8 Morning Habits That Help You Lose Weight + Giveaway!

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♪ Bob and Brad, the two most famous ♪ ♪ Physical therapists on the internet ♪ - Hi folks, I'm Bob Schrupp, physical therapist. - Brad Heineck, physical therapist. - Together we are the most famous physical therapists on the internet. - In our opinion, of course. - Bob? we obviously have a high opinion of ourselves. Today, We're going to talk about eight morning habits that help you lose weight. Plus, we're doing a giveaway, Brad. - That's right, Bob. - Let's start with the giveaway. - Absolutely! - If you are new to our channel, please take a second to subscribe to us. We provide videos on how to stay healthy, fit, pain-free, and we upload every day. Also go to bobandbrad.com. This is the big one, Brad. - This is the big one. Go to the giveaway section. We're giving away a SleepOvation mattress. We'll talk about it in a minute. Go to Facebook, the contest'll be pinned to the top of the page. - Top of the page. - And go to Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, if you want a 60 second version of our programming. You might be listening to this on a podcast. - Podcast, so they can't see us then! - No. - That's good thing. - Good for them. So we're giving away a SleepOvation mattress. This is just a sample of one. - That's right. - You can't even look at it this way when you get one. - No, this gets covered up with this nice floofy thing! - Anyways, it's got seven individual mattresses. - 700 tiny mattresses and a pillow! - Oh, did I say seven? - 700. - Seven, yeah, times 100! Look at this pillow. It looks like this on one side. And this is a cutaway view too. And then it's got a unique thing, actually springs in there. - Yeah, and you don't feel them. - You do not feel, unless. - At all. - And they give it good shape. - If you cut it apart, then you can. But anyways. - So again, the mattress obviously comes in many sizes, and this is just a sample. - Yeah, this is like for your dog. - But most most comfortable mattress that Brad and I individually have slept upon. I didn't want to say we're sleeping together. - Why, Bob? Why do you have to go there? - All right, can you handle this? - Wait 'til our wives see that episode part! All right, let's go on with these habits to keep us, to get our weight loss down. It's that time of year, Bob. - Yeah, it is that time of year where they, you know, I ran outside this morning, by the way. - You did not. - It was 20 something, almost 20 some below. - What were you chasing? - Yeah, I had to run fast. - I'd have to do that just to give me some motivation. Good for you. - All right, let's get started. We'll talk about that. One thing, the first thing you want to do is, and I don't know if you do this, Brad, but I do. - What? - I, weigh yourself every day. - Oh, no, I don't. I go, I think once a week. - Several studies have shown, if you weigh yourself every day, you're going to be increased weight loss. I don't know how you can't. Because when I do it, I right away see if I ate too much the day before. - Yeah. - You know, you can adjust right away. Right? - And if you don't, it might be like five days. And all I could, all of a sudden you're 10 pounds up already, and you didn't even realize it. - I know, but I see that. 'Cause sometimes you eat some, or you don't void or whatever it is. - Right. - I'm two pounds up. It doesn't make sense. I shouldn't be, and then. - I don't worry about that. But yeah. Or if you eat a lot of carbs or pasta, it seems like my weight, you retain water and you, salt. - Right, yeah. Yeah. But no, I could see, I I've read that before that to re, take it every day. And I could see, but it'd be like me looking at my, you know, my retirement account every day. And the stocks are going up and down to drive me nuts. - Oh sure! (laughter) I don't know. - All right. Number two, drink lots water, especially in the a.m. This increases your energy expenditure, and increases the number of calories burned. I don't know the physiology behind it. - I just, I'm reading a book on nutrition and diet. And he said exactly the same thing. You've got to get up. - You concur? - Yeah, I concur. It was Shawn Stevenson. He got a really nice book. He's a, he does a really nice job. Anyways, yeah, it's exactly what you said. Get up and you gotta drink, you know, a good 24 ounces or something. - You should see what I drink at night. - I don't have a problem doing that. - No, 'cause I, I try not to drink a lot at night, so that I don't have to go get up and go to the bathroom. - Right. - And so I get up and I drank, I counted this morning. These were five big glasses, like over a period of about a half hour. - Oh. - I mean, five of 'em. - Oh. - Five! - Oh, like really skinny, or just tall? - No, they're big and tall. - Big and fat ones too, huh? And it doesn't say ounces on them? - Well, I probably should be able to figure it out. - I betcha they were like 16 ounces. - Oh, 16 times five, that's a lot. Then you don't have to drink for the rest of the day. - Right. (chuckling) All right, number three. This is gonna sound stupid, but you gotta make sure you're getting enough sleep. And you know, actually if you're pain-free you can sleep well. That's why we want a SleepOvation mattress. Like I give a plug for them, right. - Yeah. - But if you have sleep deprivation, it actually can cause weight gain. You can have, you'll have decreased leptin. And that's the thing that makes you feel full. Sure. - But you're going to have increased ghrelin. This sounds like Gremlins. - Yeah. - Ghrelins, and they make you feel hungry. - Yeah, don't want to have them. - So, you know, both of those things are going on at the wrong rate when you don't get enough sleep. - Well, that sleeping is your fast time. You know, you go from six o'clock, till say, you know, 12 hours without eating and you can lose a lot of weight overnight. - Sure. - I was amazed, I lost two pound once. I thought this cannot be right. - Just from sleeping - Yeah. But you know the breakfast. That's why it's called breakfast. 'Cause you break the fast. - Gotcha! Hey, wow. You're sounding intelligent. Okay, next thing we'll talk about is this sounds like a small, a small trick. But it actually works. 'Cause if you use a smaller bowl or smaller plate, - Yeah. or smaller cup, - Yeah. you do eat less. I, I found, I ran the bowl I like to eat cereal out of broke, So I started using the smaller bowl. I started eating less. - How do you break a bowl? You drop it? - Yeah. - It got cracked somehow. But so it sounds like a stupid little trick but it really, really does work. - I tried it with ice cream back when I used to eat more ice cream. - And you ate two bowls then. - Right. Second tastes better than the first, I tell you. So we just get rid of the ice cream. - Doesn't always work. - Yeah, no, I agree. That's a probably easy, easy thing to try. - Number five, and I am terrible at this. I'm just not that type of person. But tracking your, your, your intake. - Your calories? - Yeah, if you actually track how much you're eating, you know you're going to be surprised. You're eating more a lot of times than you think you are. You're especially if you start weighing your food, you're like, you know - Oh yeah. you're supposed to have six ounces, and you look, yeah. It looks like six sentences to me and then you weigh it and it's like 12 ounces. So, you know, if you're serious about losing weight, I, you know, I think that alone can really help you is weighing your food. - Sure, yeah, that's kind of a personality thing too. - It is. - If it doesn't make you feel comfortable, it's may not be the best for you. But I could see where it'd be very effective, scientific. - I don't think you have to track it forever. 'Cause I, you know what I mean? Just track it for a while. Then you can start to get a sense of like, you can eat. - Plop that steak down there. It's a six, that's a seven ounce. That's a four and a half ouncer. - My wife and I played that game for a while where she's like, well, how much is this? And then we'd, the we'd weigh it. - Then you'd weigh it? - What do you got a scale? - Yeah, a little food scale. - Oh, you get a food scale? - Yeah. - Kind of like a scale for your envelopes, anyways. - Yeah, it doesn't, it's pretty sensitive. Okay, number six. Morning exercise is the best time to exercise, 'cause you have, to me you have the greatest amount of motivation in the morning. You know, if you wait till you get home at night, there may be nothing left into the gas tank. You know what I mean? You're gonna, and it's really easy to put it off. But if you exercise right away in the morning that's why I get out in the cold weather, Brad. - Yeah, that's a good idea. - It'll make you feel good. It sets the tone for the day. And then, you know a lot of times now, my wife and I are going for walks in the afternoon, get a little bonus. - Sure. - You know, you've got a little extra already. - Yeah, you get it out of the way. Especially if you've got kids. - Yeah. - You gotta do it before they get up. Get it out of the way. - You gotta put you first. - Then you come home and then all kinds of stuff pops up. Then you can't you don't have any time because. - All H-E-L-L breaks loose, right? - Ooh, it's a family show. I'm glad you kept it that way. - All right, number seven. We have found this really helps is if you plan your meals, like if you, we'll make like a, I'll make a bunch of salmon, together right away. And that way one it's healthy. And two, you, you don't grab some junk food. Cause you're really hungry. It's all ready to go already. - I like a slow cooker. - Yeah, those work good - Put it in the morning, your vegetables, your meat. You get home, the house smells good. You're ready to eat. And you don't have to deal with all those potential chips and other fun things that you happen to have in your house, for when you're gonna have that social. - Yeah, we watched the Super Bowl yesterday, or two days ago, how many days ago? - A lot of people watched it Sunday. - Yeah, Sunday. Well anyway, my wife just had a chip craving the whole time. - Aaugh! - And she fought it. - She did? - She was gonna make me go out at halftime. And I go, "The halftime show!" But anyways, she fought it off. Number eight, the final one! This is, you know if you eat a breakfast that is more saturating and you know, it satisfies your hunger. - Yeah. You're going to last longer throughout the day without a, not eating as much. So, you know, a high protein meal can often last longer and I'm, you know, I'm sorry for the vegans and vegetarians out there. If you can, oh, I guess you can get protein from. - Well, I don't know. I've been eating avocados and I'm telling you they kind of fill me up - Do they? and they're just fun. I just, am having a good time with avocado. - Good for you. - I like the color of them and then cut open. I learned how to break them. - You're a grapefruit guy too, aren't you? - Oh, every morning I had at least a half a grapefruit, at least from November to April. - Remember they used to have the grapefruit diet. I don't know what it was, but you had to eat a lot of grapefruit. - Was that Adkins, except with grapefruit. - It was a diet. - They say they burn calories just eating it, you know? I just know I feel better. - All right. Well, I'm glad you feel better, Brad. - I think that everyone's going to have success with this if they just take it seriously. But with a sense of humor, you know you just can't get all wound up. You'll get your stomach all bound up and tightened up like that. You get ornery and you're hungry, and you're takin' out on the kids, the wife, so have fun with it. - It's called hangry. When you get the hungry and you're - Ornery? - Well, it's called when you're tired and you're, - Hangry, that would be - hungry, hangry. Like a hangover. - No, you're hangry, you're hungry, and you're angry. - Angry, oh sure. - 'Cause you didn't get food. - Yeah, well we gotta quit babbling, Bob. - Remember, Brad and I can fix just about anything. - Except for. - A broken heart, yeah. But we'll work on it, just like you guys can work on your diet. Well, yeah, but hopefully, you have better success with your diet then this heart thing. (laughter) All right. Thanks for watching.
Channel: Bob & Brad
Views: 437,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: family friendly, physicaltherapyvideo, famouspt, bob schrupp, brad heineck, famous physical therapists, physical therapy, Bob and Brad, weight loss, morning habits, how to lose weight, weight loss tips, bright side, lose weight fast, morning routine, my morning routine, jeff cavaliere, bright side videos, lose weight without a diet, secret tips to lose weight, secret ways to lose weight, healthy morning habits, lose weight, get in shape, perfect body
Id: 6c6fespwUMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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