I Made a TINY KILLER CUBE in Minecraft!

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today's redstone video is going to be really really difficult because I want to try my best to create what I like is called the battle cube now this is the most powerful pvp defender station I can create within a seven by seven by seven area ah even saying that it just it sounds really tough and it hasn't exactly gone after the best of starts because I wanted to create some form of entrance that requires an item to allow to open but redstone white I mean it's taken up just taken up a fair amount of the real estate here we don't actually have much space to move around anymore oh and of course I should mention that it also doesn't work at this point in time which is that's an added bonus thankfully I think I might have got it working so if we if we just leave all of that in place as you can see that is the entrance mechanism and if we throw a piece of yellow wool onto this piece of soul sand here that should open up our trap door so now we can get inside we can retrieve our piece of yellow wool and that will close up the trap door so no one else can actually get in doesn't leave me much room to move around but we'll ignore that for the time being because if I hit this button right here yeah that should have launched us out and it does so with that now slightly re-wired so that I can actually move around I'd say that's all done so I've moved on to the next circuit which is going to be our lava dispensers over the top right here now I need to think of some glamorous way to do this that doesn't take up much space this is really tough but actually in a sort of counterintuitive move if I compact this thing down and actually shrink it to five by five then I can make the Redstone a lot simpler because I can just put observers in between these dispensers here so those two observers power all three of these dispensers and they can be activated using these Pistons because that piston extending updates this observer which powers this block and then this block appearing here also updates this observer which also powers this block Oh how's that happened I guess back to the drawing board then but it was a very small drawing board because it was a very simple fix and now in theory it should be working well that's that's missing his lava so that's that's that problem so to start off with why is this one not worked that should have worked and it does the wave was wouldn't it work just a couple seconds ago oh that's bizarre and as with all bizarre things in Minecraft I imagine this probably has something to do with butts and it looks like that is probably the case nice that is a really cool pattern ah that is awesome any wait let's keep the ball rolling on this one I think next up we need to have some form of offensive weapon so I mean what does one do here I mean we could have them lined up like that so you have them going across like this and then we have some way to power these bottom dispensers but I also kind of want to have something in the corners but I have no idea what to do there this seems like it would be the way to go I mean okay so it all fits in so we could we would have one this way one this way and one this way and we could do it but how do we toggle it we don't just want them on all the time that's the thing this seems like the correct answer but it's gonna cause a bit of an issue here so what we've got is instead of toggling off the redstone clocks we basically just make it so the redstone clocks just kind of stopped working by powering all of the dispensers with a redstone torch here here it's not going to work because that lever is going to power this redstone okay that's gonna have to be in a movable object but we're on the right track here and then I guess we can just update the piston using another piston now what's hilarious with this setup it definitely feels like you're inside some kind of military unit because when you're standing in this area you just have these flashing beeping red lights at you but it does just about function now I think relying on just dispense the arrows in fact we actually have to fill these things up with arrows but relying on just dispense arrows and file charges and things like that probably isn't quite going to be good enough to kill off the players because of course that only shoots in these directions so we need something in the corners and I think I've thought of something what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to create a mob turrets so these are little turrets which are going to pop up and they will expose either a blaze or a skeleton I personally am siding on blaze here I have to say I'm taking great pride in the fact that everything is knitting together just so beautifully because look that blaze is just sat there and then these little blocks they can pop up that will close the blaze away so that means that this guy isn't going to be able to attack us you might actually be able to see through there so I think we should probably place in a block for good measure just so that we don't end up getting blasted by fireballs but when we flip this lever that will reveal our blaze and there's going to be one of those on each of the four corners this thing is gonna be lethal oh oh no it's not gonna fit on that side thankfully that's not really going to be too much of an issue so we've got the levers for the top lava on each of these corners right here and then I guess on each one of these corners we can have the blaze and I suppose the blaze can target the player pretty much anywhere really I mean we don't need one on each of the corners for it to be effective kind of on all corners so it's okay with that being said it does look like I can just about pull this off by dropping one side slightly further down so we now have these kind of mix matched sides this one is going to be skeleton and this one is going to be plays you know I actually think that's pretty cool yes is that the lever is activated through the skeletons head I'm sure that I'm sure that would be okay no let's be totally honest then that's not okay so I've dropped it down one block further I've replaced the blocks with slabs and I'm assuming this means little dude can still shoot us yep yeah it works it works how no he didn't even shoot me off the edge what on earth has happened here oh good grief turns out I think the blaze was a little bit too hardcore for our system and she set fire to things which obviously sets off observers and then lava happened so I've replaced have a place full of our blaze with the slightly less scary skeletons there there now manning all four of the corners so i guess we still have a little gap down on the bomb here and it is tiny we literally have this little window to work with and this redstone torch could be problematic but I think we can do something and while I think of that something I think I'm also going to fill in all of these dispensers because I keep forgetting to do it yeah it's all done and I still don't know what to do what does one do with I mean it is a small amount of a space anything in here I've thought something I've thought something so down at the bottom here we have we have got dispensers with a little button on them and I guess this could activate either TNT we could have zombie spawner I mean if this is meant to be a creative build then of course we could have zombie spawn eggs but that functions quite nicely I have had to rewire these Pistons but it looks like yeah that is all functioning just fine the only thing is is this this regular piston is causing me some grief thankfully though that is now all fixed up and this build sure to all be functioning so I'm going to replace the iron trapdoor and then we can take a look through what we've mashed construct here all right here goes first off you need yellow wool to get into this thing throw any other item around on the soul sand and you're not going to gain access but if you throw down the yellow wall then that will drop you down into this circuit and then if we remove our yellow wall that will actually get us down into the battlezone now there are a lot of levers that we can mess around with here so let's start off with the obvious ones and they're kind of tricky to get to but you have to bounce up and down like this and that will dispense all of the lava let's do that on the other side and then we can take a look Tryg antic very dangerous waffle I think is the only way that I could describe this thing it looks absolutely glorious anyway let's get back inside remove the lava and start messing with some of the other system next we have got our fire charge dispensers and also arrow dispensers which sound like that getting pretty well that's so satisfying okay let's get back inside and let's switch up one of these things that is done quite simply by flicking these levers here and that should just about do the trick okay then the next thing that we have is our skeleton our little skeleton turrets so if we actually push up all of these blocks then this will actually turn off all of the skeleton spirits so at this point in time they are deactivated they're not going to be shooting anyone the skeletons are completely hidden away but if we pop back inside and flick the levers so that it reveals the skeletons then they will be armed and dangerous and ready to kill any players that can pass this thing pretty cool and of course this wouldn't be a killer cube without some form of TNT so when we hit these buttons that drops out TNT on each one of the sides it's gonna kill anyone who's down below and of course once we're done with this thing what we have to do is hit this button right here and that will and of course once we're done with this thing what we have to do is hit this button right here and that will launch us out of the mechanism and we can run on and perhaps attack the player with a sort or something like that whatever happens this is a pretty sweet and very compact little setup right here I'm quite proud of this seven by seven by seven death machine but of course as per usual I'm very interested to see what you guys come up with so go ahead and try and recreate your own seven by seven by seven death cubes I'm excited to check them out but anyway I hope that you enjoyed this video if you did please show us that like button and if you really loved it then make sure to subscribe but thanks for watching guys this is Ben mumbo and I'm out I'll see ya later oh and filming channel Starfleet will be on the end screen you know what to do [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 488,784
Rating: 4.9585524 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: gvfDGNmAswg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 04 2018
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