I LOST 10lbs in 4 Weeks Without Hunger Pains! So Can You! No Fads, Fasting or Calorie Counting

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♪ Bob and Brad, ♪ ♪ the two most famous ♪ ♪ physical therapists on the internet ♪ (Rhythmic Clapping) - Hi folks, I'm Bob Schrupp, physical therapist. - Brad Heineck, physical therapist. - Together we are the most famous physical therapists on the internet. - In our opinion of course, Bob. - Today we're gonna talk about, well this is not me saying this, I lost, Brad, lost ten pounds in four weeks without huge - Hunger Pains! - Without hunger pains. Without huge pains. So can you! No fads, fasting, or calorie counting. - That's right. - That's quite a claim there Brad. - I'm excited about this one Bob, cause I know anybody can do this if I can do it. - All right, by the way if you're new to our channel, please take a second to subscribe to us. We provide videos on how to stay healthy, fit, pain free, and we upload every day and by George this is the week you're gonna want to go to our website, bobandbrad.com, 'cause we are doing a huge giveaway. - Huge - Over a thousand people are gonna win. Can you believe that Brad? - That is amazing. - Yeah, so go to bobandbrad.com go to the giveaway section. We'll show you in a minute what we're giving away. Or go to Facebook BobandBrad, it'll be pinned to the top of the page. You want a short version of us, go to Twitter, Instagram, sixty seconds of Bob and Brad a day. First grand prize we're giving away is a SleepOvation mattress. This is only a small sample of it. We wanted to show you how it's made of little individual mattresses. It's got the little air channels there so it's nice and cool. Most comfortable mattress Brad and I, individually, have ever slept on. - Right, you go on. - Yeah, yeah right. So also, they're giving away two pillows, two SleepOvation pillows, same concept they got springs inside, which you do not feel, but they provide great support, and they got little air channels, and they got the little individual squares. - That's what it looks like in the, in the whole. - Third thing that we're giving away, we're giving a thousand of these away. Brad and I can fix just about anything. - Except for. - A broken heart, but we think we've figured it out, how to do it, so we're gonna send you. - Oh, you've got it upside down Bob. - We're gonna send you twelve heart magnets. Yeah stick it on Brad. So what you can do with it, you can do whatever you want with them, but you could, you know, to a loved one. If you wanna get love you gotta send love. And so you can put these on a refrigerator, you can put 'em on a car. - Right, I put 'em on my garage door with my wife last year. Big heart when she closed the garage door. - Yeah. - Scored big. - He scored big, so. But you can write little notes on there too saying, you know, I appreciate this about you. - Yeah - Brad I appreciate that you, I, you know you allow me cut you off all the time. (laughs) - Anyway, we gotta get to the video Brad. - Yeah we gotta get to this weight loss thing, because it's a, it's huge. Or I should say small, should be smaller. - Yeah that's right. - So yeah, I'm excited about this one Bob, because ten pounds in four weeks, I'm thinking that's a little aggressive. - I guess so. - Unless you are really overweight, which I wasn't, you know, obese. - No, right. - But I thought, I gotta do it. I gotta see if I can do it. So I went ahead and actually, I'm gonna show you somethin'. - Wait, wait, wait. - Just relax Bob. I wanna show, look at this. These pants. - All right. - I used to wear, my wife bought them last year for me, I've been wearing them on videos for, ever since last fall. - Looks like you got a couple extra inches there now. - Yep yep they're a little big. But this is the coolest thing Bob, I've gotta show everyone this. - Oh, thank God, there's something underneath there. - I'm not kidding you Bob, this pair of pants my wife bought me for Christmas, last Christmas - Sure - You know, a month ago, or whatever. - Yeah - And they were too small. And they were these new pants that are tight fitting, they're supposed to be like the modern day thing. - Sure. - And you know, 'cause I come on your - They look like they fit you great now! - Yeah! They do and I got this shirt, which was always tight on me, it was a fitted shirt you know. - Sure - Because we get on here, sometimes we get comments and my wife says you look like a couple a douche bags. - I know, yeah we did. - So anyways here we are, this is, this is, I feel good about this. - Yeah congratulations Brad, job well done. - I weighed myself this morning at the YMCA, 169 pounds and .8 - And you started at? - 180, and I've got more to show on that. - You dropped, I mean, you at one point the highest in your life. - Well January first I was 183, well five, six years ago in January. Always rolled around 200 pounds - But weren't you like 220 at one point? - No, no Bob. That was another person. - Okay. - I've never been 220. - Well lets start talking about Brad, what did you do? - Well, that's a good question. So I approached this in just a common sense way. I initially, and I even mention on the video that we did. We put it up January 7th of 2020 on how, my start of doing this. - Sure. - So if you wanna go back and look at that you can do that. But anyways, it was a simple thing. First of all no breads, no sugars, no junk food, stop eating after supper. And I figured that's gonna do it, it's gonna take care of my problem. It's worked for me in the past, but never on a time schedule. - Now bread can be fine if it's whole wheat or whole grain and. - And you've gotta look at the label though, you gotta make sure get the right stuff. - Right. - So I just cleared it. - It's a lot easier just to stop breads for a while to be honest with you. - Yeah. And I only do that six days a week. So on Sundays I loosen up a little bit. - You should have that cheat day, absolutely. - Then I started exercising. I didn't start, I've always exercised five, six days a week. - Yeah that really hasn't been a difference. - Yeah, but I kinda stepped it up a little bit, got a little more, well just more organized. - Okay. - I write it down every day now. - Okay you're loggin' it. - Logging it. - Right. - So here's my log sheet for January. I put the activities I do, I check it off and how much time, and then I put my weight. And I usually weigh myself twice a week and write it down. It varies, but I always kept a close track of weight. So I'm thinkin' you should weigh yourself at least twice a week on this program. - It's funny that. It's motivating though when you see a chart. - Yeah - It does make you want to do it and want to keep up with it. - And then I highly recommend getting a good book on diet or nutrition. So I started out by this one, it's called "Food, what the heck should I eat?" by doctor Mark Hyman. I think it's a excellent book. Its just came out in 2018. Lotta research, it's all updated. I have some wonderful things to say about that. - I think, you know, there's a lotta great books out there. - There are. - And, you know, as long as you stay away from the fad diets. - Yeah. - I think the more you educate yourself the better you're gonna become at losing weight or maintaining weight. - Yeah, like you said there's a lotta books. I just happened to pick that one up at a book store. I looked at it and it's like, oh I'm gonna take it. I didn't really know what it's about. - Again, there's a lot that we could recommend. - But now, I gotta show ya. Last time I brought a chart out, four weeks ago on that video. Here's my chart. By the way, my body fat, I did do caliper measurements. - Sure. - I started out at 24%, January 1st. February 1st I went down 4%. - Wow. That's really a lot. - That's kinda nice. - That is nice. - So we can forget about that. But, here we got body weight. I started at 183 pounds on January 1st. That was a lotta water weight 'cause that went down pretty quick, down to 180. - Sure. - And then, here's one month. January 1st to January 31st. - 31st yeah. - Started out here, and you can see I'm losin' weight, losin' weight, losin' weight. Within about two weeks I hit 175 pounds, doing just what I mentioned. - Sure. - Dropped the breads, the carbs, all those things. Like we'd mentioned. And then there was about five days, my weight's the same. During those five days I'm cutting how much I eat, I'm gettin' hungry, I'm gettin' ornery. My wife is not happy 'cause I'm not happy at home. - Sure. - When you're not, when you're hungry it's no fun. - Yeah, that's not a way to. I don't wanna diet when you're hungry, to be, you know. - I was not counting calories which 'll put more stress, then I really woulda been ornery. - Right. - And my wife just said, you gotta start eating. She says, you're not losing weight because you're not eating. And that's what they talked to her, where she goes and gets her workout in the burn bootcamp thing. - Sure. - And it's like aagh, you know. She gives me this book. Now this is 2013, it's by Haylie Pomroy. She's a professional. - Dietitian? - Dietitian, or. - Nutritionist maybe? - Nutritionist. She actually works with a lotta, in California, a lotta movie stars go to her. She's names 'em out and what not. Has got about 30 years of doin' this, she's got a lot of experience. She's well educated on. And anyways, after reading this book, it's like, oh things are comin' together. I've gotta start eating, but I gotta start eating the right things. I'm not gonna go into detail, but it's the same thing. Whole foods, good foods. - Sure. Yeah, natural for us. - And you have to eat fats. You gotta eat fats for your body to burn fat. I learned that, and that also came up in this book too. - Yeah. - The two books complimented each other. - That's gonna, you're gonna realize you're gonna get comments about that. There's some people that don't agree with that. - I don't care. I'm tellin' ya. Because I start doin' it. I'm just sayin' my experience with this book. - You can say your opinion. - My experience. - Yeah. - I start losin' weight once I start eatin' five times a day. - Sure. - I'm never hungry, I eat in the morning within half hour after I get up, and then half way through, between that and lunch I eat again. I'm not piggin' out, but I'm eating good foods, lotta vegetables, lotta protein, fish, meats. - Yeah, I don't disagree with that because that's what I do too. I spread out my meals like that. Lunch I have one thing and then like, I eat a handful of almonds like later, and. - Sure. - It works well for me. Through the morning, me and you both do this. We have like an apple. - Right, exactly. - Mid-morning. - And so my weight came down, and this morning I was. Yesterday 170.5 pounds, I actually had a pretty big meal last night, but it was all vegetables, and then what was my meat again. Oh yeah, I had shrimps. - Oh you did. - Yeah, I had a really nice meal, I was full. - All right. - But I didn't eat again and this morning I came in a half pound, overnight I lost weight. - So over here you were hungry and still not losing weight. And then you actually, from here to here you're not hungry, you're eating a lot, and you're losing weight. - Right. But you've gotta eat the right foods, and for me, if I didn't have the books to keep me motivated, educated, and to steer me in the right directions, this woulda been really. - Sure. - My wife probably would've kicked me out. (Brad laughs) - Yeah, so. - But anyways, that. - I'm sure everybody's gonna give us their opinion. We appreciate it because there's gonna be people that say - And I might. - Well are you gonna be able to keep it off. You know that's one of the things, you know. - Well as a matter of fact, I think I'm gonna go for another 5 pounds. So I can get a six pack. I'm pretty close to it now. (Bob laughs) And I'm not gonna show anybody my belly but maybe in a month. - I've got a three pack. (laughing) - Well, you know. - I'm half way there. - I might even get a 12 pack. (Bob laughs) So, I wanna finish up with some major rules that you have to keep. - Sure. - Regardless. You know, there's all these keto diets and what are the other ones? - Right, right. - This is working for me and I'm happy with it. Eat in the morning as soon as you get up, within 30 minutes after you get up, I like that. - I agree with that too, and I know there's some that will say not, but I agree with that one. - I never used to eat in the morning. - Yeah. - I'm not, I was never hungry, I'd eat just because, oh I gotta eat, it's kinda fun. But I wasn't really hungry. - Sure. - But now that I quit eating after supper, I'm - You're hungry in the morning. I got about a 10 or 12 hour fast by the time, when I, you know. So I'm just hungry now when I get up and I'm happy to eat. But I think that's a big thing to get. It explained in the book why that happens. And then reading the books. - Yeah. - Whatever. - I would start educating yourself 'cause it makes a huge difference. - Right. - You'll look at food differently. - Yeah, exactly. - And then you'll start to see the patterns that develop. - And you gotta find what fits you. - What fits you, your personality type, or your body type, and also you'll see some, the same, some people saying the same thing over and over again in different books. - So get some books, get yourself more educated. - Sure. - If you haven't already been. And then thirdly, is social support. When I started this I got two of my friends involved, we text back and forth. And we say, how much do you weigh now? And what are you doin'? - It really helps when your spouse, if you're married, or your partner, really stays, goes along with you 'cause that's difficult if they're eating whatever they want. - My wife has been supporting me but she's not fully on the same diet. Like she'll start snackin' on some stuff in front of me at night. And she's, she doesn't need to lose any weight, so it's, I dunno how she does it. But anyways, so that was a little tough. I didn't, we had ice cream in the house, and I was able to say no. - Wow. - Open the freezer up to get the meat out, there's that ice cream. That was a big one. But you can do it if I can do it. I mean I was ice creamaholic at one time in my life. When I was at that 200 pound. - I know, I remember you tellin' me that. - That was fun. Anyways. (laughing) Take care and lose some weight. - Thanks.
Channel: Bob & Brad
Views: 29,613
Rating: 4.8752851 out of 5
Keywords: family friendly, physicaltherapyvideo, famouspt, bob schrupp, brad heineck, famous physical therapists, physical therapy, Bob and Brad, weight loss, how to lose weight fast, lose weight, diet plan, weight loss tips, fat loss, how to lose weight without counting calories, calorie counting, weight loss journey, weight loss transformation, weight loss meal prep, lose weight fast, lose weight motivation, weight loss tips for men, weight loss tips for women, fat loss diet
Id: 03k0EpvBr6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 09 2020
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