Higher Education? More like Higher PROFITS! - Cities Skylines

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hello everyone i'm kibbits and welcome back to city skylines where last time we built this mega port and our profits are looking pretty good but not even half a million dollars a week eh things could be better but you know we've done a pretty good job optimizing our city for profits and all of our industry stuff is pretty much done which means we should look into different forms of exploitation to get more profit and you know what's right for profiteering that's right the education system and oh boy do i have just some terrible plans and if you shareholders think this is a good strategy remember to subscribe and leave a like there's gonna be a departure from our regular strategy of keeping people desperate and working manual labor jobs so we'll see how it goes but i see the money symbols if we click on our education and go to university there's 20 000 people desperate for knowledge and how can i not exploit that and so up in the top left of our city we're gonna turn this entire mountain range into one giant university one giant and expensive university and we're gonna go ahead and use the campus life dlc to do so because we can make the most fancy universities you'll ever see because with this we can make like university dormitories to give people a college experience by living on campus we have study halls that we can place around we have groundskeeping i guess and futsal clubs where people can share their love of sports apparently and as our university gets more leveled up we'll get even more interesting things like cafeterias gymnasiums libraries commencement offices and the works you see the real diabolical plan here is we build a bunch of useless stuff for the university right that means we can increase tuitions way way way into the sky forcing students to take out exuberant loans and if the students are stuck with student debt we can leverage that against them and keep them as corporate slaves forever and look the people are happy for this they cheer it on they love it even better there's multiple types of universities as well so this is like the general one then there's a liberal arts college or university whatever you can get those liberal arts kids oh boy underwater basket weaving only 30 000 a year drama club oh yeah you're gonna become a big famous actor don't need to just go on youtube for that no no no you got to go to our prestigious university but what's actually really cool is like all of these level up too and each university type has their own unique buildings oh and there's also a trade school okay you know what i can't knock trade school trade school pretty good look at their brutalist structures oh i can relate but today we're going to focus on the general university because this is what i want on top of the hill over here and then we'll figure out the other university campuses at a later date so what do we need to do how do we unlock everything if we go to this tab looks like we need reputation sure how do i become more cool to the international community zone what is this academic year unrecognized okay so we need academic works students and an attractive campus of course well we already got that in spades uh policies student health care free health care for students free lunch lit is this a joke i'm sorry free meal vouchers yeah yeah we're gonna have to do some things visiting scholars increases faculty bonus by 25 okay and universal education increases happiness no tuition fees what's the point of higher education if there are no higher profits disgusting oh and there's sports clubs we'll look into that in a moment last thing academic works so we need a bunch of these to level up and the chance of making one in an academic year is only 30 so we're gonna make a bit of an investment we're gonna give them all the money and we're gonna give them research grants just so we guarantee now we can level this stuff up because grand strategy similar to our industries is i want to level up the universities and then once we have everything unlocked we can do some kind of master design on the hill looking into the sports stuff though we have some cool stuff an aquatic center we have a basketball arena oh but these are expensive this is for students hello gotta have track and field baseball park and american football stadium what what do you mean there's no hockey rink this i'm throwing this game out disgusting i'm actually shocked that's sad what are these other things though museums what's the point prestigious trade school liberal arts campus and university what do these do they display academic works and increase the city's attractiveness sure that's cool i guess we'll definitely get to that later looking back into policies though you have fan club support which gives free fan merchandise no advertising yeah we probably want advertising right we need students to get in here and we can make our own custom team well of course let's see i feel like we should be the buccaneers you know fits with the profit motive and it'll make it red we have cheerleading tickets and coaches we'll definitely have cheerleaders we'll make the ticket price 35 bucks all right well then let's let her rip oh my gosh please kids why why deal these citizens who are so addicted to water it's a terrible plague all right anyway we're good to go now power water you got it all are we leveling up i think last time we checked things were looking good reputation level we have attractiveness students they're not exactly pouring in academic year ends in 39 weeks wait so at a minimum we're gonna have to wait five academic years for this to level up to the max level dude what nobody got time for that at least the students are coming in now i got a couple this is good i think actually we might have a bit of a problem we have 20 000 people that want to go to university but i think i have a city policy called schools out yeah so citizens haven't been going to school they've just been going to you know the mines to mine coal and stuff so i guess we should turn that off and i guess we should let the citizens pursue higher learning i suppose yeah that's that's helping quite a bit good but not as much as it should only 180 out of 500 we need this to be like to the moon you know what i'm gonna do it call it a strategic investment we're gonna meet the students demands here have it have all the free stuff here all the goodies get in the school do it please do the learning oh here we go over 200 okay it's it's going up it's going up what else can we do to help public transit the students are poor probably just out of high school 120 dollars in debt scared for out of their wits looking to try and save money i guess by taking public transit so let's get a bus over to this train station for that to be a little bit more what is going on what did i do with the roads here cubes why you know what why do i care this university we're building is temporary we're just using it to unlock stuff so literally from a to b and everybody goes all out and around to there and then of course we have the same bus pass going the exact opposite direction as one does and everybody's gonna be happy very good look at all those students go my little debt collectors go entertain yourself with pointless distractions and surrender your futures to me but i made an oopsies future came too quick first academic year went by and i missed it nothing really happened though because we didn't level up and i was like no yeah but we're almost at the next year and hopefully we can just get an academic work and then we're good to go students i don't know what's going on with that but more importantly luck our first academic work was completed about a poonami researchers have identified the cause of the recent punami disasters an ill-willed alien interference what alien interference yeah maybe i should increase the funding to the universities because yeah those are just market conditions bud oh wait market conditions my budget oh we could raise the budget of the schools and more people will go to the school because they'll actually be educated oh this makes a lot more sense now okay cool yeah there we go so rip another academic year but hey maybe we'll learn something cool so let's see temporary built all the other universities to see what they can do so yeah they're all turned off so nothing's happening there except they're a little attractive i guess mean thing university campus of new venturium we got our academic work excellent our students have started to go up very good and attractiveness is about the same still unrecognized even after our research of the punamis but now what did we learn this time the universal solution answer to everything in a numeric form you're saying we just solved the secrets to the universe and we're still unrecognized wait a second is this a number 42 meme oh my gosh i spent 50 000 on that grant unbelievable but we want a trophy for track and field neat and there are two toga parties great what a substantial waste of money but at least the students keep going up so next academic year we have our works we have our attractiveness we should actually level up properly so that's just going to take a long time so let's get to work on the mountain here because we got a lot of terraforming to do and kind of the way to make any area look cool is just with varying heights so we have all these little peaks to the mountain and then it's the kind of flat area through here so let's go with the terrain let's do something interesting and i don't know we can put something important up here i don't know just have like a square or something there we go general idea and now there's something big up on top of the mountain not too high because getting roads up here is going to be a pain in the butt it's not bad though we got another mountain over here flatten this out this could be like a park maybe like an observatory yeah that would be kind of cool and then we'll flatten this out too yeah make this more square a lot of the buildings are square with the university so may as well make square platforms oh and right up in front here overlooking the city gotta have something very fancy okay so that that's decent couple areas for big fancy buildings later on oh man the law building right on this front mountain overlooking the city that is gonna be so prestigious oh but what's even more important is look at the description of this building students get internships at offices cracking down on crime wherever they may find it we get interns out of this free labor unionically the crime rate and police department upkeep is reduced throughout the city essentially for free and it gets even better there's a school of medicine that helps with our health care costs and a school of science which reduces pollution oh and electricity consumption but like these universities are busted free intern labor is the best let's look at the liberal arts area so we have school of education cheaper student facilities environmental studies wait reduces the accumulation of garbage in the city okay that's kind of and school of economics increased revenue from office zones okay lease academy of course school of tourism travel income from all commercial zones increased yup and school of engineering increases zoned industry income while reducing city water consumption and sewage outlet we have to have all these universities in these universities are the key internships are the key oh my god that wasn't even part of my whole strategy like once we turn tuition back on we're gonna be making hand over fist dollar-y do's but this is gonna get crazy that was a bit of a tangent though back to our terraforming uh we have our main location so i guess we have our admin building and we have all those extra schools yeah you know what we can figure that out later let's get this shape done first see what we're working with and then we'll figure out where we want to place important buildings do stuff like this a lot of flat area for schools and stuff something like that that's not too bad then we could have a little thing scoot through here divides up the mountains then we have this beach but all this like dark blue water is super polluted because our giant poop river outflows here so it's kind of not the best waterfront property it's kind of like pooperfront property so this is where we have the student dormitories of course of course university students already smell bad anyway may as well just put them by the sewage and we'll just build this big cliffside kind of area so we can throw as many dormitories as we want down here and generally that's pretty good yeah we just have to tidy some stuff up smooth some stuff out figure out where roads and public transport is going to be and a lot more yeah this needs tidying up first like a lot a lot of hiding up now it's actually workable this area is bigger big area here everywhere is generally flat and there's a good shape around here more shapes too most importantly i made this little cubby hole and we're gonna put like a train station and all of our public transport right here and then we'll have a separate public transport system for the rest of the area first we're leveling this up and so far so good actually i leveled up again off camera we didn't really get anything super interesting we got a outdoor study a gymnasium which is cool a cafeteria but we can't charge for food and drinks so it's it's irrelevant and a fountain so those look pretty neat okay and you know what the cafeteria looks pretty cool too i like the little umbrellas anyway more importantly are we going to become a more popular university we got students out the whoa zoo campus attractiveness great we only need an academic paper right now or else we've lost another year and honestly we can't lose many more our income has gone down significantly the shareholders are breathing down my neck so something good to report please all right we got five academic works that year dang all right investments paying off students doubled attractiveness pretty irrelevant and look at this tuition fees fifteen dollars per student two thousand two hundred students about okay that equals thirty three thousand dollars so we really gotta level this up even more to actually earn more because that's that's not enough what did we unlock though a university auditorium neat laboratories cool university bookstore please let me charge the university bookstore prices there we don't need literally any other parts of the city oh dude those things are such a rip-off oh research what do we got a comprehensive analysis of traffic traffic flow congestion and lean choosing through the eyes of the bystander sure i'm super interested in what bystanders have to think academic works water simulation the spaghetti effect spaghetti some intersections are more beautiful than others the study digs deep into the science of intersection designs and what makes them pretty don't need to tell me what makes an intersection pretty i am the prettiest intersection creator of all time behold my spaghett it's beautiful in every single way oh but what's even more beautiful is we can get sponsorship deals for the sports team let's go give me those sponsors give me the ads yeah oh boy gotta love sponsorships anyway that's gonna take another 30 whatever years let's work on the campus area itself so the main thing is we want this place to actually look good to attract students and their tuition money also it's kind of like every city's big flex to have a nice university what's the point in having money if you don't have things to show off so we're gonna have the big old bowl of barns we're gonna have bus lanes we're gonna have the works i think we'll do some kind of loop somehow we'll have the main road down here one up higher the tunnel of course is just temporary just kind of lining stuff up then i suppose the main road in to this area will come from here something like that we'll turn it over that way to follow the coast and we want to go from a to b let's soften the terrain just a little bit and then we can have this eventually come down this way trying to zigzag it to get make that perfect we can make curves later on now if we can get this road to turn with that mountain that would be splendid downright splendid we could have a bridge across this too maybe later on who knows anything that's done then connect this up it looks something like that not bad so far and same deal with this road just skirt all the way down there okay and what do we feel about the general concept of things again this is not happening we'll have just service roads i suppose all throughout but super quick before that just gonna finish up the rest of the terraforming and now we can start detailing it all right just try to get a couple straight roads in a couple keys in here too because we want to have a train station just down here trains for you know the peasants and then we'll probably have a subway or something for the posh people we put a train in here yep good or you know what we could get everything in this area certainly right yeah because later on it'd be amazing if we could have a monorail line i love monorails dude we gotta get that to work a monorail system for the university campus yeah yeah yeah that's that's the way we will get to that soon though i like to get a little ahead of myself let's get the train attached oh it's just a to b it's not the worst unless it's built by me don't worry we'll fix it we'll fix it okay generally this is how it will go and subway wise if we're here we just want to go to over here yeah because this is our city is a rich posh district where all the wealthy elite live in their golf courses and such and of course they don't want to see the stinky middle class and lower class people so they're gonna scoot underneath right to here and also with some roads in place we can start doing more of the side roads since we have something to work off of and in the best scenario we want the road running along the main one so we can hide more stuff we'll have a road that goes up here at some point and we really just want to brick a lot of this stuff up because any area that looks like a triangle or a circle the only option we really have for it like right in here or in this corner is to turn it into a park and it's like that doesn't get us money but having shapes like this is very cost efficient so yeah we could have the school of law right there something there and yeah we'll just figure out a lot of it generally speaking everything squared away and we are gonna be good to go also the train tracks are fixed don't worry was it gonna be a nightmare forever unless you're going through this one intersection then survival's not really guaranteed but now it's monorail time who doesn't love monorails they're so freaking cool so yeah we're definitely having a giant monorail system here and by giant i mean a mini one we'll have a stop there i'd help you get up the hill we'll have another stop here and then another over this way that should be pretty much good maybe one stop that runs all the way down here come on there we go that's about it we're gonna have buses around as well we have bus and taxi lanes all over the place along the main route so the monorails are kind of just an extra little spice bit and we could even have the monorails on the roads which is why i usually actually like to build with them but we want trees too so we're just gonna keep these off the roads we're mostly gonna try and take the tracks through areas that are gonna be hard to build in regardless and then retain as much good a buildable area as we can but it's gonna be super super complicated main thing is you get them in place and then you build the tracks and then in no time it's done this actually took forever especially building this track down the hill here oh my gosh that's why i stream on twitch it's where i do all the behind the scenes work link in the description by the way while i was doing that we have a critical issue the academic year ends in zero weeks and we don't have enough students i'm certain we're going to get the academic works but students is kind of difficult the numbers be going up it's going to be going down this is me going all around like just stay there please a couple more days don't do this to me don't do this to me students come back gonna waste an entire year over one student please yes come on a little bit more green no no no no no no ah i hear my life wasted over two students could we not have just dragged in homeless people off the street why the pain the pain oh oh yeah one thousand eight hundred and four now uh-huh uh-huh good good meme you know what none of this even makes sense wait a second our demand for universities we have 16 000 eligible people we mu can we not use the law as an education boost boost education budget and make young adults automatically choose education over working but my industries my profits are already so bad we're in the 27 dollars a week i've suffered so much we can suffer even more i'm in students it's time oh my gosh okay that seemed to work 2 000 students immediately okay i kind of game the system a little bit i loaded an old save we don't have the academic works but we have 5 000 students now so yeah that one policies it's pretty good except for our bottom line it's yeah pretty good now with our 5 000 students we are now a prestigious university gorgeous chess club yes media lab good school of science and the science center excellent the flat chirp society jim flat earther jr explores a world view that is definitely more than one-dimensional it's pretty funny i like that now we're done we have everything we've done it what does the museum look like oh that's so cool dude that's amazing i love this now we can get started on the university proper oh in that museum as well it had a telescope thing on it right yeah we can put that on the hill over here little telescope to the great beyond ah this is gonna be so cool it's gonna be a fun project it should actually be profitable unlike the ruins of our old university area which suffered such an unfortunate accident the other day okay so we have to begin with the administration building the new rebuilt even better one and we are building it way on the highest hill right over there the building looks sick it gotta be on the highest hill of course and i guess we will just decorate around it again people will visit here they will see it and be like wow this is the nicest place i've ever seen in my life exactly then they'll pay all of the tuition monies ever let's get a bunch of fountains in there too yeah yeah people love fountains not bad let's involve some just normal parks as well i have this one here it looks pretty neat has like a little study thing in there and we have custom university paths as well oh my gosh i suppose we could set up a fence by the cliff as well but man if the student falls off a cliff that's on them okay general good idea and then this main admin building and a lot of other university buildings have these path connector pieces so we can do cool little designs all around them oh yeah something even simple like this just adds so much a little bit of shape a little bit of character the cliffs everywhere fixed up the front two oh yeah buddy well that's a 200k per year tuition if i've ever seen one well once there's more of a school around so let's get in the main ones of course school of law goes right here in front of the campus as our pride and joy overlooking the happy city they think that they're gonna have justice now no no no they will not okay we have a school of medicine we'll build that last in the school of science let's build a school of science kind of in the middle here somewhere kind of convenient that's nice then the school of medicine the school medicine is pretty big kind of like the big gist you know it's kind of a boring building it's very i don't know looks like a 1970s brick architecture type build like we have the space for it up here but do we really want that up there i don't know maybe like a track and field thing up here would be better you know what we could put the medical area next to the dormitories down here that way maybe if the school needs some uh test subjects maybe one will just happen to wander on by maybe donate a liver or two but hey i think we'll find out next time still a ton to do on this campus and if you're excited to see how it turns out remember to subscribe but for now have a fantastic rest of your day and bye bye
Channel: ImKibitz
Views: 284,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines, cities skylines gameplay, cities skylines mods, city building games, cities skylines industries, cities skylines tutorial, cities skylines let's play, cities skylines game, kibitz, imkibitz, cities skylines public transport, cities skylines factory, cities skylines factories, cities skylines airport dlc gameplay, cities skylines update, cities skylines university, cities skylines university campus, cities skylines campus, cities skylines dlc
Id: 5DnV6c2z_5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 53sec (1673 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 10 2022
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