I Made 200 Players Simulate Survival Islands in Minecraft...

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I bought 200 Minecraft players on a survival island in Hardcore Minecraft and left them all alone to try and survive together whilst trying to build up civilization but when they all spawned in the chaos started as the survivors rushed towards the closest trees on this island in the hopes to get their hands on some wood or saplings yeah go with Lads I got a sapling as the survivors started to realize the resources on this island were limited they had another problem Oh a shark their sharks don't go in the water they're sharks what the why are there sharks what this island was surrounded by sharks making it almost impossible to leave here without a boat which meant the players that had luckily picked up a few logs from the trees were able to escape from this island in the hopes of finding more land somewhere else let's go go faster faster hi guys as the players in the boat started to roll off into the distance the survivors back on the island decided to risk swimming away which of course ended horribly after they were swarmed by the Sharks well I've been up this Sharp with no other options the survivors left back at the island started to work together to make a bridge across the ocean to see if they could spot any other islands in the distance but this didn't end well after players started pushing past each other and knocking each other off hello passing through ouchily for the players that had escaped on a boat after a while of rowing they were clear of the Sharks and started to discover the new islands filled with wood animals and food sources that would help them to start building up their civilizations oh yes yes it's cool let's go let's go let's go Lads as they hopped out of the boats and grabbed some extra resources they split up once again and headed back towards the starting Island to start picking up players to save them so join join oh there's like sharks go faster faster faster nice nice nice nice oh oh I'm assuming that's faster thinking oh my God after risking their lives they were followed by this shark all the way back to the new islands and were able to leave the boat just in time before they were bitten it's outside oh it's the boys it's the boys this group wasn't the only one to make it away from the spawn though as a few other players that were able to get boats had escaped to different islands that they had also discovered after fleeing the spawn but even though they had a boat leaving spawn still wasn't easy for some I don't know behind us with small groups starting to spread out all over the map the majority of survivors were still trying to find ways to leave the starting Island and survive and after standing around trying to come up with an idea for a while it was clear that they had to either risk swimming away and try to avoid the sharks or die of hunger on the island so they took the risk and entered the waters which some players in the boat quickly spotted there's people swimming yeah some people are actually swimming they're gonna die somehow these players got super Lucky in their escape and spotted a shipwreck at the bottom of the ocean that they knew they could grab wood from to Craft boats to help with their escape if we each go down and get one wood we're good okay after diving below the surface grabbing a few logs from the Shipwreck and somehow avoiding the sharks they were able to craft the boats they needed to get to land land oh sweet heaven so as the exploration phase came to an end most survivors had now started progressing and forming teams on the new islands as they grouped up to stay safe but due to this huge overpopulation of the islands the lack of food to split between everyone was starting to affect the players badly as they continue to enter the shark infested waters to grab kelp to avoid starving I sent like three people to collect kelp but I haven't seen any of them come back and with no food returning to the island some players were starting to die of hunger no food please help him the food hand him the food hand the food hand him the food give me give me give me I'm gonna die someone hand them food no but some islands faced hunger problems others faced much different issues wait there's a stingray guys there's a stingray in our walls there's two wait this island was called sexy Nepal in the first edition of this video a group of almost 30 players worked together and formed the great and peaceful nation of sect in Nepal and after their previous success in my event where they were the last civilization standing they met up as soon as they could at this island and started working together to build up a civilization of their own once again we are all here like most of the sex in Nepal is here and with a much bigger Force this time they started to build up their island in the hopes to be a leading force during this event once again and as the other Islands continued to grow in size they were going to have some competition but even though the larger islands were starting to make good progress there were still some smaller groups that were new to my events that had no idea what was happening should we like team up with like more people and uh or like how this how does this work we make like teams and groups on the islands have you done this before no never first time but I saw the video These players were brand new to my events so I had no idea what was going to happen as the event continued so decided to stand by each other's sides to give them the best chance of survival against the other players and the upcoming phases I'm assuming some people are going to turn on each other we're trying to make a small team of people let's stick together so we have safety can I trust you yeah look at me in your eyes I'm a pretty good player so was this small group started expand and recruiting trustworthy players all survivors continue to make progress regardless of the size of their group or Island and as the preparation phase had now come to an end this meant each group now had a very important choice to make as the leader election phase had started and as the civilizations each started to make podiums for their members to stand on and give out speeches players all started to gather around to make their votes everyone this is my speech I am 10 000 years old and I've exactly five minutes in leadership experience and I'd like to be your leader and just thank me because I'm stupid after a few people had taken the stand on this island and as more queued up it seemed one player was slightly confused as he went up and actually started to explain why he shouldn't be the leader instead I don't want to be the leader because I am not really that good at the game but as usual they saved the best speech until last as common hat took his place on the podium and made a speech to the people of this land who loves War me this guy is cool you're a human nature why fire it yeah you should embrace it as leader what will you do against uh criminals in our society kill them all and this guy is actually pretty cool execution we choose a common with an inspiring speech from common hat he won the votes of most players on this island who believed he could help them become a thriving civilization and his first task was to rename this island as the new Slavic Empire Today I proclaim the new Slavic Empire whilst this election happened sexy Nepal had also hosted their own election just over the waters from this island I am the wow dude uh in the last event I was the leader of sexy Nepal of all people uh some of you may know me about how I'm running gonna run this uh this little group of ours I uh I want to best it of respect for each other you guys not might not know me I am a completely new person to these events but as you can see I already have four iron armor diamonds as well I can lead us to Victory after their speeches were finished or interrupted the players started to crowd around their candidates of choice to vote who they wanted to be their leader it seems to allow us more people slightly more than game with the close lead the wow dude had won allowing him to take leadership of sexy Nepal in the hopes of leading them to Victory once again and surprisingly Kane was actually happy about not winning I'm actually pretty good with this now I have to make less decisions it's good with two islands already having voted for their leader some of the smaller groups decided against hosting a full election and just gave leadership of the group to whoever took charge earlier on okay so um I'm voting it's nuke for a leader oh damn so with each civil having elected who charge of their Island their leadership skills would be quickly put to the test as acid rain started falling from the sky sending each civilization into chaos go under something go under something players on low Health were killed instantly by the acid rain as others took cover with almost no Health left oh gosh uh guys I'm stuck at the surface oh this sucks we need to somehow get out of this situation and the rain wasn't the only problem that these survivors had to face as they quickly started to run out of food after having to leave their Farms behind on the surface as they took cover from the rain food problem we had food problem we need to like resolve it Davao take care all of your leadership skills and make people food food source is just Out Of Reach okay we gotta build out to the crop so we can have food as the team that called himself the Voyages stood under a small shelter in the middle of the ocean with no access to their food they just had to hope that they wouldn't starve before the acid rain ended back at the island of sexy Nepal one of their members called the potato guy acted quickly when the acid rain kicked in and was luckily able to grab a few potatoes to take with him underground which even though almost killed him allowed him to start providing food for their team I managed to get some potatoes from the farm we can continue continue farming peoples I have started a potato farm in this rock potatoes will be growing well and somehow this small farm actually worked well and was able to spoil that had almost died to the acid rain as for the other civilizations some of them found this phase hilarious as they had actually already set up a small area underground which meant the acid rain didn't affect them at all spicy rain well for the players that had been on the surface this phase caused them to form new groups underground as they lost their teammates during the chaos and one of those groups that came together called themselves the mole Kingdom and planned to live underground for the rest of the event after the acid rain had forced them all to go underground yeah we should just probably like make it like a small underground civilization yeah so instead of going back to the surface they started working on making themselves sustainable down below by planting trees for wood making kelp Farms to save them from hunger and continuing to grow in size as more players found this team when mining may I join you guys up there it's chaos and as more players started to join the mole Kingdom their original few members started to get worried that they were going to be assassinated by some of the new members after this team had grown much bigger than they anticipated this is getting intense this is getting really intense um I need you to be my secondhand control if I get executed or assassinated I want you to be in charge if if I die if I die he takes the crown of mulking and the bowl Kingdom weren't the first team to start worrying about assassinations as back as sexy Nepal one of their members died in the mines under some very suspicious circumstances I was strip mining and I came out here and he was dead what do you mean how did he die I don't know someone doesn't just you know die but I think I was the only one I saw out here as predicted alienack was murdered by a member of their team for his resources and somehow the murderer got away with it as he fled the scene before anyone caught him but the members of sexy Nepal were still very suspicious of how he died I still feel like I know that was murdered that's a weird way just to drop that like that back up on the surface though the rest of sexy Nepal were trying their best to build shelter over their Farm to help feed their members without dying to the acid rain we got to get this down to our people because most of them are underground and try to plant more in the stuff that we already have covered after the majority of players had survived through the acid rain phase it finally came to an end allowing the survivors that were almost dying of hunger to rush out and finally Harvest their Farms to stay alive rain's gone now each civilization had an hour to work together to build up their Island as much as possible guys at the end of this phase each island would be judged and the best looking Island would be given a reward for their builds so each civilization started trying their hardest to upgrade their Island as much as possible to win but there was one more civilization that I haven't mentioned yet this one the Wampus Island this group of players had no choice but to go off the grid straight away to avoid everyone else at the start because they had the most Wanted player on the server in charge of their team that person was aerocon the player known in my events for brutally killing people and having no emotion when it comes to battle was wanted led by everyone on the server after they all assumed his plan was to eliminate every island one by one a PVP section is next there may come straight uh yeah so knowing error he's gonna come after us instantly but this time that wasn't the case Arrow actually wanted to be peaceful in this event I'm gonna kill innocent people if they don't want to attack Us in there like some foreign from the start that they weren't going to attack any other civilizations and would only be hostile if they were attacked but Aero knew he was wanted by everyone and was on edge from the start of this event as he was even scared of being assassinated by his own team upside suspicion that mighty mighty might try to slow me just looks like which one that guy right there I got this um Hollow master go away healthy oh my God you told me that you were supposed to he was going to kill you so I killed him he was really suspicious bye I didn't um so brutal that's fine what was crew too no uh nothing we did nothing so will his team's attempt to be peaceful didn't exactly start well but error wasn't going to be influenced by his teammates choices and wanted to build the Wampus Island into something great and luckily they had recruited the perfect players for it wait we need to build an actual civilization yeah yeah just that's actually quite a nice line he's good at building uh I'm a builder if you guys can get me some locks as well that would be great so with murder off their minds for now the Wampus Island started to work together Gathering resources for their Builder to start working on a masterpiece and players in the smaller groups realize at this point that they were going to struggle to compete against the bigger civilizations that had way more players to help with building so one group took their chances and decided to approach sexy Nepal to see if they could join their team and work together we're friendly hey hello friends I love friendly you said you all wanted to join up um agreed with the leader of the block gang to join forces and work together but their members had one condition before they wanted to make it official if we can emerge I feel like we should call it sexy Nepal gang like uh I mean yeah I think it would be kind of funny if the name just kept getting longer and longer so with an extra 15 players added to the now called sexy Nepal gang this team started working on building up walls around the shore to prevent enemy civilizations from launching an attack on this island whilst others had gone underground and started Gathering resources Wow money is so cool oh my God I want to find at least one diamond and I will be happy oh yes diamonds and sexy Nepal weren't the only team making progress as over at the new Slavic Empires Island when the building competition was announced they got straight to work and started building yeah yeah total form this hell yeah brother back over at the Voyages Island they had barely survived the acid rain and now started taking this phase very seriously as they needed the reward more than anyone else with such a small team so after assigning roles to their members and working together well they slowly built up this small platform into a base with houses Towers farms and walls to keep the Voyager civilization safe as things started heating up between other civilizations and another team keeping out of trouble was the mole Kingdom after setting up underground they found this phase more challenging than others with limited resources and limited space to build they tried their best to make something cool but obviously we're going to struggle oh tree tree tree damn this place is coming along jeez after some time had passed they realized they weren't going to win this competition so decided to put their efforts from now on into something else everybody will be on mining from now on as a duty because we are quite weak as a nation not weak but poor is what I mean and this wasn't the only team that had given up with building since back at the island of sexy Nepal another team had approached them looking to join their civilization since they knew they weren't going to win this competition alone and as word broke out that Nepal were taking people in more people kept showing up asking to join so what happens is uh three more teams join us so we're actually huge now as expected the this island started to get very chaotic with the large amounts of players that kept arriving asking to join which caused some of the original members to actually debate leaving what is happening should we should we go or I don't know seems to be a bit chaotic at the moment I don't really like it yeah should we go to separate island or think that we'd just need to get some saplings and then we can go I know an island yeah so we could go there since there was too many people to even keep count of players stopped working as a team and started focusing on themselves instead of sharing resources oh no way oh oh my oh my oh my oh my freaking God you do pants seven and I have four second craft like boots I guess or I can save for enchantment table ah who cares who cares I mean who going to think about the team you see me so without realizing the section of Paul gang was starting to fall apart slowly as the original members weren't so happy about all of the new people and despite having by far the largest population on the entire server their Island wasn't making much progress with builds especially when instead of giving out instructions their leader was singing to a crowd of people I'm going to do something very special for all y'all who hears the pyromaniac that would be gen Ed Janet Virginia [Music] follow me [Music] with no real order in this team anymore sexy Nepal's main threat was starting to become themselves this seems like chaos who did that why are you doing that don't do it don't do it so after coming to the realization that their Island probably wasn't going to get a reward for their builds are you uh are you feeling confident for the build build challenge not really sexy Nepal started to come up with a plan to take down the other civilizations from the inside as they started sending out players to join other teams undercover to see if they could sabotage their builds to help them win and one of the teams that they wanted to breach was the Wampus Island that had made some great progress since the start of this phase damn this looks insane thank you uh we're still finishing up the roof even though the Wampus Island were trying their best to keep peaceful with other civilizations some members on this team were not helping as they went off on their own and started killing the leaders of the other civilizations so I have a bit of an announcement I just assassinated the the president of the last Island over there with players already starting to act out on this team Aero their leader started to become scared that the players going against his orders were going to betray him at some point they might try to kill me okay I got this no don't kill me don't kill me Alfie no and even worse for them as they were worried about members of their team planning to kill their own leader that's when Kane the second in command at sexy Nepal had finally arrived at the coast of the Wampus island in the hopes of joining their team undercover and sabotaging them from the inside sexy Nepal like like they ran them they picked some random because they thought their name looked cool sounds like Nepal no it's actually so stupid so after telling a somewhat believable lie about why he left Nepal Kane was welcomed onto the Wampus Island and straight away started feeding information back to the wildu days Island um about 20 to 30 of them we should read and like only try to kill Aaron and Kane was quickly forgot about as a few members of the Wampus Island that weren't too happy about aero's new peace rules started grouping up and talking behind his back yeah hello hi what are you guys planning here where you guys go out here no no I'm just curious I don't trust it at all it's always Kane stood around listening in on conversations and feeding information back to his team at the island of sexy Nepal he was waiting for the perfect time to start his sabotage and set fire to the wooden builds of the Wampus Island to ruin their chances of winning the build competition but it seemed back at sex in a poll they were about to have bigger problems than losing a build competition as it seemed they had some players undercover in their team too yukara yes sir what I know you're not working with us I've seen the DMS as it seems sexy Nepal on the Wampus Island were falling apart one civilization had been making really good progress this entire time and that was the new Slavic Empire oh I'm loving what's happening up here I'm loving this whilst the other civilizations had been dealing with the chaos of betrayals and overpopulation the new Slavic Empire had been working on huge tree houses statues and Farms without any issues and were even able to expand their team during this phase as the voyagers from earlier approached them in the hopes of an alliance hey how's it going we want to we want to kind of just have an alliance with you guys okay okay well let's sign it oh you have a torch torch of wisdom and the Voyages weren't the only players that wanted to team up with the Slavic Empire as the underground group of players that were brand new to my events were approached by Common hat who also wanted to join forces hello yeah hello hello so I I heard you're the team yeah you could say that would you like would you like would you like to join our blossoming you Slavic Empire like look at the Statue dude that is a statue and a half right there after agreeing to work together it's nuked was insistent that his rule from the start would not be broken let's not stab each other in the back that's my one condition right the new Slavic Empire does not snap it allies in the back we are an honor-bound culture we're coming in your life I'm trusting you out here so is the underground civilization joined the new Slavic Empire their first few minutes on the island didn't go as planned as the Island Building phase was put on hold with each Civilization now having to face a shark attack the shark attack get out of the water and get out of the water get out get out of the water shark attack shark attack these damn sharks why are they everywhere there's really sharks for the players out in the open an ocean this phase was going to be rough so some players started taking cover in random bases before they were swarmed by the Sharks right right oh my God there's loads of them there's loads of them run run oh my God she's only this is and with each civilization being forced to stay on their land this was the perfect time for them to finish off their builds but somehow the Sharks still managed to get to them okay why are how the buildings looking right now uh well we have one house we have three dogs so it kind of looks like a survivalist Island at the moment oh my God oh my God I'm bleeding but for the teams that built walls like the Slavic Empire they wasted no time we've got 15 minutes to finish the builds come on boys we got this there's a there's a manga statue why so was the rest of the survivors stayed away from the waters and avoided the sharks they made their last changes as the Island Building phase came to an end this place is looking pretty nice now it was up to me to visit each civilization and judge their builds to figure out which would be given a reward so I started with a new Slavic Empire but this is where it all started this is the podium this is where I was this is where I was elected this is our farm this is where we make the cookies and stuff over here is a it's a shack I don't know oh this guy's doing free cookies again we have this thing [Music] okay okay uh and the last thing are tree base and that's about it and their mortgage stash over there oh no you've lost point that has lost you points that has lost points okay quickly got destroyed next I visited the Wampus Island the team that had attempted to build their civilization upon peace had actually come together to build a great looking island with docks farms and houses for their citizens to live in giving them a great opportunity to win the competition after Kane had been unsuccessful in his attempt to sabotage them after that was the island of the sexy Nepal gang that had taken an interesting approach to the building competition sword I build the Wall come with me okay make it quick make it quick I got two minutes 50 to do this oh nice nice place this is getting a lot of blurs right now but this is great with not much else on their Island apart from a tower a dock and a Podium clearly sexy Nepal hadn't put much effort into their builds which was also the case with the pickle Empire that had spent almost the entire event up to now worshiping a pickle oh this is our this is a god Mr Pickle okay Lord and Savior apart from that these guys didn't really have much else with only some super basic houses and just a messy Island in general meaning once all of the islands have been judged it looked like the Wampus Island was going to take Victory despite someone having literally joined their team with the one job of burning down their Island so they couldn't win but before they were given their reward the Slavic empire were begging me to visit their Island one more time it's a shrine oh oh hell no just for you after building my face on their Island the Slavic empire were awarded one extra point which put them level with the Wampus Island meaning they both now had a decision to make you are joined by your team and I am here to tell you that you are joint first in the Island Building phase um for your team you are allowed to choose one item okay should we take another eyeball courtroom chance because um everyone can use it but can we have an enchant table please yeah yes you can yeah let's go and after the Wampus Island picked an enchantment table the Slavic Empire followed in their steps and also chose to receive an enchantment table for their builds okay so I've received news from Rhys and we have achieved first and second place because so was each of the winning civilizations started to celebrate their Victory by enchanting their armor and tools wood broke out to the other civilizations that they had lost oh God Slavic Empire the Slavic Empire but things were only going to get worse as the island voting phase came to an end oh no oh wait tsunami oh my God I don't know but I'm terrified I'm being quite honest a huge tsunami was making its way through the map ready to submerge everything in its path and even the mole Kingdom that had stayed underground this entire time weren't safe as their base started to flood for God's sake water everybody mining stop mining we have to go I think we're safe on the ground oh what's happened what's happened wait is the underground been flooded this has been lost no back at the other Islands they all took to High Ground as their progress was being washed away beneath them all the crops and amongst the chaos some players started to die as they drowned in the waters below or fell from the trees as they tried to escape the Waves by taking The High Ground dude what are you doing down there bro what are they doing as they thought things couldn't get any worse their bases were now being taken over by sharks that were able to swim over their walls into their bases no he just died shark shark shark shark shark there's a shark careful one civilization started to crumble more than others during this phase and that was the Wampus Island no no no go down go down tsunami everyone underground everyone Underground don't go underground get everyone go up everyone go up build a staircase as their members started to take cover above the trees Kane saw this as the perfect opportunity to set fire to their houses uh guys guys the house is on fire and things got even worse for this civilization as the players that they've been suspicious of earlier murdered one of their teammates during the chaos for no reason he died foreign with a civil war starting to break out Kane realized the only way he was getting out of here alive was by escaping so hopped in his boat and headed into the distance as the one for silent killed as many of the traces as they could before checking out the damage of their builds virus house oh no no oh they burned down my home yeah sorry we could not prevent that so apart from the Slavic Empire that had built a tree house way above the ocean the tsunami phase had submerged almost everyone's Island entirely meaning as the waves stopped and this phase came to an end they had to wait for the water to drain everything you thought walk towards is gone wait does this mean I have to rebuild again back at what used to be the island of sexy Nepal players started to get worried for Kane as they hadn't heard from him in a while is there any info on Kane is he still good um well as they started to question where he was he had successfully escaped the Wampus Island and could see his old island in the distance or at least what used to be an island what the is this I am back boys I've come back from the mission yo guys I'm a God their theme is in shambles by the way as Kane explained everything that happened during his mission one of the traitors at the Wampus Island decided to return which of course was a horrible idea oh you know what exactly we've done so was there a Chase for the traitor started they traveled far far away from their Islanders even tried his best to escape and led them all the way back to the island of sexy Nepal to try and cause a distraction but as Aero approached sexy Nepal word quickly broke out that he had arrived which sent the entire team into Panic as they thought he was here to attack guys as Arrow tried his best to explain to sexy Nepal that he wasn't trying to attack them he was inches away from killing the traitor before he was swarmed by sharks allowing the traitor to get away shark hey viral can you assist me here after the Sharks had been dealt with the members of sexy Nepal had all taken cover above their Island as Arrow peacefully approached them and explained why he was here okay everybody stop it y'all stay over here I'm just gonna go chat with my buddy Arrow okay okay come here come here all right so pretty much we're chasing a Trader in our nation that Evan guy and you guys kind of yeah he got disappeared now after sticking to their words and keeping peaceful the Wampus Island and sexy Nepal formed an alliance together which it seemed some players in sexy Nepal weren't too happy about since they had agreed since the start that they were going to kill Errol when they had the chance dude Jordan this team fell apart completely um there's going to be a fight soon either within the team but it's just chaos and we kind of need to leave with small teams it's always sexy Napoli Pole to another Island and started a new plan to take down aerocon who is ready to murder some kids let's go yeah all right let's go after realizing their small group wouldn't be able to do this alone they headed back out into the open ocean and started Gathering players from every team that were willing to help them in their attempt to kill Aero and whilst they were busy visiting as many islands as they could the members of the Wampus Island had once again gone against Arrow's peace promise as they stopped by the new Slavic Empire on their way home from sexy Nepal and started murdering their members for no reason as Arrow stood there in shock hello oh well there we go that's that's brutal there you go hey are you guys to be here and we kind of just murdered your team what after the rest of the new Slavic Empire arrived hoping to take back their land and get revenge against the Wampus civilization for their murders they stood no chance against these Warriors as they were destroyed in the waters around their own base jump house oh I I would talk but it's gone too late so um there he is I got him as common Hat died the Slavic Empire had officially crumbled after a great attempt at building up a civilization in this event and as the deaths of these players were announced in chat the group that had been growing in the hopes of attacking Aero knew exactly where he was so gathered their entire force which was now the largest group on the server as Kane stood before them all and gave out a speech to prepare them for battle brothers Arrow has suppressed us era has killed our brothers and Friends our sons and daughters today there will be no more the day we will kill erokun and bring bring Salvation to these Seas now who's with me yeah guys with this entire Army ready to fight they all got in their boats and headed towards the old Slavic Empire with murder on their minds oh my God okay we literally have armies just to kill one man kill them all as this huge group charged towards the island they were spotted with no choice but to run error ordered his entire team to fall back to the Wampus Island and once they had arrived they just had to defend the Shores from the onslaught that was incoming all the shore if if we die we die in our homeland that's what we're fighting as the attack has arrived the fight started and they quickly realized how bad of a mistake they had made as the Wampus Island players were starting to destroy them yukahara's dead torn God damn it as the battle went on some players even started making their way over from sexy Nepal to try and take down the one per civilization but after what seemed to be a quick battle against a force more than three times their size the Wampus Island stood strong on their Coast with their entire team still alive as they had somehow taken out all of their attackers meaning they were able to start rebuilding this island back to what it once was with no threats from any other players let's actually rebuild this now well guys if you want to really help rebuild it let's try and get that stone down from there but the Wampus Island was not the last one remaining since up in a tree house way above the surface of any Island was a player called aruko that had left sex in a pole with the potato guy earlier on and had been building his own Treehouse civilization away from everyone else this entire time so as they lived happily up this tree the two final civilizations decided to live alongside each other in peace as the other teams had made an awful judgment about Arrow which eventually led to their own downfall this event proved that sometimes players can work together to overcome some of the biggest challenges they've ever faced and have an incredibly fun time in the process of it all so I hope you all enjoyed this video and I'll see you all on my next adventure
Channel: Sword4000
Views: 6,528,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kid friendly, Minecraft, factions, Funny, Videos, Fun, Happy, Minecraft videos, Modded, War, Survival server, Sword4000, 4000, 100 days, Hardcore Minecraft, Hardcore, 200 days, Minecraft Simulation, Simulation, 100 Players Simulate, Survival, Island, Survival Island, 100 Players Survival Island, Poor vs Rich, Survival Island Minecraft, Minecraft Island, Island Experiment, Sword4000 100 players, sword4000 event, sword4000 discord, Civilization, Civilizaiton Simulation, Sword4000 civilization
Id: fjHN4jsJnEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 21sec (2361 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 07 2022
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