I Made 100 Players Simulate WAR in Minecraft...

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CrusaderJanissary πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 06 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

The tanks in the video are from Trajan's Tanks and the plane is from Simple Planes. I don’t know about the mod that adds those guns.

Here are the links to them:



πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Pawofthewild πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 07 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

If MrBeast were a Minecraft YouTuber

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Aimjock πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 07 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love simulations like this!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ikizli πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 06 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
imagine if a modern war was recreated in Minecraft with guns Vehicles Rebel factions and a hundred players split into three different nations we created a public server with a giant war-torn map and split players into three teams with unique abilities their mission is to build a base and defeat the other teams in a devastating War they'll also have to survive several world events like Rebel invasions the trials of winter and deadly radiation poisoning from a nuclear bunker players are also set to hardcore mode so once they die their Nations will have to Soldier on without them which nation will gather the most advanced weapons and come out on top find out as a hundred players simulate the story of Minecraft's War to begin the players spawned into their own unique regions of the map the nation of northgard found themselves in a towering mountain range Aquaria was in a string of islands surrounded by water and stormrun made their home on the planes however they weren't able to explore their their entire regions just yet each team was confined by a massive Bedrock wall that would later drop in the game each nation's first perks were already active and they had to put them to the test quickly soon after spawning each team was ambushed by a group of Rebel Fighters storm run used their increased run speed to kite the rebels while punching them whenever they could northgard put their jump boost to good use narrowly dodging bullets Aquario was at the strongest disadvantage with water breathing being their first perk each team thought bravely but by the time the rebels had been killed their numbers had dwindled significantly luckily each faction's early de facto figureheads maxcraft Princess Anna and bronzo all survived this first attack with the survivors low on health they needed to find food to regain their strength we're working on it I'm finding more mushrooms this was northgard's first goal and they quickly created a large plot of Farmland between two mountains they used the leaves from a massive fallen tree to make bone meal and speed their crops growth but with so many mouths to feed it still wasn't enough one player charitably dedicated most of his time to fishing which helped feed the entire nation while some North Guardians focused on collecting food the others began to explore the area heading into the side of the mountain and slaying mobs after a while they formed a cover plan for their base that would give them an advantage when the war started getting heated taters over there building us a base above ground okay but we are the north guard we have this Giant mountain I think that we should build our actual base in the mountain and have a decoy base above ground that that is smart across the map the nation of Aquaria had already formed a sense of unity so everyone start congoing and their first goal was an ambitious one we're gonna wipe out northgard as soon as the walls drop surprisingly they weren't interested in going in the ocean despite their ability being geared towards use in the water many of them weren't interested in the chore of cultivating a food source either instead they dubbed themselves a band of pirates and formed a conga line that headed down into the caves those who stayed behind punched the limited amount of grass on their Island to try to get weed seeds and gathered wood to begin building a shelter between their Seaside crops and the dried kelp they were able to make they had more than enough food the aquarians also established their first laws Thou shalt not team kill and thou shall help thy friend though their strategy of beginning mining early would serve them well later in the battle some players began to suspect that they had a spy on their team well what if Sunfire is about to say that there is that too so keep your eyes peeled next up is stormrun the nation of the Plains their players were split into two groups those who decided to get tools and weapons first and those who wanted to prioritize building a farm several storm Runners took to the caves after crafting basic tools and weapons but were ill-prepared to fight the mobs they found down there what is what is with this skill militant this hole will forever be known as the skeleton Hall of Doom it wasn't all for nothing though because they found the resources to make a new source of food mushrooms do some players met their deaths underground but those who survived were able to gather enough bones to speed the growth of their crops above ground they also discovered that weapons were easy to make so they became the first nation to craft their own guns and ammo things were looking good for each of the three nations by the time the base building contest began the Build Challenge better get started the Build Challenge is starting now so make sure to make something really cool something War themed each of the teams had the same amount of time to build a base with enough defenses to help protect against invasions the game master explained that he would judge each of the nation's bases and their placement in the contest would determine how much loot they got in an airdrop afterward with that each of the three nations began putting their resources towards building the best bases they could alright we're building our base in the sand area Aquaria had already gotten a head start and began making fences to serve as a perimeter they also plan to lay out for enough bunks to house them all but got distracted by crafting Shields and guns over in northgard Maxwell Dallas from maxcraft stepped up to unite the team for the build battle we have this decoy base that we plan to use eventually and we have our Mountain Base but from the sounds of it we haven't made a lot of progress on it my thinking is we present the decoy they accelerated the plans they thought of earlier to make a decoy base out in the open and hide their real base inside the mountain the storm Runners decided to create a fortress style build putting emphasis on the defense requirements of the build battle while a player named K sherwitz was building a sign to show the world their national pride Rebels began to fly into their savings oh no no no no banding together the players were able to defeat every last one gaining more guns and ammo in the process in the midst of the build battle Knight fell bringing with it an unexpected danger Phantoms due to the large number of players in one area the sky was filled by the bloodthirsty Undead mobs one of stormrun's best fighters his OZO was killed during the struggle oh no hisozo after his death the players scrambled into their storage house to avoid the same Fates everyone inside a few Brave storm Runners equipped guns and iron armor then climbed to the roof of the storage house to shoot down the Phantoms that had disrupted their building efforts the Phantom attacks wreaked havoc on northgard killing several players and sending the rest into the Mountain's caves for shelter without the weapons and armor needed to defend themselves they were forced into hiding I you know I think I might I think I I might just uh stay underground preventing them from making any progress on their decoy Base outside the aquarians decided to be cautious during the Phantom attacks as well remaining inside their shelter they spent their time crafting tools and armor until day came saving them from the Relentless Phantoms in the daylight they took advantage of the mobs that lingered around their base killing them for loot afterward they continued working on their Base building a graveyard for all their fallen comrades Conga around the grave before long the build battle was over and the game master visited each Nation to judge what they'd come up with all right what do we got what's going on Aquaria presented a wooden Bungalow built beside their farm with ample bunks for the soldiers a storage and crafting area and a watchtower they attempted to gain extra points by singing a sea shanty but the game master wasn't impressed this is not gonna get you any points in the build battle this is not gonna get you any points stormrun's Fortress was fortified with Cobblestone walls surrounding their storage House Farm a multi-purpose crafting building and several dirt hunts North guard's base included a farm a Loosely organized storage and crafting Zone and a wooden cabin with a mysterious tunnel leading into the mountain Maxwell Dallas explained their plans for the tunnel slightly redeeming their unfinished build in the game Master's eyes so it's like modern art like it doesn't look very good but it has some sort of meaning behind it after some deliberation he ranked the three nations builds and awarded them each in the form of airdropped loot crates northgard came in third Aquarius second and stormrun won first place earning them an RPG some Rockets grenades and plenty of other weapons to arm their forces whoa while each team was Distributing the new loot amongst their soldiers the massive Bedrock walls fell leaving them free to explore the world there are ruins Villages mines and military bases around the map filled with loot though none of the players knew where they were located the north Guardian suddenly realized the sheer scale of the mountains that their base was nestled beside and began climbing to check them out Hey Joe we gotta be careful they took advantage of the area they'd been unable to mine before and started collecting iron realizing the advantage that the height of the mountain gave them they decided to build an Armory near the peak and wait for the other two Nations to come to them so instead of exploring outside of their mountain range they continued collecting materials crafting weapons and preparing for the battle ahead stormrun was left divided after the walls foul everyone with some players wanting to continue Mining and others feeling the need to explore who wants to go they decided to slow the player burnt waffles led a small team on a reconnaissance mission hoping for a chance to shed some blood to the pigs after wandering through the planes and killing mobs for meat they found a pair of abandoned Villages which supplied them with books lava and other materials taking them one step closer to crafting a nuke launcher the storm Runners who went mining gathered Redstone and iron and dug all the way down to bedrock looking for diamonds thanks to their unique faction perk Fortune picks they got a decent sized deal from the few blocks of diamond ore that they found and my lucky perk is working I just got four diamonds from two things over in Aquarius some interesting developments had happened after the walls fell as they were crafting boats to Journey away from home the self-proclaimed iron hat Pirates were reunited with a player who they mistakenly thought had died they'd also discovered how to craft airplanes whoa which they used to make some quick Headway across the map those who remain behind readied the base in case of invasion preparing a method of attacking from underwater so we have water breathing so we don't need boats we can just swim underneath and they wouldn't expect us from the water especially with our blue names it would blend in gathering ocean materials and taking a head count of the survival driving players Dark Horse is still alive even more surprisingly they received some private messages from a North guard player named Greece I Librarians invited him to unofficially join their team if he gave them the coordinates of the northgard base as those negotiations progressed each team was given its second perk stormrun received the aforementioned Fortune picks an ability that automatically applied Fortune to anything they mined regardless of the tool they were using northgard was given the Juggernaut perk which gave them a health boost that could prove crucial in a fight sick these are gonna be extra tough and Aquaria received dolphin's Grace helping them move through their territory more quickly let's go that's gonna make her the tactic even easier the game master then announced that it was time for the election world events when each Nation would select the general to be their leader the general would then be given a special perk than no other player on the map would have since northgard's ranks had shrunk dramatically it was easy for the remaining soldiers to agree on electing Maxwell Dallas as their leader five-star general Maxwell upon informing the game master of their decision Max was given three planes dramatically improving northgard's Mobility as soon as they figured out how to fuel them they took off and after some stumbling blocks with learning how to fly two Scout missions left the mountainous region at last over in stormrun they opted to use a more complicated form of government with player K shirts being the official General and Crystal Shara calling the shots as a shadow leader after explaining their decision to the game master K sharitz was awarded two tanks yeah baby which could be fueled with coal and filled with tank ammo to use as a deadly mobile weapon they quickly discovered that driving ate up their coal resources so they decided to use them as defensive weapons outside the wall rather than taking it with them to confront enemies in Aquaria flush gun declared himself the leader I'm the leader and after confirming that no one objected to this the game master gave him a large warship that could carry nearly their entire Army at last northgard's Defector Greece arrived with the Aquaria base and they began discussing plans for an ambush of the north Guard base all right we're gonna attack we're gonna attack the north guard first then they had several advantages including various means of quick transportation and the fact that they were the only team whispering to each other through the in-game chat in fact by the time Greece and flushkin were discussing plans to attack northgard the Aquarian player chaotic shift made it all the way into the mountains and one of the airplanes they built earlier fleshgun asked him to return back to the base then they launched an attack on northgard rather than using any of their vehicles they opted to swim out of their region and climb into the mountains on foot their Journey was a long slow one with members getting lost and the team needed to stop and regroup off of them before making their attack they dug into one of the mountains to hide while they Enchanted armor and crafted some last minute supplies by the time they arrived at the coordinates Greece gave them the north Guard base had been abandoned both in airplanes and on foot the north Guardians had scattered across the map the unity of the team completely shattered while their base was being searched Maxwell Dallas was Landing his plane on the wing of a zeppelin tucked into the mountain range and Landing while he was gathering loot from inside another plane arrived carrying some Aquarian players who hadn't gone on the Ambush Mission Max was outnumbered but as soon as the aquarians realized that the Zeppelin was occupied they turned to run by the time Max heard them and emerge from the Zeppelin they were long gone feeling bold he got in his plane and flew in pursuit of that one but lost their Trail by the time he was able to round the mountain they disappeared behind the rest of the nation of northgard were scattered across the map star killed was mining Greece was making his way towards his Aquarian friends and several other players were seeking a fight with stormrun one group led by Cold guy wandered across the plains finding some mostly abandoned Villages and a castle ruined along the way another group ran into some Rebel fighters who gave them a beating But ultimately lost the new loot from this encounter included a flamethrower which emboldened the north guardian's fighting spirit and then they found it the stormrun base which they quickly assaulted they put up a tough fight using all the weapons they had at their disposal but the scattered northgard forces were no match for the tanks that stormrun used for defense before a single player could penetrate the perimeter the north Guard soldiers were killed as Maxwell Dallas arrived back home from his adventure to the Zeppelin he found what his teammates have been looking for the storm Runners who had just blown up starkill after Chasing Max up the mountain stormrun managed to Corner him on his own home ground during the struggle Max took down burnt waffles but his two outnumbered just some 5 the encounter yes yes suddenly the world was blanketed in white winter had arrived during this world event players and mobs slowly lose Health if they aren't near a heat Source all water source blocks freeze into ice and crops stop growing causing a potential shortage of food if players are caught unprepared K shirts and Almighty toast made a path of tortures up to northgard's Armory and raided their chest for guns ammo and other resources while they waited for the weather to pass having already killed all of northgard's animals they had plenty of food to survive the storm the only other storm Runners ronzo and Crystal Chara arrive back home at their base in time to shelter from the cold narrowly missing the north Guardians who just left most of the aquarians had made their way back home after their unsuccessful raid on northgard so they had plenty of resources they could use to stay warm there were exceptions though and a few Aquarian players who'd Struck it out on their own were caught without a heat Source miles from anyone who could help them before long they succumbed to the icy Winds of Winter northgard was the most prepared for the freeze with Colt guy's group still trying to figure out where the Island region of the map was located they quickly crafted a campfire and gathered around it using the time to cook some raw pork chops they'd collected during their Trek through the plains come on stay close to the fire stay warm this storm claimed several North Guardians who had split off from the group including The Defector Greece after a while winter ended and the survivors were relieved to be able to move freely throughout the world again as the ice thawed an Aquarian player named Bobby Tom stolen to the stormrun base stealthily killing Crystal Char before she could even lay eyes on him ronzo came to her Aid too late and fought for his life against the infiltrator ultimately meeting his end in a bucket of love ironically because every team was out searching for someone to fight they circled each other on the map with only a few skirmishes breaking out between groups of players that was when the location of the nuclear bunker was revealed inside there were chests full of amazing loot as well as the greatest weapon of all a nuke the promise of Destruction pulled most of the players towards the same destination this whole guy in his band of North Guardians had just found an airdrop with two RPGs and several rockets inside then they began the long Trek towards the Bunker's coordinates the aquarians regrouped and flush gun gave an impassioned pirate speech kill steal and eat everyone in their tea with that the largest group out of the three nations headed towards No Man's Land as quickly as they could hey charites and his last remaining follower piled into a stolen plane oh yeah and decided to make a quick pass by their base to gather any weapons that had been left behind earlier before heading towards the bunker unbeknownst to the storm run Duo Bobby Tom had been sticking out their base after killing bronzo and Crystal after Gathering their supplies and heading back to the plane they traded shots with Bobby both on ground and in the air Bobby ran on foot then by boat and eventually disconnected from the server rather than trying to face his enemies while Kate share it's An Almighty toast waited for him to return they found an airdrop that held a flamethrower and fuel finally they decided it was time to head towards the bunker let's fry these people at this point the third and final perks were activated for each Nation giving them an additional Edge in the upcoming battle stormrun received fire resistance North guard was given night vision and Aquarius last perk was dead silence allowing them to walk without making audible footsteps as each of the three nations made their way towards the bunker the No Man's Land became filled with the last remaining players in the game as soon as the three North Guardians entered the Wasteland they spotted two players with Enchanted armor in the distance after getting the enemy's attention they used the sparse cover to the best of their ability send them back to Davey Jones's Locker fighting for the right to enter the bunker in the end all three of them survived the encounter taking down the two aquarians and quickly rifling through their loots while they were distracted another group of aguarian players approached led by flush gun himself all right I'm leaving this charge this time the north Guardians were outnumbered and soon they ran out of ammunition as well use their axes use your ax the fight turned to melee combat one by one Colt guy in his comrade spell spilling Lou all over the battlefield with that decisive battle the nation of northgard was eliminated from the game while Aquaria was occupied taking down northgard the two remaining storm Runners had fought through the radiation poisoning surrounding the Bunker's entrance and were rifling through the barrels of loot contained within before long they located the biggest prize of all a nuke I found the nuke all right here we go time to go to Nuke aquarium knowing they'd found what they were looking for case Sheraton Almighty toast emerged from the bunker and were Airborne once again searching for a Target to take out down below flush guns last remaining soldiers were fighting against Rebels keeping them from seeing storm run in the skies above after flying around in circles they finally spotted the aquarians and swooped low to launch the nuke let's do this for storm run the impact of the blast shook the world in a devastating display killing all but one of the iron hat Pirates as K chariots and Almighty toast turned the plane for another pass the Aquarian leader flush gun readied an RPG ready to avenge his Fallen comrades with his single remaining Rockets with only half a heart remaining and everything on the line he let loose the rocket and it struck its targets blowing his enemies to Smithereens and making Aquaria the victor
Channel: LoreCraft
Views: 2,947,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 455nmF32aDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 6sec (1206 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 02 2022
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