The TRUE Story of Minecraft's RAINBOW FRIENDS...

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the rainbow friends play place is home to many Secrets once a bustling Hub of laughter and joy for children everywhere it is now the home to the colorful Abominations known as the rainbow friends each one of these strange beings has a tragic tale of betrayal behind their creation stick with us as we reveal the true story of Minecraft's rainbow friends we start our tale with a man on the Run Alfred is being chased through the halls of the rainbow friends play place by none other than blue blue is the strongest of the rainbow friends and due to his size Alfred has underestimated his speed Alfred tries to lose blue through the winding halls but is interrupted by the sudden appearance of green green is blind and so cannot actually see Alfred but one false step could lead to Alfred's demise thankfully he's able to avoid green but his loud footsteps still prompt green to follow his Trail alongside blue as the two of them chase Alfred an alarm Bell begins to ring out throughout the Halls great not now that Bell signifies that it's supper time the ravenous alligator creature known as Orange Springs to life in his cave and is let loose throughout the facility Alfred knows it's only a matter of time before orange sets upon him so he needs to act fast orange may be small but he is incredibly fast normal hiding places like cardboard boxes won't work to avoid his wrath so Alfred Ducks into a nearby event he watches as blue green and orange passing by unaware of his location Alfred breeds a sign of relief but it is short-lived as he hears our labored breathing coming from behind him he turns around slowly only to come face to face with the vent dwelling rainbow friend himself purple purple pounces upon Alfred as his life flashes before his eyes the story of the rainbow friends truly begins when an idea came to Alfred as a child he didn't have many friends of his own in fact he had none instead of going outside and playing like a boy his age normally would he sat indoors and he used his imagination to dream up some friends of his own this kept him occupied but also helped drown out the noises from the other room his parents were arguing loudly and while little Alfred couldn't hear exactly what they were saying he could tell it was about him the boy strange sitting in his room all day talking about those pretend friends of his it's unhealthy he's just a child let him play pretend if he wants he'll grow out of it Alfred wanted nothing more than for his parents for everyone to just leave him alone he knew he was different and he didn't care all he cared about were his drawings his Creations he had already come up with their designs blue the leader green his right-hand man and trusted friend orange the rascally comedic relief and purple the hardcore ninja-like master of deception they were so real in his head that he imagined them coming to life right then and there as if in response the rainbow friends burst from the pages standing in front of the boy their creator we can't wait to play with you yeah you just need to bring us to life for real okay we will promise even if it takes me my entire time the rainbow friends were satisfied with this answer but the subject quickly turned sour the rainbow friends could hear Alfred's parents arguing in the other room too and this made them sad Alfred couldn't bear it any longer he told the rainbow friends about how he just wanted to be left alone he wished they would stop arguing wow why didn't you just say so I can help with that in Alfred's imagination orange opened up the door and walked right into the kitchen Alfred's parents were nearly too stunned to speak with what they saw what are you doing just just calm down okay let's talk about this what Alfred saw was orange bouncing upon his dad tearing him limp from limb Alfred was completely emotionally disconnected and just stood and watched as his father was killed before his eyes his mother backed into a corner terrified when the deed was done the rainbow friends were gone and Alfred himself was left standing there alone his father was on the floor in front of him and a knife was placed to his side Alfred looked to his mother for some sort of consolation but was only met with the look of shock and fear she screamed and scrambled to her phone calling the police Alfred tried to calm her down to let her know that it was just his rainbow friends they made a mistake he brought them to life maybe he can bring back Dad too anything is possible with his imagination but his mother wouldn't listen she ran into another room and locked the door shut behind her the police arrived shortly after and took Alfred away all he could do was shout it wasn't me it was the rainbow friends but his cries fell on deaf ears as a juvenile Alfred was admitted into a mental health facility to try and help him work through his delusions he met with a psychoanalyst that tried their best to understand Alfred despite their best efforts Alfred could not conceive of a world without them any longer blue was sitting right next to him how could they not see it his stay in their care only furthered his desires to make his fantasy a reality during his incarceration Alfred further honed his skills as an artist with his illustrations of the rainbow friends having become truly lifelike on his 18th birthday following several years of no incidents and good if not slightly unhinged Behavior Alfred was released he made no effort to contact his mother that part of his life was over now you only had one goal and he knew just how to see it through Alfred's father was a successful businessman and very well respected in his field while there were rumors the nature of his passing was Kept Secret therefore when Alfred arrived at his late father's place of work his family name got him through the door one day and hired the very next while employed Alfred learned the keys of running a business from the industry vets he worked for this company during the day gaining the business savvy he needed and at night he devoted himself to the other aspects of his plan he already had the necessary artistic talent but he was a novice when it came to the science required for his scheme this was a hurdle at first but one of his rainbow friends had a solution just hire some research assistants the community college has a lot of potential victims I I need helpers Alfred liked this plan he could use the college science students to gain access to the lab on campus his father's will left him a sizable inheritance so money was not an issue not yet anyway so he got to work posting advertisements for the position and soon he had a full team he paid them well and they worked Around the Clock while his Ambitions often seemed scatterbrained to the team they were happy with their paycheck and dedicated to realizing his vision thus the first prototype rainbow friend was created are error error it was a catastrophic failure a real friend Alfred knew had to have Humanity a cold heartless robot would never be enough regardless Alfred went further with the next step of his plan he needed to construct a home for the rainbow friends a Play Place leaving his researches behind to continue their work Alfred began a construction project which was a gigantic undertaking he spared no expense to make the play place look exactly like what he has pictured in his head for years every detail had to be perfect he went through each room of the facility a meticulously critiqued every fine detail with his rainbow friends appearing over his shoulder giving their advice and suggestions the construction workers were confused but they did as they were told by the end of it all the play place was impeccable but Alfred was completely out of cash but this was a part of his plan he knew that if he got the friends and the play place rights then droves of people would pay to come and see them all to that end he needed to go in and check on his scientists when he arrived back at the lab it was in total disarray and there was no unless standing Alfred rushed to the security recordings to find out what happened what he saw shocked and amazed him apparently one of the more Maverick researchers took it upon herself to use her own body as a test subject Panic said in among the others but it was too late she had transformed into an Abomination and began to lay waste to her friends and colleagues Alfred was stunned terrified and ashamed of what he had brought into this world but once again blue appeared in his imagination and offered guidance this is a good thing we just need to work out a few of the kicks you're right this is how I will make you all my friends but there was no time the play place had to open or I'll soon Alfred would be completely penniless and so he compromised he hired actors to wear crude rainbow friend mascot suits they were not the real thing of course but seeing them come to life still filled Alfred with some amount of Joy after giving them their unique roles Alfred was ready to open the play place he used his business connections to spread the word and opening day was a huge success parents brought their children from all over to see the delightful colorful characters they danced they sang and they looked oh so lovable soon the money came flowing in Alfred had become a successful man but still he couldn't help but feel like a failure blue once again appeared to him as he watched his mascot's dance your friends no but you have to admit they're making people happy blue did not take Kylie to Alfred's response he disappeared and Alfred was left alone despite his feelings on the matter the play place's popularity only continued to grow that is until Oddworld opened up just down the road Oddworld was an amusement park with rides games and all manner of fun the rainbow friends in their simple gimmicks couldn't hope to compete guests stopped showing up and soon the money stopped flowing Alfred was unable to pay his mascot actors and so they too left Alfred was once again alone and without friends at this moment he knew that he had to perfect the technology he had cast aside and may have turned his researcher into a monster but he was smarter than them all combined he knew that he could accomplish anything as long as it was to bring his friends to life and so he set himself to work day after day night after night he toiled in his lab until he had done it or at least he believed he did now he just needed a test subject luckily there were all men are people looking for a job he identified the perfect candidate as a single man living completely alone named Bob Bob had been hunting for a job for months and was desperate to pay rent when he got the offer from the rainbow friends play place he jumped at the chance Alfred met Bob outside of the play place and began to give him the tour as they got deeper and deeper into the facility Bob started to get an eerie feeling he had heard of this place before and thought it was a successful business but this place looked abandoned regardless his unsettling feelings were cast aside by the promise of the paycheck Alfred eventually brought him into his lab and began showing him the equipment Bob was eager to Begin work and get paid so when do I start right now Alfred pushed Bob into a machine which sprang to life in response Bob's body twisted and mutated he grew taller and his skin became a brilliant blue a crown formed atop his head as he stood tall breathing heavily he had become blue the first of this batch of rainbow Friends Alfred was overcome by Joy blue it's really you I've done it what what have you done to me but Bob was not the blue from Alfred's imagination not really he was a human being a human being that Alfred had tricked and he was angry blue broke out of the machine and began to ransack the lab trying to get to Alfred Alfred ran as blue continued his Rampage eventually blue cornered Alfred an act of desperation Alfred commanded blue to stop and to his surprise he listened something compelled the Beast to follow Alfred's orders Alfred began testing the limits of this control having Blue carry things for him sit when asked and even speak like a dog Alfred reveled in his power but blue was not so happy to calm blue down Alfred promised that he would return him back to normal as long as blue helped him create the rest of his rainbow Friends Blue reluctantly agreed as the two of them formed an uneasy partnership the first order of business was to rebuild the lab and recalibrate the machine once that was finished Alfred began his search for suitable new candidates let's see yes this was do nicely Alfred tricked others just like Bob first he promised a blind man The Gift of Sight desperate to see again the man followed Alfred directly into the machine he was the easiest of all to trip and was made into the creature known as green what is this I still can't see you've made me into a monster with each rainbow friend created Alfred grew to expect the struggle luckily for him he had blue on his side to serve as muscle which quashed any descent next up Alfred targeted a man who had an extreme appetite he felt that he would be perfect to embody his friend orange and so he invited him to a grand dinner the man engorged himself on everything presented to him he was truly insatiable Alfred decided after the seventh course that enough was enough and used blue and green to strong-arm the large men into the machine the man's body was molded into the alligator-like form of orange the monster was still hungry however it wouldn't be controlled in the same manner as blue and green a strict feeding regimen had to be set up you using a bell system if orange wasn't fed on schedule there'd be chaos but as long as he was satiated then he could be controlled Keep It Coming Alfred the next rainbow friend was purple Alfred envisioned him as a sneaky type and so he encouraged a thief to break into the play place through entrapment when he arrived he did not find the score he was looking for he was chased by blue and then green and then orange doing all he could to avoid the monsters he ducked into events there he came face to face with Alfred himself who quickly knocked him out and dragged him into the machine purple was born and with that only one rainbow friend remained red Alfred began his search once more for the perfect candidate only the rainbow friends had other plans in mind okay everyone get ready time to make him pay the rainbow friends confronted Alfred in his lap as he was working he asked them what the meaning of this was but they only approached him slowly in response he ran out of the room with blue hot on his Trail green soon followed suit and then orange Alfred eventually hid from his pursuers an event but this time purple was waiting for him purple knocked Alfred out with a low to the head he awoken the machine he had used to turn them all into his friends what is the meaning of this you're my friends you're looking for someone to turn into red right we just want to help you is all who better than you come on Boss it doesn't hurt oh wait yes it does Alfred tried to command blue to let him go but being backed by the others felt blue with confidence and gave him Independence Blue activated the machine and Alfred was made into red the last rainbow friend he walked out of the machine filled with Rage or what they had done to him until that is he looked around there he was amidst his rainbow friends at long last he knew then and there that this would be the start of something amazing
Channel: LoreCraft
Views: 769,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NUaZ0TqJyhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 09 2022
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