 550 polymer between the hard and organic polymer but my PT was barely able to make the flight home it was ridiculously slow so I jumped off two separate mountains on the way to use to help with parachutes to make it home and I landed perfectly in our base so it all worked out and I immediately crafted the industrial cooker as soon as I got back and I placed it down literally right next to our second Smithy that's right we have two justify had crafted and placed another one earlier on in the day if you remember that the saddle blueprint that we got earlier it requires a lot of resources so we decided to have one Smithy with only the stuff required to craft the saddles in it but anyway you might be thinking about the chemistry bench that I also Farm the polymer for well we still need a bunch more pearls to craft the electronics that we need to actually make the chemistry bench and that's what justify had been doing this whole time he's been swimming around the bottom of the ocean doing his best to survive and farm pearls but it was pretty slow and difficult but I decided that's a him problem so I just farmed medical breu since I just slaved away getting this industrial cooker but towards the very end of the day I did set out the search for Bieber dams as I have a small chance to spawn some pearls inside of them and anything will help us at this point oh and justify also ended up freezing to death at the very end of the day but he was able to respawn at our raft and simply fly back to his body the first 2third of day 39 I spent flying all over the island looting beaver dams in total I only got a whopping 92 pearls but that's another 30 electronics that I can add to the cause but that turned out to be enough as just if I had gotten the rest of the pearls that we need so when I returned back to base I crafted the last few electronics that we needed and deposited all the sthan paste that I also gathered and after a short PE break I finally crafted the chemistry bench and I placed it in a corner and it wasn't very symmetrical but it doesn't matter the medical brew and gunpowder grind is going to be much easier now and we quickly put that theory to the test and crafted some Gunpowder which we quickly turned into shotgun bullets and I also threw bat eater 3000 into a cryopod because it's time for another cave baby the last artifact that we need for the MEAP picus is the artifact of the pack so me and Justify both hit it up and headed out to the cave before the end of the day and yes we only have one PT once again since I lost mine in the underwater cave we were about halfway out towards the cave in the very early morning of day 40 when we had to take a stop for the PT to regain some stamina and the trudon decided that I needed to take a nap and he quickly put me to sleep but once I woke back up however we finished the journey to the cave and ran straight in and we ran through the first big open part of the cave where nothing spawns and threw out our berries after the point where it gets very small and our barriers were actually destroying everything in this cave we were making it through in record time that is until we got into the last room before the artifact there were a ton of creatures and I even got flung off a cliff but we managed to clutch up and kill everything but that means it's now time for me to Grapple in and steal the artifact there are usually a few diners in the tunnel with the artifact so I'm going to have to be quick honestly that went pretty well I can't really complain about anything that's probably because we were more properly prepared for this cave but who cares anyway as we were making our way out of the cave we decided to use grapples to avoid an area of creatures that we didn't kill but justif I somehow messed up and wasn't able to get up a simple Cliff with the three grappling hooks that I gave him and I only had one left but luckily I'm one of the best Arc players of all time and I was able to Grapple his body and reel him up to me anyway we left the cave and then slowly flew home because we were pretty heavy and once there we put the last artifact that we needed for the megap pagus on display and I then farmed a bunch of wood with one of AR the's for even more charcoal for more bullets now that we have all the artifacts that we need we've decided to put the full focus on our theories that being there Saddles and levels the Saddles each require over 600 metal just for one so we're going to need a lot of stuff so me and justify decided to start off day 41 with a good oldfashioned metal run after depositing the metal in our industrial Forge we split up to do separate tasks justify decided to get a head start and farming the high that we needed for the Saddles we're going to need a ridiculous amount of hide each saddle cost over 3,500 hide if I remember correctly so he spent the rest of the day running around the island KZ literally everything he could get on the back of the the but I decided I would be the one to power level our the's we don't have any rexes which is what I normally use to power level my boss dinos but killing other baby the to do just fine but before that I need to DET tame an oviraptor that'll passively collect the fertilized the eggs that I'll use the power level Aries so I spent 10 minutes flying around trying to find one but I had no luck that is until justifi said he saw one literally a stone throw away from our base so I flew back there and I then picked it up and dropped it in our base where I knocked it out and tamed it with a singular Berry on onx egg just before the end of the day I rained some the's in a circle around the OV Raptor in the morning to day 42 so it'll be able to pick up all their fertilized eggs and I decided I would hatch the the's inside our base so I would have to walk one of our fully grown boss the's into the base so I had to destroy Karen's Throne as it was in the way but now I'm pretty much ready to start the power leveling session I've got the eggs being produced and I got a nice area to do it but I'm missing one thing and longtime viewers will know what I'm talking about and of course I gave the lro the classic name of Cody but after that it was Off to the Races the lro was giving the boss the and experience buff as they were killing the babies for levels and I spent the rest of the day just doing that since I'm going to have to power level 19 of these killing machines and justifi spent the entire day farming hide again he eventually moved over to the Carno Island cuz he had killed everything in the northeastern part of the Mainland and he returned home just before the end of the day and deposited all the hide that he had gathered now it was a lot of hide don't get me wrong but it still wasn't near the amount that we would need need for the Saddles not much to say about day 43 I didn't do much besides power leveling the the's except for when I had to fly out to Carno Island just to give justify a the saddle because he brought one that didn't have one major Bob move if you ask me anyway I probably had power level just over half of the the's by the end of the day but one just IFI had actually gotten his the saddled up that I gave him he spent the entirety of the day farming hide on Cario Island if you haven't got the memo by now we need a lot of hide for these the Saddles okay day 44 was literally a copy and paste to day 43 but without me the having to go give just justify a stadle part I guess I underestimated how long it would take to power level all these the's I mean I guess I was using about 20 eggs per the since they don't give much experience as Rex's but whatever oh and justify also spent the whole day farming hide and he did come back to deposit it all at some point but he went right back out again after that to keep farming we were both doing pretty boring mundane tasks but they had to be done I don't know we probably should have upped our rates or something day 45 please be different I did finish power loving all the theories however thank God that was literally an hour and a half of pure boredom anyway they're all going to need a a little while to heal so just before the end of the day I decided to set out to the Redwoods on the back of a PT to try and farm some honey for veggie cakes but I wasn't able to find the singular beehive before the end of the day this has to be rigged but anyway you'll never guess what justifi did all day he farmed hide deposited the hide and then farmed more hide for the rest of the day the poor dude must have been going insane and he did also pull the same move back on day 43 where he threw out a theory that didn't have a saddle and he had to fly back and get one dude's really bobbing out lately I finally found some beehives to L on day 46 but I didn't find that much to be honest I only looted six for a total of 30 honey before the end of the day this was mostly because I wasn't have very much luck actually finding the beehives and that was actual hell once I did loot them I had too many near-death experiences so that's why I decided to pack it in after only six the little bees that come out and attack you are super hard to kill since they're so small and there's so many of them and they also Dismount you from your team so I was basically getting rage farmed every time I open one of these hives I'm surprised I didn't punch my monitor anyway I returned back to the base before the end of the day and I repaired all my FL black armor because it had gotten absolutely shredded by the bees I can't understand how badly I hate those things and just as I got done repairing the armor justif I had returned for another full day of farming high and there was also this random Rogue Diplo that was trying to push away all of our dinos but it was swiftly taken down by justifi who was on a theory day 47 and I was still taking action towards making veggie cakes you need four sap for one veggie cake and we had a little bit as you can get some out of drops but we're going to need a lot more so I crafted up four tree sap TAPS in our Smithy and we had also gotten in a metal tree flatform that we had just L around from a drop so after getting all the structures I flew out towards the Redwoods on a PT and I first placed down the platform and then the four sap Taps on the first big redwood tree I saw these things should produce us all the sap that we need for the rest of this 100 days but I can always make more Taps if we need it after that I returned back to base and we unjustified decided to do another metal run once again we're going to need a ton of metal for these Mastercraft Theory Saddles and it's going to take a while for this metal to smelt so best to do it now anyway I mounted the RG while justifi was on the anky and we set back out towards the metal mountain and depleted it of all its natural resour sources once again and later on back to base I finally decided to join justify and the grind for farming huge amounts of Hive I had decided to farm hide in the snow so I could have try and look for a good meum at the same time and I did craft myself some fur before headed down to the snow with a theory and a cryopod and I spent the rest of the day farming hide and this is pretty weird but I think justifi decided to try and farm hide in the artifact of the hunter C because he flew all the way out to the cave and just before the end of the day had a theory with him I don't know maybe I was trying some new way to mass Farm hide we need any help we can get right now hide hide hide hide hide hide all I know is hide and all hide knows is me am I hide is hide me what is the meaning of hide I spent literally the whole day farming hide in the snow and for all my efforts I only farmed one saddle worth a hide this has to be some kind of joke this actually really sucks I can't lie I really hope Justified to something more interesting today or I might as well title this video hide farming Sim later so in the morning justify was in the hunter cave as I said late on day 47 and from watching some of his footage I think he was trying to farm tributes as well as hide as he killed a few Saros and Titan AAS for their tributes and he just kind of flew around for the rest of the day I'm pretty sure he was scouting the rivers for a spino tame but he didn't find anything and we decided to do a dino white before the end of the day to hopefully fix some spawns that were broken and maybe actually spawn us in a good megatherium or spino but that's probably too much to ask for knowing Arc we're both back at base on the morning of day 49 and as you've probably seen we both been grinding for some time and that probably gets pretty boring to watch and it sure is getting pretty boring to play so me and justifi decided to load up once again and Venture into another cave we only need one more artifact for The Brood mother boss fight and that's in the lava cave so after both of us did a little bit of preparing we loaded up and justifi picked me up on his PT and we began flying out towards the cave but we made two pit stops along the journey on the banks of a river and we took down two spinos for their Sals and there were also bad levels so hopefully this will allow some better levels to spawn but after that little distraction we finally made it out out towards the cave and we ran straight in and deployed our berries and the actual Journey inside the cave wasn't too bad our bionics was once again obliterating literally everything in the cave just like the time we went into the pack cave and I also got this crazy ascended anky saddle from a cave drop and I snagged the artifact after that and we made our grand escape and we made it back outside a few minutes before the end of the day so we decided to start on the flight back home but I weirdly got teleported back after like 30 seconds of justifi flying with me in his PT Talons so he ended up just coming back and we just camped out right outside the cave for the rest of the day since we were about to take the Ser down for the night day 50 we were back and ready for action well I mean just if I was I decided to give him my stuff and hit the respawn button to fast travel back home there was no need for me to actually fly home with him this is another benefit of playing with a friend anyway I was back at base and I had to wait for my items to be delivered back to me since justif I was flying halfway across the map but I got impatient and decided to take an RG out to the Redwoods where I set up those tree sap Taps a few days ago and to my actual shock they only produced two sap each in the time that I had set them up maybe I'll have to make some more Taps after all so I flew back home with enough sap to make a whopping two veggie cakes which I crafted immediately and put into the fridge so they wouldn't spoil and just if I had returned by this time and I got all my items back but he did steal my food without knowing so I had to cook up some more in the industrial Grill but it wasn't a problem and now that our little cave Adventure is over it's time to get back on the hide grind to craft these Saddles but the good thing about us crafting these Saddles now is that we can reuse them for the dragon fight that is as long as we don't fail the MEAP picus fight but we really shouldn't anyway justify was already back at it farming more hide on Carno Island when he spotted an Alp rex that we need to kill for its tooth so we can do the alpha overseer so he called me over and I brought a theory as well and we performed a special optim Mission and absolutely obliterated the Rex okay maybe obliterated is a bit of an exaggeration it actually took us a decent amount of time to kill because our the really weren't doing that much damage it's pretty clear now that our damage stat on these stas wasn't good at all and we'd probably have to breed for mutations to get a better stat for the dragon fight I flew back over to the mainland on day 51 to continue farming hide as well and that was pretty much the story of the whole day matter of fact it was the story of both of our days I followed the northeastern River down and took a turn farming hide along the northern redwoods River and justify continued to farm hide on Carno Island for a little while longer before moving over towards the mainland before the end of the day and I did also loot our tree sap Taps before heading back to base as well and they were producing much more sap now so I guess I just had to get going and I actually put that sap to use because I took all the honey and I also got a bunch more veggie cakes and we've never had a problem with crops since Justified set them up so early in the playthrough day 52 and I realized that we need a 10 Megalania toxin for the megap picus TR and I really hate farming the toxin but I have to do it I mean I probably could have asked Justified to do it but he spent the entirety of the day first farming thy claws that we need it and then spino Sals and then hide the poor dude was definitely going insane anyway I decided I would first look for a Megalania in the Caro cave I only need to find one since I'm just going to Tran it out over and over again since they wake up with more toxin but as soon as I was flying over to the Carno Island there was a red drop patiently waiting for me and it had a ram shackle pump shotgun in it it wasn't very good but it was better than primitive and you guys already know that I love these things anyway I continued into the cave cave and threw up my theory to escort me down where the Megalania have a chance to spawn and Theory made light work of all the cave creatures and I even opened up a cave drop and all I had was a dire bear and hyena saddle but when I finally arrived at the bottom there are no Megalania to be seen so that was a big disappointment and a waste of time anyway I put the the back into a cryopod and grappled out of the cave I returned back to base and deposited all the items and then crafted four storage boxes and placed them next to the Smithy with all the the saddle blueprint resources we were finally nearing the amount of pie that we needed to craft all 19 saddles for the one resource we had basically none of was wood and we need about 1,500 per saddle if I remember correctly so we needed a lot of extra storage for these Saddles but after getting all the boxes set up I spent the rest of the day farming wood by hand since I had a really good ascended Hatchet day 53 was pretty slow again I have to admit I spent the first half of the day farming wood we needed a lot as you can tell but something amazing happened today as well justify finally finished farming all the hide that we needed for the Saddles and returned back to base so after I farmed some Fiber quickly with atheria we spent the rest of the day actually crafting the Saddles it took so long because we can only fit about two Saddles worth of materials and the Smithy or RG at a time so we had to keep transferring resources to be able to craft them and Justified also eat a m wipe tonic as we had gotten some from a drop and that allowed him to put all of his points in the crafting skills so our Saddles had between 70 to 90 armor each they were pretty good I'm not going to lie but the grind for them was still insufferable the grind and crafting of the sads carried over into day 54 with quite a big margin it was very slow transferring all the resources that we needed and we actually ran out of quite a few resources a few times not hide though thankfully I'd be happy if I'd never have to farm hide again in my life anyway we ran out of whip twice which I had to go farm by hand and we also ran out of fiber but that was super easy cuz I could just do it with a theion farm hundreds in seconds but we even ran out of metal luckily we had these elevator platforms just lying around when we randomly get them from drops and they actually give a ton of metal and hard polymer when you demolish them so I highly recommend keeping them if you ever get them out of drops but we had so many and they gave so much metal that it was worth the investment anyway we finally had 19 Saddles about 20 minutes into day 54 and I didn't do too much much after that as I was still reeling from the grind but justifi took off before the end of the day towards the swamp to form more Sarco skins as we needed them for the MEAP picus fight I took off on day 55 however on an RG out towards the pack cave we still needed Megalania toxins so I decided to try and look for one in the pack cave but just a tip for you guys uh Megalania don't actually spawn in the pack cave I have no idea what I was thinking at the time and I also grabbed the sap from the Taps on the way out there and they each had produced another 20 saps so they weren't doing bad at all anyway it took me about 5 minutes of being in the pack Cape they realized that Megalania don't spawn there I think that's pretty stupid though I can't lie this looks like Prime Megalania spawning real estate but once I returned back to base however I picked up the storage boxes that we used to craft the the Saddles as they were blocking the industrial cooker but I didn't do too much besides that justify was going to town however he farmed some spinal Sals that we needed and also got this amazing for Gauntlet blueprint out of a yellow drop we'll probably either need that for when we're fighting the megapithecus or doing the ice cave simply because they're so cold there we still need Megalania toxins so after sitting at Bas for about 5 minutes contemplating my whole existence I set back out towards the Carno cave to check for another Megalania and I descended into the cave just like last time but once again nothing so I had to fly back to base empty-handed now that might sound like a bad thing but there was a purple drop of Base that I would not have been able to loot if I had found a Megalania and it just so happened to have a journeyman megatherium saddle inside it's not a blueprint but it eased the pain of not finding a Megalania now maybe if we could actually find a good meum to tame I'd be able to put this saddle on or something at this point the only place where we haven't looked for megal Lenas where they actually spawn is the swamp cave and we do need to retrieve the artifact of the mune from in there at some point so it might as well be now so I started crafting me and justify some scuba so we'd be able to breathe in the cave but while I was doing this justify decided to check the lava cave One Last Time by the way I found a me actually in this in the lava cave yeah okay I'll just sit here and wait on you yeah so justif I had found a Megalania luckily we'll still have to go into the swamp cave at some point but we can just save the scuba for later anyway I decided to bring the good long neck rifle I got some time ago to tr the Megalania rout it was a low level luckily so it wouldn't have to lose that much torpor each time but that also means it doesn't have a lot of health so that's why I decided to go the Tren dark route rather than arrows and I set out towards the cave on an RG before the end of the day and justify was just chilling in the cave since he didn't want to risk the chance of it despawning I finally made it out to the cave on day 57 and I once again used my bionics to Traverse inside of it but once I actually saw where the Megalania was I got kind of nervous when you shoot Megalania they kind of just drop from wherever they are so I really don't want that thing to drop straight into lava because we spent way too long actually looking for one of these things so I returned to the surface and farmed a bunch of th structures in hopes that I would be able to build a platform below it I returned back down into the cave a few minutes later and constructed the platform and luckily it all went to plan and the platform worked nice and the rest of the day went about how you'd expect me and Justify both decided to relax inside the cave and R knock out the Megalania whenever it woke up and we got all 10 toxin that we needed by the end of the day and the poor Megalania had been through a lot so I decided to let it lit just kidding I killed it before we left and justify had the Uber m home as he was carrying me with a PT day 58 and we now have all the tributes and artifacts that we need to start the alpha MEAP picus boss fight and we also did stop to kill some allows on the way back to base for their brins but it's not that important anyway I then saded up all of our boss the's with the good Saddles and they were all mostly healed but there were a few who were still missing a few thousand HP but I'm pretty sure I just gave them some of the veggie cakes and as I was doing that a blue drop started to come down right next to our base and since we're playing on a server we can start all the boss fights at supply drops so justify moved AR Theus to surround the drop while I got the tributes and made the last few preparations for the boss fight but after that it's time to kill this Alpha monkey I was on the Udi and justif I was on one of our strongest thies we should mop the floor with this giant eight all right we have 20 minutes honestly he not are not but on the bright try to I don't know oh I died yeah so that definitely didn't go how I wanted it to I got cornered by the monkey and I wasn't able to move but as long as justify want to fight and gets his head we should be [Music] fine [Music] luckily justify managed to clutch up and win the fight and we lost three thees along with the Yi but he did manage to get my stuff back which was nice but this also proves that we really do need to upgrade our melee stat on our the's and justify mounted the trophy we got just before the end of the day this is what happens when you kill me in Ark we put your head on a trophy wall mount now that we have finally completed one of the bosses we can take our Focus off the boss grind and do some other stuff and that started with me and justifi finally hatching some PTs in the morning of day 59 and there's only one that was worth keeping which I imprinted and I named it junkrat and I then spent the rest of the day kind of just sitting with junkrat I really wanted to get an imprinted stats on a bird but our imprinting settings were wrong and I actually wasn't able to get an imprint on junkrat before it finished raising but I did power level the bird by killing a ton of the's and the level payout was crazy in itself and just asy I spent the whole day searching for a good Mega ethereum but I think you all know by now he didn't find one I'm not really trying to be a down here but this is probably my worst run on the island ever we've been having terrible luck and the grind has been super slow maybe if you guys show this video some support me and justifi will give this another shot on another map comment down below if you want to see that day 60 and we're back at it me and justifi decided to dedicate ourselves to find a good meum because we really can't go much longer without one we only have 40 days left to raise an army defeat two bosses and then the alpha overseer so we both spent the day scouting the snow on our pts and I was making sure to kill every bad level with my shotgun I told you we were really dedicated to getting one of these guys but history was look seem to be repeating itself that is until just over halfway into the day oh my God I just found a 140 oh thank you this is basically what me and justify have been praying for for like the past 40 days or something anyway I decided to stay with the mega theum and make sure was safe while justify returned to base to get all that we needed to tame it and I eventually saw justifi flying back over the horizon towards me and he pretty much had everything that we needed to tame it so I first constructed the Trap and we got the 140 into the Trap pretty easily but it also had a friend that was a male who we also tried to get into the same trap but he was being difficult so we decided to just focus on the level 140 First and I knocked it out just about a minute before the end of the day and I had seen an Ovis earlier in the day when I was originally scouting for a good meum so I began flying back over towards where I saw it while justify stayed with the 140 and attempted to get the level 85 back into the Trap the ois seemed to have been lost to time itself I couldn't find it anywhere I mean it probably just died since literally everything likes to eat them but I was so sad and I was just about to turn around and fly back to the tame site when I saw something poking out of the ground it almost looked like a rock oh there's a dead sheep right here so I harvested a ton of mud and returned back to the level 140 to start taming it and it didn't take too much longer for the MEAP ferium to finish to tame and it actually came out with pretty decent stats anyway it's now time to tame this level 85 or at least try to we for some reason weren't able to get into the Trap so I just started shooting it with trinks while I was running around like a chicken with its head cut off and we did eventually knock it out and it came super quick with the leftover mutton because it wasn't a great level now obviously it's not very good but we're just going to Simply use it to breed it out the good stats of the other anyway I was about to head back to base until justify said he had spotted a level 135 Yi nearby and we did need a new one as ours had mysteriously died but you want to see something crazy watch this clip you need to eat there's a level 135 female Mega 3 right there are we serious right now all right we're timing that we're timing that first yeah the game was definitely gatekeeping the high levels from us earlier on this has to be one of the biggest and fattest middle fingers of all time anyway we now have to tame that and the Yi because they could have better stats for some reason we were also struggling to get this giant sloth into the Trap so we decided to employ the same tactic that we used last time where I just light it up with arrows while it runs around but we eventually cornered it and it started a torle run and got knocked out but oddly enough the yudi that we wanted to team had somehow ditched his Caro minions and made its way over right next to our team luckily they don't attack means and justify ended up getting this attention while I set up a new trap and we didn't have too much trouble getting a the trap now we've been doing a lot of taming but what's one more somehow justifi had found a high level Aon so we might as well tame it as well so I set up another small trap and he dropped it in with the RG and went to sleep pretty easily but it's going to take a lot of me to actually tame this so I spent the rest of the day searching the snow for another sheep as the mountain had spoiled by now but I really wasn't having any luck so justif I was farming Prime me in case I didn't find a sheep as I said I wasn't able to find an nois so we just decided to feed the data on a combination of prime and normal raw meat and I also decided to return back to base for a little bit to CB some more shotgun bullets and then I returned to the tame site and I named the Udi UDA yellis it has no Medan and I pulled it straight out of my and the dayon eventually tained as well also don't worry about the level 135 me theum we tained because it came out with pretty bad stats anyway me and Justify both returned back to base with all of our new team it's actually kind of crazy how many high levels we found in that time Arc definitely was trying to apologize for actually screwing us over in the first 60 days of this playthrough anyway after crafting those the Saddles like 5 days ago we've pretty much been out of metal ever since and now that we're back at base actually doing stuff we kind of need metal for literally everything so me and justify wrapped up day 63 with a metal run day 64 was pretty slow but honestly that's not necessarily a bad thing because we've had a lot of action over the past few days and I first threed some drops off the back of my PT and I got another elevator platform so I returned to the base to demolish it for resources it still actually blows my mind how much metal and polymer these things actually give you anyway after that I spent the rest of the day in the swamp farming Saros skins as we need those to summon the alpha brood mother and justifi spent the day starting on our Mega theum line as well as organizing some of the theories as I said earlier our theories don't have the best melee we need a better melee stat that even have a chance of fighting the dragon so that's why me and justify set up this little structure outside our base so we can start breeding it for mutations and that's pretty much all we did on day 65 besides breed the megatheriums as well we really do need those mutations I decided that I would take the responsibility of raising up the meum orbe since justif I had done the the so anyway I spent about the first 2/3 of the day actually raising some megatheriums we didn't have a breeding pair with the guaranteed stats just yet but I was able to get four or five with the good stats and one of them was a male so I would just have to wait to have a breeding pair with the guaranteed stats but on the other hand justify was hard at work working to try and get some mutations on AR the and he only got a health mutation by the time he stopped though and the reason he stopped was cuz we had decided to get a head start on getting the artifacts that we need for the Alpha dragon and we decided to get the artifact of the skylord first and it was in the easiest cave out of the four we needed to get it's in the small cave in the snow and after crafting some shotgun bullets we were off this time I was the one carrying justify on my PT he somehow lost his bird again but I don't know if I have much room to talk because I've actually lost some birds recently I think this run might just be cursed to be honest he's still alive dude he's been here for like 50 days is did you T him yeah we made it to the entrance of the cave by the morning of day 67 and this cave isn't hard at all all you need is a shotgun and maybe a few grapples and we have two shotguns and quite a few grapples so we should be chilling we made our way into the cave and were immediately greeted by a yellow drop and it had a good pickaxe which I took and a Mastercraft Harpoon Gun which will soon become justify's favorite weapon of choice and then we then continue deeper into the cave to get what we actually came here for the artifact and we only had to blast a few spiders before I could see the artifact the problem was that there were some bats that were pring a pretty big threat to us you see if you fall into those spikes you die instantly so I decided to be grappled against the wall and try and get the artifact as quickly as possible hit H and after justifi helped me take both of those bats down we left the cave with our prize that was definitely the easiest artifact we've gotten so far and we looted a red Dr on the way back to base but there wasn't anything noteworthy in it and once we returned back to base I spent the rest of the day working with the megatheriums I was raising them and leveling the fully grown ones by killing baby the's that didn't hatch with any mutations it was pretty efficient if I'm being honest and justify was um yeah I told you he really likes that Harpoon launcher but after he spent way too long putting that poor Diplo down he set out to look for a basso detain we need to retrieve the artifact of the cunning from the hard underwater cave and get some tributes from the underwater like tuo tentacles and a baselo just seems like the obvious choice since they have a ton of health and put out some decent damage okay so day 68 through day 73 literally all I did was raise and level our me ethereums so for these days I'm going to fully switch over to justifi POV since he's the only one that really actually did anything I still remember having to raise and level those guys for like 3 hours straight and it was horrible but this is some of what justify went through when he was Raising AR the boss Army so now it's my turn but after this tin I would have all of our megatheriums raised and levels that we would need for The Brood mother boss and if you're wondering about the meum stats they would have around 35,000 health and between 450 to 500 melee so they were definitely good so we actually decided to not even try and look for a saddle blueprint for these guys since they were so good anyway on the justifi POV as I said on the end of day 67 justify was searching for a Bassie as we really do need one but with our luck of finding high levels on This Server he wasn't finding any and he was also searching on his bionics which is pretty inefficient given how slow it actually is and they also get attacked by everything in the ocean so he would have to stop searching and fight for his life multi multiple times but this did pay off one time because he did kill an alpha Megalodon and that's good news because we needs one Finn for the alpha overseer fight but towards the end of the day he gave up and began flying back to base and I really can't knock him for this because there's no way you'd catch me scouting the oceans for a good Bassie on the back of a bar Onyx justifi was back at base by the morning of day 69 and I guess that torture of being in the ocean all of day 68 was making him want to stay on dry land which is respectable so he spent the whole day working with the the to try and get some more melee mutations and by the end of the day we still only had two m melee mutations on our theories but that's still an extra 20% added to the melee and the babies were now hatching with 337 melee which is a lot better than what we originally first tamed a the at but we still have a little bit of ways to go justify spent the first half of Day 70 working with the the's again but about Midway through he returned to the ocean to continue looking for a good Bassie and he didn't find any good bassis once again but they were a ton of low levels so he ended up killing all those to hopefully make room for a decent Bassie to spawn and to get the blubber as we do need it for a tribute for the dragon fight and he actually killed so many that he got all 10 blubber that we needed by the end of the day day 71 and once again nothing and once again justify returned back to base to breed the Theus for a little bit longer to see if he could get any more mutations but I don't think he got any so he once again returned back to the ocean before the end of the day and he for some reason was only scouting the northern part of the map each time I did eventually tell him that bass spawn all over the map except for the east side of it which can be seen on the spawn map here but I guess he didn't need that advice because he found a level 130 in the northern part of the map near the icebergs if you've ever tamed a basian Arc before you would know that it's probably pretty annoying to actually tame one of these things not that it's hard or anything but the first time you feed them they take half a century to want the next feed I mean after that it's smooth sailing cuz you can just feed them every 30 seconds or something like that but the time between the first feed and the second feed is insane seriously I want to meet the developer responsible for this anyway the Bassie did finally want the second feed just before the end of the day so The Taming effect on this started shooting up but it all came crashing down on day 73 because a Megalodon came out of nowhere and big justifies Barry Onyx and the baselo at the same time to reset the taming Effectiveness so that meant after killing the shark justify had to go through the whole process again he had to feed it wait half a century for it to want more food again and then keep feeding it but he did finally manage to tame it almost 25 minutes in the day 73 this passive taming mechanic is honestly pretty broken if you ask me and justify only had one cryopod so he put the baselo into the cryopod and flew home with the Barry Onyx following him in the water it's actually kind of crazy how we're three4 of the way through this Challenge and we're still Bobby now but hey at least he got the baselo and this was also the last day that I spent raising megatheriums I never want to do this again it was actually really horrible as you can imagine I'm finally back doing stuff on day 74 thank God that was actual torture having to spend 3 hours raising and leveling those megatheriums and with my new freedom of not having to breede those megatheriums the first thing I did was make medical bruise riveting I know anyway we're actually planning to do the swamp cave finally the me ethereums were going to need a little while to heal so we might as well be productive anyway we grabbed the scuba that I made a while ago and set out just to immediately turn back around because justifi actually forgotten to grab a me ethereum that we were going to bring into the cave anyway once we were actually ready we set back out for the swamp cave anyway I didn't bring any armor and I'm pretty sure justifi didn't either because we'd be wearing scuba the whole time that we were in the cave and it would only weigh us down but once we eventually made it out to the cave uh I got jumped oh are we serious I can't hit it bro dude I'm actually going to die oh my God yeah I can't lie that was probably the most embarrassing death so far I literally couldn't hit a shot to save my life literally anyway justify came in clutch and crafted up a bed for me to respawn at and anyway it's now time to make our way through this cave and get the artifact of the immune it's so funny how slow they walk at the flippers in this game day 75 began with the flight home from the swamp cave we had successfully gotten the artifact of the mume and I also got this crazy ass s that sword blueprint I saw a video somewhere that you can hug the dragon's foot and simply melee it to death with a sword and it can't hit you and I'm not going to lie I wanted to try it but just if I had to be a loser and say no there's probably about a 90% chance that it would not have worked but it been really funny if it did anyway we made it back to base and placed our new artifact on display and we both also had contracted swamp fever but we had antidotes at base so we immediately cured ourselves and after that I crafted all the Primitive megatherium Saddles that we needed for our army and we had all the resources that I needed at base because primitive Saddles are so cheap our Mastercraft there Zeno saddle blueprint can't relate and I killed a Bronto for meat to feed our day down before the end of the day the dude had over 50,000 food so he needed a lot of meat to get that food stack going up also I genuinely have zero clue what justifi did today he kind of just ran around and then flew around on the RG for a little bit I don't know maybe he actually knew what he was doing in his video but this is my video but do make sure to go check out his video to see more in depth into his point of view day 76 started a little later for me than it did for justify I'm pretty sure my game was updating and it would only take a few minutes so it didn't make any sense to take the the server down and wait for the update to finish and all justifi did during that time and the whole day really was work with a the's to get some more mutations and feed our data on the prime meat from the baby's dead bodies as it gives more food than normal meat anyway once I finally got back in I flew back out to the caral cave because there was a red drop and it gave me a ton of metal structures which is just what I wanted and after that I returned back to base and repaired all of my gear because I was about to go back out doing something that I absolutely hate but I made sure to get the sap out of the trep Taps on the way if you can't tell what I'm going out to do I'm going out to give more honey for veggie cakes I said earlier on in the video how I really hate doing this but it wasn't that bad this time actually I got really good at being able to loot The Hive then get on my RG and fly away before the beads could sting me and Dismount me and I still think I only looted about seven hives before hitting the Taps once again and heading back to base I'm either blind or they just that weren many hives in the Redwoods and once I got back to base I realized that we were almost out of stimulant which is what I need for veggie cakes so I farmed a bunch of stimberries with K wasowski and made a ton more stimulants in the chemistry bench and I crafted more veggie cakes with before the end of the day and justify had a pretty decent day as well he had returned back to the ocean and found the T the level 115 baso so now we had two basos and we should be able to actually stroll into the hard underwater cave and take the artifact of the cunning which is rightfully ours I repaired my flak armor once again on day 78 because that had taken some damage when I was getting the honey and it wasn't too much but it's nice to see that durability bar at full and after that I kind of just sat around base for a little bit and checked up on justify to see what he was doing he was still working on getting more thery mutations and later on we decided it was time to venture into hard underwater cave we both had basso so we grabbed our scuba and headed out towards the cave but the baselo justify had just tamed needed some more levels so we spent the rest of the day killing a ton of stuff in the ocean around the cave and we even took out an alpha megadon which you already know gave me some nice levels all right day 79 and my baselo now has some decent levels under its belt and we both felt confident so we swam into the cave these basos are way stronger than the bionics that we took into the easy underwater cave so we had no worries how naive we were basically as soon as we swam into the cave we got swarmed holy yo I'm getting boxed something just hit for 400 yes I'm hard no dude why is there so much stuff in here oh my God this is insane oh I made it out I somehow managed to escape the giant swarm or dinos and I swam my hardest towards the entrance and and I thought I was going to make it until I looked back and saw the whole swarm swimming towards me with death in their eyes and I did end up dying but I made it close enough to the entrance where I thought I'd be able to get my stuff back I can't lose all of my gear in the underwater cave again so I respawned back at base and grabbed more scuba in the foco chili to make me swim faster and I then flew back down to the cave with junkrat and was determined to get my stuff but um yeah oh God I think it's one second one sec I'm gaming hard right now bro no way I clutch no way I clutch oh I'm literally him the eels are right on my butt yep I clutched up I did get my stuff back but we didn't even get near getting the artifact so we're definitely going to have to rethink our strategy so I returned back to Bas and we both kind of just sat there towards the end of the day to be fair it was the end of a recording session and we were both tired and hungry and we also did just get destroyed and in a cave so cut us a break we logged in on day 80 and the server had actually glitched out and kept running after resetting the server back to day 80 we realized that there were a ton of fully grown unclaimed theories just chilling in our mutation breeding area so we had to take them down with lisal Force as they tried to fight back as they were fully grown and after we executed all those stoies who definitely shouldn't have existed we decided to go out and tame some Dolphins so we can scout the oceans faster we still need two St tentacles and the artifact of the cunning so we need water mounts anyway I me to tame a level 130 by the end of the day but I'm more importantly spotted an alpha lead that we needed to kill for its blubber so I started leading it over towards shallower water towards the end of the day while justify was bringing over our berries so we could double team it and kill it quickly I led the lead to shower Waters and then swam over to the Carno Island to get some food for my itchy and justify me on the island as well and gave me my bionx and I then threw my itchy into a cryopod and we dove into the water to take down the alpha whale and we spotted a level 95 itchy on the swim over as well so I started taming that justifi hadn't found any good on so this will be his anyway we finally slam over to the Alpha le and started attacking it and it actually died insanely fast that was probably the freest Alpha tribute of my life and I then finished itchy tame and threw it into a cryopod along with my berry and we both flew back to base we still only have four cryopods that justify crafted a long time ago so I took it upon myself to get the resources from our base and fly over to a purple drop and craft five more cryopods and our megatheriums only need maybe another day or two and they'll be fully healed so we just have to kill a little bit more time me and Justify both decided to scout the ocean on day 82 to look for new bassies and we both started at the northeastern part of the map and he went West and I went South and it only took me a few minutes swimming to find a level 145 oh 145 Bassie and I then swam up to the surface and farm St FR me to actually tame the Bassie but as soon as I swam back down to begin to look for it I actually spotted another Bassie and it was level 100 it's obviously not great but it should be good enough so I got the work came in the 145 first justify was quickly swimming towards me from the other way around the map but he mentioned to me that there was an alpha Moses so we're not too far from the basso tame site so I threw out my bionics and slow slowly swam down there my berry had actually glitched at this time and it was swimming super slow and we then spent the next few minutes slowly eating away at the alpha Mosasaur Health until it died luckily it was a low level or we definitely wouldn't have been able to kill it and justify also made sure to light it up with spear Bolts from his Harpoon and also gave us a bunch more prime meat that would need for me to attain the level 145 and for justify to attain the level 100 the majority of day 83 was spent finishing up the Bassel tames and flying home and we didn't do too much after that because our Mega theum were basically at full health but I did make one trip out to the stre SA before the end of the day to get the sap we have a ton of gunpowder and you already know that that's going to be turned straight into shotgun bullets I love these boomsticks after that however I crafted four more tree sap taps our current Taps were producing a decent amount of sap but four would definitely be more efficient we plan to have a lot of Veggie cakes for all of our thies for the dragon fight so more sap is always nice so I flew out to the Redwoods and put the Taps on the tree next to ours with the platform and after that I returned back to base and once there I give the last few of our megatheriums who needed some health veggie cakes and now we're pretty much ready to summon and Fight The Brood mother I just hope it goes well I mean it showed with how good our Mega 3um actually are and the blue drop was coming down right next to our base once again so justifi started moving the meum so surrounded by the end of the day while I was getting the artifacts and tributes that we needed from our base day 85 and today is the day we fight The Brood mother but first let me explain to you the plan for this fight that's right we have a plan the mega theum often get stuck on each other and aren't able to hit it if there's too many of them in an area so to counteract this justify is going to lead half of the mega 3um are on the back of the brood mother while I use the other half to charge head on so hopefully with this foolproof plan we should be able to take down the brood mother but only time will tell nice she hit hard some of them aren't getting hit hit yeah the me theum on this game have like some issues BR D she hits really hard I need them to get bug buff we're like not doing a lot of damage so why are they your your mega theum are throwing bro they are dude I'm whistling to attack over here and they're still like no dude I don't think we're beating this is he oh okay I'm healing they're just not hitting the brood mother like they're literally just standing there that's why like do you see how many of them are just standing there there's nothing I can do about it though I know I'm whistling attack as well they're just get him bro come bro I need you to buff me so I can one shot this dude oh no dude yeah that didn't go to plan at all the megatheriums justify was leading around the back kept getting distracted and fighting the little spiders and on top of that some of the megatheriums just weren't attacking they were just standing there taking Hits From The Brood mother but doing nothing about it we literally had the Bro mother cover from around 300° and I guess there was still too many of them in one area so we took a fat L on that and that was literally all of our megatheriums so we definitely don't have time to do that all again in the 15 days that we have left so as sad as it seems it's looking like it's going to be another L on the island but we still have time to maybe take down the dragon hopefully we can do that at least because these last few months of not beating the alpha Overseer in the island have been starting to come demoralizing okay so it's a day before posting and day 86 through day 89 corrupted I'm really annoyed by this but there isn't anything we can do so a quick summary is that we tried to get into the hard underwater cave multiple more times and we kept failing but if you're interested in the little details I'll put the script on screen right now and you could read through it I mean I know none of you will probably read it but let me know if you do in the comments I'm trying to cope with four whole days corrupting right now so uh day 90 the server actually rolled back after we shut it down to where me and justifier were swimming into the cave so we turned around and kept our lives and we flew home since we knew that plan wasn't going to work now I'm going to start moving fast here since we've been at this for a little while and even editing this is giving me flashbacks we spent the majority of day 90 gearing up again more scuba medical Bru the essentials and the rest of the day was spent taming more Dolphins since we just have to outsmart the down his once and then we get the artifact and we're out justifi finished up taming a few more dolphins for the first part of day 91 and I kind of just sat around since I've already tamed two dolphins and then we swam back into the cave and I died but that's not the end not again justify well justify and manag to clutch up he did it he actually did it I have no idea how but he managed to Juke out all the creatures in the cave multiple times and get out with the artifact and not to mention that his DOL one was basically on life support day '92 and sadly we don't have time to sit around and celebrate we still have to get one more artifact which is an arguably harder cave to move through the ice cave we decided that we would use grapples to move through the cave and each have a theory in a cryopod to fight only when we needed to so the entirety of day 92 has been preparing for the cave we crafted around 180 grapples for both of us to use and we also made different pieces of fur to keep warm inside the cave and of course tons of medical Roots I was also carrying a strap just in case I have to get anything's attention and Lead it out of the way there is no way this fabricated pistol will actually be able to kill anything in this cave day 93 and we're pretty much ready to go to the cave so we flew over and started making our way just kidding justify already died but he flew right back over and we got back to it but it wasn't that easy we had to be super cautious of getting in and out of the cave so commence operation ice cave oh oh I saw did you see that yeah dude he just launched P oh dude I hit you with the gravel coming okay here he comes oh my God the whole Congo oh oh I got stunned you found him oh he's targeting me I got P oh no oh my God all right now that we have all four artifacts that we need we need to gather the rest of the tributes that we need for the dragon fight the big ones being twoo tentacles and Giga Hearts so we decided to divide and con ER I searched the oceans for the whole day by Justified searched for a giga and he actually found a giga on the side of a metal Mountain after not too long of looking so we both returned back to base before the end of the day to get what we needed to kill it and justify was working on getting the metal Gat to trap it while I was farming hundreds of arrows I'm going to kill the Giga with the ascending crossbow that I have since it does so much damage and I basically have infinite ammo as all it needs to Stone arrows so I spent the rest of the day grinding out those arrows day 97 it's time to kill a giga boys and it went a little like this yes let's go oh my God it took a lot of hard work and dedication but we were able to take down the Giga also junk R died because we left it on a mountain and accidentally left him on passive it was my fault he died but we got the Giga heart that we needed and after that justify dropped me back off the ocean to continue looking for a tuo to kill found a level 202o on day 98 so I swam behind a rock to throw out the theory so I can quickly kill it then put the theory back into a Cod before it drowned but I then pulled this EP big move it's right there no I just cry sicked it I'm a rock oh no no yeah that was a major Bob move anyway I respawned the base got another theory and then returned to the ocean and I killed the tuso and got my stuff back and I spent the rest of the day searching for another tuo and I killed a level 55 just before the end of the day so we now have all the tentacles that we need and justify spent the day getting some other tributes that we needed and he's also started leveling our boss Aries for the dragons that he raised day 99 I'm just going to skip through quickly cuz I know what you all want to see we just spent the day leveling our theories and spawning in tributes yep you heard me right we admit defeat we failed the challenge but we still want to see how we would fare against the dragon with all the stuff that we have right now we didn't spawn anything else besides tributes but we did lose the challenge and we just want to see how we do and with that being said let's see if we can reclaim one last bit of Pride that me and justif I have there's a Barry in here what what no that's my bad dude I screwed up bad some of these the don't have Saddles what yeah get him Karen oh no no no that is not what's supposed to happen it hit me though it hit me though I think it hit a lot of them but the bar just died in one hit dude oh no way I thre we're good we're good we're actually done I'm heing oh I a done oh okay so this video didn't go to plan at all the odds were sacked against us from the start but we gave it our best shot and we had fun but maybe with me being unable to beat the alpha overseer on the island three times in a row now it might be a sign so I think this is the perfect time to see how I Faire in other games once again thank you to War Thunder for sponsoring this video and download War Thunder day for PC Playstation or Xbox and now as you watch me and justify blow up our base make sure to check out justify's video to see more of what he did a
Channel: Granty
Views: 547,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ark, 100days, duo, survival, minecraft, arksurvivalascended
Id: qeiuokG0kdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 36sec (7176 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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