100 Players Simulate Tribal Civilizations in Minecraft...

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i split 100 players across four tribes each with their own biome to see which tribe could build up their civilization the strongest to take down their rivals would the tribes be able to work together or would some players be out for blood against their own kind take your guesses as to who you think will win down below and let's find out this is 100 players simulate tribal civilizations in hardcore minecraft as all four teams ran from their spawns the clock was ticking down before they were allowed to invade each other so teams got to work right away to start upgrading their civilizations most players followed the same plans of chopping down the closest trees that they could find to start making some tools but the desert team found themselves as expected in the middle of a desert nowhere near any trees so had to start exploring their island straight away as they ran through the sand dunes they spotted a pyramid in the distance so formed a group of eight people to go and check it out and as they entered they quickly realized that this place was a maze oh it's amazed some other members of the desert team had gone the opposite way into the badlands and spotted a small saloon that they could gather some food from and then started upgrading their weapons by tearing this place apart over in the snowy mountains these guys had punched a few trees before they realized they were going to struggle for food since their island was covered in a thick coat of snow animals and grass was pretty rare so they started clearing up some of the snow to expose some dirt and then started to set up a small farm right next to a frozen lake with a few seeds that they were able to find the rest of their members then headed underground to start mining up resources for weapons and armor the jungle team were also starting to make advancements over at their island after finding a small treehouse with some loot let me look at this oh there's an enchantment table here uh grab it we'll get a diamond pickaxe and pick it up my team we're off to a really good start that's right i'm the leader of the jungle team as a few of my members continued to explore the jungle they stumbled across a small temple that was filled with loot and traps so as they went in to explore they were quickly caught out yeah i think there's a witch in here [Music] okay i'm coming over now oh no if you're gonna go into the temple oh how did you die these deaths knocked the jungle tribe down to 23 players already but luckily for us we weren't the only team to lose players already back at that desert temple one of their players had set off a trap if you're doing money who led the tnt this trap also killed two of their members how did you guys die in the desert temple and exploded oh man you guys are so dumb but even though this place killed two of their members the rest of their explorers were safe and managed to get most of the loot from this place and then escape before they died to a trap as well but now they faced a new problem just like the mountains this desert had no real source of food so they had to resort to the oldest trick known to man fishing their leader ran to the coast of their island to start gathering some food for the rest of his team over on the swamp island their team was working together really well exploring through their land and most importantly not dying on their journey they found an abandoned witch hunt and after looting this place up they decided as a team to set up a small camp here and see this little witch huh we'll just set up a little camp on this little island for now guys i'll start setting up they built some tents a farm and even trapped some chickens in for extra food they were off to a really good start back at the desert the fishermen had gained a friend and this group quickly expanded from two to three and then to four players that were all fishing for the rest of their team that were still out exploring their island but this fishing paid off with more than just food when they started fishing up rare items like enchanted books and even gold oh and six gold blocks uh the lure one oh i just got a book i got prop 3. i got a fortune three pickaxe nobody mine diamonds nobody mine diamonds nobody buying diamonds the rest of their team had been making their way through the badlands and found a small village on the south coast of their island that looked out over the waters into the swamp the guy that found it got some hay bales looted some chests and then alerted the rest of the team about this village which led to most of them heading over to check it out during this time the mountaineers had made some really quick development over on their island after working collectively as a team they had set up a massive farm to feed all of their members and the miners had collected enough iron to supply most of their players with armor and weapons my members over at the jungle tribe had also been working away in the caves trying to find as much iron as possible whilst i stayed up on the surface setting up a farm for our team to get some food since we were getting pretty hungry but it seemed this food just didn't want to grow so i was stood around waiting for a while luckily though our miners seemed to have a gift we were able to find diamonds really easily some members may be a little bit easier than others though this is wildly crazy he wasn't just lucky when it came to mining for diamonds he was clearly cheating to find them that's right he was x-raying and the worst part was he was on my team the host of the event sadly at the time we had no idea he was cheating but trust me now he is banned from all future events so this is your opportunity if you're a legit player and don't cheat feel free to join my discord down below to get involved with these events anyway as will the x-rayer started making his way to the surface sadly another member of our team was killed by some lava as he made his way to some diamonds oh what happened someone died what please okay who is how are you guys dying falling or something yep we were now down to 21 members before pvp was even enabled putting us at a huge disadvantage to all of the other teams that had not lost anywhere near as many players as us one of the teams that hadn't lost any members yet was the swamp team they were still going strong at their camp with 25 players and even better for them their miners weren't cheating and were all super honest with each other when sharing their resources fine i have taken 11 iron at the phones but i've replaced it with 11 raw iron so this team worked really well together and with a great campsite coming along someone even brought some cows and sheep over in case of a hunger event later on which was something the other teams hadn't anticipated on the mountain island their team leader had come up with a plan though whoever's got cobblestone we're gonna head up the uh the mountain to the west the west of the lake go up there and we're gonna make the base there they were already on the base building stage of their development in this event each team has to create some sort of location for their team beacon to be placed inside of and the mountaineers chose to build it right on top of this massive mountain so they could look over their land and have the high ground against any enemies planning to attack them the jungle team were much further behind in progression than everyone else because instead of making armor and preparing for a battle my members decided to feed pandas what me and alinac decided to get to work in setting up a place to put down our beacon and thought the best idea was to make a tree house alanak oh nick if we um if we do it in this huge tree everyone will probably get distracted by the temple and probably mr beacon right they won't find it and they will focus on the temple not on the tree so with our location chosen we got right to work setting up a ladder inside of the tree and making an area that we could build a tree house and place down our beacon all right the treehouse is done guys i'm putting the beacon down up here this is we're confirming the spot the jungle and the mountain were the first two teams to have their beacon down but even though the mountaineers were making really good progress as well some members in their team started arguing and calling each other out after one player was finding a lot more diamonds than the others don't you think it's a little suspicious you can keep finding diamonds it's kind of suspicious but did they not block x-ray he's not suspicious you're not supposed to be fine why are you telling me suspicious you're not special i'm using mining method if you all say it's not suspicious i'll say it's not issues so their leader tried to calm them down before it got a bit too heated but it was unsure within the team whether those two teammates could be trusted with each other back at the swamp their leader was starting to hollow out the underpart of a tree to recreate get this shrek's house as their official base since someone on their team had a shrek skin so once their leader wallow had an area dug out he invited the whole team to a meeting so they could place down their team's beacon um before we go in i'd like to just say welcome to mess swamp all right are we ready three two one ceremony they had a slight issue with their farm after someone fell in and let the animals free when they tried to get out the sheep are escaping oh not the sheep escape the desert team had finally all regrouped at the village on the south coast of their island and instead of getting their beacon down like everybody else already had of course they went back to fishing even though it seemed like all of this team was just fishing it turned out that that fortune book that was fished up earlier on had been passed down to a miner that was going around using fortune on every diamond that the team had found when mining meaning they had a boatload of diamonds thanks to the fishers so secretly this team were actually super rich one of their members even managed to get their hands on some saplings for apples but they quickly started an argument within the team over bones because some members wanted to bone me all the trees for apples whilst a few other people wanted to use it for food give them to vincus to your right my guy you're standing next to him turn around turn around turn around throw the bones to that guy throw the bones to that guy i saw you pick them up i saw you pick the bones up throw them out throw the bones out thank you to create a compromise they made this contraption here that allowed the farmers to turn some of their spare crops into bone meal for the trees which worked perfectly and allowed them to get a bunch of apples and after a lot more fishing and chopping they realized time was running out before they had to place their beacon down so they started working on their official base they chose one of the nearby hills and started building up some walls on top then their leader soccer went down below and placed down their beacon now all four teams had their bases claimed and with only five minutes left until phase two teams didn't have long until they'd find enemy players invading their land with this in mind the swamp team called a meeting to organize which players of theirs would be heading out across the waters to explore other islands but whilst this meeting took place something extremely unexpected happened between two of their members that nobody could have predicted a betrayal within the team whilst the player went afk his teammate killed him whilst no one was looking enough how did someone die from our team someone just died ow yeah i'd like to see how he died ow due to everyone being distracted at their meeting the inside man was able to get away with the kill leaving his entire team confused about their first team death and as they were busy wondering how their teammate died one of their miners on the ground were digging in the worst place possible and was crushed by a load of gravel eliminating another one of their members swamp had quickly lost two of their members and some people in the team were really starting to worry that they were going to be next over at the jungle island we had already selected our explorers so a group of us headed out and made our way through the jungle to the north point of our island where we could see the land that belonged to the mountaineers we hopped in the water and started making our way over just as phase 2 started this meant that players were now allowed to leave their island pvp was enabled and beacons were allowed to be broken by other teams as us jungle explorers made our way over to the mountaineers island the coast looked clear so we left the boats behind and started sneaking through the snow and up the mountains to try and get a higher view over this land once we made our way up we looked down through the valleys and there was no one in sight the mountaineers were much further away from here all back at their camp but as we continued to move forward using trees cover we spotted some signs of life so we carried on following the trail for clues and eventually we spotted the castle that the mountaineers had built wait there's a tower that'll be it that'll be their base for sure just watch out wait wait wait there's a farm there's a farm oh there's a guy down there yeah i can see someone i see someone i see someone this is like should we go for the kill i think we should move in for it they've seen us they've hadn't seen all right we'll go back into the base we'll get into the base he had spotted us and alerted his team and before we knew it we had an entire army of players charging towards us knowing we were heavily outnumbered we ran away into the mountains to escape from their soldiers and quickly made our way back to the coast and hopped in some boats after losing them in the snow we weren't the only team to have stepped on another island though as phase two started swamp sent some players west towards the coast to check out the jungle but a member from the desert had already beaten them to it and was already on the jungle island starting to explore back at swamp camp one of their members was bored of waiting around for the rest of his team so set off on a solo mission to see what he could find after a small trip out of the swamp in his boat he started crossing the channel of water between the swamp and the desert which was right where the desert team had set up soccer the leader of the desert team spotted the rogue swamp player out in the water all alone and wasted no time in grabbing a boat to chase down his enemy that's not our team phil single diamond guy left side i'm gonna go find out as soccer made his way into the swamp his teammates reminded him that this could be bait for a trap big wall of friends i'm gonna follow them and see where they smite wait what's okay be careful i know i'm being careful i've got my f5 open he decided to turn back and join his team just in case they were right and now the desert team knew that as soon as that rogue player made his way home the whole swamp team would know exactly where their camp was and they were right when he got home he told the team what happened which caused the explorers that were about to enter the jungle to turn around and head back home just in case the desert team decided to charge into the swamp and attack their camp but over at the desert everything was very quiet because that wasn't their plan get in this house get in this house up here get in this house everyone everyone pile into this house and let's all just crouch just crouch crouch in this house the desert team all decided to hide inside of the village house waiting for the swamp team to attack them meaning that both teams were now stood waiting for each other to attack when neither of them were going to the swamp team even decided to take a team photo with the thought that they were going to lose some of their members in their defense now before we carry on i want to quickly thank mc pro hosting for providing the servers for me to host these events on if you guys want to play some events just like this with your friends on your own server check out the link in the description and use code sword4000 for 25 off any server plan now back to the video whilst these two teams were wasting their time waiting for each other to attack the solo desert player aerocon that went on a mission to explore over at the jungle had found our camp and the entire team had no idea that he was here watching our every move as he hid behind a small wall he created he waited for the perfect opportunity and eventually he saw a potential kill and started attacking one of the jungle players arrived he was killed and the team had no idea what happened news broke out to us explorers about the death just as we finally made our way back onto our island from our trip earlier and as we split up running through the jungle back home aerocon again waited hiding in some bushes and spotted lacuna running right past him so he saw another opportunity and attacked him yeah attack my desert right another one of our members was killed right in front of my eyes i was 20 seconds too late and as more backup arrived with me arrow started running to escape from our island after taking down two of our members the chase continued through the jungle weaving in and out of the trees and as aero arrived at the coast he made a leap of faith off the cliff into the water down below and escaped in a boat we rained arrows down on him but he was gone his solo mission was a success for him and his team but for us on the jungle team we had lost another two players and now we were the smallest team on the entire server with only 16 players remaining as i arrived home i made sure our beacon was still protected and then looked out over the jungle unsure as to what was coming next sadly the answer to that was the mountaineers when we escaped from their island earlier on after they chased us away they headed home to their fortress and chose some warriors to head out back towards the jungle to track us down so they left their team behind and traveled through the snow then crossed the same waters we had previously before making their way into the jungle ready to attack whoever they saw oh there's something down there right there oh is that all right just just be very wary guys stick together together the wall doesn't lead to anywhere though so oh i see some people up there i'll do a tree with the jungle temple in sight they started moving forward but they were caught by one of our jungle guards [Music] both teams charged towards each other and the first war on the server was underway [Music] the mountain team had lost almost all of their warriors and the players back at their base could do nothing but watch the deaths being announced one by one in chat there's only one guy left just go chase him quick just go go for him he's running for the shore all but one mountain warrior was dead megamind six nine four twenty and with no backup he made a run for the coast and hopped in a boat up to now we had knocked them down to 16 players in total and if we could kill this final mountain player we wouldn't be the smallest team anymore so we hopped in boats too and a long chase over the ocean started we traveled far far away from home and eventually realized this guy was never going to stop running so rather than following him we pulled up on the snowy beaches of the mountain island and decided to go for this guy's beacon that was still hidden within the walls of his team's fortress instead once we got closer we saw their guards on the walls and realized this wasn't a battle we could take as a duo even though we had killed a load of their members almost all of their remaining players were back in this base so we ran back to the coast before we were spotted and started making our way back to our jungle island sadly for us we weren't the only ones heading here though after aerocon escaped from us in his boat earlier he returned home to tell his leader all about what happened but even though he had killed two of our members his team weren't too happy about him going off alone congratulations don't go off alone again because i mean you did well but i was kind of stupid hey wait maybe we do what we can do we dig in we just try to get their beacon so that way we can uh claim them yeah we want the troops oh yeah yeah yeah me arrow couldn't help can go private vc and scout we're gonna go try and take out jungles beacon okay so with their team split into two they headed over towards the jungle leaving only a handful of players back at their base to protect the beacon wolfies if anything happens to our beacon because of you i'm gonna be so as they made the trip across the waters they started surrounding the jungle island secretly with their members ready to attack us whenever they were given the go-ahead by their leader but once again arrow decided he didn't want to wait around for his team so started charging the jungle tribe straight away this forced the rest of his team to come out of hiding and now the desert team we're launching a full-blown invasion on our jungle camp your god's dead this guy's that he's a one-shot nice nice don't kill all of them okay he's dead yeah yeah let's go nice nice okay i'm good i'm good i'm good i'm in the i'm in there once again i wasn't home during this attack i was still making my way back home from the mountains and by the time i had arrived back to the island almost half of our team had been slaughtered by the deserts invasion and now our enemies were searching every single spot inside of the temple trying to find our beacon to take over our team whilst all of this happened the swamp tribe had been watching the deaths of both teams being announced in chat from this battle and they realized that the desert tribe were most likely launching an attack on our camp so this would be the perfect chance for them to check the desert whilst all of their enemies were split up in battle they rushed into boats and started making their way to the coast and once they arrived the desert village that their scout from earlier told them about was in sight the desert guards that had been left behind to watch the base were caught by surprise and were heavily outnumbered god they're here fishing the fishing killer pictures they're running they're holding here don't change don't chase oh someone's in our base someone's at a base we got to go back we got to go back i found the beacon i found the beacon i'm coming in it's inside of that you know i'm breaking i'm breaking it now i got it i got it since the desert beacon had been broken all of the desert tribe had now become part of the swamp tribe including all of those at the jungle temple that were still searching they broke our beef what do you think i said go back for oh my gosh you guys suck now they all had to follow the orders of wallow their new team leader that had knocked soccer off his throne the swamp team now stood strong with 36 players in total by far the largest team on the server so after sharing some loot with their new teammates and stealing whatever valuables they could from this base they all started heading over to the jungle to help them find our beacon and finish off our team as i arrived back at my island i ran straight towards our camp ready to defend our land and take down the old desert players but i heavily underestimated their strength and i was killed right outside of our temple guys i think i'm gonna die ah i'm dead no our beacon was still completely hidden at this point luckily the temple created a perfect distraction i see some redstone but i can't see the beacon we need to keep i can't find their behavior yeah i cannot find the weekend i literally cannot yeah i don't know where the beacon is but the swamp team continued to charge through our island killing our members which thankfully included the cheetah will the x-ray he's in the water now nice we got him after searching for longer than they would have hoped the swamp team gave up with the search for our beacon after killing all but four of our members that managed to either hide up a tree or escape into the waters to get away from them so instead of searching any longer the swamp team decided to move on to the mountain island to regroup their 36 player team share out some of their loot and then come up with a plan on what to do next i guess the plan is we need to try and take out mountain well george it was an honor but i'm sorry [Music] the mountain team had no idea that basically everyone on the server now was after them and a member of the jungle team had also fled to the mountains to hide from the swamp people which didn't look like it was going to end well now but after scanning the lands eventually the swamp team arrived at the fortress and now the mountaineers had to stand their ground and defend against this army of warriors i think we're being surrounded the swamp team charged up the side of the fort and built their way over the walls storming through and killing every player in sight whereas once again arrow went on a solo mission on the other side of the form taking on three mountaineers all alone and somehow winning [Music] the charge on the mountain fought was a huge success the gods were being slaughtered and after the fort was cleared the search for the beacon began anyway i'm gonna find their beacon one way or another move back oh they're getting oh watch out in place you're gonna blow you're gonna blow soccer watch out you're gonna blow yourself with one explosion of tnt the old desert leader sacrificed his life but with this explosion he was able to break the mountain beacon as they breached the tower although losing one of their strongest men from this the swamp gained another seven members for their army as they took over the mountain tribe bringing their total player count to 42 but even with 42 players they still had no idea where the jungle beacon was or where the remaining jungle players were this tree house had served its purpose up to now of hiding the beacon perfectly but of course who better to spoil that fun than arrow the rogue master as all of the swamp team decided to head back to the swamp arrow had other plans he went back to the jungle island all alone once again to try and find that beacon one final time he was so convinced that he was going to win he even started snacking whilst he was here his whole team finally all arrived back at their camp in the swamp but aero was determined to find this beacon so he started working his way to the top of the temple and then started to pill her into the sky he scanned the nearby area and spotted our guard hiding up a tree now of course because this guy is crazy he jumped off his pillow risking everything but he bucket clutched his landing and started to make his way towards the tree there was no stopping him now george yeah one of our members i believe has ran away um and he has found that beacon all right well it's over and now i'm gonna break the beacon well the swamp team had won they had been an unstoppable force throughout this entire event planning their attacks perfectly taking down every single team's beacon and although some players may have gone rogue and almost risked their lives they worked together as a team perfectly making them the strongest biome of all if you think you could join a future biome and take down the swamp team join my discord down below to get the chance to join in future events but for now the swamp team is the winner goodbye [Music] you
Channel: Sword4000
Views: 2,559,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kid friendly, Minecraft, factions, Funny, Videos, Fun, Happy, Minecraft videos, Modded, War, Private, Survival server, Sword4000, Sword, 4000, 100 days, Hardcore Minecraft, Hardcore, 200 days, 100 days hardcore, 1 year, 100 days challenge, 100 days Hardcore challenge
Id: U5r_Xn5qHCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 7sec (1687 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 10 2022
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