I Created The ULTIMATE ANT ARMY In Pocket Ants

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ladies and gentlemen i'm an aunt and this is my mom everyone say hi it looks like my aunt hill is uh nothing short of pathetic which is where the food processing chamber comes in yeah yeah professor oh get off my screen it looks like it's in an empty room all right i'm gonna go find some stuff hello world oh everything's scary get out of here oh wait look for a leaf to gather from can i just have this one give me it it's right why would you put it here if i can't have it i found one let me just mine and perfect am i slower i've got a leaf i've got a leaf all right let's go in i'm tired of this what do i do with the leaf just throw it in here all right oh processing what's there to process it's a leaf oh maybe i should listen to this guy huh but from what it sounds like this is going to be the cure to my crippling loneliness mom eat this please is that working you just pooped out a little marble all right oh what oh why is it growing like that that's disgusting and it's oh yes brother get out of here brother we're gonna have so much fun we're gonna play every video you know smash bros i like smash bros and what is this two gems for free thank you uh brother your mission is to go get more fungus so we can have a larger family just follow your big bro as i lead you to where the leaf is it's extremely conveniently placed let me get the leaf myself so is it just one leaf to one fungus is that my turnover rate it looks like you get the leaves bro i'll go talk to mom mom we need more siblings eat that wannabe mushroom mario thing and perfect come on out brother i am dancing in anticipation hello there are idol workers not anymore more leaves oh and i get five fungus here thank you so professor oak has told me that i just need to complete all of these in which case upgrading the food processing chamber is needed but i need 10 leaves to get 10 leaves i need the leaf storage chamber which i need 10 fungus can't have one without the other can you guys hurry it up please mom you ready for another brother yes is the dynamic between me and my mother weird probably would freud be proud also probably either way have this fungus i call them brothers but what are they truly except my servants and she is still ready for food wait if i put one ant to just constantly bring her fungus i'll be on a constant cycle of getting more and more workers i am a genius oh yes i hit 10. leaf storage chamber get acquired i'll wait 30 seconds what i mean seed storage chamber 25 of each doesn't look like they're messing around huh wait army what is this for 15 fungi i can breed a soldier ant creature army there's a collection page oh what have i gotten myself into something fun give me the leaf storage chamber which now takes 25 fungus to upgrade that oh yeah it's only 10 for my food processing chamber wait all my workers go get fungus for a little bit actually i'll come with actually you guys keep getting fungus i'm going to go explore the outside world is there any more leaves oh big spider big spider no oh i'm having flashbacks to grounded hello anyone here in this barren wasteland ooh another ant hill build the honeydew chamber why can't i just walk in now i clearly see the entrance game whatever oh another leaf just oh hi mr acorn can i even do anything with this actually i don't have like acorn chamber oh i just got two fungus you know some things make sense hey why is there a 79 by these red ants do i have enemies i can kill you know i guess that explains the army actually yeah that over here oh look at these losers oh that is a big red hand oh i'm gonna get you i'm gonna get you ooh okay get me go back dude i'm coming oh you better watch out okay let's run away now there's like nine million of them and one of little old me oh i found the seed pile though what happens if i gather one of these i don't have the seed chamber either i don't know i'll take it back i guess mother i'm home with a seed i'll just drop it right there oh i oh it's it's gone forever huh wasn't aware i was going to thanos snap our food supply but you know what are you to do also it looks like mom isn't hungry anymore which means i'm putting three workers on leaf collected two one fungus collected cause it looks like unlocking my food processing chamber gives me more ants i'm sorry is this saying i can make a spider ant hybrid fusion okay eldritch oh wait why am i so much faster than all my other sibling counterparts too am i the king and alpha ant i know i'm the coolest ant but that one's really more of a given also i'm tired of how slow this is going all leaf collecting oh wait i have 10. food processing chamber upgrade and now i'd find something to do to kill time for a minute [Applause] this is the longest minute of my life and it oh no it's done all right sorry for complaining what do i need to upgrade it now 25 leaves well first things first give me the free 15 i get from that i'm almost at 25. all right one ant drop off from collecting leaves wait everyone keep collecting leaves i have an idea i myself will do a little manual labor and bring our sweet mom some food hope you're hungry mom i need five new servants please all going into leaf collecting wait is it 28 don't mind if i do three minutes what do i look like a guy with too much time on his hands don't answer that you want the fungus you want to look at our matching i'm gonna give me a longer there you go mom give me another service i think there's any way i can upgrade my speed so i can just run faster i think there's any way i can just get a gun can ants use guns actually wait if not they should be able to oh looks like i reached my aunt max are you not hungry anymore dang it what if i grab this fungus for then and ten oh i did complete another quest doing that thank you oh look at this leaf wow we've really been eating it up huh let's keep eating it up friends oh and my processing chamber's almost done good give me as many leaves as humanly possible so i can make as many ants as humanly possible and the queen is hungry i actually have an idea give me a food drop that down for old mom and now i'll also help come gather leaves because this one worker he's gonna bring food to mom for me after all i'm like three times as fast as the other ants which means we're done with this three times sooner quicker larger something and i'm oh man i'm at 50 leaves is that where i'm yes it is five minutes oh man what am i supposed to do for five minutes wait do they keep storing leaves yes they do how did i just now notice this shop button hello honeydude gives what oh with honey do i increase my soldier ants yes pheromones golden creatures huh what's with resin in here bee essence okay oh i know very very little all right everyone we're all working on leaves still actually wait can i upgrade two things at the same time change of plans eight people on leaves four people on fungus the better my base the better everything i think i get more soldiers more ants that plasma screen tv and everything falls into place is there an edge of the world yeah i just found it all right let me jump no let me jump dang it oh and it looks like i have idle workers because mom isn't hungry anymore 15 done oh and there's my 15 worker amps wait that works give me this and i can phone home and tell them to upgrade my leaf storage chamber wait don't i need to make a seed storage chamber with 25 of each oh no that's fine i'm sure it'll come along nicely is there really nothing else over here that's such a big map for one tiny little guy also i guess there's a creature event going on right now which attracts this uh scary thing what that all means you know really couldn't tell you and my leaf storage is at capacity good thing that's getting upgraded right now huh oh and i got 26 fungus seed storage chamber get built after a minute of waiting this game loves to make a little guy wait huh well there's my leaf upgrade oh no wait that was my fungus upgrade i was waiting on that still how did i forget that oh well give me a food and i'll run it to mom drop this off for her cause she'll give me another ant and now that i have a seed storage facility i have a mission the mission is hitting claim on this leaf thing thank you upgrade queen's chamber to level two someone bring fungus to mom while i look at all my little menus also the red ants gonna try and fight me i've marked where the seeds are if we just each take our own respective sides everything should be okay yeah it's probably not gonna be okay seed get stored is that i brought one seed back and there's three there you know what i'm not gonna question it all right worker ants you're with me oh man it looks like if i want more ants i need a hundred leaves gosh for an ant colony just starting out they sure are asking a lot of us huh seed drop or wait yeah i can just leave cool so i've got a feeling i need to run and do something how much leaf is left 50 oh no good thing i know exactly where another leaf is sourced oh and there's a little acorn here give me you friend five leaves works out great wait are my ants coming to this leaf now too guys there was still like a whole other leaf we could have been getting work is under attack guys no we don't want to go to the spider oh no so much bad has happened and it was my foolish command as leader i'll send that spider to hell for what he's done right after i collect some more leaves and i still have idle workers so let me send a few more onto seeds because i only need 15 seeds to get the queen's chamber upgraded in which case well i can make soldier ants and i now have a tier four food processing chamber i really do just be forgetting i'm so far ahead in my quest book with all these upgrades i'm doing ooh 100 leaves this takes 10 minutes yeah i'm really gonna forget about this one upgrade go ahead everyone cool it with leaf collecting except for three of you we're rushing seeds soldier ants are a must-have for leaf collection production only because that's stupid spiders in the way get no no he's eating me he's let me run away where's my health ball man well this sucks oh i'm just born again the cycle of reincarnation continues and my vengeance will be exacted screw you ants we just want seeds which actually i think we're all about to have 15. there's 11 12 13 14 and this guy's got my last one all right workers cooler with seeds it's all leaf to fungus resource depleted no my leaf ran out this is fine i have enough seeds to upgrade the queen's chamber after three minutes go by at least oh professor oak good to see you again well i'm now facing an issue where my ants don't know where to go oh my food processing chamber's done it's even more ironic because i don't have any leaves so because of my impatience and my own willingness to sacrifice my kin which is not a sentence you should probably say out loud hey guys new leaf is over here watch out for the spider it's fine if only like one of you dies per run the queen will just keep birthing new of you it'll technically be profitable isn't that right mom so what's my cap 20 workers and i just lost one oh my chamber's done yes which means this quest is done and now i can just breed one soldier ant did i did i do it maximum amount of eggs hey what does that mean oh it's this little blue egg my soldier let me get a good zoom in on him i'm ready to look at you my brother be born already what's taking you so long huh really handy just told me the exact amount of soldier ants i need queen is currently laying eggs tell her to stop it oh and another quest done thank you i just noticed my worker behavior i met 11 ants the tarantula over there has killed an ungodly amount of them oh hey but i can make a nursery chamber to get more eggs that's handy for all the things i want to build well until i get my soldier ants go get seeds i guess why is there a red arrow pointing this way what does this mean yeah i see the really big tarantula he's killed half of my freaking soldiers you think i wouldn't know that oh and it's completed perfect read more i don't know how many two yeah that'll be fine and i built the nursery chamber free gems thank you and 40 free little mushrooms yes i need to make sure i have six of them according to professor oak but what do you know i'll be making seven and wait upgrade complete i forgot i was in my food processing chamber again 200 leaves half an hour this game ain't joking all right where are my ants oh they're here they'll follow me and they'll automatically attack you don't have to tell me oak on me gentlemen my aunt scream my aunt's rage my aunt's fight get him beat him are we are we killing him oh he's got a health bar can i attack oh probably not go kill him i think they're doing it they're still kind of surviving too i don't think i've lost one i've lost two of them actually looking at it how we doing everyone everyone getting it figured out yeah when you defeat a creature you can kill it and gather its parts okay you can also capture it and make it join your army i want to do that one i need the creatures chamber uh all right i'll kill him for now i told you i'd send you to hell good news everybody we can go get leaves again soldier ants disband i greatly appreciate your help are my worker ants getting attacked right here soldier ants reband go ahead and get some of these losers these guys have been attacking our black ants for far too long get them get them go yeah yeah that's right don't come around here anymore this is our seed pile get that guy too do they fight back probably not get that ow ow i can't i can't get away you know wasn't expecting normal worker amps to be able to kill me but i'm back once more i can also have a total of 25 workers and i'm at eight so i need to pick up the running food over to mom's situation i got going also i'm at 50 seeds does anything take seeds in here to make or upgrade oh yeah need it for the body parts chamber well a simple fix for that is to just give mom fungus and everyone rush leaves good work mom thanks for strengthening our forces oh free 30 fungus too because i beat up that giant spider and five for beating up a red ant i knew that would be helpful more leaves hurry it up what are my workers at oh i only have room for four more didn't think i was running that low mom hurry it up other workers also hurried up wait is she laying the final one perfect 23 amps for leaves two for fungus there couldn't be a better ratio while i'm here let me also mark this as a source i do the recon they do the gathering that's the sleeve holding up 229 still perfect i know i'm not needed to be the difference maker here but i'm just so much faster than everyone else oh wait i just hit 50. body parts chamber get built and then i need 25 body parts for creatures and then 25 mushrooms and seeds for this honeydew much to do tiny little ant legs to move about and it looks like i've whittled the readings down to a nice amount so i'm starting to get an idea why is this guy so slow oh this is my soldier rain thank you for your service friend all right now that i've got my chamber i'm gonna drop it to where ten are going for leaves tanner for fungus and fiber for seeds go what do i need to upgrade my food processing chamber 200 leaves that's right oh my body parts are done oh wait i can upgrade my leaf storage chamber like right now five minutes all right i am addicted to upgrading give me that leg of yours old spider boy i am just carrying his leg there has to be some law against this no what am i saying we're ants there are no laws body part in new creatures appear 24 hours after you defeat them let's rate another player's colony if i'm gonna battle anyone real quick it's gonna be the red ants for how mean they are to me although to do that i guess i kind of need to do something important they need to make even more soldiers looks like things are about to get interesting
Channel: ImCade
Views: 3,076,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cade, imcade, iamcade, indie, pc, funny, gameplay, pocket ants termite nest, pocket ants mod apk, pocket ants beehive, pocket ants vinegaroon, pocket ants all creatures, pocket ants crab, pocket ants gameplay, pocket ants, pocket ants game, ant army, mobile games, free games, pocket ants best creatures, pocket ants best defense, pocket ants best player, pocket ants secret, secret ant, secret creature, I Created The ULTIMATE ANT ARMY
Id: jSIui33FVXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Mon May 30 2022
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